GOP tax bill: AT&T, Boeing among corporations rewarding employees

Thank the RINOS in congress, Trump didnt have a damn thing to do with passing the bill he gets to sign.
Jeb couldn't have done better. (-: If you have a stock invested pension or 401K, it's a good day.

or not

The Joint Committee on Taxation, the official congressional scorekeeper, estimates every income group would receive an average tax cut next year. But the JCT also found taxes would go up for lower incomes over time, in part because fewer eligible taxpayers would choose to receive health care subsidies through the ACA. By 2027, every income group making less than $75,000 would see a net tax increase.
Oh, I think lower earners and the middle class will take it up the shorts and not just in terms of actual taxes paid ... once you factor in state and local taxes, reductions in student aid and healthcare.

But again the gop is trying two things. One to stimulate overall growth by making it easier for business to make capital expenditure. And its pretty much a public relations gambit to counter the unpopularity of the bills with really nice goodies to corporations, which are handing out bonuses paid for with public debt for our kids. And two, reward their conttributors.

Yep, and they are lying about the success of this type of move in the past and who it helps.

It is being compared to Reagan's, and though the taxes went down over the entire time Reagan was in office, after his initial tax cut he RAISED taxes 5 years out of his 8 year Presidency. Not to mention, there is factual PROOF that his tax cut for trickle down economics actually created a larger gap in the middle class, not an improvement.

"3. Unemployment soared after Reagan’s 1981 tax cuts. Unemployment jumped to 10.8 percent after Reagan enacted his much-touted tax cut, and it took years for the rate to get back down to its previous level. Meanwhile, income inequality exploded. Despite the myth that Reagan presided over an era of unmatched economic boom for all Americans, Reagan disproportionately taxed the poor and middle class, but the economic growth of the 1980’s did little help them. “Since 1980, median household income has risen only 30 percent, adjusted for inflation, while average incomes at the top have tripled or quadrupled,” the New York Times’ David Leonhardt noted."

10 Things Conservatives Don’t Want You To Know About Ronald Reagan

You stupid fuck unemployment soared after Obama's stimulus

You are so fucking stupid you don't realize you just supported my main point.
You stupid fuck unemployment soared after Obama's stimulus

No it fucking didn't you lying sack of shit. The stimulus was passed in February 2009, the recession ended August 2009:

Series Id: LNS14000000 Seasonally Adjusted
Series title: (Seas) Unemployment Rate
Labor force status: Unemployment rate
Type of data: Percent or rate
Age: 16 years and over

Unemployment soared after Reagan's 1981 tax cuts:

Series Id: LNS14000000 Seasonally Adjusted
Series title: (Seas) Unemployment Rate
Labor force status: Unemployment rate
Type of data: Percent or rate
Age: 16 years and over
Let the Democrats and MSM's heads start exploding.

As anyone who has ever worked in a massive corporation will tell you, bonuses are already factored into the budgets. AT&T handed out $1000 bonuses last year too, and there wasn't a tax bill then. AT&T is coming in under budget for the year, and has to spend this money otherwise they lose it in next year's budgets.

Corporate Finance is a tricky thing.
People getting more money for their work for corporations makes your head explode?

People getting more money for their work for corporations makes your head explode?

No, you pretending the Trump tax cut had anything to do with it makes me laugh out loud. And of course Randall Stephenson is going to say Trump's Tax Cut is the reason...he's trying to get Trump's approval to buy Time Warner.

See, you don't know shit.
People getting more money for their work for corporations makes your head explode?

No, you pretending the Trump tax cut had anything to do with it makes me laugh out loud. And of course Randall Stephenson is going to say Trump's Tax Cut is the reason...he's trying to get Trump's approval to buy Time Warner.

See, you don't know shit.
This is smart strategy and will eat into the vitals of turds like Schumer and Pelosi.

Companies know---if they display nothing but Greed in response to this tax cut...they will get is Socialism very soon.

Good for AT&T.

Now, you have the irony you often get when dealing with Hypocrites---which is what all Democrats are.

They are in the position of hoping, hoping (I would say Praying, but Democrats are pretty much all Atheists)....hoping that this legislation doesn't bring real prosperity to America....and deal Marxism in America a death finding reals jobs for Porch Sitters on the Federal Plantation...who are the most reliable of Democrat supporters.

Every New Job is a lost Vote for Democrats/Bolsheviks. No wonder they hate Trump. He is truly an existential threat to their ongoing Marxist Scam.
right? the libs are all crossing their fingers for the middle class to suffer. It's so ironic.
$1000 bonuses mean nothing. $1000 doesn't get you very far. Now a $1000 pay raise would be something more meaningful.
They are proven NOT to work.

Bush's didn't work... so on the second one they thought it was because it wasn't large enough to make a difference... so they increased it. It still didn't work.

We had growth in the 60s and 80s on corp tax reform. But the thing is, AT&T is promising 1 billion in capital spending, that it says wouldn't have occurred without allowing it to deduct 100% rather than 50%. They also got a tax cut in their corp rate, and that's what people say will result in corporate stock buybacks and stock prices rises, rather than jobs. No one knows what really will occur with that tax cut. But, it's very possible economic growth will result.

What's interesting will be what they want to do with this one billion. Get Trump to ok it's take over of Time Warner, and use the money to pay off Time Warner shareholders? Or actually build something.

You mean when JFK cut corporate rate to immodest 47%?

Reagan cut it to 28 in 1987 which was followed by recessionary economy all the way untill Clinton raised it to 35% in 1993.

Showing your ignorance again?

Try me dummy.

Ever hear of dot com dumb ass?

Yea I did - WHAT ABOUT IT?
AT&T is giving $1,000 bonuses to 200,000 employees after tax bill

AT&T was quick to respond to news of U.S. tax reform, announcing it would give some employees bonuses once the law is official.

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The telecom giant said in a press release on Wednesday that it would give more than 200,000 U.S. union members a special bonus of $1,000. The company also increased its capital expenditures budget by $1 billion in the U.S.

So they're giving bonuses and not jelly of the month club memberships and INVESTING in the US......holy shit......who knew????
Well everyone who voted for and will sign this and all those like me that supported the bill......

liberals, life isn't that difficult and full of misery and pain like you think. Open your minds!'s because the year is ending under their budget, and they have to spend the money remaining otherwise they lose it.

Again, your lack of business experience and gullibility is showing.

You are 100% Fake News you clown, AT&T's CEO said it was in response to tax reform. Tissue?
This is smart strategy and will eat into the vitals of turds like Schumer and Pelosi.

Companies know---if they display nothing but Greed in response to this tax cut...they will get is Socialism very soon.

Good for AT&T.

Now, you have the irony you often get when dealing with Hypocrites---which is what all Democrats are.

They are in the position of hoping, hoping (I would say Praying, but Democrats are pretty much all Atheists)....hoping that this legislation doesn't bring real prosperity to America....and deal Marxism in America a death finding reals jobs for Porch Sitters on the Federal Plantation...who are the most reliable of Democrat supporters.

Every New Job is a lost Vote for Democrats/Bolsheviks. No wonder they hate Trump. He is truly an existential threat to their ongoing Marxist Scam.
right? the libs are all crossing their fingers for the middle class to suffer. It's so ironic.
Just remember who voted FOR and who voted AGAINST .....
GREAT ... taxpayers will need a little extra cash in their piggy bank when the tax cuts add an EXTRA TRILLION DOLLARS to the deficit.
again, you enjoyed the 10 trillion spike that obummer laid on the deficit and didn't say a fking word. now 1.5 trillion is a killer. are you ok? you do know that 10 is bigger than 1.5 right?
$1000 bonuses mean nothing. $1000 doesn't get you very far. Now a $1000 pay raise would be something more meaningful.
so give it back. I honestly can't believe you just poo pooed getting $1000. hly fk we're doomed.

ever see someone win $500 dollars on a lottery win? but it's just $500 dollars right? you use $500 dollars to wipe your ass right?
People getting more money for their work for corporations makes your head explode?

No, you pretending the Trump tax cut had anything to do with it makes me laugh out loud. And of course Randall Stephenson is going to say Trump's Tax Cut is the reason...he's trying to get Trump's approval to buy Time Warner.

See, you don't know shit.
Well I think it did. The reason I said I figure the working poor and middle class will take it up the shorts is that based on past 40-45 years is that ultimately the gop will not be able to resist the temptation (-: to apply increased revenue to reducing the debt. The only debt most of us own is in the soc sec taxes going into the general fund, and now the gop is promising to cut soc sec and medicare.

However a reduction in business taxes can raise all boats. It's just that the gop tends to defund middle class spending and pay for what's left with borrowed money.... which we then pay the 1% to loan to us.
Unemployment soared after Reagan's 1981 tax cuts:

Series Id: LNS14000000 Seasonally Adjusted
Series title: (Seas) Unemployment Rate
Labor force status: Unemployment rate
Type of data: Percent or rate
Age: 16 years and over
You obviously can't read a simple graph.
Jeb couldn't have done better. (-: If you have a stock invested pension or 401K, it's a good day.

or not

The Joint Committee on Taxation, the official congressional scorekeeper, estimates every income group would receive an average tax cut next year. But the JCT also found taxes would go up for lower incomes over time, in part because fewer eligible taxpayers would choose to receive health care subsidies through the ACA. By 2027, every income group making less than $75,000 would see a net tax increase.
Oh, I think lower earners and the middle class will take it up the shorts and not just in terms of actual taxes paid ... once you factor in state and local taxes, reductions in student aid and healthcare.

But again the gop is trying two things. One to stimulate overall growth by making it easier for business to make capital expenditure. And its pretty much a public relations gambit to counter the unpopularity of the bills with really nice goodies to corporations, which are handing out bonuses paid for with public debt for our kids. And two, reward their conttributors.

Yep, and they are lying about the success of this type of move in the past and who it helps.

It is being compared to Reagan's, and though the taxes went down over the entire time Reagan was in office, after his initial tax cut he RAISED taxes 5 years out of his 8 year Presidency. Not to mention, there is factual PROOF that his tax cut for trickle down economics actually created a larger gap in the middle class, not an improvement.

"3. Unemployment soared after Reagan’s 1981 tax cuts. Unemployment jumped to 10.8 percent after Reagan enacted his much-touted tax cut, and it took years for the rate to get back down to its previous level. Meanwhile, income inequality exploded. Despite the myth that Reagan presided over an era of unmatched economic boom for all Americans, Reagan disproportionately taxed the poor and middle class, but the economic growth of the 1980’s did little help them. “Since 1980, median household income has risen only 30 percent, adjusted for inflation, while average incomes at the top have tripled or quadrupled,” the New York Times’ David Leonhardt noted."

10 Things Conservatives Don’t Want You To Know About Ronald Reagan

You stupid fuck unemployment soared after Obama's stimulus

You are so fucking stupid you don't realize you just supported my main point.

Yea right dick wad ...
Well I think it did. The reason I said I figure the working poor and middle class will take it up the shorts is that based on past 40-45 years is that ultimately the gop will not be able to resist the temptation (-: to apply increased revenue to reducing the debt. The only debt most of us own is in the soc sec taxes going into the general fund, and now the gop is promising to cut soc sec and medicare. However a reduction in business taxes can raise all boats. It's just that the gop tends to defund middle class spending and pay for what's left with borrowed money.... which we then pay the 1% to loan to us.

Bonuses are determined before the end of the year in corporate finance. AT&T is no exception. And bonuses are paid before a single cent of profit is taxed. So lowering AT&T's 2018 corporate tax rate has no bearing on AT&T's 2017 bonuses (or 2018 bonuses for that matter). If a corporation comes in under budget, then they lose the amount they came in under budget for the next budget.

That's how corporate finance works.

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