Gov. Richardson Sends National Guard Troops to the Border!

Sorry Govenor. But the devil is in the details. What are the National Guardsmen allowed to do? Or, not do?
Is this all about that one murdered rancher?


Talk about a waste of money.
Is this all about that one murdered rancher?


Talk about a waste of money.

Yeah. Heaven forbid they get paid for guarding the border. They should just get paid to sit at home waiting for to go to some foreign war.
This is apparently about knee jerk retaliation for an apparently politically well connected person who was killed.
Not about guarding the border or Richardson would have already had them there doing that.
Is this all about that one murdered rancher?


Talk about a waste of money.

If it was somebody in your family you wouldn't be saying that bonehead and in case you haven't noticed there is a drug war going on the border. Thousands of Mexicans have died and it is spilling over into the U.S.
Juarez is literally just a few miles away from Ft Bliss in El Paso. Juarez has turned into a hot zone. Hell when I lived in Alamogordo NM, I use to go to the mall in El Paso, the sales lady in Penny's couldn't speak English!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They should have been on the boarder earlier. And I think it sad it took this long for them to wake up. Law Enforcement has been being targeted in towns near the boarder, and the cartels have been out of control for awhile.
They should have been on the boarder earlier. And I think it sad it took this long for them to wake up. Law Enforcement has been being targeted in towns near the boarder, and the cartels have been out of control for awhile.
If the pansey ass liberals who for years didn't advocate turning the other cheek and better yet go out of their way to help illegals instead of enforcing our current LAWS then we wouldn't have to deal with this bullshit today.

Another social engineering failure just wait until they all figure out they will get more from the Government.

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