Gov Ron DeSantis just flew two planes of illegals to Martha's Vineyard.

Why should we pay to house ILLEGAL immigrants in our jails, on our dime?

We need to secure the border so they can't come here in the first place. And if they do, deport them immediately. I have no problem if anyone of any race comes here legally. Anyone illegal: out.

In case you haven't noticed, we can't care for American children. We absolutely cannot care for the children of the entire world.
How come you cucks keep dodging the "ARREST THOSE WHO HIRE ILLEGALS" part of the equation???

It's almost like you really don't want to stop illegal immigration, you just want to pander to xenophobic racists and demonize brown people.....

I have less sympathy for those who hire illegals than I do for those who come here to work....they don't hire themselves....

I guess money talks......because when it is time to put up or shut up, folks like "farmers" -- you know, those real Americans yall keep talking about -- they demand more immigration, not less...

How come you cucks keep dodging the "ARREST THOSE WHO HIRE ILLEGALS" part of the equation???

It's almost like you really don't want to stop illegal immigration, you just want to pander to xenophobic racists and demonize brown people.....

I have less sympathy for those who hire illegals than I do for those who come here to work....they don't hire themselves....

I guess money talks......because when it is time to put up or shut up, folks like "farmers" -- you know, those real Americans yall keep talking about -- they demand more immigration, not less...

So our country is just going to be a free for all of illegals flooding in but you think this should fall on employers to enforce federal law. Your democrat run cities cheer for illegals and claim to be sanctuaries for them, but it’s the employer who should have enforced the law. Arizona tried to stop it and obie sued them, claimed that immigration is the feds job. But now you think it’s a business owners job.

You’re an idiot.
So our country is just going to be a free for all of illegals flooding in but you think this should fall on employers to enforce federal law. Your democrat run cities cheer for illegals and claim to be sanctuaries for them, but it’s the employer who should have enforced the law. Arizona tried to stop it and obie sued them, claimed that immigration is the feds job. But now you think it’s a business owners job.

You’re an idiot.
I am going to say this again.....why don't you folks have the same energy for the people who hire illegals??

Why aren't you demanding these people go serve time in prison instead of pardoning them??

It takes a real racist cuck like yourself to be A-OK with the guy who hired over 400 illegal aliens -- but demonize the worker who just came to work

Why didn't it bother you that a guy who was rightfully supposed to be serving 20 years in prison, got a pardon??

But moving illegal aliens to other parts of the country -- yea, that will really put a stop to illegal a moron....

this is why Republicans know they never have to provide solutions to a single problem, they know dic suckers like you are so depraved -- that the belief you are "triggering the libs" is a solution.....newsflash, if you think Libs want open borders, you moving illegals around the country isn't the "own" you think it is...
DeathSentence/Florida did exactly what sanctuary cities do...
  1. Did not call the cops on them
  2. Did not arrest them
  3. Did not call the immigration on them
  4. Gathered them and safely transported them to a better environment
  5. And to top it off, billed it all on the backs of their tax payers.
You can't make this crap up folks.

#LOLGOP #TooFunny #CLASSIC #AllTheGOPHasForAmericaIsMORECultureWarBS
And he triggered you Dimtard morons.

Fucking hilarious. :auiqs.jpg:
I am going to say this again.....why don't you folks have the same energy for the people who hire illegals??

Why aren't you demanding these people go serve time in prison instead of pardoning them??

It takes a real racist cuck like yourself to be A-OK with the guy who hired over 400 illegal aliens -- but demonize the worker who just came to work

Why didn't it bother you that a guy who was rightfully supposed to be serving 20 years in prison, got a pardon??

But moving illegal aliens to other parts of the country -- yea, that will really put a stop to illegal a moron....

this is why Republicans know they never have to provide solutions to a single problem, they know dic suckers like you are so depraved -- that the belief you are "triggering the libs" is a solution.....newsflash, if you think Libs want open borders, you moving illegals around the country isn't the "own" you think it is...
I’m half Latino so go fuck yourself with the racism shit.

How fucking drunk are you right now. When your home is invaded you stop them outside. You don’t let them in and hope your family just ignores them and somehow they go away.
How come you cucks keep dodging the "ARREST THOSE WHO HIRE ILLEGALS" part of the equation???

It's almost like you really don't want to stop illegal immigration, you just want to pander to xenophobic racists and demonize brown people.....

I have less sympathy for those who hire illegals than I do for those who come here to work....they don't hire themselves....

I guess money talks......because when it is time to put up or shut up, folks like "farmers" -- you know, those real Americans yall keep talking about -- they demand more immigration, not less...

/——/ I disagree with democrats. I want employers who hire illegals arrested and jailed. I’m sick of democrats pandering to businesses.
I’m not for illegals coming here. That needs to be stopped.

However, we need to consider you voted for people that would bring them here. You did that.

Now, if I’m hiring people I have two choices. The black guy with his pants down around his ass calling me Yo, who can’t seem to actually fucking work or communicate. Or…

I can hire the Latino with pants that fit and just goes and does whatever job I tell him to.

I can either hire 10 poorly dressed Ebonics professors who will never get the job done. Or…

I can hire 9 humanly dressed illegals and one bilingual and get that job finished.

Not a tough choice.

You have made your race worthless. That’s not my problem.
Why would certain people be passionate about having trespassers around? :cool:
Bout time for the Feds to charge those two scumbags DeSantis & Abbott with human traffcking. Then that smirk on their pusses will be wiped off real quick.

They're a good example of a so called Christian "god lover" who use human beings as pawns in their game to score political points from idiots who can't see thru their bullshit.
You fucking moron, every one of those illegals signed a consent form to go to wherever they are sent.

Why not get informed on a topic for once in your pathetic, troll life?
How come you cucks keep dodging the "ARREST THOSE WHO HIRE ILLEGALS" part of the equation???

It's almost like you really don't want to stop illegal immigration, you just want to pander to xenophobic racists and demonize brown people.....

I have less sympathy for those who hire illegals than I do for those who come here to work....they don't hire themselves....

I guess money talks......because when it is time to put up or shut up, folks like "farmers" -- you know, those real Americans yall keep talking about -- they demand more immigration, not less...

How come you cucks keep dodging the "ARREST THOSE WHO HIRE ILLEGALS" part of the equation???

Nobody is ignoring it...............except your Vegetable Messiah, Dumbass. It's the Fed's responsibility.
I am going to say this again.....why don't you folks have the same energy for the people who hire illegals??

Why aren't you demanding these people go serve time in prison instead of pardoning them??

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump on Wednesday commuted the sentence of an Iowa kosher meatpacking executive who had been sentenced to 27 years in prison for money laundering, marking the first time he's used the presidential power.

The decision to intervene on behalf of Sholom Rubashkin, who ran the Iowa headquarters of a family business that was the country's largest kosher meat-processing company, came at the urging of numerous members of Congress and a long list of high-ranking law enforcement officials, who argued the sentence was far too harsh for a first-time, non-violent offender.

The action was "encouraged by bipartisan leaders from across the political spectrum, from Nancy Pelosi to Orrin Hatch," the White House said.

Rubashkin was convicted in 2009 for submitting fake invoices to a bank that made Agriprocessors' finances appear healthier than they were so that it could borrow more. His prosecution came after federal authorities raided the plant and arrested 389 illegal immigrants


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