GOP sure gets dumber by the moment

I believe you meant principles.
First you have to show where anything in the bill mandates by statute that homosexuals "are more special than others in this country"
But keep up the gay boogeyman show as you must get off on getting your ass kicked every election.
I want to win for fiscal conservatism.
You are stuck on stupid making the gay boogeyman issue a priority in elections.
At best, what is it on your list of priorities?
137th or 138th?
I would rather us focus on the other 136 in front of it than spend one second attempting to leave gay folks out of equal rights in the workplace.
Tired of losing because of fuddy duddy busy body mother hen know it alls scared of gay people getting equal rights.

I understand the frustration, I do, but like yourself, not all republicans are stuck on the social issues.

I think that there are significant amounts of voters in both party's who are fiscally conservative, but either they have to put up with the social conservatives on the far right, or the PC crowd to the far left which is equally frightening.

It's Important to vote for the best candidate, regardless of party. Most folks don't, though - they tend not to even vote in their best interest.

I think that social issues are far down the list of what I want the government to decide. I care much more about matters of money, privacy, freedom and the right to post non-stop on political message boards.
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Now no doubt the Democrats bring back the GLBTG workplace law from 1996 as a stab at Republicans in the House but it passed in the Senate with 10 Republicans voting for it and another 2 dozen wishing they could vote for it as their states are still gay boogeyman states. And the prior "It will bring massive lawsuits" has now been proven a farce as Orrin Hatch first started that and has now retracted that and voted for the bill. In the House it will not come up for a vote and they will be slammed in the mid terms because of it. Boehner keeps to the "frivolous litigation and will cost American jobs" BS. This will send the GOP further down the deep hole they are already in. Reid allowed religious exemptions and US military.
Having voted Republican most of the time over the last 40 years I see this as the path to no where again for the GOP.
They are more interested in pleasing the religious right than winning elections.
Only a big tent Republican party wins. The bull shit "well, we need to stick to our strict conservative base" is great but it loses elections.
How much dumber can they get?

Again, if the Plutocrats didn't try to fool the dumb, bible thumping Christians into thinking they were working for their limited world view, they wouldn't get any votes.

The Religious Right is all that keeps the GOP alive.

If they ran on, "The Rich are being taken care of and suck it Peasents", they'd get about 20% of the vote.

The Religious Right is more of a drag than an asset.

Now that you mention it, if the Dems didn't have the media propping their incompetent asses up they wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell.

Whining about the media is like whining about the Refs... It's usually the sign of poor game play.

The Religious Right is all that props up the GOP these days. It's why they spend so much time talking about bullshit like gay marriage and abortion.
what the hell does it have to with their strict conservative base
Maybe they are just STICKING to their principals?, or they should give up that too so they buy votes like the Democrats all over people (homosexuals) who are now more special than others in this country evidently..
why have two parties. just go to one rule party and government...the hell with it all

I believe you meant principles.
First you have to show where anything in the bill mandates by statute that homosexuals "are more special than others in this country"
But keep up the gay boogeyman show as you must get off on getting your ass kicked every election.
I want to win for fiscal conservatism.
You are stuck on stupid making the gay boogeyman issue a priority in elections.
At best, what is it on your list of priorities?
137th or 138th?
I would rather us focus on the other 136 in front of it than spend one second attempting to leave gay folks out of equal rights in the workplace.
Tired of losing because of fuddy duddy busy body mother hen know it alls scared of gay people getting equal rights.

I understand the frustration, I do, but like yourself - not all republicans are stuck on the social issues.

I think that there are significant amounts of voters in both party's who are fiscally conservative, but either they have to put up with the social conservatives on the far right, or the PC crowd to the far left which is equally frightening.

It's Important to vote for the best candidate, regardless of party. Most folks don't, though - other people get inside their heads and they tend not to even vote in their best interest.

I think that social issues are far down the list of what I want the government to decide. Some things, yes, not everything - that's a state issue.

The problem is the far rightwingers that refuse to vote for anyone who's wishy-washy on abortion. All a dick like Obama has to do to take votes from a Republican is claim that he at one time was supporting abortion. After that he's toast.

It's gotten pretty bad where everything you do or didn't do can be used against you by lying pricks like Obama that seem to be able to find out everything about you.

NSA, thanks alot.

The problem is the far rightwingers that refuse to vote for anyone who's wishy-washy on abortion. All a dick like Obama has to do to take votes from a Republican is claim that he at one time was supporting abortion. After that he's toast.

It's gotten pretty bad where everything you do or didn't do can be used against you by lying pricks like Obama that seem to be able to find out everything about you.

NSA, thanks alot.

First you are blaming the media, now you are blaming the NSA.

How about blaming yourselves.

You guys knew Romney was a loser. You rejected him in 2008 and most of you really didn't want him in 2012, but you nominated him anyway.

And then he made some stupid statement insulting half the electorate, and you wonder why he lost?
so the new motto is, pretend you're something you're not only to win

wonderful, we already have that in most of this government and look where we are
The Democrats are playing them

Set up dmonstrations of how out of touch Republicans are from mainstream American thought. Show America how in 2013 you still think Homosexuals are the boogeyman

Democrats need to do the same thing on immigration reform and background checks.
so you see people, this is all a GAME...If it includes your lives what the hell

why homosexuals would like being used this way is beyond me, but Democrats use blacks, Hispanics, women, children, and their wails of a war on everyone etc.... so why not I guess
so you see people, this is all a GAME...If it includes your lives what the hell

why homosexuals would like being used this way is beyond me, but they use blacks, Hispanics, women, etc.... so why not I guess

You mean why would the gay community not vote for people who villified them and denied them rights and instead vote for folks who've stuck up for them.

If Politics is about getting what you want, here's what Gays have gotten under Obama.

16 states now allow gay marriage.

Discrimination against gays has passed the Senate. If the House grew a brain, they'd let it pass.
The Democrats are playing them

Set up dmonstrations of how out of touch Republicans are from mainstream American thought. Show America how in 2013 you still think Homosexuals are the boogeyman

Democrats need to do the same thing on immigration reform and background checks.

Yup, playing games.

I don't think the GOP has any choice in this. Democrats are totally incompetent, but they win elections by fooling voters into thinking that the GOP is a bunch of evil rich guys.

Well, fact is, Democrats are a bunch of really evil rich guys and to top it off, they can't grab their ass with both hands, but at least they have a better image.
The Democrats are playing them

Set up dmonstrations of how out of touch Republicans are from mainstream American thought. Show America how in 2013 you still think Homosexuals are the boogeyman

Democrats need to do the same thing on immigration reform and background checks.

Yup, playing games.

I don't think the GOP has any choice in this. Democrats are totally incompetent, but they win elections by fooling voters into thinking that the GOP is a bunch of evil rich guys.

Well, fact is, Democrats are a bunch of really evil rich guys and to top it off, they can't grab their ass with both hands, but at least they have a better image.

Maybe if the GOP stopped ACTING like a bunch of evil Rich Guys, the Democrats wouldn't have such an easy time of it.

Quick question, when was the last time the GOP put the interests of workers and consumers above that of the rich and big corporations...

I'll wait.
The problem is the far rightwingers that refuse to vote for anyone who's wishy-washy on abortion. All a dick like Obama has to do to take votes from a Republican is claim that he at one time was supporting abortion. After that he's toast.

It's gotten pretty bad where everything you do or didn't do can be used against you by lying pricks like Obama that seem to be able to find out everything about you.

NSA, thanks alot.

Well, no - It's not anywhere near as simple as that.

Most people don't even know enough about the political process or the candidates to even make a well reasoned decision when it comes to pulling the lever.

When a guy like Romney gets the nod, he has so much sucking up to do that he becomes a watered-down version of himself and folks have no clue where he stands, His Romneycare was one of the models for Obamacare, but rather then slap his party and say "look, it really isn't that bad, quit making a big deal out of nothing!" he rushes to trash it.

If he had just ran on what he really thought was best for America, he might have had a chance.

Liberals practicing their campaign articles for the next election. How the Tea Party and Conservatives hate everyone and play the same ole boring BS they always do. Flood it into their bought off media and slander everyone they can to hold on to power.

I do not believe in Political Correctness, nor holding back what I think the Gay BS in this country. I do not believe it is natural, and quite frankly think it is disgusting. Most people in this country believe the same. That's it. Period.

I simply don't care what you think of me for saying that. I will circular file all of your answers back calling me names or the same BS you types always do. That's my opinion, and it will stay the same no matter.

There are a lot of Americans who feel the same. Should have been obvious to you when Prop 8 passed in Cali. Which the Gay movement overturned via the legal system.

Final note. If I own a business and don't want to hire a gay person, who are you to tell me I must hire them, especially if it's against my beliefs. Nuff said, now talk your same ole trash talk.
The problem is the far rightwingers that refuse to vote for anyone who's wishy-washy on abortion. All a dick like Obama has to do to take votes from a Republican is claim that he at one time was supporting abortion. After that he's toast.

It's gotten pretty bad where everything you do or didn't do can be used against you by lying pricks like Obama that seem to be able to find out everything about you.

NSA, thanks alot.

Well, no - It's not anywhere near as simple as that.

Most people don't even know enough about the political process or the candidates to even make a well reasoned decision when it comes to pulling the lever.

When a guy like Romney gets the nod, he has so much sucking up to do that he becomes a watered-down version of himself and folks have no clue where he stands, His Romneycare was one of the models for Obamacare, but rather then slap his party and say "look, it really isn't that bad, quit making a big deal out of nothing!" he rushes to trash it.

If he had just ran on what he really thought was best for America, he might have had a chance.

Every voter has their core voting issue. I was speaking about the Christian fundamentalists. You're talking about the fiscal conservatives.

The problem is right-wing voters have core principles and the left has people that can be easily manipulated into accepting just about anything. Fact is, both can be easily manipulated when a candidate chooses to be totally disingenuous. A world class liar like Obama, who doesn't seem to have any moral compass, can take advantage of these folks without batting an eye.
so you see people, this is all a GAME...If it includes your lives what the hell

why homosexuals would like being used this way is beyond me, but they use blacks, Hispanics, women, etc.... so why not I guess

You mean why would the gay community not vote for people who villified them and denied them rights and instead vote for folks who've stuck up for them.

If Politics is about getting what you want, here's what Gays have gotten under Obama.

16 states now allow gay marriage.

Discrimination against gays has passed the Senate. If the House grew a brain, they'd let it pass.

Boehner will not allow House members to go on record of being for it or against it

Proposition 8 consisted of two sections. Its full text was:[28]

Section I. Title

This measure shall be known and may be cited as the "California Marriage Protection Act."
Section 2. Article I. Section 7.5 is added to the California Constitution, to read:

Sec. 7.5. Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.


As I stated, I'm not alone by a long shot on my beliefs.

Proposition 8 consisted of two sections. Its full text was:[28]

Section I. Title

This measure shall be known and may be cited as the "California Marriage Protection Act."
Section 2. Article I. Section 7.5 is added to the California Constitution, to read:

Sec. 7.5. Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.


As I stated, I'm not alone by a long shot on my beliefs.

No, I'm sure there are a lot of people clinging to 19th century views on marriage.

I have to ask the question.

two gay dudes get married. How does that impact your life in any way shape or form.
They have to take the heat off Ofailcare so they pull their standard games out of their ass, homosexuals...

they used Blacks all up, they still have some use for Hispanics, but they figured the homosexuals won't mind being used again

so time to waste taxpayers money and vote in another law on top of the 100 others on them

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