Government shutdown proves states rights is the answer

I don't know about you, but I'm a die-hard fan of our beautiful National Forests and National Parks, created by a progressive Republican, Theodore Roosevelt. And, I'd like to see them open and continuing to be run by the federal government, which keeps the cost of entry down.

Fine - then pass a constitutional amendment making it ok for the feds to operate the parks. That's fine with me, but until that happens the national parks are unconstitutional and should be turned over to the states.
Our framers didn't think so, you honestly think that bulling states is a better solution, than each state knowing it's geography and it's weather and it's visitors and adjusting accordingly.

What a fucking moron!
The Framers thought exactly that!

If they wanted the States to have more authority, they would've kept more of the Articles of Confederation. But they didn't, did they?

HAHAHA. What a stupid thing to say. The rejection of the Articles of Confederation only proves that the founders wanted a stronger federal govt than they had at the time. But nothing like what we have now. The founders believed in states rights. THINK
Anyone who thinks 50 separate governments could possibly be efficient in any way clearly isn't thinking this through. While I think local governments are important for certain circumstances, we are one country and should be governed as such.

Our framers didn't think so, you honestly think that bulling states is a better solution, than each state knowing it's geography and it's weather and it's visitors and adjusting accordingly.

What a fucking moron!

Hey dumbfuck, the framers were dealing with 13 states with a total population of about two million.

Pull your head out of your ass.

Sorry I forgot we are dealing with progressives who are so narrow minded that they the shitheads can't compromise anything more than 2 million in population, no wonder you guys are behind the curve. Sorry I forgot how low progressive will stoop to lie.
Our framers didn't think so, you honestly think that bulling states is a better solution, than each state knowing it's geography and it's weather and it's visitors and adjusting accordingly.

What a fucking moron!

Hey dumbfuck, the framers were dealing with 13 states with a total population of about two million.

Pull your head out of your ass.

Sorry I forgot we are dealing with progressives who are so narrow minded that they the shitheads can't compromise anything more than 2 million in population, no wonder you guys are behind the curve. Sorry I forgot how low progressive will stoop to lie.

2 million or 200 million people makes no difference

the framers vested the power to the states and the people
Jefferson preferred a limited central government where the individual states had degree of greater authority and the powers of the central government were limited.
That's because he was more concerned about protecting slave ownership in Virginia, than the direction of the country on the whole.

Jefferson was a Virginian first, an American second.
So why did they

1. Write the tenth amendment?

2. Specify in the constitution that the states and not the feds have final say on proposed constitutional amendments.?

3. Create the electoral college to choose presidents ?

The Constitution is pretty specific.

Congress shall make all laws necessary to provide for the general welfare of the United States.

There is no shared supremacy here.
HAHAHA. What a stupid thing to say. The rejection of the Articles of Confederation only proves that the founders wanted a stronger federal govt than they had at the time. But nothing like what we have now. The founders believed in states rights. THINK
No they didn't!

After creating a brand new government in a brand new country, the last thing they would do would be to make it susceptable (and subservient) to States rights.

In fact, if you count the number of times the Founders mention "rights" and the number of times they mention "power", the Founders mention "power" over "rights" at a rate of 4 to 1.
Jefferson preferred a limited central government where the individual states had degree of greater authority and the powers of the central government were limited.
That's because he was more concerned about protecting slave ownership in Virginia, than the direction of the country on the whole.

Jefferson was a Virginian first, an American second.

that is not true nor accurate
So why did they

1. Write the tenth amendment?

2. Specify in the constitution that the states and not the feds have final say on proposed constitutional amendments.?

3. Create the electoral college to choose presidents ?

The Constitution is pretty specific.

Congress shall make all laws necessary to provide for the general welfare of the United States.

There is no shared supremacy here.

United States v. Butler says differently
So why did they

1. Write the tenth amendment?

2. Specify in the constitution that the states and not the feds have final say on proposed constitutional amendments.?

3. Create the electoral college to choose presidents ?

The Constitution is pretty specific.

Congress shall make all laws necessary to provide for the general welfare of the United States.

There is no shared supremacy here.

United States v. Butler says differently

United States v. Butler, 297 U.S. 1 (1936) was a case in which the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the processing taxes instituted under the 1933 Agricultural Adjustment Act were unconstitutional. Justice Owen Roberts argued that the tax was "but a means to an unconstitutional end" that violated the Tenth Amendment.

Summary of ruling:

The Agricultural Adjustment Act is an unconstitutional exercise of power.

United States v. Butler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
United States v. Butler says differently
Paying farmers to not grow crops in order to increase the price on said crops, does not benefit the general welfare of the country. It only benefits those farmers who go along with this price fixing scam.

SCOTUS shot it down and rightfully so.

Obviously, Congress cannot make a law that is un-Constitutional. I thought that went without saying?
that is not true nor accurate
Not according to historians...

Historians Burstein and Isenberg wrote in Madison and Jefferson that these two important Founders must be understood as, first and foremost, politicians representing the interests of Virginia where the two men lived nearby each other on plantations worked by African-American slaves, Jefferson at Monticello and Madison at Montpelier.

“It is hard for most to think of Madison and Jefferson and admit that they were Virginians first, Americans second,” Burstein and Isenberg said. “But this fact seems beyond dispute. Virginians felt they had to act to protect the interests of the Old Dominion, or else, before long, they would become marginalized by a northern-dominated economy.
The feds are gone and life goes on just fine. We don't need all these federal agencies meddling in our lives. They do nothing but cause trouble. Let the states run things.

That was nearly capitulated when the thirteen colonies formed the union.
I would love to be the pilot tying to land a plane in Mississippi without any regulation as to who will be in the tower...Betcha that would be an experience to remember.

"Flight ___ You can land on the runway"

"Which one"

"We have 5. Pick one. We're laid back."

I can't imagine a person posting anything that is so completely stupid as to what you are posting. You honestly think this would happen? And if you really do? You are the dumbest poster ever! What a fucking stupid scare tactic post. Congrats you dumb fuck!

It was a joke; sort of. Gee, you conservatives are really enjoying the shutdown aren't you? In case you missed it, that was sarcasm. You've gotten yourself so wound up over this inevitable failure of your party and the assured poor political fall out that you can't register it any more.


As for the premise about fifty regulatory bodies having input over the road and air instead of the federal agencies, motor carriers, airlines, shipping concerns, multi-state/multi-market companies like the one I work for would find it very difficult to open and maintain businesses that cross state lines.

Mississippi would probably prefer we bleed patients with leeches and bring in blood approved by a Baptist minister that, of course, has the blessing of Christ and a more enlightened society like Wisconsin would be okay with what we've always done; provide top tier patient care.

Those were jokes too; sort of.:eusa_shifty:
We can always count on our resident nutters to push for ways to bring the American people together. They would never suggest policies that would divide us in any way.
States righters are generally also CSA apologists, every notice that?

Every notice that they are usually also very very VERY interested in race issues?

Ya'll can do the math.
We can always count on our resident nutters to push for ways to bring the American people together. They would never suggest policies that would divide us in any way.

But of course, Obama is the divisive one...

Wonder how FEMA is acting in Colorado...they didn't seem to be much for self-soverignty up yonder. Or the next time a hurricane reduces the rubble in Alabama to soggy rubble...I'm sure they'll be happy refusing FEMA; right?
I don't know about you, but I'm a die-hard fan of our beautiful National Forests and National Parks, created by a progressive Republican, Theodore Roosevelt. And, I'd like to see them open and continuing to be run by the federal government, which keeps the cost of entry down.

There are sacrifices to make to beat back this repressive big, and ever expanding, government. Although I too love our parks, closing them to fight this fight is one worth making.

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