Government worker

Trump was only trying to do what Americans want. Secure the border and lighten up an enormous tax burden on the American taxpayers
Just remember who had your back Trump cared more about putting you back to work than Popo and Shoomi did.

Trump concedes to temporarily end shutdown - CNNPolitics

Government workers will not forget.......

That Trump had a confirmed CR and shot it down
How Trump was proud of denying them pay
How Congress recommended a 2.6 percent cost of living increase and Trump came back with zero
How Trump froze all promotions
How Trump mocks the Federal Workforce at his rallies

Trump has been abusing Government workers since he took office

Now, he is calling them patriots

The Federal Workforce will not forget
the federal workforce is like everyone else...if trump threw something good their way they will forget about what is happening today...
MAGA hats?
yea its the hats....
Trump was only trying to do what Americans want. Secure the border and lighten up an enormous tax burden on the American taxpayers
Americans did not support the shutdown and do not want a border wall
Even the border patrol agents want fencing
Americans do not support it

Americans show in poll they want border fence and tightened immigration

Poll: Majorities oppose Trump's wall funding demand, call for compromise
lol... oh please. (R)s have given out amnesty.

Oh, the it's different excuse,huh?

How about the child of the bank robber keeping the money? The standard applied to that situation is the one you're OK with when it comes to illegal POS being here.

because money is a thing. children aren't. different circumstances.

That's called moving the goalposts. You're the one that set the standard of "thru no fault of their own". The circumstances aren't any different. Children, thru no fault of their own, benefit from an illegal action. It's two examples applying the standard YOU set. One you're OK with and one you aren't. That proves your standard is meaningless and you're a hypocrite.

of course it's applying a different standard. like i said, children are not things. even brown ones.

Not when the standard is "thru no fault of their own". Remember that one you ran away from?

It's a different example you stupid motherfucker. It's along the same principle.

The brown ones will matter when their asses come here legally. When they don't, they're no different than the brown turd I flushed down the toilet this morning.

stephen miller..... is that you??? :lmao:

the only one that ran away - was the mango madman & his promise that
there are (R)s in favor of allowing a path to citizenship for those that are 'illegally' here thru no fault of their own.

They're no different than the POS D(s) that support it.

Putting quotes around illegally doesn't lessen the fact that they shouldn't be here.

If someone's parent(s) robbed a bank and gave their children the money, should they get to keep it. That's illegal to have it but the kids got it through no fault of their own. That does seem to be the qualifying factor you use to try and justify something that is against the law.

lol... oh please. (R)s have given out amnesty.

Oh, the it's different excuse,huh?

How about the child of the bank robber keeping the money? The standard applied to that situation is the one you're OK with when it comes to illegal POS being here.

Bank robber?
Living here without documentation is a misdemeanor. One count.

Irrelevant. That doesn't justify committing crimes does it?

It's relevant when they are compared to bank robbers. They aren't the malignant criminals you make them out to be.
Just remember who had your back Trump cared more about putting you back to work than Popo and Shoomi did.

Trump concedes to temporarily end shutdown - CNNPolitics

According to regressive narrative in trickery, Pelosi is the winner.
According to regressive narrative in trickery, Pelosi is the winner.
What "trickery" would that be? Pelosi made her position very clear from the beginning and stood by it the entire time. Trump acquiesced.

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