GOP: Women pregnant with Zika deformed fetus should not be allowed an Abortion.

Chris says it's not the money of the one that earned it yet indicates it has to be taken from the earned to give to the non earner. She also goes on about how it's only x amount. Like most self proclaimed compassionate do nothings, she assumes it's about the amount.

It's about the wrong-wing notion of “charity”, by which she believes she can claim credit for being charitable by advocating that money be taken from someone else, and given to those that she thinks need it, rather than by willingly giving what is rightfully her own to give, in support of those she thinks in need of it.

She needs to read the definition of "charity". The key word in the definition is VOLUNTARY. Charity and compassion come from the willingness of the giver not supporting a mandate by the taker.

She seems to think that because something she supports isn't up to a certain level, those that don't support that particular things are at fault for not doing enough but those that do have no responsibility for not doing enough for what THEY support. She says that she helps when she can and how she can. Sounds like another that can't do things herself to the level she thinks they need to be done then believes supporting others to do what she can't do makes her compassionate.

I already said charitable donations are not enough. You must be a complete moron if you think charitable donations would support people and keep them off the streets.

What about a teen girl who gets pregnant, gets kicked out by her "Christian" parents, and because of your stupid policies, she can't get an abortion, she can't get healthcare, she can't get daycare vouchers, she is now homeless with a child. You people are sick. There's no getting around that fact.

I've already said that if you don't think they are, you're not doing enough. By you saying they're not enough and supporting mandates to make up the difference you don't like, you're saying that if someone doesn't do with what they've earned, it's OK to take it and make them. If someone that you think deserves something but I don't can't get it, it's not my fault they don't. It's yours. YOU think they deserve it.

I have an easy solution for your scenario. Let the sperm donor that got her pregnant support her and her child. You don't have a problem demanding people like me that didn't get her pregnant do something you won't force the one that did to do. That it's not my kid and someone else's is the only fact that matters. If the sperm donor can't and the girl is a minor, force her parents to do it. She's their child not mine. Here's the hierarchy for who should pay: 1) The girls and the sperm donor; 2) HER parents or the sperm donor's parents if he's a minor; 3) All you bleeding hearts, and somewhere way, way, way down the line so far it doesn't matter, the rest of us.

Look, that is not how things work in the real world all the time.

So that makes it right because you support doing the wrong thing?
You people are stupid morons who don't know what the real world is like. Go back to watching your Matlock and leave the important things to people who have experienced life. Thanks.

I've experienced life. That's why I support myself, my children, and my family. That's what honorable people do. Honorable people don't make choices in life, tell someone to butt out of them, then demand those told to butt out pay when the one choosing can't do it themselves. They're leeches and worthless.

Obviously you haven't. If you had, then you would realize that people are not perfect, never will be. You are not honorable. You're a greedy jerk and nothing more. Now, I believe I already told you that talking about this is useless. You are out of touch with the realities of the world around you.

I never said anyone was perfect. What I said is their imperfections aren't my responsibility and never will be.

I support myself, my children, my family, pay my bills, pay for my mistakes, and so on. Are you saying that's not honorable?

I can't be greedy. The only thing I'm asking is to keep what I earned. The greedy ones are those that make choices they tell others to butt out of then demand those being told to butt out pay when they can't. They're demanding something they didn't earn. I'm only wanting to keep what I did. Greedy never has been nor ever will be defined as someone not doing with what they earned in a manner you don't like.

Your arguments were defeated a long time ago. Yup, OUR tax money goes to help the poor. Deal with it.
It's about the wrong-wing notion of “charity”, by which she believes she can claim credit for being charitable by advocating that money be taken from someone else, and given to those that she thinks need it, rather than by willingly giving what is rightfully her own to give, in support of those she thinks in need of it.

She needs to read the definition of "charity". The key word in the definition is VOLUNTARY. Charity and compassion come from the willingness of the giver not supporting a mandate by the taker.

She seems to think that because something she supports isn't up to a certain level, those that don't support that particular things are at fault for not doing enough but those that do have no responsibility for not doing enough for what THEY support. She says that she helps when she can and how she can. Sounds like another that can't do things herself to the level she thinks they need to be done then believes supporting others to do what she can't do makes her compassionate.

I already said charitable donations are not enough. You must be a complete moron if you think charitable donations would support people and keep them off the streets.

What about a teen girl who gets pregnant, gets kicked out by her "Christian" parents, and because of your stupid policies, she can't get an abortion, she can't get healthcare, she can't get daycare vouchers, she is now homeless with a child. You people are sick. There's no getting around that fact.

I've already said that if you don't think they are, you're not doing enough. By you saying they're not enough and supporting mandates to make up the difference you don't like, you're saying that if someone doesn't do with what they've earned, it's OK to take it and make them. If someone that you think deserves something but I don't can't get it, it's not my fault they don't. It's yours. YOU think they deserve it.

I have an easy solution for your scenario. Let the sperm donor that got her pregnant support her and her child. You don't have a problem demanding people like me that didn't get her pregnant do something you won't force the one that did to do. That it's not my kid and someone else's is the only fact that matters. If the sperm donor can't and the girl is a minor, force her parents to do it. She's their child not mine. Here's the hierarchy for who should pay: 1) The girls and the sperm donor; 2) HER parents or the sperm donor's parents if he's a minor; 3) All you bleeding hearts, and somewhere way, way, way down the line so far it doesn't matter, the rest of us.

Look, that is not how things work in the real world all the time.

So that makes it right because you support doing the wrong thing?

Helping the poor is ALWAYS the right thing to do.
Well, since we are now living in a corporotacracy, and our wages have been stagnant since the 1970s, a lot of us don't have as much to give as we would like, and certainly not enough to help everyone, so this is how we do it. Stop whining. You look pathetic.
This is NOT the 1950s or the 1960s. Things have changed a lot. If you were born poor, the cards are stacked AGAINST you.
You people are stupid morons who don't know what the real world is like. Go back to watching your Matlock and leave the important things to people who have experienced life. Thanks.

I've experienced life. That's why I support myself, my children, and my family. That's what honorable people do. Honorable people don't make choices in life, tell someone to butt out of them, then demand those told to butt out pay when the one choosing can't do it themselves. They're leeches and worthless.

So, you never had sex until you were married and planned the birth of your children? You were probably just a dork that nobody wanted to have sex with. Lol.

As far as the first part, no. However, like I said, I don't care about how many people a girl has sex with. What I said is if she does, it's her responsibility for whatever happens since she made the choice.

As far as planning the birth of my children, ABSOLUTELY. Responsible people do that. That's not to say those that didn't plan them yet had them are irresponsible. If those that didn't plan them support them, they're being responsible by doing so. It becomes irresponsible when those making the choice to do what it takes to have kids refuse to take care of their own when something they didn't intend happens. Irresponsibility doesn't simply due to the result itself but an unwillingness to be responsible when those unintended results occur.
You people are stupid morons who don't know what the real world is like. Go back to watching your Matlock and leave the important things to people who have experienced life. Thanks.

I've experienced life. That's why I support myself, my children, and my family. That's what honorable people do. Honorable people don't make choices in life, tell someone to butt out of them, then demand those told to butt out pay when the one choosing can't do it themselves. They're leeches and worthless.

So, you never had sex until you were married and planned the birth of your children? You were probably just a dork that nobody wanted to have sex with. Lol.

As far as the first part, no. However, like I said, I don't care about how many people a girl has sex with. What I said is if she does, it's her responsibility for whatever happens since she made the choice.

As far as planning the birth of my children, ABSOLUTELY. Responsible people do that. That's not to say those that didn't plan them yet had them are irresponsible. If those that didn't plan them support them, they're being responsible by doing so. It becomes irresponsible when those making the choice to do what it takes to have kids refuse to take care of their own when something they didn't intend happens. Irresponsibility doesn't simply due to the result itself but an unwillingness to be responsible when those unintended results occur.

Not everyone was raised in a nice home. Some people are abused physically, sexually, emotionally. Some people may just not be that smart. Those are facts.
Well, since we are now living in a corporotacracy, and our wages have been stagnant since the 1970s, a lot of us don't have as much to give as we would like, and certainly not enough to help everyone, so this is how we do it. Stop whining. You look pathetic.

My wages haven't been stagnant.

The pathetic one is you. You're the one that says I CAN'T do what I think needs to be done so others should be forced to do so. If you CAN'T, you're the last one that should be saying someone else you think has too much money should be doing it.

Since I support me, my children, and my family, I CAN say that I believe others should be doing it. I CAN say it with validity for one reason and one reason only. It's because I do exactly that and expect nothing more of anyone else than I do myself. You're demanding others be forced to do something because YOU can't. I'm expecting others to do something I already do. There is a big difference.
very misleading title. what's wrong with impartial journalism?

What we should do, is execute everyone in the media, and then get some people who are very, very good at explaining stuff to write the articles.
Journalism went the way of junk years ago.

I suppose conspiracy theorists would see it that way. Now please go watch some more faux news
You are an awesome shadow troll Jillian. We don't have tv haven't had for years. There is however a lot of actual studies and information on the Internet for those who take the time to actually do the research.
Well, since we are now living in a corporotacracy, and our wages have been stagnant since the 1970s, a lot of us don't have as much to give as we would like, and certainly not enough to help everyone, so this is how we do it. Stop whining. You look pathetic.

My wages haven't been stagnant.

The pathetic one is you. You're the one that says I CAN'T do what I think needs to be done so others should be forced to do so. If you CAN'T, you're the last one that should be saying someone else you think has too much money should be doing it.

Since I support me, my children, and my family, I CAN say that I believe others should be doing it. I CAN say it with validity for one reason and one reason only. It's because I do exactly that and expect nothing more of anyone else than I do myself. You're demanding others be forced to do something because YOU can't. I'm expecting others to do something I already do. There is a big difference.

You're such a dishonest POS. Yeah, I'm sure you've never made mistakes. The only way you would be able to talk about other people making mistakes and looking down on them because of it is if you've never made any. We all know that isn't the case. Your anecdotes may or may not be true, but if they are you are LUCKY and nothing more.

The FACT of the matter is that there are more poor people than rich or even middle class.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm trying to have some fun here today and I would prefer not to talk with stuffy old dudes who don't know which way is up. So, bye-bye now.
You people are stupid morons who don't know what the real world is like. Go back to watching your Matlock and leave the important things to people who have experienced life. Thanks.

I've experienced life. That's why I support myself, my children, and my family. That's what honorable people do. Honorable people don't make choices in life, tell someone to butt out of them, then demand those told to butt out pay when the one choosing can't do it themselves. They're leeches and worthless.

So, you never had sex until you were married and planned the birth of your children? You were probably just a dork that nobody wanted to have sex with. Lol.

As far as the first part, no. However, like I said, I don't care about how many people a girl has sex with. What I said is if she does, it's her responsibility for whatever happens since she made the choice.

As far as planning the birth of my children, ABSOLUTELY. Responsible people do that. That's not to say those that didn't plan them yet had them are irresponsible. If those that didn't plan them support them, they're being responsible by doing so. It becomes irresponsible when those making the choice to do what it takes to have kids refuse to take care of their own when something they didn't intend happens. Irresponsibility doesn't simply due to the result itself but an unwillingness to be responsible when those unintended results occur.

Not everyone was raised in a nice home. Some people are abused physically, sexually, emotionally. Some people may just not be that smart. Those are facts.

Not my problem. People like you say I and those like me that meet their responsibilities should stay out of the personal lives of other people. What you're really saying by what you support is we should stay out of the choices but it's OK to be a part of it when those choices don't work out for the ones making it. If they are the PERSONAL choices of those making them, the results are the PERSONAL responsibility of the ones making it.

Which one do you want? Do you want us to stay out of it or be a part of it? If you choose be a part, that includes the choice if it includes the responsibility. If you say stay out of it, that include the choice and being required to fund the choice when the one making it can't do it.

Maybe you haven't figured it out or you simply don't care. If you constantly cover for people making choices, mistakes, etc., there is no reason for them to make better choices and stop making mistakes. There is no accountability for them. Why would do better. It would costs them then where, with what you support, it costs them nothing to continue being irresponsible leeches.
Well, since we are now living in a corporotacracy, and our wages have been stagnant since the 1970s, a lot of us don't have as much to give as we would like, and certainly not enough to help everyone, so this is how we do it. Stop whining. You look pathetic.

My wages haven't been stagnant.

The pathetic one is you. You're the one that says I CAN'T do what I think needs to be done so others should be forced to do so. If you CAN'T, you're the last one that should be saying someone else you think has too much money should be doing it.

Since I support me, my children, and my family, I CAN say that I believe others should be doing it. I CAN say it with validity for one reason and one reason only. It's because I do exactly that and expect nothing more of anyone else than I do myself. You're demanding others be forced to do something because YOU can't. I'm expecting others to do something I already do. There is a big difference.

You're such a dishonest POS. Yeah, I'm sure you've never made mistakes. The only way you would be able to talk about other people making mistakes and looking down on them because of it is if you've never made any. We all know that isn't the case. Your anecdotes may or may not be true, but if they are you are LUCKY and nothing more.

The FACT of the matter is that there are more poor people than rich or even middle class.

Never said I haven't made mistakes. What I have said is that I don't expect you or anyone else to be forced to offset the results. I don't look down on people for making mistakes. I have a problem when the person making it demands I pay for it when they won't. There is a difference. I don't care if you only make 1 mistake or you make 1 million mistakes as long as I'm not one of those expected to pay for it.

It's not a matter of luck. Luck is defined as success/failure brought on by chance rather than one's own actions. To be where I am involved effort, education, making good choices, overcoming bad ones, and so on. Those things are considered actions not chance.

Try, again, freeloader enabler.
Well, since we are now living in a corporotacracy, and our wages have been stagnant since the 1970s, a lot of us don't have as much to give as we would like, and certainly not enough to help everyone, so this is how we do it. Stop whining. You look pathetic.

My wages haven't been stagnant.

The pathetic one is you. You're the one that says I CAN'T do what I think needs to be done so others should be forced to do so. If you CAN'T, you're the last one that should be saying someone else you think has too much money should be doing it.

Since I support me, my children, and my family, I CAN say that I believe others should be doing it. I CAN say it with validity for one reason and one reason only. It's because I do exactly that and expect nothing more of anyone else than I do myself. You're demanding others be forced to do something because YOU can't. I'm expecting others to do something I already do. There is a big difference.

You're such a dishonest POS. Yeah, I'm sure you've never made mistakes. The only way you would be able to talk about other people making mistakes and looking down on them because of it is if you've never made any. We all know that isn't the case. Your anecdotes may or may not be true, but if they are you are LUCKY and nothing more.

The FACT of the matter is that there are more poor people than rich or even middle class.

Never said I haven't made mistakes. What I have said is that I don't expect you or anyone else to be forced to offset the results. I don't look down on people for making mistakes. I have a problem when the person making it demands I pay for it when they won't. There is a difference. I don't care if you only make 1 mistake or you make 1 million mistakes as long as I'm not one of those expected to pay for it.

It's not a matter of luck. Luck is defined as success/failure brought on by chance rather than one's own actions. To be where I am involved effort, education, making good choices, overcoming bad ones, and so on. Those things are considered actions not chance.

Try, again, freeloader enabler.

We all pitch in to help. End of story.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm trying to have some fun here today and I would prefer not to talk with stuffy old dudes who don't know which way is up. So, bye-bye now.

Enabling freeloaders doesn't mean you know which way is up. It's means your an idiot.

That I don't have to do what you support forcing me to do for others that won't do for themselves means I not only know which way is up but I live that way. You don't.
Well, since we are now living in a corporotacracy, and our wages have been stagnant since the 1970s, a lot of us don't have as much to give as we would like, and certainly not enough to help everyone, so this is how we do it. Stop whining. You look pathetic.

My wages haven't been stagnant.

The pathetic one is you. You're the one that says I CAN'T do what I think needs to be done so others should be forced to do so. If you CAN'T, you're the last one that should be saying someone else you think has too much money should be doing it.

Since I support me, my children, and my family, I CAN say that I believe others should be doing it. I CAN say it with validity for one reason and one reason only. It's because I do exactly that and expect nothing more of anyone else than I do myself. You're demanding others be forced to do something because YOU can't. I'm expecting others to do something I already do. There is a big difference.

You're such a dishonest POS. Yeah, I'm sure you've never made mistakes. The only way you would be able to talk about other people making mistakes and looking down on them because of it is if you've never made any. We all know that isn't the case. Your anecdotes may or may not be true, but if they are you are LUCKY and nothing more.

The FACT of the matter is that there are more poor people than rich or even middle class.

Never said I haven't made mistakes. What I have said is that I don't expect you or anyone else to be forced to offset the results. I don't look down on people for making mistakes. I have a problem when the person making it demands I pay for it when they won't. There is a difference. I don't care if you only make 1 mistake or you make 1 million mistakes as long as I'm not one of those expected to pay for it.

It's not a matter of luck. Luck is defined as success/failure brought on by chance rather than one's own actions. To be where I am involved effort, education, making good choices, overcoming bad ones, and so on. Those things are considered actions not chance.

Try, again, freeloader enabler.

We all pitch in to help. End of story.

That's a false statement and a lie. Half the people in this country, many of whom have what they have because someone else was forced to give it to them, don't pitch in. They receive things funded by the very taxes they don't pay and for which you think people like me already paying should pay more.

If you believe those freeloaders pitch in, you're either one of them or an idiot that allows them to continue being drains on society.
You people are stupid morons who don't know what the real world is like. Go back to watching your Matlock and leave the important things to people who have experienced life. Thanks.

I've experienced life. That's why I support myself, my children, and my family. That's what honorable people do. Honorable people don't make choices in life, tell someone to butt out of them, then demand those told to butt out pay when the one choosing can't do it themselves. They're leeches and worthless.

So, you never had sex until you were married and planned the birth of your children? You were probably just a dork that nobody wanted to have sex with. Lol.

As far as the first part, no. However, like I said, I don't care about how many people a girl has sex with. What I said is if she does, it's her responsibility for whatever happens since she made the choice.

As far as planning the birth of my children, ABSOLUTELY. Responsible people do that. That's not to say those that didn't plan them yet had them are irresponsible. If those that didn't plan them support them, they're being responsible by doing so. It becomes irresponsible when those making the choice to do what it takes to have kids refuse to take care of their own when something they didn't intend happens. Irresponsibility doesn't simply due to the result itself but an unwillingness to be responsible when those unintended results occur.

Not everyone was raised in a nice home. Some people are abused physically, sexually, emotionally. Some people may just not be that smart. Those are facts.

Not my problem. People like you say I and those like me that meet their responsibilities should stay out of the personal lives of other people. What you're really saying by what you support is we should stay out of the choices but it's OK to be a part of it when those choices don't work out for the ones making it. If they are the PERSONAL choices of those making them, the results are the PERSONAL responsibility of the ones making it.

Which one do you want? Do you want us to stay out of it or be a part of it? If you choose be a part, that includes the choice if it includes the responsibility. If you say stay out of it, that include the choice and being required to fund the choice when the one making it can't do it.

Maybe you haven't figured it out or you simply don't care. If you constantly cover for people making choices, mistakes, etc., there is no reason for them to make better choices and stop making mistakes. There is no accountability for them. Why would do better. It would costs them then where, with what you support, it costs them nothing to continue being irresponsible leeches.

You aren't going to change people's choices. People are going to make bad choices. That doesn't mean they deserve to starve or be homeless.
Well, since we are now living in a corporotacracy, and our wages have been stagnant since the 1970s, a lot of us don't have as much to give as we would like, and certainly not enough to help everyone, so this is how we do it. Stop whining. You look pathetic.

My wages haven't been stagnant.

The pathetic one is you. You're the one that says I CAN'T do what I think needs to be done so others should be forced to do so. If you CAN'T, you're the last one that should be saying someone else you think has too much money should be doing it.

Since I support me, my children, and my family, I CAN say that I believe others should be doing it. I CAN say it with validity for one reason and one reason only. It's because I do exactly that and expect nothing more of anyone else than I do myself. You're demanding others be forced to do something because YOU can't. I'm expecting others to do something I already do. There is a big difference.

You're such a dishonest POS. Yeah, I'm sure you've never made mistakes. The only way you would be able to talk about other people making mistakes and looking down on them because of it is if you've never made any. We all know that isn't the case. Your anecdotes may or may not be true, but if they are you are LUCKY and nothing more.

The FACT of the matter is that there are more poor people than rich or even middle class.

Never said I haven't made mistakes. What I have said is that I don't expect you or anyone else to be forced to offset the results. I don't look down on people for making mistakes. I have a problem when the person making it demands I pay for it when they won't. There is a difference. I don't care if you only make 1 mistake or you make 1 million mistakes as long as I'm not one of those expected to pay for it.

It's not a matter of luck. Luck is defined as success/failure brought on by chance rather than one's own actions. To be where I am involved effort, education, making good choices, overcoming bad ones, and so on. Those things are considered actions not chance.

Try, again, freeloader enabler.

We all pitch in to help. End of story.

That's a false statement and a lie. Half the people in this country, many of whom have what they have because someone else was forced to give it to them, don't pitch in. They receive things funded by the very taxes they don't pay and for which you think people like me already paying should pay more.

If you believe those freeloaders pitch in, you're either one of them or an idiot that allows them to continue being drains on society.

Too bad for you, I suppose. Go cry to someone else. My sympathies lie with the poor people, not with you.
Republicans in Congress Urge Women With Zika to Accept Microcephaly, Not Abortion

microcephaly, a rare birth defect that causes stunted brain and head development, plus associated problems with hearing, seizures, motor functions, and cognition.

Marco Rubio: No abortions for Zika-infected women


So if you knew you were going to have a pinhead, would you be happy about it?
What if the parents left it for the government to take care of. Would you be willing to have your taxes raised so the government can take care of pinheads?

Kind of mean, don't you think? They are still human beings.

Mean is putting them into a life of institutional care.
I've experienced life. That's why I support myself, my children, and my family. That's what honorable people do. Honorable people don't make choices in life, tell someone to butt out of them, then demand those told to butt out pay when the one choosing can't do it themselves. They're leeches and worthless.

So, you never had sex until you were married and planned the birth of your children? You were probably just a dork that nobody wanted to have sex with. Lol.

As far as the first part, no. However, like I said, I don't care about how many people a girl has sex with. What I said is if she does, it's her responsibility for whatever happens since she made the choice.

As far as planning the birth of my children, ABSOLUTELY. Responsible people do that. That's not to say those that didn't plan them yet had them are irresponsible. If those that didn't plan them support them, they're being responsible by doing so. It becomes irresponsible when those making the choice to do what it takes to have kids refuse to take care of their own when something they didn't intend happens. Irresponsibility doesn't simply due to the result itself but an unwillingness to be responsible when those unintended results occur.

Not everyone was raised in a nice home. Some people are abused physically, sexually, emotionally. Some people may just not be that smart. Those are facts.

Not my problem. People like you say I and those like me that meet their responsibilities should stay out of the personal lives of other people. What you're really saying by what you support is we should stay out of the choices but it's OK to be a part of it when those choices don't work out for the ones making it. If they are the PERSONAL choices of those making them, the results are the PERSONAL responsibility of the ones making it.

Which one do you want? Do you want us to stay out of it or be a part of it? If you choose be a part, that includes the choice if it includes the responsibility. If you say stay out of it, that include the choice and being required to fund the choice when the one making it can't do it.

Maybe you haven't figured it out or you simply don't care. If you constantly cover for people making choices, mistakes, etc., there is no reason for them to make better choices and stop making mistakes. There is no accountability for them. Why would do better. It would costs them then where, with what you support, it costs them nothing to continue being irresponsible leeches.

You aren't going to change people's choices. People are going to make bad choices. That doesn't mean they deserve to starve or be homeless.

Never said I wanted to change what they chose to do. You're not paying attention. What I said is that it's not my responsibility to pay for the result of the choices they made. If someone wants to have sex with 1000 men between now and the end of the years, I've said that's her choice. If she can't afford the birth control to prevent pregnancy and the 1000 men for whom she's spreading her legs won't do it, it doesn't by default, make it anyone else's responsibility to do so for her unless they're one of those 1000 men.

I agree people are going to make bad choices. When they do, it doesn't mean the rest of us are responsible for it. As far as deserve, I don't know if I would use that word. However, if the result is something for which the person doesn't like or isn't favorable, that's not my fault nor my place to make it better for them. I'm not, nor anyone else is, their ATM. People have to accept responsibility for the choices they make. What you're demanding is those of us that didn't make them take responsibility and those that did have none of it placed on them. How is that a good idea?

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