Gorka Gores The Gossipers

"Tucker Carlson has 4 million viewers....you have 800 thousand."
yeah...The WHOLE 24 hour schedule. Carlson gets 5 times as many viewers in an hour.....LOL.
CNN is #13.....behind Nick at Night......That's hilarious. Then she looks like an idiot by saying "our ratings are fine".....Yeah, that's why none of CNN's on camera talent makes over $150k per year. "
"Our ratings are just fine"....That's like saying "Yeah we had a fire, but only half of the house was burned".
Sorry the ratings leader for cable news is Rachel Maddow.
Carlson is a total shill for Trump. He makes no pretenses about it.
Only trump whores watch him. Reasonable, educated people tune into MSNBC or CNN or read a book. Something you'll never find a deplorable doing.

He's like watching an Apache helicopter pop up over a hill and cutting loose.


Sebastian Gorka SAVAGES CNN's Alisyn Camerota: 'More People Watching Nick at Night Than CNN'

Sebastian Gorka DESTROYS Liberal CNN Hack Chris Cuomo: 'I'll Assume You Know Nothing'

HEATED INTERVIEW: Anderson Cooper GRILLS Trump Lackey Sebastian Gorka on Trump & Russia

So this , of course, RUSSIAN, throws insults and you morons get erections?
How easily you're amused.

Seems Gorka, and this thread, hit a nerve.

You poor thing, you.
"Tucker Carlson has 4 million viewers....you have 800 thousand."
yeah...The WHOLE 24 hour schedule. Carlson gets 5 times as many viewers in an hour.....LOL.
CNN is #13.....behind Nick at Night......That's hilarious. Then she looks like an idiot by saying "our ratings are fine".....Yeah, that's why none of CNN's on camera talent makes over $150k per year. "
"Our ratings are just fine"....That's like saying "Yeah we had a fire, but only half of the house was burned".
Sorry the ratings leader for cable news is Rachel Maddow.
Carlson is a total shill for Trump. He makes no pretenses about it.
Only trump whores watch him. Reasonable, educated people tune into MSNBC or CNN or read a book. Something you'll never find a deplorable doing.

Soooo....how often do you watch Tucker?
Sebastian Gorka SAVAGES CNN's Alisyn Camerota: 'More People Watching Nick at Night Than CNN'

Sebastian Gorka DESTROYS Liberal CNN Hack Chris Cuomo: 'I'll Assume You Know Nothing'

HEATED INTERVIEW: Anderson Cooper GRILLS Trump Lackey Sebastian Gorka on Trump & Russia

So this , of course, RUSSIAN, throws insults and you morons get erections?
How easily you're amused.

Wow....Is that all you've got?
Sebastian Gorka SAVAGES CNN's Alisyn Camerota: 'More People Watching Nick at Night Than CNN'

Sebastian Gorka DESTROYS Liberal CNN Hack Chris Cuomo: 'I'll Assume You Know Nothing'

HEATED INTERVIEW: Anderson Cooper GRILLS Trump Lackey Sebastian Gorka on Trump & Russia

So this , of course, RUSSIAN, throws insults and you morons get erections?
How easily you're amused.

Resist? Resist what? A lawful election?
The fact that you lib/progressives are such little whiny bitches, you cannot accept reality?
Resist! That stupid banner should read "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
CNN could be 1 millionth in the ratings but it wouldn't make the Trump crimes disappear.
Another stupid LIE, What crime full of shit? It has been shown proved and disbursed a million times THERE are no CRIMES. SSDD is all you losers have HAHAHAHAHAHAA.
Sorry the ratings leader for cable news is Rachel Maddow.
Carlson is a total shill for Trump. He makes no pretenses about it.
Only trump whores watch him. Reasonable, educated people tune into MSNBC or CNN or read a book. Something you'll never find a deplorable doing.

HAHAAAAHA who the hell told you madbitch was on top, the same people who told you shitbitch was a lock? HAHAHA most of the people who watch TV don't even know who that stupid bitch is. The only time she got a dozen viewers was when she said she had Trumps tax returns. HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAh.
"Tucker Carlson has 4 million viewers....you have 800 thousand."
yeah...The WHOLE 24 hour schedule. Carlson gets 5 times as many viewers in an hour.....LOL.
CNN is #13.....behind Nick at Night......That's hilarious. Then she looks like an idiot by saying "our ratings are fine".....Yeah, that's why none of CNN's on camera talent makes over $150k per year. "
"Our ratings are just fine"....That's like saying "Yeah we had a fire, but only half of the house was burned".
Sorry the ratings leader for cable news is Rachel Maddow.
Carlson is a total shill for Trump. He makes no pretenses about it.
Only trump whores watch him. Reasonable, educated people tune into MSNBC or CNN or read a book. Something you'll never find a deplorable doing.
Ehh WRONG.....
ANd Maddow is a total shill for the democrat party and she is a far left wing moon bat. So what?....
Educated people? Ha ha...That fucking elitist bullshit argument? Please. CNN is not news. Its fake news wrapped inside entertainment. Their ratings SUCK.
So as a deflection, you vomit up Rachel fucking Madcow.....Brilliant....
Says here Maddow does not win a single time from July 3 thru 9.....Those are the latest ratings....
‘Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta,’ ‘Amelia Earhart: Lost Evidence’ lead the cable top 25 for July 3-9
BTW, where are all the other MSNBC shows? CNN? non existent.
They don't need to have good ratings because most of their support comes from foreigners anyway. CNN International is just about the only international American news source.
Besides.....most of the ratings come from airports....CNN is the only thing allowed there.

a lot of the money comes from the cable providers

who have to pay them a percent of the take

just because they are on the line up

if you want to hurt fake news media

dump the cable and satellite and move

to al la carte tv

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