GOP War On Women: Senate GOP blocks equal pay bill

Yeah, so Republicans are blocking women's access to pay information and blocking their access to civil courts to correct pay discrimination.

And the war on women is a "myth" ????

LOL - your talking points can't erase the truth. Man, if the GOP would just nut up and admit that everyone is equal and deserves equal treatment, they wouldn't have so many enemies. Without so many enemies, they might win a national election.

Why is that a bad thing?

People are not equal in the work place just because the do the same job, ever heard of longevity pay? There are tons of factors in the real world were pay would not be equal, and according to J. Carney yesterday those factors are even used in the White House to determine the pay scale. All this bill will do is make it more expensive for business to operate, but you guys think business is evil don't you, right to the point that you need something to make your life easier, then you quite willingly lay your money down. People with such a childish view of the world really shouldn't be allowed to vote, you just fuck things up by eating the shit fed to you by the commiecrats.
Your argument would have merit here IF we were talking about longevity pay. We are not. We are taking about base pay rates and about the base for women being less than the base for me.
Frankly I am glad that the gop is killing this bill. It is one more slap in the face for women and one more reason why they will continue to vote for Democrats. So, keep up your anti-women crusade and lets see how the votes count up in November.

Why do the women in Obama's administration make less than the men?

Women paid significantly less in Obama White House than their male counterparts

Using the 2011 annual report of White House staff salaries that was submitted to Congress, an $11,000 difference is clear between the median female employee salary and the median male employee salary.

Of the administration's 20 top earners, who each took home a tidy $172,200 for their work in 2011, only six of those were women.

In 2009, women made 89 cents for every dollar that men made in 'the People's House'.

On average, that came out to $9,390 less.

but the "base" will love it....

of course, the "base" is a bunch of old white reactionary males.... so it isn't surprising.

it's all good. that's why they can't win national elections.

Racist and sexist in one sentence. You must be a Democrat.

What do you want to bet the men attorneys, hell probably even some women (if she works at one) makes more than she does? She just started out as a lawyer...So I think she should march right in and DEMAND she make as much as the men who have been there for years...Hell she should demand she make the same as the President of the company and tell him Obama said she should

I'd pay to see that one
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but the "base" will love it....

of course, the "base" is a bunch of old white reactionary males.... so it isn't surprising.

it's all good. that's why they can't win national elections.

Jilly, I don't know what happened to you but you've went off the deep end...You used to be somewhat sane some of the it hurts to read you....sheeesh
reactionary is this goofy post
Sometimes people get tired of defending stupidity and re-evaluate their positions. Of course, we are not expecting you to follow suit. Defending stupidity seems to be your calling in life.
When are you ever going to get so tired? :lol:
Go to first new post GOP War On Women: Senate GOP blocks equal pay bill
Ted Cruz just presented a bill mandating women to the kitchen. Palin made him a bowl of Mac&Cheese.
I've been through this on another forum and will only make it short here.


This is a sham by the Dimbocrats for political purposes and the GOP was right to stop it.
I've been through this on another forum and will only make it short here.


This is a sham by the Dimbocrats for political purposes and the GOP was right to stop it.

Good for you. Now take your toys and go play in another room. Scram!
Here's the proof...

Senate GOP blocks equal pay bill | MSNBC

Senate Republicans on Wednesday blocked debate on the Paycheck Fairness Act, a Democratic-backed bill that aims to combat unequal pay between men and women.

It's all political, the law has been in place and enforced since 1963 when it was passed with more Republicans voting for it than Democrats.

kidrocks, how about you trying something new and different, tell the truth. You'll fine it cleanses the soul and leaves you feeling clean and good.
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Jilly, I don't know what happened to you but you've went off the deep end...You used to be somewhat sane some of the it hurts to read you....sheeesh
reactionary is this goofy post
Sometimes people get tired of defending stupidity and re-evaluate their positions. Of course, we are not expecting you to follow suit. Defending stupidity seems to be your calling in life.
When are you ever going to get so tired? :lol:
Maybe if I defended stupidity I might get tired but as I do not defend stupidity your point is moot.
Here's the proof...

Senate GOP blocks equal pay bill | MSNBC

Senate Republicans on Wednesday blocked debate on the Paycheck Fairness Act, a Democratic-backed bill that aims to combat unequal pay between men and women.

It's all political, the law has been in place and enforced since 1963 when it was passed with more Republicans voting for it than Democrats.

kidrocks, how about you trying something new and different, tell the truth. You'll fine it cleanses the soul and leaves you feeling clean and good.

Here's the truth...

The Paycheck Fairness Act would require employers to disclose payment and demographic information and prevent them from punishing workers who discuss their salaries. It would also allow civil pay discrimination lawsuits to be filed against employers.

So why is the GOP afraid of debating the Paycheck Fairness Act?
Here's the proof...

Senate GOP blocks equal pay bill | MSNBC

Senate Republicans on Wednesday blocked debate on the Paycheck Fairness Act, a Democratic-backed bill that aims to combat unequal pay between men and women.

It's all political, the law has been in place and enforced since 1963 when it was passed with more Republicans voting for it than Democrats.

kidrocks, how about you trying something new and different, tell the truth. You'll fine it cleanses the soul and leaves you feeling clean and good.
Apparently the republican law has not done its job and needs to be strengthened. But alas, if the bill were to pass it might look like a win for Obama and, by GOD, we can't have that now, can we?
However, this bill does provide a teaching point on the stupidity of the republican party. They will kill this bill and a couple of million more women will vote Democrat in November and the gop will sit there scratching their heads and wondering why. The smart thing to do would be to bring forth a BETTER bill than the one the Democrats had offered. Put the ball back in the Democrats court for a change. By doing so it helps to destroy the argument that the gop is anti-women and it would help gain votes in the fall. That would be the smart thing to do and it would benefit women and the gop. That would be the smart thing and that is why they will kill the bill and then pretend they really are for equal pay for women.

It's all political, the law has been in place and enforced since 1963 when it was passed with more Republicans voting for it than Democrats.

kidrocks, how about you trying something new and different, tell the truth. You'll fine it cleanses the soul and leaves you feeling clean and good.
Apparently the republican law has not done its job and needs to be strengthened. But alas, if the bill were to pass it might look like a win for Obama and, by GOD, we can't have that now, can we?
However, this bill does provide a teaching point on the stupidity of the republican party. They will kill this bill and a couple of million more women will vote Democrat in November and the gop will sit there scratching their heads and wondering why. The smart thing to do would be to bring forth a BETTER bill than the one the Democrats had offered. Put the ball back in the Democrats court for a change. By doing so it helps to destroy the argument that the gop is anti-women and it would help gain votes in the fall. That would be the smart thing to do and it would benefit women and the gop. That would be the smart thing and that is why they will kill the bill and then pretend they really are for equal pay for women.

Shhh... not too loud. The GOP may one day wise up and build a better mousetrap. :D
The biggest war on women is the one that Progressives have declared against family formation.

By paying teenage girls to have babies out of wedlock, Progs condemn such girls and their children to lives of poverty and dependency upon the government.
The biggest war on women is the one that Progressives have declared against family formation.

By paying teenage girls to have babies out of wedlock, Progs condemn such girls and their children to lives of poverty and dependency upon the government.

Thank God the government pays for abortions too.
I've been through this on another forum and will only make it short here.


This is a sham by the Dimbocrats for political purposes and the GOP was right to stop it.

Sad thing is, it works and that is why they're running on it. It doesn't matter that most woman take puff degree's(humanities, English, lit, etc)...Only thing that matters is that there's a difference at all. See that is all leftist care about.

Doesn't matter that more of the ceo's are males
Doesn't matter that most of the fortune 500 are males
Doesn't matter that 70% of scientist are males
Doesn't matter that a majority of lawyers and doctors are males

None of this, not one damn thing matters to the left as facts don't matter. Oh'yeah, they will say that these "facts" show that males are monsters and need to be taken down and we need quota's, but that goes back to the reality that they think victimhood means more then hard work! We know that doesn't work out to well...Of course hard work to these people mean I am a sexist pig...:eek:

NOW I DO BELIEVE IN PAYING FAIRLY, BUT THESE LEFTIST don't care about the complexities of the work place and why a employer would pay more or less based on those complexity's. I am saying this as someone that believes we need regulations but history proves that too much isn't good! The left loves to micro-manage every tiny thing; so you can't run your business the way you wish, AND NO I AM NOT aiming this at woman, but ALL people that work for a business! Do we really want to nationalize our private sector? Control the books = controlling the business.:eek: Sure, have laws protecting woman and we already do, so I don't understand the reasoning behind this outrage.

We should understand that men make overall more nationally as men in general are far more white collier and upper management within society, not to get into the stats I posted above either.... I don't feel this is unfair as they earned their way up to that level, and if woman want the same they should have to earn it. Quota's are for losers and we all know it will make us a weaker nation.

Let's enforce the 1963 fair pay laws on the books and work hard for all of our advancements!!! I am for woman doing good within our society. Time to leave extremism at the door.
so, who is going to be the ones to set this equal pay on a company?

your dear leader and whatever number he pulls out of his ass

this Obama's and Democrats visions of for us..So we can all be EQUALLY POOR

The War on Women is bullshit, women just have jobs that pay less on average. If a woman becomes a CEO or something, she'll just earn as much as a man. Comparing a teacher with a CEO is really stupid.
Here's the proof...

Senate GOP blocks equal pay bill | MSNBC

Senate Republicans on Wednesday blocked debate on the Paycheck Fairness Act, a Democratic-backed bill that aims to combat unequal pay between men and women.

but the "base" will love it....

of course, the "base" is a bunch of old white reactionary males.... so it isn't surprising.

it's all good. that's why they can't win national elections.
So, are you underpaid at your office, Jillian? I'll bet not.
The War on Women is bullshit, women just have jobs that pay less on average. If a woman becomes a CEO or something, she'll just earn as much as a man. Comparing a teacher with a CEO is really stupid.

Women who have a career get paid nearly the same as men.
It's those women who get a job and leave and then come back are the ones who get paid less, but that has a lot to do with tenure.

The war on women is just a political tactic in an election year from the libs. Obama's staff pay for women is proof of that that blew up in their face a couple of days ago.
Obamacare is just killing them this year.
The War on Women is bullshit, women just have jobs that pay less on average. If a woman becomes a CEO or something, she'll just earn as much as a man. Comparing a teacher with a CEO is really stupid.

That's exactly what they're doing...Sadly, it works.

As for a woman doing equal work...They're already protected.

but it fired up his non thinking bas, that's all that matters....throwing red meat works best
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