GOP senator ‘disturbed’ by McConnell’s ‘total coordination’ with WH


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Looks like not all the Repub's are on board with McConnell's cozy relationship with the Defense:

G.O.P. Senator ‘Disturbed’ by McConnell’s ‘Total Coordination’ with White House

"Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska expressed unease in an interview broadcast on Tuesday with the Senate majority leader’s vow of “total coordination” with the White House on impeachment proceedings against President Trump, a potentially significant crack in Republican unity.
Ms. Murkowski, a moderate with an independent streak, told Anchorage’s NBC affiliate KTUU she opposed “being hand in glove with the defense” and voiced other concerns as the Senate prepares to hold a trial over the two articles of impeachment that the House approved earlier this month.
Ms. Murkowski’s views could prove important. She rarely speaks publicly against Republican leadership, but when she does, she tends to stick with her positions, as when she opposed the confirmation of Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh and helped torpedo a repeal of the Affordable Care Act. She also tends to bring Senator Susan Collins of Maine, a fellow moderate Republican with her, and only a handful of defections would force the majority leader, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, to switch course on the upcoming impeachment trial."
Oh she's disturbed alright, a disturbed RINO. cultists just don't like independent thinkers.

We don't like RINO's and we hate the left. She will be told to shut her big fat stupid RINO mouth and that will be the end of it.
Will it? The Sen. from Alaska..and her friend from Maine..are notorious for following their own path, or have you forgotten that she helped torpedo the attempt to kill the ACA? Plenty of pressure on her then...didn't seem to make a difference, now did it?

Lisa and Susan are very stubborn women..push them too hard...and they dig their heels in.
Even worse, from your that they might embolden others to follow their examples!
Oh she's disturbed alright, a disturbed RINO. cultists just don't like independent thinkers.

We don't like RINO's and we hate the left. She will be told to shut her big fat stupid RINO mouth and that will be the end of it.
Will it? The Sen. from Alaska..and her friend from Maine..are notorious for following their own path, or have you forgotten that she helped torpedo the attempt to kill the ACA? Plenty of pressure on her then...didn't seem to make a difference, now did it?

Lisa and Susan are very stubborn women..push them too hard...and they dig their heels in.

Alaska would impeach her if she turns turncoat on president Trump.
Oh she's disturbed alright, a disturbed RINO. cultists just don't like independent thinkers.

We don't like RINO's and we hate the left. She will be told to shut her big fat stupid RINO mouth and that will be the end of it.
Will it? The Sen. from Alaska..and her friend from Maine..are notorious for following their own path, or have you forgotten that she helped torpedo the attempt to kill the ACA? Plenty of pressure on her then...didn't seem to make a difference, now did it?

Lisa and Susan are very stubborn women..push them too hard...and they dig their heels in.

Alaska would impeach her if she turns turncoat on president Trump.
What makes you think that she gives a shit?

I know this might be hard for you..but some people..put principle above self-interest. She may well be one of them..I dunno..we shall see.
One thing for sure...that interview is not going to sit well with McConnell..or Trump!
Looks like not all the Repub's are on board with McConnell's cozy relationship with the Defense:

G.O.P. Senator ‘Disturbed’ by McConnell’s ‘Total Coordination’ with White House

"Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska expressed unease in an interview broadcast on Tuesday with the Senate majority leader’s vow of “total coordination” with the White House on impeachment proceedings against President Trump, a potentially significant crack in Republican unity.
Ms. Murkowski, a moderate with an independent streak, told Anchorage’s NBC affiliate KTUU she opposed “being hand in glove with the defense” and voiced other concerns as the Senate prepares to hold a trial over the two articles of impeachment that the House approved earlier this month.
Ms. Murkowski’s views could prove important. She rarely speaks publicly against Republican leadership, but when she does, she tends to stick with her positions, as when she opposed the confirmation of Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh and helped torpedo a repeal of the Affordable Care Act. She also tends to bring Senator Susan Collins of Maine, a fellow moderate Republican with her, and only a handful of defections would force the majority leader, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, to switch course on the upcoming impeachment trial."

Goodbye Senate Seat....

Later lisa...

Let the old bat be "disturbed" all she wants....This is one big sandbag job in the first place.....Why should republicans play by Marquise of Queensbury Rules, when the democrats are playing by jungle rules?

Fuck 'em.
Oh she's disturbed alright, a disturbed RINO. cultists just don't like independent thinkers.

We don't like RINO's and we hate the left. She will be told to shut her big fat stupid RINO mouth and that will be the end of it.
Will it? The Sen. from Alaska..and her friend from Maine..are notorious for following their own path, or have you forgotten that she helped torpedo the attempt to kill the ACA? Plenty of pressure on her then...didn't seem to make a difference, now did it?

Lisa and Susan are very stubborn women..push them too hard...and they dig their heels in.

Alaska would impeach her if she turns turncoat on president Trump.
What makes you think that she gives a shit?

I know this might be hard for you..but some people..put principle above self-interest. She may well be one of them..I dunno..we shall see.
One thing for sure...that interview is not going to sit well with McConnell..or Trump!

Yeah....that would definitely leave Murkowski out.

Let the old bat be "disturbed" all she wants....This is one big sandbag job in the first place.....Why should republicans play by Marquise of Queensbury Rules, when the democrats are playing by jungle rules?

Fuck 'em.
It's always the same with these guys.....the relish cheating at the game but scream when someone else does it.

Looks like not all the Repub's are on board with McConnell's cozy relationship with the Defense:

G.O.P. Senator ‘Disturbed’ by McConnell’s ‘Total Coordination’ with White House

"Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska expressed unease in an interview broadcast on Tuesday with the Senate majority leader’s vow of “total coordination” with the White House on impeachment proceedings against President Trump, a potentially significant crack in Republican unity.
Ms. Murkowski, a moderate with an independent streak, told Anchorage’s NBC affiliate KTUU she opposed “being hand in glove with the defense” and voiced other concerns as the Senate prepares to hold a trial over the two articles of impeachment that the House approved earlier this month.
Ms. Murkowski’s views could prove important. She rarely speaks publicly against Republican leadership, but when she does, she tends to stick with her positions, as when she opposed the confirmation of Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh and helped torpedo a repeal of the Affordable Care Act. She also tends to bring Senator Susan Collins of Maine, a fellow moderate Republican with her, and only a handful of defections would force the majority leader, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, to switch course on the upcoming impeachment trial."

As usual, Lisa's RINO "unease" was nowhere to be found all during the House democratic lynching where the Intel and Judiciary investigators were working instead as prosecutors coaching and leading the witnesses making 100 baseless accusations as fact before they had even gathered the evidence in total coordination towards a predetermined, desired outcome to protect Joe Biden and advance their personal interests in steering the outcome of the next election in their favor.
Looks like not all the Repub's are on board with McConnell's cozy relationship with the Defense:

G.O.P. Senator ‘Disturbed’ by McConnell’s ‘Total Coordination’ with White House

"Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska expressed unease in an interview broadcast on Tuesday with the Senate majority leader’s vow of “total coordination” with the White House on impeachment proceedings against President Trump, a potentially significant crack in Republican unity.
Ms. Murkowski, a moderate with an independent streak, told Anchorage’s NBC affiliate KTUU she opposed “being hand in glove with the defense” and voiced other concerns as the Senate prepares to hold a trial over the two articles of impeachment that the House approved earlier this month.
Ms. Murkowski’s views could prove important. She rarely speaks publicly against Republican leadership, but when she does, she tends to stick with her positions, as when she opposed the confirmation of Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh and helped torpedo a repeal of the Affordable Care Act. She also tends to bring Senator Susan Collins of Maine, a fellow moderate Republican with her, and only a handful of defections would force the majority leader, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, to switch course on the upcoming impeachment trial."
The problem is that more GOP senators aren’t disturbed by McConnell’s coordination with WH.
Looks like not all the Repub's are on board with McConnell's cozy relationship with the Defense:

G.O.P. Senator ‘Disturbed’ by McConnell’s ‘Total Coordination’ with White House

"Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska expressed unease in an interview broadcast on Tuesday with the Senate majority leader’s vow of “total coordination” with the White House on impeachment proceedings against President Trump, a potentially significant crack in Republican unity.
Ms. Murkowski, a moderate with an independent streak, told Anchorage’s NBC affiliate KTUU she opposed “being hand in glove with the defense” and voiced other concerns as the Senate prepares to hold a trial over the two articles of impeachment that the House approved earlier this month.
Ms. Murkowski’s views could prove important. She rarely speaks publicly against Republican leadership, but when she does, she tends to stick with her positions, as when she opposed the confirmation of Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh and helped torpedo a repeal of the Affordable Care Act. She also tends to bring Senator Susan Collins of Maine, a fellow moderate Republican with her, and only a handful of defections would force the majority leader, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, to switch course on the upcoming impeachment trial."
The problem is that more GOP senators aren’t disturbed by McConnell’s coordination with WH.
Well..there's disturbed..and then there's publicly disturbed. It may well be that if someone speaks out..others might be emboldened. I'm pretty sure that there is more than one Sen. that would love to drive a knife into Trump's back..if he/she thought they could get away with it.
The only four "Toss-Up" states, now December, for US Senate 2020 are Republican. McConnell could find that to be the case in Kentucky soon enough. AZ, CO, ME, and NC could easily become Democratic.

So "Disturbed" by poignant anti-American, Donald John Trump--Tweet antics, and then an Anti-American "Rigged Trial" in the Senate--in the election year itself: Shifts everything away from even a Republican "Turnout" in 2020.

The turnout easily trends populist, and Trump is 35 to 40 percent approval in any polling anywhere. That's a strong deficit, even in a deficit plagued economy.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Losing votes to the Usury Economics the White Evangelicals pray for--casting "Anything Other" into Outer Darkness--Matt 25:14-30: Even undermines the so-called booming economy(?). It is federal deficit fueled--A recession level $1.0 tril. every year. That much should have been paid down--Except for Lying Trumpies and Aides: Saying everything is wonderful. The Trump economy cannot pay its debts--is more easily seen worldwide, even North Korea discussing better "Christmas Presents!")
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