GOP State Rep Discusses The Benefits Of Children Dying From Abuse

This coming from the party of "right to abort up until and even after birth".

Your faux concern is duly noted.
There way beyond that, in Canada they are poised to legalize murdering children 12+ years of age, its set to become law this March, and get this, they do not have to even ask parental permission, if THE DEATH PANEL decides the child is mature, they will just kill them, and they intend to make this "service" available to kids suffering from depression and other mental illness! You know they want that here in US, and it will be here!
So...who is this guy anyway?

Eastman, a former soldier, was reelected to the Alaska House of Representatives in November 2022.
A lawsuit was filed attempting unsuccessfully to bar Eastman from office due to his membership of the Oath Keepers, a right-wing paramilitary group.
A number of Oath Keepers have been convicted over their role in the storming of Congress on January 6 2021, it a bid to stop the 2020 presidential election result being certified.
Eastman was present in Washington, D.C. that day but there is no indication he took part in the disturbances, which he condemned. He later promoted a discredited conspiracy theory, suggesting the violence could have been
committed by left-wing movement Antifa.
There way beyond that, in Canada they are poised to legalize murdering children 12+ years of age, its set to become law this March, and get this, they do not have to even ask parental permission, if THE DEATH PANEL decides the child is mature, they will just kill them, and they intend to make this "service" available to kids suffering from depression and other mental illness! You know they want that here in US, and it will be here!

There way beyond that, in Canada they are poised to legalize murdering children 12+ years of age, its set to become law this March, and get this, they do not have to even ask parental permission, if THE DEATH PANEL decides the child is mature, they will just kill them, and they intend to make this "service" available to kids suffering from depression and other mental illness! You know they want that here in US, and it will be here!

They are pure evil. Trudumb and all these leftists are pure evil. Satan HAS arrived.
So...who is this guy anyway?

Eastman, a former soldier, was reelected to the Alaska House of Representatives in November 2022.
A lawsuit was filed attempting unsuccessfully to bar Eastman from office due to his membership of the Oath Keepers, a right-wing paramilitary group.
A number of Oath Keepers have been convicted over their role in the storming of Congress on January 6 2021, it a bid to stop the 2020 presidential election result being certified.
Eastman was present in Washington, D.C. that day but there is no indication he took part in the disturbances, which he condemned. He later promoted a discredited conspiracy theory, suggesting the violence could have been
committed by left-wing movement Antifa.

They are pure evil. Trudumb and all these leftists are pure evil. Satan HAS arrived.

"Wasilla Republican Rep. David Eastman sparked outrage online after asking whether there could be economic benefits from the death of abused children. during a Monday House Judiciary Committee hearing on adverse childhood experiences — such as physical and sexual abuse on children -- documents given to legislators estimated that when child abuse is fatal, it could cost the family and broader society $1.5 million in terms of trauma and what the child could potentially have earned over their lifetime. Eastman said that he had heard an argument, on occasion, that when child abuse is fatal, it could economically benefit a society. “It can be argued, periodically, that it’s actually a cost savings because that child is not going to need any of those government services that they might otherwise be entitled to receive and need based on growing up in this type of environment,” he said.

Rep. Cliff Groh, D-Anchorage, said he was “disturbed” by Eastman’s line of questioning after working as a prosecutor on child abuse cases. Anchorage Democratic Rep. Andrew Gray later recounted; it may not have been intended, but the implication from Eastman’s comments was that his child was better off dead. Eastman himself did not respond to an interview request. By text message, he said, ”I was pleased to hear ACT advocating against child abuse, but a child’s value comes not from future productivity, but from the fact that every child is made in the image of God.”

Why would anyone be painting a child dying from abuse as a positive anyway?? Especially if you are looking at that child's life as a matter of dollars and cents....Will this State Rep be willing to tell the family and friends of that dead child this? Funny how these same right-wing morons never have that energy about the dollars and cents saved if you stop giving corporations billions in tax breaks and subsidies, or the dollar and cents you save by cutting billions given to the defense industry -- but hey, relishing the money you'd think you save by a child dying of abuse, definitely a Conservative fixation. Why do you think they are always so eager to cut funding to everything devoted to helping that child -- while virtue signaling about "protecting the children" -- and to the right-wingers who will reflexively try to defend this...FOH!

Oh a "mature minor." I believe Biden calls those "Jill's replacements".

I am all for looking for the silver lining. But to see the death of a child, from child abuse, as a savings for the state, is simply despicable.
Just as I thought, the lefties at Newsweek are misrepresenting the question asked….The rep wasn’t framing the question from a position of support for that thinking, he was asking if the witness supported that position…As always, if libs didn’t twist shit they’d have no argument.
Just as I thought, the lefties at Newsweek are misrepresenting the question asked….The rep wasn’t framing the question from a position of support for that thinking, he was asking if the witness supported that position…As always, if libs didn’t twist shit they’d have no argument.

Here is the same story reported by that bastion of liberal politics, Fox News.

"The legislative body voted 35-1 to censure Rep. David Eastman, a Republican who represents Wasilla, following his comment on Monday. Eastman was the lone dissent.
The vote followed a committee hearing Monday on adverse childhood experiences, where Eastman asked the testifier how he would respond "to the argument that I have heard on occasion where in the case where child abuse is fatal, obviously it’s not good for the child, but it’s actually a benefit to society" because government services would not be otherwise provided to the child, if they had lived.
The witness, Trevor Storrs, the Alaska Children's Trust CEO and president, asked Eastman to repeat the comment: "Did you say, ‘a benefit for society?’"
Rather than realize the error, Eastman continued.
"Talking dollars," the lawmaker continued, citing a figure provided to the committee about costs associated with neglect and abuse. The fatality "gets argued periodically that it’s actually a cost savings because that child is not going to need any of those government services that they might otherwise be entitled to receive and need based on growing up in this type of environment," Eastman said."
Represents Wasilla? The Meth Capital of Alaska?


I am all for looking for the silver lining. But to see the death of a child, from child abuse, as a savings for the state, is simply despicable.

I have just learned of this. Horrifying. Inexplicable. Inexcusable.

There is something deeply wrong with this man and he should be recalled ASAP.
I wish no one would defend this just because he's on "our team".

Kids already had to miss school, mask, and get horrid vaccines to protect the elderly over the last few years. They already have to "survive" potentially being aborted. Enough. Just say "this is disgusting" and be done with it. Yeah, the Democrats are more disgusting. So what? Stand up for the kids, for the love of all that's holy.

I'm out. I can't take it.
That hateful and sociopathic lie will never become true, no matter how many often or how loudly you repeat it.

Uh, that's the state of American law. Fetuses aren't people. Not for tax purposes, Census purposes or for the purposes of homicide laws.

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