Gov Walker's WS Set To Have Budget SURPLUS 2011, 2012 & 2013


Apr 22, 2007
No schools were closed (in fact more schools were opened), no teachers were laid off (in fact more teachers were hired), no dollars were snatched from the WS schools (in fact more dollars went to them), yet Gov Walker's plan turned a $3.6 billion deficit into a surplus this year, next year and in 2013!

All I have to say is WAY TO FUCKING GO WALKER!!! You stopped a crisis and actually improved Wisconsin schools!

Wisconsin Predicted to Have Positive Balance in 2013 - Caledonia, WI Patch
Wisconsin Predicted to Have Positive Balance in 2013
The Legislative Fiscal Bureau is projecting a small budget surplus for both years of the 2011-2013 biennial.

By Heather Asiyanbi Email the author August 21, 2011 Print&nbps;7 Comments Tweet Email
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State Capitol
Wisconsin State Capitol, Oct. 2, 2010 DMichael Burns
Photos (1)
Credit DMichael Burns Add your photos & videos If all goes according to plan, the state of Wisconsin will have a small budget surplus at the end of the 2011-2013 biennial budget.

The non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau (LFB) recently released its "Comparitive Summary of Budget Recommendation" in which it gives the net balances projected for the end of both fiscal years.

By June 30, 2012, the state should have a $8.4 million surplus compared to $9.4 million by June 30, 2013.

Representative Robin Vos (R-Rochester) sent out his regular email communication with constituents on Aug. 19 and he mentions the LFB's findings as well.

"It’s quite an accomplishment when you consider that we started with a $3.6 billion deficit," he writes.

Vos also includes two pie charts illustrating revenues and general expenditures. Here's how it shakes out:


50% Income Taxes
30% Sales/Use Taxes
6% Corporate Taxes
14% Other


44% Education
31% HR
15% Shared Revenue
10% Other

Vos also writes that considering the $3.6 billion hole Wisconsin was in, even these projected small victories are proof that new policies are working
No schools were closed (in fact more schools were opened), no teachers were laid off (in fact more teachers were hired), no dollars were snatched from the WS schools (in fact more dollars went to them), yet Gov Walker's plan turned a $3.6 billion deficit into a surplus this year, next year and in 2013!

All I have to say is WAY TO FUCKING GO WALKER!!! You stopped a crisis and actually improved Wisconsin schools!

Wisconsin Predicted to Have Positive Balance in 2013 - Caledonia, WI Patch
Wisconsin Predicted to Have Positive Balance in 2013
The Legislative Fiscal Bureau is projecting a small budget surplus for both years of the 2011-2013 biennial.

By Heather Asiyanbi Email the author August 21, 2011 Print&nbps;7 Comments Tweet Email
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State Capitol
Wisconsin State Capitol, Oct. 2, 2010 DMichael Burns
Photos (1)
Credit DMichael Burns Add your photos & videos If all goes according to plan, the state of Wisconsin will have a small budget surplus at the end of the 2011-2013 biennial budget.

The non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau (LFB) recently released its "Comparitive Summary of Budget Recommendation" in which it gives the net balances projected for the end of both fiscal years.

By June 30, 2012, the state should have a $8.4 million surplus compared to $9.4 million by June 30, 2013.

Representative Robin Vos (R-Rochester) sent out his regular email communication with constituents on Aug. 19 and he mentions the LFB's findings as well.

"It’s quite an accomplishment when you consider that we started with a $3.6 billion deficit," he writes.

Vos also includes two pie charts illustrating revenues and general expenditures. Here's how it shakes out:


50% Income Taxes
30% Sales/Use Taxes
6% Corporate Taxes
14% Other


44% Education
31% HR
15% Shared Revenue
10% Other

Vos also writes that considering the $3.6 billion hole Wisconsin was in, even these projected small victories are proof that new policies are working

But, but, but...

You must be wrong! You can't be right! The Union said that all education, all schools, all good will, all justice and all civilization would end if Walker got his way.

Was there a fundamental shift in reality between the time that the union/mob/thugs occupied the Wisconsin State Capital and the accounting of the surpluses?

Makes you wonder a little if there are more schools and more teachers and presumably better education if the education unions will support this program or go back to the one that was going to force lay offs, school closings and draconian cuts of every nature.

What say you, Wisconsin teachers? Are you in favor of actual, real improvements in education or just supporting your union?
Nothing on the down-low, no-bid patronage by Walker to sell off public properties?

I guess "small government" is just a fancy term for same old corruption
Actually its more of a shell game to cover up rank corruption on his party

That alleged surplus came by selling off public properties/utilities through graft.
A Secret Deal Between Gov. Walker And Koch Brothers Buried In State Budget? - Forbes

The guy is a goddamn crook.

From the article you linked which is from February 2011 and should have either been proven or falsified by now:


Note that there is absolutely no proof whatsoever that such a conspiracy in under way. This is just a theory being circulated &#8211; and, at this point, nothing more. But it is, at the least, a theory that we will eventually be able to substantiate or finally dismiss depending on what happens to the state&#8217;s public utilities.


Which part of "absolutely no proof whatsoever" evaded your laser like truth detector?

Assuming, however, for the sake of your illusion that it is true and it saves the good citizens of Wisconsin enough to balance their budget rather than following the rules that put their budget into the dumper, what is the harm that you are predicting?

By the way, graft is usually used to make a politician rich, not to balance the budget of the state which he serves.

graft2 &#8194; &#8194;/græft, gr&#593;ft/ Show Spelled[graft, grahft] Show IPA
1. the acquisition of money, gain, or advantage by dishonest, unfair, or illegal means, especially through the abuse of one's position or influence in politics, business, etc.
2. a particular instance, method, or means of thus acquiring gain or advantage.
3. the gain or advantage acquired.

What you suggest is that Walker is stealing the money and then contributing it to balance the budget. Man! This guy's got to be an idiot. He can't even steal right!

Maybe if if he took some lessons from the union/mob/thugs... They seem to have a pretty solid handle on the whole graft process.
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I haven't the time or expertise to dig too deeply into Wisconsin's budget, so I could be wrong, but...

Based on, the source for the article you cite, the biennial allocations for overall education were $12.9B (44.4% of total budget) in 2011-2013 and $13.6B (49.2% of total). Even failing to account for either inflation or the increase in Wisconsin's population, the current biennial budget reduces both the overall allocation for education and the percentage of the budget dedicated to education.This change of $700M dwarfs the biennial projected surplus of $17.8M. The current budget also skews more heavily to chartered schools than in the past.

Accepting that Walker's budget *does* have a surplus but *doesn't* spend as much on schools/education as past years, I find it unsurprising. I don't think anyone suggested that the state paying teachers less wouldn't reduce the state's deficit in the short term. If anything, running a surplus slightly undermines Walker's claim that &#8220;The bottom line is we are trying to balance our budget and there really is no room to negotiate on that because we&#8217;re broke.&#8221; It's also worth noting that unions voluntarily agreed to slash their own pay and benefits-- it was the destruction of collective bargaining rights to which they objected.
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Walker's reforms are working exactly as they should. Unions spent $40 million to try and take over the legislature because they knew these reforms would work and soon spread to other states - effectively destroying them. Even FDR recognized that public sector unions are a bad deal for taxpayers. Great job by Walker - he stuck to his principals.

Liberalism is a bubble, it's bursting....
That is hilarious. Can't wait for the libs to come in here and try to tear this down...

Walker was the most evil guy on earth, remember....
Actually its more of a shell game to cover up rank corruption on his party

That alleged surplus came by selling off public properties/utilities through graft.
A Secret Deal Between Gov. Walker And Koch Brothers Buried In State Budget? - Forbes

The guy is a goddamn crook.

Yea a $3.6 billion deficit was wiped out but LOL Walker selling public properties! What a fool you are! Why can't the left (and right many times) admit when the other side does something RIGHT!!!

Bottom line, $3.6 bil deficit is a surplus, more teachers are being hired, more schools open and less pupils per teacher! HE WON!


Actually its more of a shell game to cover up rank corruption on his party

That alleged surplus came by selling off public properties/utilities through graft.
A Secret Deal Between Gov. Walker And Koch Brothers Buried In State Budget? - Forbes

The guy is a goddamn crook.
Yea a $3.6 billion deficit was wiped out but LOL Walker selling public properties! What a fool you are! Why can't the left (and right many times) admit when the other side does something RIGHT!!!

Bottom line, $3.6 bil deficit is a surplus, more teachers are being hired, more schools open and less pupils per teacher! HE WON!

The bottom line is of course more complicated, and your summary seems to be inaccurate:
Uncharted waters: Public school superintendents may be facing

It seems like schools do have less money (almost $800M over two years, somewhat more than I calculated) and that unsurprisingly the overall effect is the reduction of educational services. As far as I can tell, claims to the contrary rely on publicizing unrepresentative results such as the rare district that is adding teachers when most are cutting back. If you have contrary evidence I'd love to see it.

Much of the savings comes from paying teachers less. This might not have much of an effect in the short run, but in the long run you can't get the same quality of work from people if you pay them less.
Yea a $3.6 billion deficit was wiped out but LOL Walker selling public properties! What a fool you are! Why can't the left (and right many times) admit when the other side does something RIGHT!!!

Bottom line, $3.6 bil deficit is a surplus, more teachers are being hired, more schools open and less pupils per teacher! HE WON!

The bottom line is of course more complicated, and your summary seems to be inaccurate:
Uncharted waters: Public school superintendents may be facing

It seems like schools do have less money (almost $800M over two years, somewhat more than I calculated) and that unsurprisingly the overall effect is the reduction of educational services. As far as I can tell, claims to the contrary rely on publicizing unrepresentative results such as the rare district that is adding teachers when most are cutting back. If you have contrary evidence I'd love to see it.

Much of the savings comes from paying teachers less. This might not have much of an effect in the short run, but in the long run you can't get the same quality of work from people if you pay them less.

The article admits that WS schools have been underfunded for 20 years. So the Progressive argument against Walker is that by him making Teachers come into the 21st century and contribute to their health insurance and highway robbery pension plans to increases the under-funding? :eusa_eh:

With Walker making teachers do what the private sector employees, who pay the teachers salaries, have done for decades, he is increasing funds that go directly to education. Instead of funds going to retired teachers and for overpaying teachers.

One of the things these "Progressives" will NEVER give Walker credit for is the fact that unlike liberal shitholes like CA, IL and NY, WS hasn't laid off any teachers, there have been no hiring freezes, in fact most districts are hiring teachers and the student to teacher ratio across the state is decreasing! In CA, IL and NY, there have been mass teacher lay off, there have been hiring freezes, no teachers are being hired and student to teacher ratios are going WAY UP!

What are the Progressives in your article really complaining about, WHAT ARE THEY ALWAYS COMPLAINING ABOUT, that they can't raise taxes! Specifically property taxes (which are the primary fund for education) can't be raised! LOL, with records foreclosure levels, with record number of homes underwater, with record number of home vacancies, with Wisconsin having some of the highest property tax rates in the country, the liberal solution is to tax the vulnerable home market more!

Again Liberalism is a mental disorder!
From the article you linked which is from February 2011 and should have either been proven or falsified by now

The long and the short of it is you haven't falsified it. It has been noted numerous times already. You are just annoyed I just peed on your little Gov Walker love note.
On Wisconsin : Lawyers, Guns & Money » Blog Archive » STAND AND DELIVER

"The lion's share of attention regarding Scott Walker's legislative proposal has been paid to the effort to revoke Wisconsin public employees' collective bargaining rights, but the 144-page bill (more reliable link here is a far more exhaustive and inclusive list of the fundamentals of Republican politics in the 21st Century. Not many people have the time to plow through the whole bill but those who do will be rewarded with plenty of gems like this:

16.896 Sale or contractual operation of state&#8722;owned heating, cooling, and power plants. (1) Notwithstanding ss. 13.48 (14) (am) and 16.705 (1), the department may sell any state&#8722;owned heating, cooling, and power plant or may contract with a private entity for the operation of any such plant, with or without solicitation of bids, for any amount that the department determines to be in the best interest of the state. Notwithstanding ss. 196.49 and 196.80, no approval or certification of the public service commission is necessary for a public utility to purchase, or contract for the operation of, such a plant, and any such purchase is considered to be in the public interest and to comply with the criteria for certification of a project under s. 196.49 (3) (b)."
No schools were closed (in fact more schools were opened), no teachers were laid off (in fact more teachers were hired), no dollars were snatched from the WS schools (in fact more dollars went to them), yet Gov Walker's plan turned a $3.6 billion deficit into a surplus this year, next year and in 2013!

All I have to say is WAY TO FUCKING GO WALKER!!! You stopped a crisis and actually improved Wisconsin schools!

Wisconsin Predicted to Have Positive Balance in 2013 - Caledonia, WI Patch
Wisconsin Predicted to Have Positive Balance in 2013
The Legislative Fiscal Bureau is projecting a small budget surplus for both years of the 2011-2013 biennial.

By Heather Asiyanbi Email the author August 21, 2011 Print&nbps;7 Comments Tweet Email
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State Capitol
Wisconsin State Capitol, Oct. 2, 2010 DMichael Burns
Photos (1)
Credit DMichael Burns Add your photos & videos If all goes according to plan, the state of Wisconsin will have a small budget surplus at the end of the 2011-2013 biennial budget.

The non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau (LFB) recently released its "Comparitive Summary of Budget Recommendation" in which it gives the net balances projected for the end of both fiscal years.

By June 30, 2012, the state should have a $8.4 million surplus compared to $9.4 million by June 30, 2013.

Representative Robin Vos (R-Rochester) sent out his regular email communication with constituents on Aug. 19 and he mentions the LFB's findings as well.

"It’s quite an accomplishment when you consider that we started with a $3.6 billion deficit," he writes.

Vos also includes two pie charts illustrating revenues and general expenditures. Here's how it shakes out:


50% Income Taxes
30% Sales/Use Taxes
6% Corporate Taxes
14% Other


44% Education
31% HR
15% Shared Revenue
10% Other

Vos also writes that considering the $3.6 billion hole Wisconsin was in, even these projected small victories are proof that new policies are working

My friends in WI said to tell you you are completely clueless.
Interesting. Good for Walker if it's true.

Maybe we should have another Recall in light of the good news... In fact everytime good or bad news happens WI should have another recall.
Well when Walker comes up for reelection I'm sure the voters in WI will vote him out.

Of course if they really are running a surplus I think that most voters will kinda like that.

Who knows. He might even win by a landslide like Daniels did in Indiana.

Mayby your friends are the ones who are clueless BD.
Ame®icano;4051658 said:
Actually its more of a shell game to cover up rank corruption on his party

That alleged surplus came by selling off public properties/utilities through graft.
A Secret Deal Between Gov. Walker And Koch Brothers Buried In State Budget? - Forbes

The guy is a goddamn crook.

Looks like left knows all about shell games. They see it everywhere, except among themselves.

In other words, I have you dead to rights on the subject. I have brought in material to support my position factually. So in response, you make an ad homenem partisan whine.

So Forbes is a Partisan Lefty rag?

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