Got a call for a interview for a federal job but they dont seem to be willing to work with me knowing I am already employed

ok yeh that doesnt sound worth it unless you are saving a bundle on travel.
You work 7 minutes away and 3 days a week you work from home. Let's say you make $100K. How much would a company 1 hour away have to pay you to come work for them? So add 2 hours x 5 days to your work week in the car. How much more would they have to pay you?
How badly do you want the job. If I am an employer and the prospective candidate begins the relationship by asking me to cater to his schedule, my answer is, Sorry, you failed the interview.
That depends on the skill set.

If you have real value then you can, and should, also dictate terms.
Apparently you were mutually disinterested in them as well considering you refused to meet their timeline. The message you sent was, nope,, can't make it. My last job interview was 43 years ago. I scheduled it for after my work time on the day they suggested. After a successful interview, I asked, can I give my employer two weeks notice which they agreed to. The employer that I was leaving let me go as soon as I gave my notice.
Nope. It’s Federal. They are just scheduling the interview. They don’t make any decision until the interviews are all done.
You work 7 minutes away and 3 days a week you work from home. Let's say you make $100K. How much would a company 1 hour away have to pay you to come work for them? So add 2 hours x 5 days to your work week in the car. How much more would they have to pay you?
Dont think he has a car. . Myself For the last 20 years my commute has been two miles and less.
I wish I could go back and redo all those interviews that went badly. Clearly they didn't want me and I was trying to convince them to hire me. They were in a total position of power. And some companies probably like it that way. Look at Elon Musk. You either work long hours or get lost. I'd hate to work for a person like that. So if they were so rigid or uptight and couldn't work with you, either they didn't want to or they didn't think you'd be the type who would fit in there. Who knows? It's happened to me though.

I would have handled those hr bitches much differently. Even if I need a job never again will I go into an interview acting like it. I'll act like I'm interested but only if they are too. If she's a bitch, we can end the interview right now.
I had jobs be more accommodating when I didnt have a job and had a WIDE OPEN schedule lol Now i have a job and this bitch going to ask me can I come into tomorrow lol
I wish I could go back and redo all those interviews that went badly. Clearly they didn't want me and I was trying to convince them to hire me. They were in a total position of power. And some companies probably like it that way. Look at Elon Musk. You either work long hours or get lost. I'd hate to work for a person like that. So if they were so rigid or uptight and couldn't work with you, either they didn't want to or they didn't think you'd be the type who would fit in there. Who knows? It's happened to me though.

I would have handled those hr bitches much differently. Even if I need a job never again will I go into an interview acting like it. I'll act like I'm interested but only if they are too. If she's a bitch, we can end the interview right now.
You should always enter an interview with the mindset that you are interviewing them as much as they are interviewing you. You should ask questions that are important to you and if you see any discomfort or evasion you might want to ponder on what they might be hiding. A question I often will ask is what created the vacancy for which I'm interviewing.

I can never predict how well I did in an interview but once I adjusted my mindset so that the goal was no longer "getting the job" to "interviewing well", I relaxed and began doing much better. I don't interview well although I have to interview on a fairly frequent basis since I've spent most of my career as a contractor.

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