" Gotta be Men ...


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Gotta be Women ...
Gotta be Strong " -- A.Jones
No s'not Aphrodite Jones ... surrounded by doves,sparrows and
Swans with roses and myrtles.If only.
But an Infowarrior with a big mouth but also a big
heart for Patriotism.Whose been warning about this dreaded
New World Order for years.Well it's here folks.Bigger than Life.
Because in Life,reality is King.Or used to be.Jack London knew it.
Ernest Hemingway knew it.Herman Melville knew it.
And of course John Steinbeck knew it.Plus gobbles of
other Great men of Literature.And arguably oddles of other
important writers.Those Great authors are no more.
Today is virtuially a cesspool of rotten Reporters and those
no longer even pretending to be Journalist.We have been allowed
to Degenerate to this level.Propaganda is Now the New King of
the block.Twisting Men and Womens heads with heady doses of
Gaslighting and Mass Hysteria Psychosis faster than any
army of fleas can take over a home.Or Country is being taken over.
Not too disimilar from what George Orwell and Ray Bradbury wrote
about.Or even - Brave New World - where the message was it's better
to seek Truth,even when it involves suffering because too often happiness
and truth can become incompatible.
That was Not the case in the 50's. Walt Disney saw to it.
As did Ike Eisenhower.The Nuclear Family was a virtual Godsend.
Today mention of God is restricted and sometimes outlawed.
What should that tell ya.That the new God is now Big Brother.
The authority of Big Government and it's Deep State.
Orwellian on steroids.No longer just a bad dream.But In our Homes,
on TV,in Newspapers and of course applauded by an Evil MSM.
WHY ? At this point it's Agglutinating ... Like chasing around greased piglets at
the county fair as Hud { Paul Newman } tries to catch one and become the
hero for but a brief hour.Getting his clothes dirty but smiling that
Big Paul Newman grin to assure anyone watching he's the real deal.
- Hud - had many character faults but being a chickenshit is never
one of them.
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Keep in mind that the Democrats { or Demobrats } have found
a new Toy or pet to cuddle up to.It's the new driven excuse du jour.
In the face of all their obnoxiousness and bald-faced Lies
they have found a new catch phrase :
False Narrative
How cutesy.How Precious.How thoroughly Doublethink.
Surpassing even need for Saul Alinsky 12 Rules for Radicals.
Just 2 words will suffice.

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