GOP tax bill: AT&T, Boeing among corporations rewarding employees

Oh man, you mean to tell me there is company out there that will not simply pocket the billions but share some of it with the workers? CRAZY!

meanwhile 200,000x1000 = 200 million.

Cost of tax-cuts to our national debt? 1.7 TRILLION

By the way, this company is not ATT

AT&T is squaring off with the Justice Department over its $85.4 billion acquisition of Time Warner. The department has filed a lawsuit to block the tie-up, saying it would be bad for consumers and result in higher cable bills. Trump has also called the deal "not good for the country."

They are just buying Trump's ok on the merger.

Yep, it's like a scratch my back I'll scratch your's deal.
Oh man, you mean to tell me there is company out there that will not simply pocket the billions but share some of it with the workers? CRAZY!

meanwhile 200,000x1000 = 200 million.

Cost of tax-cuts to our national debt? 1.7 TRILLION

By the way, this company is not ATT

AT&T is squaring off with the Justice Department over its $85.4 billion acquisition of Time Warner. The department has filed a lawsuit to block the tie-up, saying it would be bad for consumers and result in higher cable bills. Trump has also called the deal "not good for the country."
Yes it's a publicity stunt and our kids are actually assuming debt for the 200 million in bonuses. But a corporate cut in theory can boost investment, and depending on the number of US humans AT&T needs, it can create jobs. Assuming we have trained workers we don't need to import from India.
Oh Wow! Awesome... that's ONE company out of millions.

Yeah, those 200k employees would have been much better off without that extra $1,000 + in their pockets.

Let me leave this video right here.

You are free to give your tax cuts back if you disapprove.

Let me leave this link right here.

Bureau of the Fiscal Service - Gifts to the U.S. Government

You remember that $400+ one time stimulus payment that Obama gave out? Yeah well it was proven it really didn't do much. Sure what AT&T did is nice on the surface, but a raise that last longer would be a whole lot better.

I thought the Left just loved the idea of increasing demand with all sorts of ideas to redistribute money downward. I'm pretty sure they heartily approved of that $400 Obama stimulus, right? So now it's a bad idea?

It's a bad idea because it was proven that it didn't work. They didn't know it wouldn't work when they proposed it. See that's how things work in real life... you don't know if it works if there is no precedent to compare it to.

Excuse us no precedent ?

How old are you? Did you forget about bush Jr rebate checks ?

They are proven NOT to work.

Bush's didn't work... so on the second one they thought it was because it wasn't large enough to make a difference... so they increased it. It still didn't work.
Yeah, those 200k employees would have been much better off without that extra $1,000 + in their pockets.

You are free to give your tax cuts back if you disapprove.

Let me leave this link right here.

Bureau of the Fiscal Service - Gifts to the U.S. Government

You remember that $400+ one time stimulus payment that Obama gave out? Yeah well it was proven it really didn't do much. Sure what AT&T did is nice on the surface, but a raise that last longer would be a whole lot better.

And see, this is why the left needs to be shut out of the room with the door locked when proposing economic policy in Washington. You people talk out both sides of your ass. You piss, moan, and bitch nonstop about corporate greed on the one hand, then on the other when a major corporate entity spreads the wealth among the rank and file, exactly what you claim to want, you piss, moan, and bitch about that too. You people are never satisfied no matter what you are given. You are perpetual whiners and complainers and that is why you are to be ignored by society.

Wrong. I just explained why the one time payment is just a PR stunt and doesn't really stimulate the economy. Now your just blowing smoke out your ass.

I'm pretty sure the 200,000 employees aren't going to see it your way.

They don't have to see it "my way." The proof is already out there. It doesn't work. They'd been better off getting a .50 cent an hour raise each, than getting a one time payment. But some people aren't smart enough to realize that... and that's why so many people live paycheck to paycheck.

Its Christmas shit for brains ...
You remember that $400+ one time stimulus payment that Obama gave out? Yeah well it was proven it really didn't do much. Sure what AT&T did is nice on the surface, but a raise that last longer would be a whole lot better.

And see, this is why the left needs to be shut out of the room with the door locked when proposing economic policy in Washington. You people talk out both sides of your ass. You piss, moan, and bitch nonstop about corporate greed on the one hand, then on the other when a major corporate entity spreads the wealth among the rank and file, exactly what you claim to want, you piss, moan, and bitch about that too. You people are never satisfied no matter what you are given. You are perpetual whiners and complainers and that is why you are to be ignored by society.

Wrong. I just explained why the one time payment is just a PR stunt and doesn't really stimulate the economy. Now your just blowing smoke out your ass.

I'm pretty sure the 200,000 employees aren't going to see it your way.

They don't have to see it "my way." The proof is already out there. It doesn't work. They'd been better off getting a .50 cent an hour raise each, than getting a one time payment. But some people aren't smart enough to realize that... and that's why so many people live paycheck to paycheck.

Its Christmas shit for brains ...

And? Christmas happens every year.
Oh man, you mean to tell me there is company out there that will not simply pocket the billions but share some of it with the workers? CRAZY!

meanwhile 200,000x1000 = 200 million.

Cost of tax-cuts to our national debt? 1.7 TRILLION

By the way, this company is not ATT

AT&T is squaring off with the Justice Department over its $85.4 billion acquisition of Time Warner. The department has filed a lawsuit to block the tie-up, saying it would be bad for consumers and result in higher cable bills. Trump has also called the deal "not good for the country."
Yes it's a publicity stunt and our kids are actually assuming debt for the 200 million in bonuses. But a corporate cut in theory can boost investment, and depending on the number of US humans AT&T needs, it can create jobs. Assuming we have trained workers we don't need to import from India.

Sure it can, but corporations ACTUALLY only pay 18% because of all the special deals. We could have had 21% corporate tax rate at a SMALL FRACTION of the cost to the deficits if Republican pussies would actually dare to cut out some of these.
Yeah, those 200k employees would have been much better off without that extra $1,000 + in their pockets.

You are free to give your tax cuts back if you disapprove.

Let me leave this link right here.

Bureau of the Fiscal Service - Gifts to the U.S. Government

You remember that $400+ one time stimulus payment that Obama gave out? Yeah well it was proven it really didn't do much. Sure what AT&T did is nice on the surface, but a raise that last longer would be a whole lot better.

I thought the Left just loved the idea of increasing demand with all sorts of ideas to redistribute money downward. I'm pretty sure they heartily approved of that $400 Obama stimulus, right? So now it's a bad idea?

It's a bad idea because it was proven that it didn't work. They didn't know it wouldn't work when they proposed it. See that's how things work in real life... you don't know if it works if there is no precedent to compare it to.

Excuse us no precedent ?

How old are you? Did you forget about bush Jr rebate checks ?

They are proven NOT to work.

Bush's didn't work... so on the second one they thought it was because it wasn't large enough to make a difference... so they increased it. It still didn't work.

And see, this is why the left needs to be shut out of the room with the door locked when proposing economic policy in Washington. You people talk out both sides of your ass. You piss, moan, and bitch nonstop about corporate greed on the one hand, then on the other when a major corporate entity spreads the wealth among the rank and file, exactly what you claim to want, you piss, moan, and bitch about that too. You people are never satisfied no matter what you are given. You are perpetual whiners and complainers and that is why you are to be ignored by society.

Wrong. I just explained why the one time payment is just a PR stunt and doesn't really stimulate the economy. Now your just blowing smoke out your ass.

I'm pretty sure the 200,000 employees aren't going to see it your way.

They don't have to see it "my way." The proof is already out there. It doesn't work. They'd been better off getting a .50 cent an hour raise each, than getting a one time payment. But some people aren't smart enough to realize that... and that's why so many people live paycheck to paycheck.

Its Christmas shit for brains ...

And? Christmas happens every year.

You stupid .
Thank the RINOS in congress, Trump didnt have a damn thing to do with passing the bill he gets to sign.
Yeah, those 200k employees would have been much better off without that extra $1,000 + in their pockets.

You are free to give your tax cuts back if you disapprove.

Let me leave this link right here.

Bureau of the Fiscal Service - Gifts to the U.S. Government

You remember that $400+ one time stimulus payment that Obama gave out? Yeah well it was proven it really didn't do much. Sure what AT&T did is nice on the surface, but a raise that last longer would be a whole lot better.

I thought the Left just loved the idea of increasing demand with all sorts of ideas to redistribute money downward. I'm pretty sure they heartily approved of that $400 Obama stimulus, right? So now it's a bad idea?

It's a bad idea because it was proven that it didn't work. They didn't know it wouldn't work when they proposed it. See that's how things work in real life... you don't know if it works if there is no precedent to compare it to.

Excuse us no precedent ?

How old are you? Did you forget about bush Jr rebate checks ?

They are proven NOT to work.

Bush's didn't work... so on the second one they thought it was because it wasn't large enough to make a difference... so they increased it. It still didn't work.

We had growth in the 60s and 80s on corp tax reform. But the thing is, AT&T is promising 1 billion in capital spending, that it says wouldn't have occurred without allowing it to deduct 100% rather than 50%. They also got a tax cut in their corp rate, and that's what people say will result in corporate stock buybacks and stock prices rises, rather than jobs. No one knows what really will occur with that tax cut. But, it's very possible economic growth will result.

What's interesting will be what they want to do with this one billion. Get Trump to ok it's take over of Time Warner, and use the money to pay off Time Warner shareholders? Or actually build something.
Wrong. I just explained why the one time payment is just a PR stunt and doesn't really stimulate the economy. Now your just blowing smoke out your ass.

I'm pretty sure the 200,000 employees aren't going to see it your way.

They don't have to see it "my way." The proof is already out there. It doesn't work. They'd been better off getting a .50 cent an hour raise each, than getting a one time payment. But some people aren't smart enough to realize that... and that's why so many people live paycheck to paycheck.

Its Christmas shit for brains ...

And? Christmas happens every year.

You stupid .

I'm sorry you don't get it. A .50 an hour raise gives a person money ALL year... and continues to stimulate the economy. You know, for Christmas EVERY year, and holidays, and birthdays, and to put gas in their car, or any other thing that costs money.
You remember that $400+ one time stimulus payment that Obama gave out? Yeah well it was proven it really didn't do much. Sure what AT&T did is nice on the surface, but a raise that last longer would be a whole lot better.

I thought the Left just loved the idea of increasing demand with all sorts of ideas to redistribute money downward. I'm pretty sure they heartily approved of that $400 Obama stimulus, right? So now it's a bad idea?

It's a bad idea because it was proven that it didn't work. They didn't know it wouldn't work when they proposed it. See that's how things work in real life... you don't know if it works if there is no precedent to compare it to.

Excuse us no precedent ?

How old are you? Did you forget about bush Jr rebate checks ?

They are proven NOT to work.

Bush's didn't work... so on the second one they thought it was because it wasn't large enough to make a difference... so they increased it. It still didn't work.

We had growth in the 60s and 80s on corp tax reform. But the thing is, AT&T is promising 1 billion in capital spending, that it says wouldn't have occurred without allowing it to deduct 100% rather than 50%. They also got a tax cut in their corp rate, and that's what people say will result in corporate stock buybacks and stock prices rises, rather than jobs. No one knows what really will occur with that tax cut. But, it's very possible economic growth will result.

What's interesting will be what they want to do with this one billion. Get Trump to ok it's take over of Time Warner, and use the money to pay off Time Warner shareholders? Or actually build something.

Well to be honest, what was already pointed out seems pretty fishy. The fact that Trump wouldn't allow the purchase by AT&T to go through because of CNN, and now all of a sudden after a tax reform bill gets approved that Trump wants to look like a success gets approved, AT&T is the first company to do anything, and they do it right away and quite publicly.
You remember that $400+ one time stimulus payment that Obama gave out? Yeah well it was proven it really didn't do much. Sure what AT&T did is nice on the surface, but a raise that last longer would be a whole lot better.

I thought the Left just loved the idea of increasing demand with all sorts of ideas to redistribute money downward. I'm pretty sure they heartily approved of that $400 Obama stimulus, right? So now it's a bad idea?

It's a bad idea because it was proven that it didn't work. They didn't know it wouldn't work when they proposed it. See that's how things work in real life... you don't know if it works if there is no precedent to compare it to.

Excuse us no precedent ?

How old are you? Did you forget about bush Jr rebate checks ?

They are proven NOT to work.

Bush's didn't work... so on the second one they thought it was because it wasn't large enough to make a difference... so they increased it. It still didn't work.

We had growth in the 60s and 80s on corp tax reform. But the thing is, AT&T is promising 1 billion in capital spending, that it says wouldn't have occurred without allowing it to deduct 100% rather than 50%. They also got a tax cut in their corp rate, and that's what people say will result in corporate stock buybacks and stock prices rises, rather than jobs. No one knows what really will occur with that tax cut. But, it's very possible economic growth will result.

What's interesting will be what they want to do with this one billion. Get Trump to ok it's take over of Time Warner, and use the money to pay off Time Warner shareholders? Or actually build something.

You mean when JFK cut corporate rate to immodest 47%?

Reagan cut it to 28 in 1987 which was followed by recessionary economy all the way untill Clinton raised it to 35% in 1993.
Oh man, you mean to tell me there is company out there that will not simply pocket the billions but share some of it with the workers? CRAZY!

meanwhile 200,000x1000 = 200 million.

Cost of tax-cuts to our national debt? 1.7 TRILLION

By the way, this company is not ATT

AT&T is squaring off with the Justice Department over its $85.4 billion acquisition of Time Warner. The department has filed a lawsuit to block the tie-up, saying it would be bad for consumers and result in higher cable bills. Trump has also called the deal "not good for the country."
Yes it's a publicity stunt and our kids are actually assuming debt for the 200 million in bonuses. But a corporate cut in theory can boost investment, and depending on the number of US humans AT&T needs, it can create jobs. Assuming we have trained workers we don't need to import from India.

Sure it can, but corporations ACTUALLY only pay 18% because of all the special deals. We could have had 21% corporate tax rate at a SMALL FRACTION of the cost to the deficits if Republican pussies would actually dare to cut out some of these.
That's probably true. Was it necessary to both cut their taxes to 20 (21?) % and allow them to expense (tax expenditure) all investment? And what will be the net effect on debt?

I really don't know. It's the gop gamble.
I thought the Left just loved the idea of increasing demand with all sorts of ideas to redistribute money downward. I'm pretty sure they heartily approved of that $400 Obama stimulus, right? So now it's a bad idea?

It's a bad idea because it was proven that it didn't work. They didn't know it wouldn't work when they proposed it. See that's how things work in real life... you don't know if it works if there is no precedent to compare it to.

Excuse us no precedent ?

How old are you? Did you forget about bush Jr rebate checks ?

They are proven NOT to work.

Bush's didn't work... so on the second one they thought it was because it wasn't large enough to make a difference... so they increased it. It still didn't work.

We had growth in the 60s and 80s on corp tax reform. But the thing is, AT&T is promising 1 billion in capital spending, that it says wouldn't have occurred without allowing it to deduct 100% rather than 50%. They also got a tax cut in their corp rate, and that's what people say will result in corporate stock buybacks and stock prices rises, rather than jobs. No one knows what really will occur with that tax cut. But, it's very possible economic growth will result.

What's interesting will be what they want to do with this one billion. Get Trump to ok it's take over of Time Warner, and use the money to pay off Time Warner shareholders? Or actually build something.

Well to be honest, what was already pointed out seems pretty fishy. The fact that Trump wouldn't allow the purchase by AT&T to go through because of CNN, and now all of a sudden after a tax reform bill gets approved that Trump wants to look like a success gets approved, AT&T is the first company to do anything, and they do it right away and quite publicly.

oh I'm sure it's all an innocent coincidence. I mean surely President Bigly wouldn't tell the DOJ to drop anti-trust concerns to score cheap political points. LOL
I'm pretty sure the 200,000 employees aren't going to see it your way.

They don't have to see it "my way." The proof is already out there. It doesn't work. They'd been better off getting a .50 cent an hour raise each, than getting a one time payment. But some people aren't smart enough to realize that... and that's why so many people live paycheck to paycheck.

Its Christmas shit for brains ...

And? Christmas happens every year.

You stupid .

I'm sorry you don't get it. A .50 an hour raise gives a person money ALL year... and continues to stimulate the economy. You know, for Christmas EVERY year, and holidays, and birthdays, and to put gas in their car, or any other thing that costs money.
So according to you, companies should never give employees a bonus.
They don't have to see it "my way." The proof is already out there. It doesn't work. They'd been better off getting a .50 cent an hour raise each, than getting a one time payment. But some people aren't smart enough to realize that... and that's why so many people live paycheck to paycheck.

Its Christmas shit for brains ...

And? Christmas happens every year.

You stupid .

I'm sorry you don't get it. A .50 an hour raise gives a person money ALL year... and continues to stimulate the economy. You know, for Christmas EVERY year, and holidays, and birthdays, and to put gas in their car, or any other thing that costs money.
So according to you, companies should never give employees a bonus.

No. That's not what I said. :)

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