Gotta love the left and that other devilish tactic of theirs.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Other than ALL of their policies designed to destroy the stability of the free market in order to usher in the marxist "new world order" by using political correctness to do it, it is also IMPERATIVE that a scapegoat is propped up.

In other words, all of their deliberate actions that cause strife need to be blamed on white people, on Christians, on America, on capitalism, which is all the same thing as fascism in their coded speech.


Look at the thread started by the idiot that states Trump owns the chaos funded by soros and carried out by Trump hating deranged traitors worthy of death. Look at the chaos they always create and trust that they are always waiting for a retaliation from some white guy so that they can then point their dirty fingers at to justify all of the violence they are causing. Look no further than the 17 year old defending himself and look at Charlottesville where one person died. The car driven by a white guy, they attacked him, caused violence, one of their gets killed, and they equate it to a massacre, caused by white supremacists when it was them that caused the violence.

This goes back to the Clintons signing the Community Reinvestment Act which put pressure on banks to lend to unqualified buyers, which directly led to the bubble that the Left blamed on Republicans.

Clinton signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act which exempted default swaps from regulation, which they also blamed solely on Republicans.

This is how they operate. Cause and create chaos and accuse others of that which they are guilty.

Which is why if there is a counter movement to the cancel culture and obvious attempt to overthrow America, it has to be very thorough. Meaning, people will need to be tried and executed for their treachery and I am not dismissing ceos of media networks, traitor generals, etc etc.

If it doesn't happen, they will win. Hell, they already have won. That is the reality and the election in November will mean little if a counter revolution is not organized.
Other than ALL of their policies designed to destroy the stability of the free market in order to usher in the marxist "new world order" by using political correctness to do it, it is also IMPERATIVE that a scapegoat is propped up.

In other words, all of their deliberate actions that cause strife need to be blamed on white people, on Christians, on America, on capitalism, which is all the same thing as fascism in their coded speech.


Look at the thread started by the idiot that states Trump owns the chaos funded by soros and carried out by Trump hating deranged traitors worthy of death. Look at the chaos they always create and trust that they are always waiting for a retaliation from some white guy so that they can then point their dirty fingers at to justify all of the violence they are causing. Look no further than the 17 year old defending himself and look at Charlottesville where one person died. The car driven by a white guy, they attacked him, caused violence, one of their gets killed, and they equate it to a massacre, caused by white supremacists when it was them that caused the violence.

This goes back to the Clintons signing the Community Reinvestment Act which put pressure on banks to lend to unqualified buyers, which directly led to the bubble that the Left blamed on Republicans.

Clinton signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act which exempted default swaps from regulation, which they also blamed solely on Republicans.

This is how they operate. Cause and create chaos and accuse others of that which they are guilty.

Which is why if there is a counter movement to the cancel culture and obvious attempt to overthrow America, it has to be very thorough. Meaning, people will need to be tried and executed for their treachery and I am not dismissing ceos of media networks, traitor generals, etc etc.

If it doesn't happen, they will win. Hell, they already have won. That is the reality and the election in November will mean little if a counter revolution is not organized.
prune face pelosi should be first in line---
We've had like ten months of weenies whining. Impeach Trump (without legal actual verifiable reasons). Then Trump is bad, Covid 19 happened and he should have stopped it? A more virulent version of the common flu? So let's shut down the fucking economy over THAT? What a coincidence THAT happened..and THEN, the civil unrest anti cop ant white anti riots based on half truths (pushed by the media that has {choke] huge amounts of stock owned by China)? Is this all just a coincidence? One of them once in twenty years, not all of them all of a sudden in a row within less than a year? I don't think so. Anybody left or right think this is um, rather coincidental? If none if that isn't disruptive enough, what is next? What imaginative yet plausible shit will the authors of this divisiveness put out there next? Stay tuned folks to find out what the Chinese have next in their bag of tricks.
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Other than ALL of their policies designed to destroy the stability of the free market in order to usher in the marxist "new world order" by using political correctness to do it, it is also IMPERATIVE that a scapegoat is propped up.

In other words, all of their deliberate actions that cause strife need to be blamed on white people, on Christians, on America, on capitalism, which is all the same thing as fascism in their coded speech.


Look at the thread started by the idiot that states Trump owns the chaos funded by soros and carried out by Trump hating deranged traitors worthy of death. Look at the chaos they always create and trust that they are always waiting for a retaliation from some white guy so that they can then point their dirty fingers at to justify all of the violence they are causing. Look no further than the 17 year old defending himself and look at Charlottesville where one person died. The car driven by a white guy, they attacked him, caused violence, one of their gets killed, and they equate it to a massacre, caused by white supremacists when it was them that caused the violence.

This goes back to the Clintons signing the Community Reinvestment Act which put pressure on banks to lend to unqualified buyers, which directly led to the bubble that the Left blamed on Republicans.

Clinton signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act which exempted default swaps from regulation, which they also blamed solely on Republicans.

This is how they operate. Cause and create chaos and accuse others of that which they are guilty.

Which is why if there is a counter movement to the cancel culture and obvious attempt to overthrow America, it has to be very thorough. Meaning, people will need to be tried and executed for their treachery and I am not dismissing ceos of media networks, traitor generals, etc etc.

If it doesn't happen, they will win. Hell, they already have won. That is the reality and the election in November will mean little if a counter revolution is not organized.

Other than ALL of their policies designed to destroy the stability of the free market in order to usher in the marxist "new world order" by using political correctness to do it, it is also IMPERATIVE that a scapegoat is propped up.

In other words, all of their deliberate actions that cause strife need to be blamed on white people, on Christians, on America, on capitalism, which is all the same thing as fascism in their coded speech.


Look at the thread started by the idiot that states Trump owns the chaos funded by soros and carried out by Trump hating deranged traitors worthy of death. Look at the chaos they always create and trust that they are always waiting for a retaliation from some white guy so that they can then point their dirty fingers at to justify all of the violence they are causing. Look no further than the 17 year old defending himself and look at Charlottesville where one person died. The car driven by a white guy, they attacked him, caused violence, one of their gets killed, and they equate it to a massacre, caused by white supremacists when it was them that caused the violence.

This goes back to the Clintons signing the Community Reinvestment Act which put pressure on banks to lend to unqualified buyers, which directly led to the bubble that the Left blamed on Republicans.

Clinton signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act which exempted default swaps from regulation, which they also blamed solely on Republicans.

This is how they operate. Cause and create chaos and accuse others of that which they are guilty.

Which is why if there is a counter movement to the cancel culture and obvious attempt to overthrow America, it has to be very thorough. Meaning, people will need to be tried and executed for their treachery and I am not dismissing ceos of media networks, traitor generals, etc etc.

If it doesn't happen, they will win. Hell, they already have won. That is the reality and the election in November will mean little if a counter revolution is not organized.
No. We should hate the left and everything they stand for. They have taken over our streets, our sports and government. The only thing they understand is death. It's also the only cure. So when should we start killing them? Yesterday.

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