Gov. Christy Giving Boehner & House Majority Hell

Christie lost me when he gushed about flying around in Marine One. Acting like a little girl at a Justin Beiber concert.

Eff 'em.

Just call your new pal Barry and ask for cash.

But make sure to call right number, he just slipped out to fly back to the Islands to golf and live the lifestyle of the rich and famous he loathes.
Self reliant in the worst hurricane in NJ history?

New Jersey recieves 62 cents in federal aid for every dollar it sends in. When NJ needs help from the federal government, they tell them to go fuck themselves

Actually, the federal government could greatly reduce its deficit by telling Kansas (a real welfare recipient) to go fuck itself.

or Nebraska
or North Dakota
or Alaska
or Oklahoma
or Mississippi
or Alabama
or Tennessee
or Kentucky
or Idaho
or Arizona

whoa, someone needs a chill pill
go bitch at Obama about it, Katrina was Bush's fault, this is Obama's baby

idiot... congress passed an aid bill after katrina.

i know you hate the blue states, but suck it up.
Obama sent the package to Congress three weeks ago.
There are plenty of things you can legitimately blame Obama for ... dude is FAAAAAR from perfect.

But when you take uninformed shots like this, you lose credibility. Didn't you ever hear the story of the boy who cried wolf?

Save your barbs for credible complaints and people will take you more seriously.

Obama sent them a bill full of pork.

like usual for Democrats, they have no problems playing with people's lives so they can use it against Republicans..

Please stop saying such incredibly stooopid things when you know its actually the opposite.

OR, post PROOF of your statement. You know, like PROOF that the Ds want government to control when you have a baby and who you choose to marry. You know, shit like that.
Actually, the federal government could greatly reduce its deficit by telling Kansas (a real welfare recipient) to go fuck itself.

or Nebraska
or North Dakota
or Alaska
or Oklahoma
or Mississippi
or Alabama
or Tennessee
or Kentucky
or Idaho
or Arizona

whoa, someone needs a chill pill
go bitch at Obama about it, Katrina was Bush's fault, this is Obama's baby

idiot... congress passed an aid bill after katrina.

i know you hate the blue states, but suck it up.

And, they didn't demand it be paid for by taking food stamps away from the elderly and children.
So I'm still waiting for some examples of "pork" in the bill


Anybody there?
whoa, someone needs a chill pill
go bitch at Obama about it, Katrina was Bush's fault, this is Obama's baby


My point is that those states sending the biggest "fiscal conservatives" to Washington are also those states that are most reliant upon the federal government.

I would be more than happy to cut them loose from the fiscal umbilical cord. Those states would never, ever be self-supporting in the modern sense.

really, so the states that grows the countries food..

I'm sure that "free market capitalism" will take care of those red states. LOL
"They (GOP) are so concerned with their own internal politics, they aren't doing their job."


And how would that translate to the senate not passing a budget for 4 years as required by law?
The GOP is currently so disfunction that the most routine duties of a GOP congressman or congresswoman is a huge hurdle.

The 80th Congress - the "Do Nothing Congress" - passed three times the legislation this outgoing Congress passed.

Call me crazy, but I would love to see the congress go a whole year and pass nothing but a senseable budget. That should be the goal.
The GOP is currently so disfunction that the most routine duties of a GOP congressman or congresswoman is a huge hurdle.

The 80th Congress - the "Do Nothing Congress" - passed three times the legislation this outgoing Congress passed.

Call me crazy, but I would love to see the congress go a whole year and pass nothing but a senseable budget. That should be the goal.

then you're an idiot.

oh right....
The GOP is currently so disfunction that the most routine duties of a GOP congressman or congresswoman is a huge hurdle.

The 80th Congress - the "Do Nothing Congress" - passed three times the legislation this outgoing Congress passed.

Call me crazy, but I would love to see the congress go a whole year and pass nothing but a senseable budget. That should be the goal.

Ok, you're crazy.

Or maybe just badly misinformed about the people's business.
Actually, the federal government could greatly reduce its deficit by telling Kansas (a real welfare recipient) to go fuck itself.

or Nebraska
or North Dakota
or Alaska
or Oklahoma
or Mississippi
or Alabama
or Tennessee
or Kentucky
or Idaho
or Arizona

whoa, someone needs a chill pill
go bitch at Obama about it, Katrina was Bush's fault, this is Obama's baby

idiot... congress passed an aid bill after katrina.

i know you hate the blue states, but suck it up.

really, I hate the blue states? but now that you bring it up, what good are they to the rest of country...they can't grow food in their cement jungles, their pollution chokes the rest of us, their waste is
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whoa, someone needs a chill pill
go bitch at Obama about it, Katrina was Bush's fault, this is Obama's baby

idiot... congress passed an aid bill after katrina.

i know you hate the blue states, but suck it up.

really, I hate the blue states? but now that you bring it up, what good are they to the rest of country...they can't grow food in their cement jungles, their pollution chokes the rest of us, their waste is

Got those examples of "pork" for me yet?????
Christie became irrelevant to me when he aided Obama in photo ops and stood by him as he made promises that would not be kept. Some people are still waiting for help after Sandy and can't get through the red tape. (The same red tape someone promised to eliminate) The media hasn't followed up on that or called Obama on the carpet the way they did with the previous administration. Suddenly, it's no big deal that people still suffer with no help. The false promises made people feel good and that's enough for some.

Christie should have raised hell about that.

I don't like the Repubs giving in on the bogus attempt to save us all from the fiscal cliff. Taxes will still go up for the majority of us and will hit the middle class hard. They merely spared us having to pay for one thing and raised taxes elsewhere. There will be no cuts for the middle class and people will pay an average of $1,200 more each year. Even lower middle class people better figure out where they need to make cuts in their household budgets. Apparently, the promise of no one making $250,000 or less seeing a dime in new taxes has been lowered to $30,000 and maybe even lower.

No federal spending cuts, at least nothing that will make any difference in the least. The proposed cuts earlier were the equivalent of the average person spending .06 less on a $2,000 monthly budget. Of course, with a growing number of people in this country, both citizens and privileged illegal aliens, the only amount that matters is what gets put on their EBT cards.
Christie became irrelevant to me when he aided Obama in photo ops and stood by him as he made promises that would not be kept. Some people are still waiting for help after Sandy and can't get through the red tape. (The same red tape someone promised to eliminate) The media hasn't followed up on that or called Obama on the carpet the way they did with the previous administration. Suddenly, it's no big deal that people still suffer with no help. The false promises made people feel good and that's enough for some.

Christie should have raised hell about that.

I don't like the Repubs giving in on the bogus attempt to save us all from the fiscal cliff. Taxes will still go up for the majority of us and will hit the middle class hard. They merely spared us having to pay for one thing and raised taxes elsewhere. There will be no cuts for the middle class and people will pay an average of $1,200 more each year. Even lower middle class people better figure out where they need to make cuts in their household budgets. Apparently, the promise of no one making $250 or less seeing a dime in new taxes has been lowered to $30,000 and maybe even lower.

No federal spending cuts, at least nothing that will make any difference in the least. The proposed cuts earlier were the equivalent of the average person spending .06 less on a $2,000 monthly budget. Of course, with a growing number of people in this country, both citizens and privileged illegal aliens, the only amount that matters is what gets put on their EBT cards.

no one really cares if he's irrelevant to you.

i look forward to him humiliating the rest of your party when he runs for president.

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