GOP Would Cut Health Insurance for 1.7 Million Kids


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010

Unfortunately, my Republican colleagues have introduced a bill that would unravel these stability protections, possibly denying hundreds of thousands of women and children access to health care provided through Medicaid and eliminating or cutting the Children's Health Insurance Program, depending on the state.

Republicans argue that cutting kids and parents from Medicaid saves money. In fact, such cuts would prove quite costly. Hospitals, community health care centers, and other providers would have increasing rates of uncompensated care, leading to increased costs for everyone else

I still don't get this shit, we have no money to cover Medicaid and Medicare for our own but we have aid for Pakistan and other foreign countries and we have money to give tax cuts to the rich as if taxcuts don't need to be paid for. If Democrats were smart they would hammer the Republiturds on this point. But its true, medical costs will skyrocket because uninsured patients will still have to be treated in some form and those without coverage will be doomed to die and get sicker lowering their ability to work and contribute.
So you are seriously going to argue that 3.4 Million parents are negligent and going to let their children go without health care? If that's the case we have bigger problems than Medicaid.

Oh, and Thank you for admitting that Obama was lying about Obamacare:)
SCHIp is among the most stupid bloated programs out there. The OP naturally neglects to mention that "children" can be 21 years old. It is a grossly expensive program that is nothing but middle class subsidy.
Yet another dishonest "the GOP hates children" thread. The Dums and Leftards have zero credibility anymore to discuss anything.
Besides, does anyone believe Harry Reid anymore?
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SCHIp is among the most stupid bloated programs out there. The OP naturally neglects to mention that "children" can be 21 years old. It is a grossly expensive program that is nothing but middle class subsidy.
Yet another dishonest "the GOP hates children" thread. The Dums and Leftards have zero credibility anymore to discuss anything.
Besides, does anyone believe Harry Reid anymore?

I thoguht "Children" could be up to 23. i know they were trying to make it 26.
SCHIp is among the most stupid bloated programs out there. The OP naturally neglects to mention that "children" can be 21 years old. It is a grossly expensive program that is nothing but middle class subsidy.
Yet another dishonest "the GOP hates children" thread. The Dums and Leftards have zero credibility anymore to discuss anything.
Besides, does anyone believe Harry Reid anymore?

I thoguht "Children" could be up to 23. i know they were trying to make it 26.

You mgiht be right on that.
GOP Would Cut Health Insurance for 1.7 Million Kids

That seems like a pretty conservative estimate; that's about a million fewer kids than received insurance for the first time in the past two years through CHIPRA. In reality, the Republican budget begins to end CHIP, which covers over 7 million kids. It also slashes Medicaid, which has historically been (and currently is) a program mostly for children, i.e. most beneficiaries are kids (one might think that slashing the program would affect the ~25 million kids covered through Medicaid). I don't recall seeing an estimate of children's coverage in the CBO analysis of the GOP budget so I'm curious where Reid is getting that number.
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At present, considering that it was GOP policies, unfunded wars, unregulated financial institutions, that created the present unemployment, the ending of funding for the healthcare of children is just another proof that the GOP is the enemy of all Americans but the very wealthy.
Sen. Harry Reid: GOP Would Cut Health Insurance for 1.7 Million Kids

Unfortunately, my Republican colleagues have introduced a bill that would unravel these stability protections, possibly denying hundreds of thousands of women and children access to health care provided through Medicaid and eliminating or cutting the Children's Health Insurance Program, depending on the state.

Republicans argue that cutting kids and parents from Medicaid saves money. In fact, such cuts would prove quite costly. Hospitals, community health care centers, and other providers would have increasing rates of uncompensated care, leading to increased costs for everyone else

I still don't get this shit, we have no money to cover Medicaid and Medicare for our own but we have aid for Pakistan and other foreign countries and we have money to give tax cuts to the rich as if taxcuts don't need to be paid for. If Democrats were smart they would hammer the Republiturds on this point. But its true, medical costs will skyrocket because uninsured patients will still have to be treated in some form and those without coverage will be doomed to die and get sicker lowering their ability to work and contribute.

You forgot....they also HATE PUPPIES!

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Michael Steele 2006 - Puppy‬‏[/ame]
And the Dems' plan (if you can call it a plan) cuts Health Care Availability by driving doctors and hospitals out of business.
And the Dems' plan (if you can call it a plan) cuts Health Care Availability by driving doctors and hospitals out of business.

I see. Japan, Germany, Taiwan, Switzerland, ect. have no doctors or hospitals? How about Costa Rica?

Cease you lying, and face the fact that almost every other industrial nation does health care better, less cost per capita, all citizens covered, and the results are far superior to ours. All you are fighting for are the death panels of the insurance companies and the CEO's unearned multi-million dollar salaries for denying medical care for which the insured have paid over the years.
At present, considering that it was GOP policies, unfunded wars, unregulated financial institutions, that created the present unemployment, the ending of funding for the healthcare of children is just another proof that the GOP is the enemy of all Americans but the very wealthy.
I see. Japan, Germany, Taiwan, Switzerland, ect. have no doctors or hospitals? How about Costa Rica?

Cease you lying, and face the fact that almost every other industrial nation does health care better, less cost per capita, all citizens covered, and the results are far superior to ours. All you are fighting for are the death panels of the insurance companies and the CEO's unearned multi-million dollar salaries for denying medical care for which the insured have paid over the years.

Wowzers!...Looks like Old Rocksinthehead just got his new edition of classic DNC platitudes and yammering points in the mail! :lol::lol::lol:
Now you know why they call themselves compassionate conservatives.

"The U.S. child poverty rate has fluctuated between 15 and 23 percent for the past four decades, but far more children—37 percent—live in poverty at some point during their childhoods. " Childhood Poverty Persistence: Facts and Consequences

"... The 30s through 50s were the time of the New Deal, low-cost loans from the Federal Housing Administration, the GI Bill, huge subsidies for defense contractors during the Cold War and other industries that employed millions of people, massive transfer of funding from cities to the burgeoning suburbs, federal projects like interstate highway construction and the space program, generous investment in public schools, record union membership, high tax rates for corporations and the wealthy, good job benefits, and Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, which ensured financial stability in old age and medical crises.

These things softened the trauma of the Great Depression and gave us the greatest period of prosperity in US history. Middle-aged Tea Partiers and Republicans, born in the 1940s through the 1970s, reaped the benefits of the kind of progressive 'big government' and 'socialist' ideas they now condemn. By their own standards, Tea Partiers are practically red diaper babies.

The irony of the Cold War's capitalism vs. communism paradigm is that capitalism in the US and other western countries required generous helpings of socialism to make it work. Conservative politicians like Eisenhower and Nixon seemed to understand this and generally supported the social programs listed above." Which Side Are You On? New Language for a New Political Reality | Common Dreams
"The U.S. child poverty rate has fluctuated between 15 and 23 percent for the past four decades, but far more children—37 percent—live in poverty at some point during their childhoods. "

All this after more than $7 trillion has been expropriated and redistributed, all in the name of stemming poverty in general and "child poverty" in particular, in LBJ's asinine "Great Society" scam.

What....Is that supposed to be some kind of evidence of success of the socialistic welfare state?
"The U.S. child poverty rate has fluctuated between 15 and 23 percent for the past four decades, but far more children—37 percent—live in poverty at some point during their childhoods. "

All this after more than $7 trillion has been expropriated and redistributed, all in the name of stemming poverty in general and "child poverty" in particular, in LBJ's asinine "Great Society" scam.

What....Is that supposed to be some kind of evidence of success of the socialistic welfare state?

Actually its proof that the programs fail when the government is in charge ;)

Oh thats what you were saying :lol:

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