GOP Senators Fault Trump Policy For Syria Chemical Weapons Attack


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2011
Agent Orange getting a taste of bitter reality.........he's an ignorant dope spending daddy's money

Source: TPM

After a brutal chemical weapons attack killed dozens of civilians, including many children, in northern Syria, Republican and Democratic senators on Capitol Hill are blaming the Trump administration for sending signals that encouraged the Syrian regime to "act with impunity."

"This is what obviously happens when the United States of America doesn't behave in a way that we care about human rights and the needless deaths of innocent people," Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) fumed to reporters on Tuesday, the day of the attack. "When the Secretary of State says that the Syrian people will decide their own future, that sends a signal to Bashar al Assad that he can do whatever he wants with impunity. It encourages the brutality and mass murder."
...and yet you think Rs are the devil....and complete opposites of Ds.

...and yet you think Rs are the devil....and complete opposites of Ds.


only radical Christian extremist GOP dopes are the 'devil'

I can tolerate so-called 'moderate' repubs, at least they don't lie every time they open their yaps
Republicans mocked Obama's "red line in the sand" but when Obama threatened Assad, he stopped using chemical weapons on his people. His recent gas attack reveals that he has no such fear of Donald Trump.
More propaganda bullshit without any supporting evidence to back it up.

The Trump administration so far has declared al-Assad to be a WAR CRIMINAL, has declared that his acts against his own people constitute a WAR CRIME. They have condemned Assad's use of chemical weapons. They have also called for the international community to act to oust him (the U.N. should do its f*ing job) but that the U.S.'s focus will not be to overthrow another world leader, as was Obama's goal in several countries. (Obama's record, btw, was 50% - 2 for 4: Egypt and Libya were successes, but he failed in Israel and Syria.)

Any attempt to overthrow al-Assad on the US's part is a complete waste of time as long as Putin and Russia remain his protectors...unless snowflakes believe ousting al-Assad is worth entering into a major war with Russia.

Barry publicly bragged how he successfully got al-Assad to give up his chemical weapons. Yeah, like almost everything he bragged about, it was bullshit, as we see chemical weapons were just used. This is yet ANOTHER consequence of Obama's ill-advised, failed 'Red Line' and Syrian Foreign Policy Failure.

Barry said he got rid of Assad's chemical weapons. He lied...and people died. Don't blame Trump for the use of chemical weapons that were not supposed to be there, weapons Barry said he got rid of.
Agent Orange getting a taste of bitter reality.........he's an ignorant dope spending daddy's money

Source: TPM

After a brutal chemical weapons attack killed dozens of civilians, including many children, in northern Syria, Republican and Democratic senators on Capitol Hill are blaming the Trump administration for sending signals that encouraged the Syrian regime to "act with impunity."

"This is what obviously happens when the United States of America doesn't behave in a way that we care about human rights and the needless deaths of innocent people," Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) fumed to reporters on Tuesday, the day of the attack. "When the Secretary of State says that the Syrian people will decide their own future, that sends a signal to Bashar al Assad that he can do whatever he wants with impunity. It encourages the brutality and mass murder."

Que the attacks on McCain.
Republicans mocked Obama's "red line in the sand" but when Obama threatened Assad, he stopped using chemical weapons on his people. His recent gas attack reveals that he has no such fear of Donald Trump.


Chemical weapons were used.
Obama issued his 'Red Line' military action bluff.
They were used again.
Obama backed down.
Obama declared it was not HIS 'Red Line' but it was 'the world's' 'Red Line'.
'The world' laughed at Obama and made clear IT WAS NOT their 'Red line'!
-- Obama backed down from his own ultimatum in front of the whole world, to include our enemies.

When the laughing at Obama stopped, the 2nd chemical attack DID get the world's attention, and pressure was put on al-Assad, not because of Barry's 'Red Line'.

Russia stepped in to work the deal that would appease the U.N. but would allow Assad to conduct this latest use of chemical weapons.

Your assertion, however, that Barry's failed, embarrassing 'Red Line' had anything to do with Syria 'getting rid of their chemical weapons' - which they clearly have NOT - is BS!
Republicans mocked Obama's "red line in the sand" but when Obama threatened Assad, he stopped using chemical weapons on his people. His recent gas attack reveals that he has no such fear of Donald Trump.

Obama worked a deal through the Russians requiring Assad to hand over his chemical weapons. Assad did but obviously either kept some or obtained more. The Russians probably know this. It will be interesting to see how Trump approaches Russia on this.
...and yet you think Rs are the devil....and complete opposites of Ds. LMFAO.
Moron snitch. The article said senators from both parties. Why do you support the gassing of civilians, many of them children? We need to kill Assad, bring our troops home, and let the locals sort themselves out.
President Barack Obama infamously drew a "red line" with the regime of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria only to back away from it, and we now know why.

Wall Street Journal reporter Jay Solomon, who recently wrote a book called "The Iran Wars," told MSNBC on Monday that the Obama administration's determination to close the Iran nuclear deal is to blame for the failure to act on its own red line in Syria.

"When the president announced his plans to attack [the Assad regime] and then pulled back, it was exactly the period in time when American negotiators were meeting with Iranian negotiators secretly in Oman to get the nuclear agreement," Solomon said.

"US and Iranian officials have both told me that they were basically communicating that if the US starts hitting President Assad's forces, Iran's closest Arab ally ... these talks cannot conclude."

What were you saying?
Obama reportedly declined to enforce red line in Syria after Iran threatened to back out of nuclear deal

Agent Orange getting a taste of bitter reality.........he's an ignorant dope spending daddy's money

Source: TPM

After a brutal chemical weapons attack killed dozens of civilians, including many children, in northern Syria, Republican and Democratic senators on Capitol Hill are blaming the Trump administration for sending signals that encouraged the Syrian regime to "act with impunity."

"This is what obviously happens when the United States of America doesn't behave in a way that we care about human rights and the needless deaths of innocent people," Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) fumed to reporters on Tuesday, the day of the attack. "When the Secretary of State says that the Syrian people will decide their own future, that sends a signal to Bashar al Assad that he can do whatever he wants with impunity. It encourages the brutality and mass murder."
Since when do Democrats care about the murder of children? You murder 3000 children every day and call it a Constitutional right! What hypocrites you are!

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