GOPer Sentenced to 12 Years on Child Porn Charges - Claimed SEXUAL ABUSE VIDEOS were his Favorite

Yea...Weiner was sexting with 15 yr olds.

A real creep like Gaetz

THESE GOP fuckers were into babyucking...literallyBABIES

Yea...Weiner was sexting with 15 yr olds.

A real creep like Gaetz

THESE GOP fuckers were into baby fucking...literally BABIES
Like Larry Brinklin, a Democrat which was busted with pedophile porn showing three year old black boys sodomized by white men. A gay Democrat busted. For thee most horrific porn ever made.

Prominent SF Gay Rights Activist Arrested On Child Porn Charges​

It's a regular GOP club

This is one of his buddies from the same group:

Pathetic Liar, spreading media lies everywhere you go, disgusting. This asshole was hired to work at the Commerce department in 2020, he was a 25 year old federal employee. and in no way linked to Trump or his administration. I guess everyone hired to work for the federal government when Trump was in office is the 'GOP'? Moron... This is what they do folks, they put out headlines like this, but when you read the details, the headline is a blatant lie meant to smear, they're masters at it. It's why I don't believe one damn thing the 'media' reports.

From your linked 'article' titled 'Trump Commerce Official Arrested':

A LinkedIn profile bearing the name Adam Hageman shows that the user was an advance representative at the Commerce Department beginning in May of last year, and according to the complaint investigators confirmed with the department Hageman’s date of birth, employment and residence in D.C.

At the time he became a federal employee, Hageman had been posting in the chat group for months, prosecutors allege.

Former Trump Aid and current GOPer sentenced to 12 years of hard labor for loving children a little too much. Thoughts?

So another RINO exposed. I doubt he is the only DC staffer to be a pedo.

I say hang ‘em high and make an example of him.

Will the pedo-apologists agree, or do they side with Kentaji Jackson on the subject?

Former Trump Aid and current GOPer sentenced to 12 years of hard labor for loving children a little too much. Thoughts?

Republicans who grew up in the liberal sexual culture are not immune to the toxic affect of our culture

And that goes double for washington swamp rat dwellers where lib culture is the strongest

woe is man who is weak of the flesh
Pathetic Liar, spreading media lies everywhere you go, disgusting. This asshole was hired to work at the Commerce department in 2020, he was a 25 year old federal employee. and in no way linked to Trump or his administration. I guess everyone hired to work for the federal government when Trump was in office is the 'GOP'? Moron... This is what they do folks, they put out headlines like this, but when you read the details, the headline is a blatant lie meant to smear, they're masters at it. It's why I don't believe one damn thing the 'media' reports.

From your linked 'article' titled 'Trump Commerce Official Arrested':

A LinkedIn profile bearing the name Adam Hageman shows that the user was an advance representative at the Commerce Department beginning in May of last year, and according to the complaint investigators confirmed with the department Hageman’s date of birth, employment and residence in D.C.

At the time he became a federal employee, Hageman had been posting in the chat group for months, prosecutors allege. the Trump Commerce Department was hiring ya the Trump Commerce Department was hiring ya
The new Prog judges though are now more lenient on Pedophile cases. This way of living is slowly being pushed to acceptance. And there will even be sympathetic stories promoted by the media to bring this issue as the norm.
They don't need to. It will get the vote out.
If that is indeed the vote, so be it. You have never heard of me protesting because somebody lost an election and certainly never seen me or anybody but trumpers try to overthrow a vote after an election was decided at the polls. As long as we can keep trump or trump sympathizers out, you probably will never see another attempt to overthrow an election in this country.
If that is indeed the vote, so be it. You have never heard of me protesting because somebody lost an election and certainly never seen me or anybody but trumpers try to overthrow a vote after an election was decided at the polls. As long as we can keep trump or trump sympathizers out, you probably will never see another attempt to overthrow an election in this country.
One can hope.

I have zero faith or trust in far right Republicans

Former Trump Aid and current GOPer sentenced to 12 years of hard labor for loving children a little too much. Thoughts?

Outstanding! Pedophiles should all be punished. Why don’t you agree?
If that is indeed the vote, so be it. You have never heard of me protesting because somebody lost an election and certainly never seen me or anybody but trumpers try to overthrow a vote after an election was decided at the polls. As long as we can keep trump or trump sympathizers out, you probably will never see another attempt to overthrow an election in this country.
You never heard of Russia Russia? Wow
I noticed that the convicted was a member of the Trump team and NOT a teacher. Of which the previous GOP leaning posters refused to address yet have consistently accused leftists of being the "Groomers" or defilers of children.
Glad he’s caught! Why don’t you want them all caught? Why do you protect the demofks pedophilia?
Each and every person who thinks political swing has anything to do with whether a person is a pedophile is just plain stupid.
Either side.
One can hope.

I have zero faith or trust in far right Republicans
Don't trust the far left either. Best you can hope for is acting in reliance somewhere closer to center, but even that is no guarantee.
I noticed that the convicted was a member of the Trump team and NOT a teacher. Of which the previous GOP leaning posters refused to address yet have consistently accused leftists of being the "Groomers" or defilers of children.
you find ONE and try to justify thousands with it.

That's fucking bullshit.

that said, anyone abusing children, take em down. there is no defense nor justification.
you find ONE and try to justify thousands with it.

That's fucking bullshit.

that said, anyone abusing children, take em down. there is no defense nor justification.
There are hundreds if not thousands of cases of Republicans doing the nasty with children that the GOP, who is attacking the Democrats for being the same, refuses to recognize.

Former Trump Aid and current GOPer sentenced to 12 years of hard labor for loving children a little too much. Thoughts?

haha the article doesn’t say he worked for Trump

It says he did digital work for a Republican conference

This isn’t Obama and Clinton sharing classifiated material with a sexual predator and keeping that intel on his computer

try again

with that said, glad he’s going to prison
Going out on a limb here: there are sick people who seek to sexualize children in both main political parties. Ergo, the problem isn’t identifying Party. The problem is the sickness of seeking to sexualize children.

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