GOP tax bill: AT&T, Boeing among corporations rewarding employees

AT&T isnt losing a damn dime they can afford to dole out the cash because they're making no telling how much more


Of course they aren't losing anything, stupid. They just got a significant tax cut, so instead of them doling the whole lump sum out to wealthy shareholders like you all claimed would be the result, they are spreading the wealth out to the rank and file. Again, what's the problem? Can you not handle being wrong? Or maybe you're just upset because a Republican president helped move this along instead of a Democrat?
Yeah, those 200k employees would have been much better off without that extra $1,000 + in their pockets.

You are free to give your tax cuts back if you disapprove.

Let me leave this link right here.

Bureau of the Fiscal Service - Gifts to the U.S. Government

You remember that $400+ one time stimulus payment that Obama gave out? Yeah well it was proven it really didn't do much. Sure what AT&T did is nice on the surface, but a raise that last longer would be a whole lot better.

And see, this is why the left needs to be shut out of the room with the door locked when proposing economic policy in Washington. You people talk out both sides of your ass. You piss, moan, and bitch nonstop about corporate greed on the one hand, then on the other when a major corporate entity spreads the wealth among the rank and file, exactly what you claim to want, you piss, moan, and bitch about that too. You people are never satisfied no matter what you are given. You are perpetual whiners and complainers and that is why you are to be ignored by society.

Wrong. I just explained why the one time payment is just a PR stunt and doesn't really stimulate the economy. Now your just blowing smoke out your ass.

I'm pretty sure the 200,000 employees aren't going to see it your way.

They don't have to see it "my way." The proof is already out there. It doesn't work. They'd been better off getting a .50 cent an hour raise each, than getting a one time payment. But some people aren't smart enough to realize that... and that's why so many people live paycheck to paycheck.

Of course. Obviously, you know far better what's good for those people than they do.
GREAT ... taxpayers will need a little extra cash in their piggy bank when the tax cuts add an EXTRA TRILLION DOLLARS to the deficit.
Since when does a leftist give a shit about the deficit?

Since when does a conservative?
I am a conservative and believe in fiscal responsibility. I also believe that taxing people to death will not get us out of this debt hellhole. Tax relief, along with spending cuts, new trade deals, and a rising economy, should help more than the previous administration's policies of spend, spend, spend.
Let the Democrats and MSM's heads start exploding. This is just the beginning.

AT&T is giving $1,000 bonuses to 200,000 employees after tax bill

AT&T is giving $1,000 bonuses to 200,000 employees after tax bill

•AT&T is paying bonuses of $1,000 to more than 200,000 U.S. employees.
•AT&T's CEO said it was in response to tax reform.
•The House of Representatives on Wednesday sent tax reform legislation to President Donald Trump, who is expected to sign it soon.

AT&T was quick to respond to news of U.S. tax reform, announcing it would give some employees bonuses once the law is official.

The telecom giant said in a press release on Wednesday that it would give more than 200,000 U.S. union members a special bonus of $1,000. The company also increased its capital expenditures budget by $1 billion in the U.S.

"Congress, working closely with the President, took a monumental step to bring taxes paid by U.S. businesses in line with the rest of the industrialized world," CEO Randall Stephenson said in a statement. "This tax reform will drive economic growth and create good-paying jobs. In fact, we will increase our U.S. investment and pay a special bonus to our U.S. employees."...........

Publicity stunt

A 200 million dollar publicity stunt ?
How can you bitch about a company giving a decent bopnus to 200K employees?
My gawd, you people are a big part of our problems.
Can you not just STFU? This is awesome news.
"This isn't tax reform. It's highway robbery.

This secret, rushed, partisan tax bill in no way truly "reforms" the system. It makes the middle class foot the bill for a big tax cut for the top that explodes the deficit. What we need to "reform" is Congress—and that's what we'll do in the midterms." - fighting words from Unhinged Tim Kaine
Let Timmy Reform His Antiffy Son First

The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man? hillary thinks she's Snow White; that's why she picked Dopey as a running mate.
You remember that $400+ one time stimulus payment that Obama gave out? Yeah well it was proven it really didn't do much. Sure what AT&T did is nice on the surface, but a raise that last longer would be a whole lot better.

And see, this is why the left needs to be shut out of the room with the door locked when proposing economic policy in Washington. You people talk out both sides of your ass. You piss, moan, and bitch nonstop about corporate greed on the one hand, then on the other when a major corporate entity spreads the wealth among the rank and file, exactly what you claim to want, you piss, moan, and bitch about that too. You people are never satisfied no matter what you are given. You are perpetual whiners and complainers and that is why you are to be ignored by society.

Wrong. I just explained why the one time payment is just a PR stunt and doesn't really stimulate the economy. Now your just blowing smoke out your ass.

I'm pretty sure the 200,000 employees aren't going to see it your way.

They don't have to see it "my way." The proof is already out there. It doesn't work. They'd been better off getting a .50 cent an hour raise each, than getting a one time payment. But some people aren't smart enough to realize that... and that's why so many people live paycheck to paycheck.

Of course. Obviously, you know far better what's good for those people than they do.

Again, it isn't MY FEELINGS... it's FACT. One time payments don't stimulate the economy and help people. Trumptard.
AT&T is giving $1,000 bonuses to 200,000 employees after tax bill

AT&T was quick to respond to news of U.S. tax reform, announcing it would give some employees bonuses once the law is official.

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The telecom giant said in a press release on Wednesday that it would give more than 200,000 U.S. union members a special bonus of $1,000. The company also increased its capital expenditures budget by $1 billion in the U.S.

So they're giving bonuses and not jelly of the month club memberships and INVESTING in the US......holy shit......who knew????
Well everyone who voted for and will sign this and all those like me that supported the bill......

liberals, life isn't that difficult and full of misery and pain like you think. Open your minds!
Stop whining about the debt.
GREAT ... taxpayers will need a little extra cash in their piggy bank when the tax cuts add an EXTRA TRILLION DOLLARS to the deficit.
Since when does a leftist give a shit about the deficit?

Since when does a conservative?

Well that might be true to some extent, but cutting the deficit is more about reducing spending than it is about raising more revenue. There's no doubt in my mind that this tax cut bill will mean less revenue coming in, even factoring in the increase in economic growth we get out of it. BUT, the real question is what're they going to do about spending cuts? Can they or will they cut spending by more than they cut revenue over the next 10 years? And don't give me the CBO numbers, those guys have been wrong almost all the time, or so it seems sometimes.
Crazy angry lefties will turn it into something evil. The freaking bi-polar crazy hypocrites are glad that their 401k's are increasing in value but they hate it too.
But but, but, what about people who don't work for AT&T? They aren't getting a bonus. AT&T should give everyone a bonus. That's fair and not discriminatory.
But but, but, what about people who don't work for AT&T? They aren't getting a bonus. AT&T should give everyone a bonus. That's fair and not discriminatory.

That's not the argument. That argument is about logical reasoning. Because one company out of all those in the economy give their employees a one time bonus doesn't mean the tax plan worked and is a success.

That would be like pointing to a person making a hole in one in golf, and suddenly saying the golf clubs they use are the best you can buy... because they helped a guy get a hole in one.
I suspect that come February when ordinary folks start seeing a bigger paycheck due to less withholding being taken out that opinions might change and this tax bill could become more popular. I believe there is some precedent for that.

That's what they don't understand because most libtard posters on these boards don't work.
But but, but, what about people who don't work for AT&T? They aren't getting a bonus. AT&T should give everyone a bonus. That's fair and not discriminatory.

That's not the argument. That argument is about logical reasoning. Because one company out of all those in the economy give their employees a one time bonus doesn't mean the tax plan worked and is a success.

That would be like pointing to a person making a hole in one in golf, and suddenly saying the golf clubs they use are the best you can buy... because they helped a guy get a hole in one.
True except, it just passed man.....but to make you feel better

here is another
Fifth Third Bancorp unveils bonuses, minimum wage hike after tax bill passage
Oh man, you mean to tell me there is company out there that will not simply pocket the billions but share some of it with the workers? CRAZY!

By the way, this company is not ATT

AT&T is squaring off with the Justice Department over its $85.4 billion acquisition of Time Warner. The department has filed a lawsuit to block the tie-up, saying it would be bad for consumers and result in higher cable bills. Trump has also called the deal "not good for the country."

They are just buying up Trump's ok on the merger.
Oh Wow! Awesome... that's ONE company out of millions.

Yeah, those 200k employees would have been much better off without that extra $1,000 + in their pockets.

Let me leave this video right here.

You are free to give your tax cuts back if you disapprove.

Let me leave this link right here.

Bureau of the Fiscal Service - Gifts to the U.S. Government

You remember that $400+ one time stimulus payment that Obama gave out? Yeah well it was proven it really didn't do much. Sure what AT&T did is nice on the surface, but a raise that last longer would be a whole lot better.

And see, this is why the left needs to be shut out of the room with the door locked when proposing economic policy in Washington. You people talk out both sides of your ass. You piss, moan, and bitch nonstop about corporate greed on the one hand, then on the other when a major corporate entity spreads the wealth among the rank and file, exactly what you claim to want, you piss, moan, and bitch about that too. You people are never satisfied no matter what you are given. You are perpetual whiners and complainers and that is why you are to be ignored by society.

But that will end relatively quickly. Sales, property, income and even capital gains taxes in CA with no material deductibility is a great reason for changing legal residence. rinky-dink micro-housing projects are cropping up all over already. A lot of people in NY, CA and other Blue states are set to discover how Ds respond to tax base erosion, raising taxes of course.

My best guess is something like 100T in property write downs within the blue wall, which does not count against GDP growth, while generating 10T+ of growth in low SALT red states and that does count towards GDP growth. Est. time to chapter 3 bankruptcies starting in 3-30 months.
More interesting to me is the 1 billion in cap spending. Apparently corps can now expense (deduct) 100% of capital investment instead of 50%. That could help grow the economy. I don't see any info on what ATT is precisely investing in. But the GOP is taking a risk that this will increase US jobs. If it works, great and they'll win elections.
But but, but, what about people who don't work for AT&T? They aren't getting a bonus. AT&T should give everyone a bonus. That's fair and not discriminatory.

That's not the argument. That argument is about logical reasoning. Because one company out of all those in the economy give their employees a one time bonus doesn't mean the tax plan worked and is a success.

That would be like pointing to a person making a hole in one in golf, and suddenly saying the golf clubs they use are the best you can buy... because they helped a guy get a hole in one.
True except, it just passed man.....but to make you feel better

here is another
Fifth Third Bancorp unveils bonuses, minimum wage hike after tax bill passage

Awesome. I hope it continues. But for it to matter it will still take a lot more. The biggest thing in that one is that they did raise the workers' wages.

Of course Fifth Third is a piece of shit company... they do some seriously shady shit. I used to have an account with them, and one of their tricks was if two things went through on the same day, say a payment and a deposit, they would take out the payment first then put in the deposit. So if your payment put your account into over-draft, they would over-draft you, then charge you over-draft fees, then put in your deposit. And if you have multiple payments they would do them all, and charge you overdraft on all of them. They really screwed me back in my youth...
Oh Wow! Awesome... that's ONE company out of millions.

Yeah, those 200k employees would have been much better off without that extra $1,000 + in their pockets.

Let me leave this video right here.

You are free to give your tax cuts back if you disapprove.

Let me leave this link right here.

Bureau of the Fiscal Service - Gifts to the U.S. Government

You remember that $400+ one time stimulus payment that Obama gave out? Yeah well it was proven it really didn't do much. Sure what AT&T did is nice on the surface, but a raise that last longer would be a whole lot better.

I thought the Left just loved the idea of increasing demand with all sorts of ideas to redistribute money downward. I'm pretty sure they heartily approved of that $400 Obama stimulus, right? So now it's a bad idea?

It's a bad idea because it was proven that it didn't work. They didn't know it wouldn't work when they proposed it. See that's how things work in real life... you don't know if it works if there is no precedent to compare it to.

Excuse us no precedent ?

How old are you? Did you forget about bush Jr rebate checks ?

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