GOP To Withdraw From Colorado Primary If Trump Disallowed

Former Rep. Justin Amash (L-MI), who was not a supporter of Trump when he was in office, said that “opinion of the Colorado Supreme Court is shameful and runs completely counter to our constitutional system.”

“Donald Trump was not removed from office by Congress for engaging in insurrection. Donald Trump has not been criminally convicted in a court of law of engaging in insurrection,” he said. “Whatever you believe about whether Donald Trump engaged in insurrection has no bearing on whether he’s eligible to run for president. No legislative, executive, or judicial body of a state should engage in extraconstitutional decision-making to disqualify a federal candidate from the ballot.”

“This isn’t accountability; it’s an assault on due process of law,” he concluded. “It undermines our electoral system and threatens every federal candidate for office.”

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. responded: “Every American should be troubled by the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to remove President Trump from the ballot.”

“This ruling is garbage,” said Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX). “This WILL be appealed to the Supreme Court & the Supreme Court WILL reverse it.”

Cruz added, “To every Dem & media outlet saying ‘save Democracy,’ this is a test: Will you denounce these partisan judges trying to PREVENT THE VOTERS from choosing the next President?”

Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) responded: “One thing is clear: this will help Donald Trump. Do these Colorado clowns in black robes not realize that?”

“The Colorado Resistance judges want to Save Democracy by blocking an election,” said Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR). “These disgraceful hacks should be condemned by every American—Republican and Democrat. The Supreme Court should immediately strike down this unAmerican stunt.”

I see lots of vapid claims and no arguments.
There is a legal teeter-totter when it comes to elections, but as far as primaries, the Constitution doesn't really offer much other than there can be no poll tax. It is why some states any eligible voter can vote in at least one primary but in other you have to be a registered party member to vote in that party's primary.
Yeah, States are pretty much independent when it comes to voting.

Fine, Colorado can just get used to being shit on for the next 20+ years. Couldn't happen to a nicer group of scumbags, IMO.

Makes the whole State look bad. Elections matter, people.
I see lots of vapid claims and no arguments.
The main argument has already been made and the post I made highlighted the fact that both sides of the aisle find this ruling wrong.

This isn't about Trump, but about the lengths that the left will go to in order to ensure their hold on power. It is a direct threat to our Republic.
The main argument has already been made and the post I made highlighted the fact that both sides of the aisle find this ruling wrong.

This isn't about Trump, but about the lengths that the left will go to in order to ensure their hold on power. It is a direct threat to our Republic.
It's always been known that there are elements of radicalism in both parties. The difference is -- We can control ours, dimocrap FILTH place their radicals at the front, as vanguards.

And when they over-step their bounds, which they always, always do, the cowardly scum in the dimocrap party's main group denounces them.

Don't let them bullshit you -- This ruling by dimocrap scum judge in Colorado was NOT an accident. NOTHING in the dimocrap scum party happens by accident.
Yeah, States are pretty much independent when it comes to voting.

Fine, Colorado can just get used to being shit on for the next 20+ years. Couldn't happen to a nicer group of scumbags, IMO.

Makes the whole State look bad. Elections matter, people.
I don't think Colorado particularly cares. It has been a who the hell knows state politically for as long as I can recall. I have never been surprised by which way the fart is blowing in their wind TBH. This will eventually be decided by the SCOTUS and who know which way that might go.

GOP To Withdraw From Colorado Primary If Trump Disallowed​

So, we should care ?
You should because you’re a hack who only cares about the result. The result would be: it doesn’t matter if Trump were to be disallowed from the Primary ballot if there is no primary.
You should because you’re a hack who only cares about the result. The result would be: it doesn’t matter if Trump were to be disallowed from the Primary ballot if there is no primary.

Republicans don’t want to participate in their own primary?
Who are they hurting?
The CO dissenting opinion said that Trump was denied his right to due process. The Trump decision was 4-3, very weak.
Just sayin' the USSC has an easy one.
It'll be a while before the USSC gets to it. It has to go through the district and circuit court first.
The SCOTUS is going to bitch slap these asshole Democrats.

confucius too little too late.jpg
There is a legal teeter-totter when it comes to elections, but as far as primaries, the Constitution doesn't really offer much other than there can be no poll tax. It is why some states any eligible voter can vote in at least one primary but in other you have to be a registered party member to vote in that party's primary.

That doesn't impact who can run. At most States can require signatures to be on a ballot, and not many signatures at that.

Voting and running are two different things, and when it comes to federal office, the Constitution is clear on who is eligible to run for what.

It's why all those tax return disclosure attempts on Trump to be on the ballots in some States fell flat.
Another false claim by the generally dishonest Leftwhiner.

That’s not what Trump wants nor is it what he said. As Leftwhiner fully well knows.
Wrong again Skippy..

Trump stated he advocates terminating the Constitution when he finds it to be inconvenient
But it just moves the fight from the primary ballot to the general election ballot.
The decision is not long for this world.
SCOTUS cannot let it stand as a Unilateral action unless Colorado wants to secede.

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