Government shutdown proves states rights is the answer

I don't know about you, but I'm a die-hard fan of our beautiful National Forests and National Parks, created by a progressive Republican, Theodore Roosevelt. And, I'd like to see them open and continuing to be run by the federal government, which keeps the cost of entry down.
I would love to be the pilot tying to land a plane in Mississippi without any regulation as to who will be in the tower...Betcha that would be an experience to remember.

"Flight ___ You can land on the runway"

"Which one"

"We have 5. Pick one. We're laid back."
I don't know about you, but I'm a die-hard fan of our beautiful National Forests and National Parks, created by a progressive Republican, Theodore Roosevelt. And, I'd like to see them open and continuing to be run by the federal government, which keeps the cost of entry down.

Then pay to get into them you cheap fuck.
I don't know about you, but I'm a die-hard fan of our beautiful National Forests and National Parks, created by a progressive Republican, Theodore Roosevelt. And, I'd like to see them open and continuing to be run by the federal government, which keeps the cost of entry down.

So then the states shall reopen those parks, and maintain them. In perpetuity.
Anyone who thinks 50 separate governments could possibly be efficient in any way clearly isn't thinking this through. While I think local governments are important for certain circumstances, we are one country and should be governed as such.
I would love to be the pilot tying to land a plane in Mississippi without any regulation as to who will be in the tower...Betcha that would be an experience to remember.

"Flight ___ You can land on the runway"

"Which one"

"We have 5. Pick one. We're laid back."

Because we all know that states’ rights somehow means that the federal government will not standardize anything right. I mean it MUST be an all or nothing proposition.

We also know that no one but the all wonderful federal government is capable of setting up common and proper regulation. The states are obviously incapable of such an enormous feat…

Seriously, that was an epic fail!
I don't know about you, but I'm a die-hard fan of our beautiful National Forests and National Parks, created by a progressive Republican, Theodore Roosevelt. And, I'd like to see them open and continuing to be run by the federal government, which keeps the cost of entry down.

States could operate them, no big deal!
I would love to be the pilot tying to land a plane in Mississippi without any regulation as to who will be in the tower...Betcha that would be an experience to remember.

"Flight ___ You can land on the runway"

"Which one"

"We have 5. Pick one. We're laid back."

I can't imagine a person posting anything that is so completely stupid as to what you are posting. You honestly think this would happen? And if you really do? You are the dumbest poster ever! What a fucking stupid scare tactic post. Congrats you dumb fuck!
I don't know about you, but I'm a die-hard fan of our beautiful National Forests and National Parks, created by a progressive Republican, Theodore Roosevelt. And, I'd like to see them open and continuing to be run by the federal government, which keeps the cost of entry down.

So then the states shall reopen those parks, and maintain them. In perpetuity.

That is absolutely correct and probably at a much higher level!
Anyone who thinks 50 separate governments could possibly be efficient in any way clearly isn't thinking this through. While I think local governments are important for certain circumstances, we are one country and should be governed as such.

Our framers didn't think so, you honestly think that bulling states is a better solution, than each state knowing it's geography and it's weather and it's visitors and adjusting accordingly.

What a fucking moron!
Anyone who thinks 50 separate governments could possibly be efficient in any way clearly isn't thinking this through. While I think local governments are important for certain circumstances, we are one country and should be governed as such.

Our framers didn't think so, you honestly think that bulling states is a better solution, than each state knowing it's geography and it's weather and it's visitors and adjusting accordingly.

What a fucking moron!

Hey dumbfuck, the framers were dealing with 13 states with a total population of about two million.

Pull your head out of your ass.
The feds are gone and life goes on just fine. We don't need all these federal agencies meddling in our lives. They do nothing but cause trouble. Let the states run things.


that is the biggest fear the progressives have

if the government continues to run with essential staff only for an extended period of time

the people will see that we do not need this over inflated government
The feds are gone and life goes on just fine. We don't need all these federal agencies meddling in our lives. They do nothing but cause trouble. Let the states run things.

Business craves the money and centralized power of Washington.

You need to study the subsidies and bailouts given to our largest corporations. How much do you know about Lobbying? Specifically, do you know why corporations pour trillions into Washington? If Washington didn't exist, Business would create it in order to get at the largest wallet in world history: the US Taxpayer.

How much do you know about the Patent System? - and the degree to which (say) Pharmaceutical companies depend on it?

Do you know who protects Exxon's oil fields in Iraq?

Or what about the resources that our global corporations depend on from unstable parts of the globe. Do you know how those regions and trade routes are stabilized?

Do you know how much control Reagan gave the Feds over the states with his War on Drugs? Do you how much control Bush gave the Feds over the states through the War on Terrorism? The Department of Homeland Security, created by Bush, gives more centralized, unaccountable power of to Washington than anything ever imagined by FDR or LBJ.

A hidden world, growing beyond control |
The feds are gone and life goes on just fine. We don't need all these federal agencies meddling in our lives. They do nothing but cause trouble. Let the states run things.
The Framers of the Constitution wanted a strong central government and it is un-Constitutional to think otherwise.
Our framers didn't think so, you honestly think that bulling states is a better solution, than each state knowing it's geography and it's weather and it's visitors and adjusting accordingly.

What a fucking moron!
The Framers thought exactly that!

If they wanted the States to have more authority, they would've kept more of the Articles of Confederation. But they didn't, did they?
Anyone who thinks 50 separate governments could possibly be efficient in any way clearly isn't thinking this through. While I think local governments are important for certain circumstances, we are one country and should be governed as such.

State govts have to run things well or people move to other states and the officials lose their tax base. The feds don't care - they know we have no where else to go. Federal officials have no incentive to care about their constituents.

The feds are gone and life goes on just fine. We don't need all these federal agencies meddling in our lives. They do nothing but cause trouble. Let the states run things.
The Framers of the Constitution wanted a strong central government and it is un-Constitutional to think otherwise.

Jefferson preferred a limited central government where the individual states had degree of greater authority and the powers of the central government were limited.
The feds are gone and life goes on just fine. We don't need all these federal agencies meddling in our lives. They do nothing but cause trouble. Let the states run things.
The Framers of the Constitution wanted a strong central government and it is un-Constitutional to think otherwise.

So why did they

1. Write the tenth amendment?

2. Specify in the constitution that the states and not the feds have final say on proposed constitutional amendments.?

3. Create the electoral college to choose presidents ?


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