Gov. O'Malley Trolls Sarah Palin Perfectly: Invite Her To Run For President

Great platform...........................

Why to vote for me...................

I know how to bitch slap Sarah Palin...............

Wow.............La la la la................
Martin O Malley Trolls Sarah Palin Perfectly By Inviting Her To Run For President


Fresh into his presidential campaign, Martin O'Malley showed that his troll game is on point.

After launching his campaign on Saturday, O'Malley, a Democrat, was immediately criticized by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who was the Republican nominee for vice president in 2008. She accused O'Malley of being an "anti-freedom politician."

"Yet another anti-freedom politician jumps in the race today for POTUS. As cool as he is with his rock 'n roll persona, this typical liberal's erroneous grasp of our Bill of Rights merely continues the strange and disastrous agenda of Barack Obama," Palin wrote in a post on Facebook. "Good to know he doesn't have much chance of winning. The democrats have greased the skids for their chosen one, despite the media games that play the public with various 'competing' campaigns used for gamey distractions."

To which O'Malley responded:

View attachment 41883


I think Sarah Palin is discovering that it's harder and harder to troll these days without it all coming back to her...

FYI. Enjoy.

Discuss: what do you think of former Gov. O'Malley's tweet?

The political party that doesn't care that hilary is a criminal and bill is a serial sexual predator and a have another choice....the guy who made the Baltimore police into the problem it is today...he was the mayor and created the problem with the police with his policies on mass arrests when he was mayor......I doubt he will get any traction, since the racist party, the democrats, who voted for obama because he was black, are now going to vote for hilary simply because she is a woman.....some party......morons....

THE PEOPLE kicked their party out of control of Congress because they were sick and tired of this nasty shit, by Obama, his party and his SHEEP followers

SO KEEP IT up....2016 approaching fast
Indeed it is...and you are sounding more desperate and shrill by the day. How's that American Spring coming?
Martin O Malley Trolls Sarah Palin Perfectly By Inviting Her To Run For President


Fresh into his presidential campaign, Martin O'Malley showed that his troll game is on point.

After launching his campaign on Saturday, O'Malley, a Democrat, was immediately criticized by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who was the Republican nominee for vice president in 2008. She accused O'Malley of being an "anti-freedom politician."

"Yet another anti-freedom politician jumps in the race today for POTUS. As cool as he is with his rock 'n roll persona, this typical liberal's erroneous grasp of our Bill of Rights merely continues the strange and disastrous agenda of Barack Obama," Palin wrote in a post on Facebook. "Good to know he doesn't have much chance of winning. The democrats have greased the skids for their chosen one, despite the media games that play the public with various 'competing' campaigns used for gamey distractions."

To which O'Malley responded:

View attachment 41883


I think Sarah Palin is discovering that it's harder and harder to troll these days without it all coming back to her...

FYI. Enjoy.

Discuss: what do you think of former Gov. O'Malley's tweet?

The political party that doesn't care that hilary is a criminal and bill is a serial sexual predator and a have another choice....the guy who made the Baltimore police into the problem it is today...he was the mayor and created the problem with the police with his policies on mass arrests when he was mayor......I doubt he will get any traction, since the racist party, the democrats, who voted for obama because he was black, are now going to vote for hilary simply because she is a woman.....some party......morons....

THE PEOPLE kicked their party out of control of Congress because they were sick and tired of this nasty shit, by Obama, his party and his SHEEP followers

SO KEEP IT up....2016 approaching fast
Indeed it is...and you are sounding more desperate and shrill by the day. How's that American Spring coming?
How's the get out the vote campaign going.................digging up new voters..............

Here's how LOW they will crawl for "THE PARTY"

Latest New Yorker Cover Erases Women, Minorities From GOP Field
May 27, 2015 By Mollie Hemingway

The New Yorker magazine this week tries to airbrush away the diversity of the GOP field. Next time they should try to be a tad more subtle about it.

Do you get it? Do you get it? No, The New Yorker is not trying to make Hillary Clinton seem like a skeevy female peeping Tom. They’re trying to say that the presidency is an old boys’ club and she’s trying to get in!

Here’s how The New Yorker explained the cover:

ALL of it here:
Latest New Yorker Cover Erases Women Minorities From GOP Field
Smart move by O'Malley. He needs name recognition and attention for his campaign. Mentioning Palin does the trick. It gets a positive response from Democrats and the left and brings out the wacko's on the right. Defending Palin reinforces negative attitudes of the Republicans to independents. Independents and moderate Republicans are reminded of how hypocritical and goofy the rw pub's can be. It is spotlighted right here in this thread.
Smart move by O'Malley. He needs name recognition and attention for his campaign. Mentioning Palin does the trick. It gets a positive response from Democrats and the left and brings out the wacko's on the right. Defending Palin reinforces negative attitudes of the Republicans to independents. Independents and moderate Republicans are reminded of how hypocritical and goofy the rw pub's can be. It is spotlighted right here in this thread.

Let that party lead you all around by the nose. now you see why they bring up Mrs. Palin, someone NOT even in Political office. stop being such SHEEP
LOSER from the DNC Nyslimes video at the site
NYT editor: Press is ‘ECSTATIC’ O’Malley is in so that they can STOP covering Hillary!

New York Times Editor-at-Large Marcus Mabry says the Press Corps is absolutely ecstatic that Martin O’Malley has declared his presidential campaign because Hillary doesn’t talk to them and they can ignore her and focus on O’Malley.

Watch below:

Read more:

If Palin wants to stop her political commentary and return to being a hockey mom, she is welcome to it

As long as she remains a conservative pundit attacking the left from the wings, she remains open for criticism

No one said she wasn't open for criticism is just morons like you and the other democrats who say that we can't criticize obama because he is black or hilary because she's a woman...morons....

Well, why would you want to criticize Obama because he is black or Hillary because she is a woman?

We don' just accuse us of that when we site obama's incompetence or hilaries incompetence and crimes.....since the truth and reality show that both obama and hilary are unfit for the job...all you have are smearing your opponents, lying about your candidates, and emoting about them....
Smart move by O'Malley. He needs name recognition and attention for his campaign. Mentioning Palin does the trick. It gets a positive response from Democrats and the left and brings out the wacko's on the right. Defending Palin reinforces negative attitudes of the Republicans to independents. Independents and moderate Republicans are reminded of how hypocritical and goofy the rw pub's can be. It is spotlighted right here in this thread.

And highlights how adept the democrats are at digging up talking points in pastures.
Smart move by O'Malley. He needs name recognition and attention for his campaign. Mentioning Palin does the trick. It gets a positive response from Democrats and the left and brings out the wacko's on the right. Defending Palin reinforces negative attitudes of the Republicans to independents. Independents and moderate Republicans are reminded of how hypocritical and goofy the rw pub's can be. It is spotlighted right here in this thread.

And highlights how adept the democrats are at digging up talking points in pastures.

Perhaps you didn't read the opening post, but Sarah "started it"...

After launching his campaign on Saturday, O'Malley, a Democrat, was immediately criticized by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who was the Republican nominee for vice president in 2008. She accused O'Malley of being an "anti-freedom politician."
Let that party lead you all around by the nose. now you see why they bring up Mrs. Palin, someone NOT even in Political office. stop being such SHEEP
LOSER from the DNC Nyslimes video at the site
NYT editor: Press is ‘ECSTATIC’ O’Malley is in so that they can STOP covering Hillary!

New York Times Editor-at-Large Marcus Mabry says the Press Corps is absolutely ecstatic that Martin O’Malley has declared his presidential campaign because Hillary doesn’t talk to them and they can ignore her and focus on O’Malley.

Watch below:

Read more:

If Palin wants to stop her political commentary and return to being a hockey mom, she is welcome to it

As long as she remains a conservative pundit attacking the left from the wings, she remains open for criticism

No one said she wasn't open for criticism is just morons like you and the other democrats who say that we can't criticize obama because he is black or hilary because she's a woman...morons....

Well, why would you want to criticize Obama because he is black or Hillary because she is a woman?

We don' just accuse us of that when we site obama's incompetence or hilaries incompetence and crimes.....since the truth and reality show that both obama and hilary are unfit for the job...all you have are smearing your opponents, lying about your candidates, and emoting about them....

YEP, back to their tried and true dirty tactics. what else are they going to run on?
THEY PEOPLE kicked them out of congress after only SIX years of that progressive hater/thug they put in as President and can't stand ANY of them. frikken LOSERS is what they are
Smart move by O'Malley. He needs name recognition and attention for his campaign. Mentioning Palin does the trick. It gets a positive response from Democrats and the left and brings out the wacko's on the right. Defending Palin reinforces negative attitudes of the Republicans to independents. Independents and moderate Republicans are reminded of how hypocritical and goofy the rw pub's can be. It is spotlighted right here in this thread.

And highlights how adept the democrats are at digging up talking points in pastures.
O'Malley was responding to Palin's negative attack on him. She started the exchange and now her fans like you are whining like she has been unfairly targeted. She is an idiot that doesn't think things out before opening her mouth and saying stupid stuff that will splatter back on her.
He's another democrat that believes he can't be criticized.

How so? Here's what Palin said:

Yet another anti-freedom politician jumps in the race today for POTUS. As cool as he is with his rock 'n roll persona, this typical liberal's erroneous grasp of our Bill of Rights merely continues the strange and disastrous agenda of Barack Obama. Good to know he doesn't have much chance of winning. The democrats have greased the skids for their chosen one, despite the media games that play the public with various 'competing' campaigns used for gamey distractions."

And here's how O'Mally responded:


How does that come across to you as him trying to escape criticism? He announced, she made a rude comment and he responded "Good to hear from you" and "come join the party".
Smart move by O'Malley. He needs name recognition and attention for his campaign. Mentioning Palin does the trick. It gets a positive response from Democrats and the left and brings out the wacko's on the right. Defending Palin reinforces negative attitudes of the Republicans to independents. Independents and moderate Republicans are reminded of how hypocritical and goofy the rw pub's can be. It is spotlighted right here in this thread.

And highlights how adept the democrats are at digging up talking points in pastures.

Perhaps you didn't read the opening post, but Sarah "started it"...

After launching his campaign on Saturday, O'Malley, a Democrat, was immediately criticized by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who was the Republican nominee for vice president in 2008. She accused O'Malley of being an "anti-freedom politician."

I read it. I was referring to the comments from the Peanut Gallery about her.
You see what party has the WAR going on Women

How anyone can belong to such a NASTY party filled with such lowlife nasty people is beyond me.
The Democrats see Palin as a net positive for them and will bring her up at every opportunity.

That said, the non-stop nasty & catty comments on this thread are typical and predictable.

Like listening to high school girls sniping to each other at one of their "enemies".



Yeah they throw up Palin because they DON'T HAVE a record to run on. so it's back to their nasty dirty politics and their war on women they accuse Republicans of having. typical and expected though. and as we see: they don't like it when it's Thrown back in their ugly faces, do they

Palin does indeed make intelligent people vomit but she pays a publicist to keep her name in front of the public. That's HER choice.

Palin and Trump - just noise. Neither will ever run for office.

But dang, it would be fun.
Smart move by O'Malley. He needs name recognition and attention for his campaign. Mentioning Palin does the trick. It gets a positive response from Democrats and the left and brings out the wacko's on the right. Defending Palin reinforces negative attitudes of the Republicans to independents. Independents and moderate Republicans are reminded of how hypocritical and goofy the rw pub's can be. It is spotlighted right here in this thread.

And highlights how adept the democrats are at digging up talking points in pastures.

Perhaps you didn't read the opening post, but Sarah "started it"...

After launching his campaign on Saturday, O'Malley, a Democrat, was immediately criticized by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who was the Republican nominee for vice president in 2008. She accused O'Malley of being an "anti-freedom politician."

I read it. I was referring to the comments from the Peanut Gallery about her.

Then you could have been speaking of ANY "peanut gallery", for example, a Hillary thread. Those are talking points from the 90s not the mid 2000s. :lol:
Unfortunately for O'Malley he's not running against the democrat favorite target but Hillary. He's going to have to address his real opponent someday.

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