GOP taking Civil Rights resources and using them to promote discrimination.

There was no dead and illegal alien vote in 2016. Trump is a one term president if he makes it out of this one term. You 30 percent deplorables are all he has left and that's not going to win him anything.

Apparently those adorable deplorables plan on voting again. You are going to lose again, just like you did last Nov.

Probably not going to happen. But if it does I am not going to sweat it. I will just watch America get destroyed and laugh as people like you jump out of windows.
There was no dead and illegal alien vote in 2016. Trump is a one term president if he makes it out of this one term. You 30 percent deplorables are all he has left and that's not going to win him anything.

Apparently those adorable deplorables plan on voting again. You are going to lose again, just like you did last Nov.

Probably not going to happen. But if it does I am not going to sweat it. I will just watch America get destroyed and laugh as people like you jump out of windows.

^ That's what you said the first time, and we are doing just fine.
Got stocks?
He lost the popular vote by 10 million the last election. You think those people will be voting for a scumbag like Trump?

He lost the popular vote by 10 million the last election.

Are you sure it wasn't 20 million?
No, it was 10 million.

3 million less than Hillary Clinton
7 million that went to independents

That's 10 million

Why do votes for independents count against Trump?
Uh, gee, I don't know? Because the weren't votes FOR Trump?

So what? They weren't votes for Hillary. They weren't votes for Bernie.

The election doesn't hinge on nationwide popular votes against.
Yea I don't think Michiganders will vote Trump again. Unions, no. Blacks, no. Arabs, No. Women, no. Gays no.

He was lucky these groups didn't show up for Hillary but in 2020 they will show up just to get this embarrassment out of office.

I love Trump because he is proving Republicans would vote for a piece of shit if it were on the ticket.

But we already knew that with Palin and Chaney.

Look, here is the next Republican rising star being born

Do people think the suckers who signed up for Trump U would fall for that shit again? So why would people vote for Trump in 2020 if the next 3.5 years are like the first half of 2017? Trump is fucking horrible!!!
There was no dead and illegal alien vote in 2016. Trump is a one term president if he makes it out of this one term. You 30 percent deplorables are all he has left and that's not going to win him anything.

There was no dead and illegal alien vote in 2016.

Good. Then when we crack down on the dead and illegal alien vote, what will your excuse be for Dems losing?

There is nothing to crack down on.

So they'll have no excuse?

The only excuses being made is by your side, Trump is the one gong nuts because he lost the popular vote. And you are repeating his lunacy.
There is no popular vote, retard.

It is called a national TALLY.
He lost the popular vote by 10 million the last election.

Are you sure it wasn't 20 million?
No, it was 10 million.

3 million less than Hillary Clinton
7 million that went to independents

That's 10 million

Why do votes for independents count against Trump?
Uh, gee, I don't know? Because the weren't votes FOR Trump?

So what? They weren't votes for Hillary. They weren't votes for Bernie.

The election doesn't hinge on nationwide popular votes against.
Yea I don't think Michiganders will vote Trump again. Unions, no. Blacks, no. Arabs, No. Women, no. Gays no.

He was lucky these groups didn't show up for Hillary but in 2020 they will show up just to get this embarrassment out of office.

I love Trump because he is proving Republicans would vote for a piece of shit if it were on the ticket.

But we already knew that with Palin and Chaney.

Look, here is the next Republican rising star being born

There will be a lot more whites voting against the Democrat in 2020....

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