GOP strategy - disrupted Dem town hall meetings

– Try To “Rattle Him,” Not Have An Intelligent Debate:

Lie #4. The memo clearly states that the members need to be prepared with specific questions pertaining to the issue and also be prepared with a pointed and direct follow up question. This is not, as you characterize, "not having an intelligent debate". If the representative cannot answer a question which pertains to the debate, and this rattles him, well then too damn bad.

The problem with this last part is that it's very easy to come up with questions that don't have an easy answer or even no real answer at all. Seems to me these people aren't interested in debate or getting more info. They have their minds made up and they're looking to intimidate their Reps and publicly humiliate them.

Kinda like the "debating" tactics used by this piece of shit.
So constituents are exercising their freedoms, and unsurprisingly Democrats have a problem with this.

Anything else?

No, it's oh so "constitutionally correct" to act like a bunch of raging bulls and banshees. These new and extremely arrogant "conservatives" are only proving that the total demise of America is just over the horizon. Intelligence, which comes from analysis of information, is sadly lacking when grown adults just make fools of themselves.

Who are these " new and extremely arrogant " conservatives that you speak of ?

And if they aren't a fabrication of your imagination, you wouldn't have a problem with a tame, conservative version of ACORN would you ? ........:eusa_whistle:

We're talking about town hall meetings here, not tea parties or college protests. Why is this such acceptable behavior to you?
Keep in mind that "Town Hall Meetings" are supposed to be citizen's meetings not democrat citizen's meetings. If they are meant to be Democrat meetings they would be campaign events. We are not in the campaign season now, we are in a season of public input and debate for and about policies being proposed into bills to be voted on in both houses of congess. This is how representative democracy works.

So does that mean they shouldn't just shut up and listen--FIRST?

a zu befehl, fraulein.

Excuse me? Hitler's crowds were all Nazis sympathizers, by the way, hardly protesters. Try not checking your brains at the door every time you enter this gate. Once again, there is a HUGE difference between exercising the right to free speech and storming the stage, asshole.
Naw, it's not a strawman... actually it's just a coincidence. It's just a fluke of nature that the agenda of the GOP and the financial interests of big corporations and polluting industries coincide...

And I'm sure all the $$funding$$ by those same big corporations and polluting industries that finds it's way into "conservative" think tanks and environmental skeptic organizations is just happenstance...

How could I be so presumptuous?

"My hero is St. Francis of Assisi because he understood the connection between spirituality and the environment. He understood the way God communicates to us most forcefully is through the fish, the birds and the trees and that it is a sin to destroy those things."
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Don't you notice that someone will use the ol' "strawman" excuse whenever they're losing the debate? Either that or they post dumb pictures to make their statements or attack the messenger with cute little "strawman" comments of their own. Oh what the hell, it's the usual suspects posting all their excuses for this anyway, so why do I expect this thread to be any different than any of the others? It gives them a chance to [temporarily] feel smug and ^5 themselves.
No, it's oh so "constitutionally correct" to act like a bunch of raging bulls and banshees. These new and extremely arrogant "conservatives" are only proving that the total demise of America is just over the horizon. Intelligence, which comes from analysis of information, is sadly lacking when grown adults just make fools of themselves.

Who are these " new and extremely arrogant " conservatives that you speak of ?

And if they aren't a fabrication of your imagination, you wouldn't have a problem with a tame, conservative version of ACORN would you ? ........:eusa_whistle:

We're talking about town hall meetings here, not tea parties or college protests. Why is this such acceptable behavior to you?

The behavior that i'm allegedly condoning is a fabrication of your imagination and i'll patiently wait for proof of you condemning the behavior of ACORN ......:eusa_whistle:
Naw, it's not a strawman... actually it's just a coincidence. It's just a fluke of nature that the agenda of the GOP and the financial interests of big corporations and polluting industries coincide...

And I'm sure all the $$funding$$ by those same big corporations and polluting industries that finds it's way into "conservative" think tanks and environmental skeptic organizations is just happenstance...

How could I be so presumptuous?

"My hero is St. Francis of Assisi because he understood the connection between spirituality and the environment. He understood the way God communicates to us most forcefully is through the fish, the birds and the trees and that it is a sin to destroy those things."
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Don't you notice that someone will use the ol' "strawman" excuse whenever they're losing the debate? Either that or they post dumb pictures to make their statements or attack the messenger with cute little "strawman" comments of their own. Oh what the hell, it's the usual suspects posting all their excuses for this anyway, so why do I expect this thread to be any different than any of the others? It gives them a chance to [temporarily] feel smug and ^5 themselves.

All we have seen from you is phony outrage.

Fact, Obama just about handpicked his attendants of his town hall meetings. But they might get LOUD.



Hell no. You people just keep giving us daily fodder. The Neanderthal died out when the Cro Magna emerged and outsmarted them.

you'll be missed.

nice brow, BTW, did you have it enhanced or is it natural?

Aww, did that one really stick in your craw, Del? Gotta do the old nanner nanner nanner? Grow up.
– Try To “Rattle Him,” Not Have An Intelligent Debate:

Lie #4. The memo clearly states that the members need to be prepared with specific questions pertaining to the issue and also be prepared with a pointed and direct follow up question. This is not, as you characterize, "not having an intelligent debate". If the representative cannot answer a question which pertains to the debate, and this rattles him, well then too damn bad.

The problem with this last part is that it's very easy to come up with questions that don't have an easy answer or even no real answer at all. Seems to me these people aren't interested in debate or getting more info. They have their minds made up and they're looking to intimidate their Reps and publicly humiliate them.

Kinda like the "debating" tactics used by this piece of shit.

This is directly from the memo...

Use the Alinsky playbook of which the Left is so fond: freeze it, attack it, personalize it, and polarize it.

Well NOW it is the GOP playbook...
LOL Good job. But let the phony outrage continue.

Lie #4. The memo clearly states that the members need to be prepared with specific questions pertaining to the issue and also be prepared with a pointed and direct follow up question. This is not, as you characterize, "not having an intelligent debate". If the representative cannot answer a question which pertains to the debate, and this rattles him, well then too damn bad.

The problem with this last part is that it's very easy to come up with questions that don't have an easy answer or even no real answer at all. Seems to me these people aren't interested in debate or getting more info. They have their minds made up and they're looking to intimidate their Reps and publicly humiliate them.

Kinda like the "debating" tactics used by this piece of shit.

This is directly from the memo...

Use the Alinsky playbook of which the Left is so fond: freeze it, attack it, personalize it, and polarize it.

Well NOW it is the GOP playbook...
so we got Chrissies life partner Sniveling there a thread this meatball doesnt cry about something.....even his fellow lib Rocks said it goes both ways,and Willow showed some examples....yet the wimp still cries about it.....GET A SET Bfg....

The YouTube videos Willow Tree put up were NOT elected officials. I could go back in recent history and find all sorts of rowdy protests against specific speakers at college events. Sorry, but it's hardly the same thing.

ok ....but im sure the same has happened.....i know it has in my state....disruptive discussions....a few Repubs in Cali. have stated they will no longer do this because it gets to arguey and civil sure many Dems feel the same way....
If the policies can't stand the debate, then they aren't worth having.

I don't think the disruptor's are shouting out the recipe to Mrs Butterworths famous syrup. I got a feeling that it's about the issue. Just a hunch. And if the politicians can't stand it, well thats just too f'ing bad.

Sorry, but these crowds represent a bunch of fools who sit around their local taverns and kitchen tables getting all ginned up by telling each other how the country's going to hell in a handbasket. OH YEAH!!!! I HEAR'ED THERE WAS A DIMORAT TOWN HALL MEETING TODAY!! LET'S ALL GRAB A BEER AND A SIGN AND GO KICK SOME ASS!!

I'll bet if I asked any one of them to give me a logical explanation (LOGICAL) as to why they're so pissed off, I would get nothing more than a bunch of hummina hummina hummina...OBAMA ISN'T A CITIZEN...type of bullshit. They are not interested in listening to ANYONE.

Since you've made it ok to stereotype and all.

That's like saying ACORN members all around drinking 40 oz bottles of Colt 45, smoking blunts talking about they're tired of whitey keeping them down. YEAAAA !! I HEARD A BUNCH OF THESE CRACKA ASS CRACKA'S GONNA SHOW UP TODAY AND VOTE AGAINST THE BROTHA, LET'S ALL GRAB A 40 AND A 9, WE GONNA BUS SOME CAPS AND SHOW THESE MUTHAFUCKA'S WHAT TIME IT IS !!

Most of the people that voted for Obama can't give you a LOGICAL reason why and were not interested in finding a good reason why, " hope" and "change" were good enough for them. Now that he's been royally screwing up and about to make another disastrous move, people are listening and that's the worst thing that can happen for the left......

I can give you any reason you want, and have, as have many others. You must not get out much especially visiting this board.
Lie #4. The memo clearly states that the members need to be prepared with specific questions pertaining to the issue and also be prepared with a pointed and direct follow up question. This is not, as you characterize, "not having an intelligent debate". If the representative cannot answer a question which pertains to the debate, and this rattles him, well then too damn bad.

The problem with this last part is that it's very easy to come up with questions that don't have an easy answer or even no real answer at all. Seems to me these people aren't interested in debate or getting more info. They have their minds made up and they're looking to intimidate their Reps and publicly humiliate them.

Kinda like the "debating" tactics used by this piece of shit.

This is directly from the memo...

Use the Alinsky playbook of which the Left is so fond: freeze it, attack it, personalize it, and polarize it.

Well NOW it is the GOP playbook...

If that was true ( which it isn't ) now all of a sudden you have a problem with it ? :lol:

Comedy Central doesn't have shit on you moonbats .......
Who are these " new and extremely arrogant " conservatives that you speak of ?

And if they aren't a fabrication of your imagination, you wouldn't have a problem with a tame, conservative version of ACORN would you ? ........:eusa_whistle:

We're talking about town hall meetings here, not tea parties or college protests. Why is this such acceptable behavior to you?

The behavior that i'm allegedly condoning is a fabrication of your imagination and i'll patiently wait for proof of you condemning the behavior of ACORN ......:eusa_whistle:

Why would I care about protests at tea parties? Do you have a comprehension problem? Was ACORN out in full force against Republican lawmakers during the campaign? If the sops don't like their representatives, then that's why we have elections. American need to act like we still live in a civil, democratic society. After all, isn't that what we have tried to project on so many other nations? With all this horseshit going on, now they look at us across the pond and ask why they should.
Sorry, but these crowds represent a bunch of fools who sit around their local taverns and kitchen tables getting all ginned up by telling each other how the country's going to hell in a handbasket. OH YEAH!!!! I HEAR'ED THERE WAS A DIMORAT TOWN HALL MEETING TODAY!! LET'S ALL GRAB A BEER AND A SIGN AND GO KICK SOME ASS!!

I'll bet if I asked any one of them to give me a logical explanation (LOGICAL) as to why they're so pissed off, I would get nothing more than a bunch of hummina hummina hummina...OBAMA ISN'T A CITIZEN...type of bullshit. They are not interested in listening to ANYONE.

Since you've made it ok to stereotype and all.

That's like saying ACORN members all around drinking 40 oz bottles of Colt 45, smoking blunts talking about they're tired of whitey keeping them down. YEAAAA !! I HEARD A BUNCH OF THESE CRACKA ASS CRACKA'S GONNA SHOW UP TODAY AND VOTE AGAINST THE BROTHA, LET'S ALL GRAB A 40 AND A 9, WE GONNA BUS SOME CAPS AND SHOW THESE MUTHAFUCKA'S WHAT TIME IT IS !!

Most of the people that voted for Obama can't give you a LOGICAL reason why and were not interested in finding a good reason why, " hope" and "change" were good enough for them. Now that he's been royally screwing up and about to make another disastrous move, people are listening and that's the worst thing that can happen for the left......

I can give you any reason you want, and have, as have many others. You must not get out much especially visiting this board.

He's gonna get us out of Iraq, he's gonna close gitmo, he's gonna fix the economy and the healthcare system blah, blah, blah. I'm sure you can give me the lame liberal talking points all day long. ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz .......

And you just want everyone to be quiet and just go along with his radical agenda.....:eusa_whistle:
We're talking about town hall meetings here, not tea parties or college protests. Why is this such acceptable behavior to you?

The behavior that i'm allegedly condoning is a fabrication of your imagination and i'll patiently wait for proof of you condemning the behavior of ACORN ......:eusa_whistle:

Why would I care about protests at tea parties? Do you have a comprehension problem? Was ACORN out in full force against Republican lawmakers during the campaign? If the sops don't like their representatives, then that's why we have elections. American need to act like we still live in a civil, democratic society. After all, isn't that what we have tried to project on so many other nations? With all this horseshit going on, now they look at us across the pond and ask why they should.

I do sometimes have a problem comprehending liberal BS.:doubt: Why would ACORN be out against Repub lawmakers during the campaign when the dems already had control of congress ? Their objective was to get Obama elected, so they figured voter fraud would be more effective than going out in full force against the minority in congress ?
The behavior that i'm allegedly condoning is a fabrication of your imagination and i'll patiently wait for proof of you condemning the behavior of ACORN ......:eusa_whistle:

Why would I care about protests at tea parties? Do you have a comprehension problem? Was ACORN out in full force against Republican lawmakers during the campaign? If the sops don't like their representatives, then that's why we have elections. American need to act like we still live in a civil, democratic society. After all, isn't that what we have tried to project on so many other nations? With all this horseshit going on, now they look at us across the pond and ask why they should.

I do sometimes have a problem comprehending liberal BS.:doubt: Why would ACORN be out against Repub lawmakers during the campaign when the dems already had control of congress ? Their objective was to get Obama elected, so they figured voter fraud would be more effective than going out in full force against the minority in congress ?

i thought it was voter registration fraud NOT VOTER FRAUD?

THERE were NO cases of voter fraud....where someone VOTED that should not have...

voter registration fraud is not the same as voter fraud, and as far as what has been reported, even by the blogs, voter fraud was NOT the result of these employees that committed voter registration registering mickey mouse or the same person hundreds of times, just so they could get paid for the job of registering people?

AM I wrong on this....?

The problem with this last part is that it's very easy to come up with questions that don't have an easy answer or even no real answer at all. Seems to me these people aren't interested in debate or getting more info. They have their minds made up and they're looking to intimidate their Reps and publicly humiliate them.

Kinda like the "debating" tactics used by this piece of shit.

This is directly from the memo...

Use the Alinsky playbook of which the Left is so fond: freeze it, attack it, personalize it, and polarize it.

Well NOW it is the GOP playbook...

If that was true ( which it isn't ) now all of a sudden you have a problem with it ? :lol:

Comedy Central doesn't have shit on you moonbats .......

It says it right in the memo near the bottom of page #1...

Just because Bill O'Reilly "says" something about Democrats, THAT makes it true???

Comedy Central DOES have shit on YOU moonbats...
i thought it was voter registration fraud NOT VOTER FRAUD?

THERE were NO cases of voter fraud....where someone VOTED that should not have...

voter registration fraud is not the same as voter fraud, and as far as what has been reported, even by the blogs, voter fraud was NOT the result of these employees that committed voter registration registering mickey mouse or the same person hundreds of times, just so they could get paid for the job of registering people?

AM I wrong on this....?

Registration fraud can lead to past-post ballot box stuffing, by way of registrants who didn't vote.
democrats have already done this in washington state during the gov. election.

Ron sims committed fraud and was then promoted while the county had to pay for it.

i thought it was voter registration fraud NOT VOTER FRAUD?

THERE were NO cases of voter fraud....where someone VOTED that should not have...

voter registration fraud is not the same as voter fraud, and as far as what has been reported, even by the blogs, voter fraud was NOT the result of these employees that committed voter registration registering mickey mouse or the same person hundreds of times, just so they could get paid for the job of registering people?

AM I wrong on this....?

Registration fraud can lead to past-post ballot box stuffing, by way of registrants who didn't vote.
So does that mean they shouldn't just shut up and listen--FIRST?

a zu befehl, fraulein.

Excuse me? Hitler's crowds were all Nazis sympathizers, by the way, hardly protesters. Try not checking your brains at the door every time you enter this gate. Once again, there is a HUGE difference between exercising the right to free speech and storming the stage, asshole.

the only one bringing up hitler is you, liebchen.

i'm sorry that you're such a stooge of the govt that you think some sort of kowtowing is required when dealing with elected officials, aka "public servants". it comes with the territory and fortunately, most of them seem to realize it.

auf weidersehn, kleiner kuchen.

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