Gore barely passed "Natural Sciences" in undergrad...(insert el oh el here)

Given the tenor of your posts, you failed freshman science in high school. Or did you get that far?
Transcript: Al Gore Got

He probably failed it...but his daddy was a senator after all and probably pulled a few strings.

And I know a lot of MBAs who struggled (and frankly many of them still do) with elementary economics and basic college level algebra, and those are actually directly related to their academic degree and their career. Gore was a journalism/literary major, who switched over to polisci the second half of his Junior year because his GPA was falling and he spent too much of the Fall semester drinking and getting high and upper level journalism and literature classes require a significant investment in time and effort. And everyone (except polisci majors, it seems) knows that there is no easier college level degree than a polisci major (there was a draft going on at the time, couldn't afford to drop off his deferrment).

Wiki's not a reliable source, but it and many other sources roughly confirm this, and I see no real reason to doubt it, but Al Gore never claimed to be anything other than a former Senator, Vice President and personal advocate for a variety of private and societal causes. I don't understand what why any of this is relevent to environmental or climate issues other than incidentally at best.

Al Gore - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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It means that someone who sets himself up as an expert in science does not understand as much as he claims to.

If you claim to be a scientific guru, you should at least have a basic competence in the subject.
It means that someone who sets himself up as an expert in science does not understand as much as he claims to.

If you claim to be a scientific guru, you should at least have a basic competence in the subject.

Do you have cite or reference for this claim?
Al Gore has never claimed to be a scientist, and in fact, has taken pains to make it clear that he is not a scientist. And if you read his books and what he says in his documentary, you will note that he quotes scientists on almost every point he makes. That you think that he claims to be an expert simply indictates that you have never read on the subject in any depth.
Al Gore has never claimed to be a scientist, and in fact, has taken pains to make it clear that he is not a scientist. And if you read his books and what he says in his documentary, you will note that he quotes scientists on almost every point he makes. That you think that he claims to be an expert simply indictates that you have never read on the subject in any depth.

So are these the scientists' fault, or Gore's?

Court Identifies Eleven Inaccuracies in Al Gore
Do not mock the Goracle!

Giving al gore crap for trusting the scientific fields expertice on sceintific matters is just halirious coming from a pack of cons.

Why do you people trust a handful of corporate paid scientists over the vast majority of them world wide?

Because you are partisn fools who can have your opinions bought with a little propaganda from a hand full of people.
Al Gore has never claimed to be a scientist, and in fact, has taken pains to make it clear that he is not a scientist. And if you read his books and what he says in his documentary, you will note that he quotes scientists on almost every point he makes. That you think that he claims to be an expert simply indictates that you have never read on the subject in any depth.

He seems to offer a lot of conclusions based on "science" and apparently considers himself qualified to chose one scientist's conclusions over another's.
Giving al gore crap for trusting the scientific fields expertice on sceintific matters is just halirious coming from a pack of cons.

Why do you people trust a handful of corporate paid scientists over the vast majority of them world wide?

Because you are partisn fools who can have your opinions bought with a little propaganda from a hand full of people.

So you trust scientists who's funding comes from government grants over those who's funding comes from the private sector?
Is that because you are a partisan fool who can have your opinions bought with a little propaganda from a man who couldn't pass a basic science course?
Giving al gore crap for trusting the scientific fields expertice on sceintific matters is just halirious coming from a pack of cons.

Why do you people trust a handful of corporate paid scientists over the vast majority of them world wide?

Because you are partisn fools who can have your opinions bought with a little propaganda from a hand full of people.

What's your degree in?

Like Al Gore, you are:
Giving al gore crap for trusting the scientific fields expertice on sceintific matters is just halirious coming from a pack of cons.

Why do you people trust a handful of corporate paid scientists over the vast majority of them world wide?

Because you are partisn fools who can have your opinions bought with a little propaganda from a hand full of people.

So you trust scientists who's funding comes from government grants over those who's funding comes from the private sector?
Is that because you are a partisan fool who can have your opinions bought with a little propaganda from a man who couldn't pass a basic science course?
Gore's sole motive is to profit from the AGW scam.

TM apparently has no problem with that.
Gore and his warmer scientist are in it for the money that's to be made.

If you think otherwise, I have swamp land in AZ for sale, cheap, make an offer.

so the wealthiest companies in the world dont fund your idiot sites where you get this crap?

They dont have a major stake in this whole issue?

Yeah its those horrible green people and the vast majorities of the world sceintists who are jsut moneygrubbers.

How much corporate shit do you have to swallow to get so mind twisted as to buy into that idiocy?
Al Gore has never claimed to be a scientist, and in fact, has taken pains to make it clear that he is not a scientist. And if you read his books and what he says in his documentary, you will note that he quotes scientists on almost every point he makes. That you think that he claims to be an expert simply indictates that you have never read on the subject in any depth.

If he has so many warmer scientist on speed dial.

Why does he live in a home that draws more power than a small neighborhood?


Even he knows it's all bullshit.
Giving al gore crap for trusting the scientific fields expertice on sceintific matters is just halirious coming from a pack of cons.

Why do you people trust a handful of corporate paid scientists over the vast majority of them world wide?

Because you are partisn fools who can have your opinions bought with a little propaganda from a hand full of people.

Gore doesn't trust them. If he did you would have put solar panels on his home and planted windmills in his yard by now.
Now who is it in this side of the arguement who says the vast majolrity of sceintists in this world are only out for money so they jump on the green wagon to cash in?
Giving al gore crap for trusting the scientific fields expertice on sceintific matters is just halirious coming from a pack of cons.

Why do you people trust a handful of corporate paid scientists over the vast majority of them world wide?

Because you are partisn fools who can have your opinions bought with a little propaganda from a hand full of people.

Gore doesn't trust them. If he did you would have put solar panels on his home and planted windmills in his yard by now.

Thumby, Gore has put solar panels on his house.

snopes.com: Al Gore's Energy Use

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