Governor Brown Gives A Helping Hand To Ben Carson


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009

Just like so many of the Republican evangies on this M/B, Ben Carson is unable to do his own research. My guess is Carson will be sending Governor Brown a nice "Thank You" note - right after he stops dumbing down his campaign to meet his constituency's ideology?

Sep 12, 2015 at 08:31 AM PDT

Ben Carson couldn't find the evidence for human-caused climate change, so Jerry Brown sent it to him

by Keith Pickering

As the least experienced anti-government outsiders rise in the GOP polls, neurosurgeon Ben Carson is riding the wave, along with Trump and Fiorina. Yesterday in California, Carson said this:

I know there a lot of people who say 'overwhelming science,' but then when you ask them to show the overwhelming science, they never can show it. There is no overwhelming science that the things that are going on are man-caused and not naturally caused.

Gimme a break.

Don't worry, Dr. Carson! Because California governor Jerry Brown has heard your call, and can actually show you the overwhelming science! In fact, Brown sent Carson a letter containing a flash drive, with a copy of the latest IPCC Fifth Assessment Report.

Gov. Brown Press Ofc‏@GovPressOffice Sep 10
. @ JerryBrownGov to climate science denier @ RealBenCarson: "Climate change is much bigger than partisan politics."


LOL@ Forest fires caused ManMade Global WarmerCoolering or whatever the fuck you call it today
"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore..." -- IPCC openly admit Climate change is a wealth redistribution scheme
Not this stupid shit again? Consensus isn't science. Jerry Brown is too dense to understand and I'll bet Ben laughed his ass off.
Consensus paired with evidence is science, some scientists deny evolution, yet, we know evolution is a scientific fact supported by the evidence available. People attempted to deny that for decades, the same thing is occurring with global warming.
Not this stupid shit again? Consensus isn't science. Jerry Brown is too dense to understand and I'll bet Ben laughed his ass off.
Consensus paired with evidence is science, some scientists deny evolution, yet, we know evolution is a scientific fact supported by the evidence available. People attempted to deny that for decades, the same thing is occurring with global warming.
You wouldn't need a consensus if you have facts. That's how science works. A consensus is a group of opinions, nothing more. Not all climate scientists agree with AGW, insisting they do makes people look stupid.
Not this stupid shit again? Consensus isn't science. Jerry Brown is too dense to understand and I'll bet Ben laughed his ass off.
Consensus paired with evidence is science, some scientists deny evolution, yet, we know evolution is a scientific fact supported by the evidence available. People attempted to deny that for decades, the same thing is occurring with global warming.
You wouldn't need a consensus if you have facts. That's how science works. A consensus is a group of opinions, nothing more. Not all climate scientists agree with AGW, insisting they do makes people look stupid.
"paired with evidence." Hint, hint. It's an obvious fact. Some biologists disagree with evolution, they're in the minority, much like the climate scientists who deny global warming.
Not this stupid shit again? Consensus isn't science. Jerry Brown is too dense to understand and I'll bet Ben laughed his ass off.
Consensus paired with evidence is science, some scientists deny evolution, yet, we know evolution is a scientific fact supported by the evidence available. People attempted to deny that for decades, the same thing is occurring with global warming.
You wouldn't need a consensus if you have facts. That's how science works. A consensus is a group of opinions, nothing more. Not all climate scientists agree with AGW, insisting they do makes people look stupid.
Let me help you out:
NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Home | Climate Change | US EPA
IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Climate change
Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Consensus
The 97% consensus on global warming
the consensus project
Not this stupid shit again? Consensus isn't science. Jerry Brown is too dense to understand and I'll bet Ben laughed his ass off.
Consensus paired with evidence is science, some scientists deny evolution, yet, we know evolution is a scientific fact supported by the evidence available. People attempted to deny that for decades, the same thing is occurring with global warming.
You wouldn't need a consensus if you have facts. That's how science works. A consensus is a group of opinions, nothing more. Not all climate scientists agree with AGW, insisting they do makes people look stupid.
Let me help you out:
NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Home | Climate Change | US EPA
IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Climate change
Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Consensus
The 97% consensus on global warming
the consensus project
That's a list and the 97% figure was debunked long ago. There once was a 100% consensus on the steady state universe. Well, almost anyway. A Roman Catholic priest changed all that.
Not this stupid shit again? Consensus isn't science. Jerry Brown is too dense to understand and I'll bet Ben laughed his ass off.
Consensus paired with evidence is science, some scientists deny evolution, yet, we know evolution is a scientific fact supported by the evidence available. People attempted to deny that for decades, the same thing is occurring with global warming.
You wouldn't need a consensus if you have facts. That's how science works. A consensus is a group of opinions, nothing more. Not all climate scientists agree with AGW, insisting they do makes people look stupid.
Let me help you out:
NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Home | Climate Change | US EPA
IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Climate change
Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Consensus
The 97% consensus on global warming
the consensus project
That's a list and the 97% figure was debunked long ago. There once was a 100% consensus on the steady state universe. Well, almost anyway. A Roman Catholic priest changed all that.
Hey, buddy, the figure isn't debunked at all, more and more papers are released in support of global warming, the data supports it, get over it. Yeah, and science changes thanks to evidence, however, with climate change, it's clear where the evidence leads. Now, we can believe that climate change is a liberal conspiracy carried out by every single country to destroy the middle class, or that it is a real problem we need to address.
Hey, buddy, the figure isn't debunked at all, more and more papers are released in support of global warming, the data supports it, get over it. Yeah, and science changes thanks to evidence, however, with climate change, it's clear where the evidence leads. Now, we can believe that climate change is a liberal conspiracy carried out by every single country to destroy the middle class, or that it is a real problem we need to address.
The assertion is made over and over. That's how propaganda works. That isn't how science works.

NASA scientists against AGW | The SPPI Blog
In an unprecedented slap at NASA’s endorsement of global warming science, nearly 50 former astronauts and scientists–including the ex-boss of the Johnson Space Center–claim the agency is on the wrong side of science and must change course or ruin the reputation of the world’s top space agency.

Challenging statements from NASA that man is causing climate change, the former NASA executives demanded in a letter to Administrator Charles Bolden that he and the agency “refrain from including unproven remarks” supporting global warming in the media. The letter was signed by seven Apollo astronauts, a deputy associate administrator, several scientists, and even the deputy director of the space shuttle program. —The Washington Examiner, 10 April 2012

In their letter, the group said that thousands of years of data challenge modern-day claims that man-made carbon dioxide is causing climate change. “With hundreds of well-known climate scientists and tens of thousands of other scientists publicly declaring their disbelief in the catastrophic forecasts, coming particularly from (NASA’s) Goddard Institute for Space Studies leadership, it is clear that the science is NOT settled,” they wrote. —The Washington Examiner, 10 April 2012 (more…)
Hey, buddy, the figure isn't debunked at all, more and more papers are released in support of global warming, the data supports it, get over it. Yeah, and science changes thanks to evidence, however, with climate change, it's clear where the evidence leads. Now, we can believe that climate change is a liberal conspiracy carried out by every single country to destroy the middle class, or that it is a real problem we need to address.
The assertion is made over and over. That's how propaganda works. That isn't how science works.

NASA scientists against AGW | The SPPI Blog
In an unprecedented slap at NASA’s endorsement of global warming science, nearly 50 former astronauts and scientists–including the ex-boss of the Johnson Space Center–claim the agency is on the wrong side of science and must change course or ruin the reputation of the world’s top space agency.

Challenging statements from NASA that man is causing climate change, the former NASA executives demanded in a letter to Administrator Charles Bolden that he and the agency “refrain from including unproven remarks” supporting global warming in the media. The letter was signed by seven Apollo astronauts, a deputy associate administrator, several scientists, and even the deputy director of the space shuttle program. —The Washington Examiner, 10 April 2012

In their letter, the group said that thousands of years of data challenge modern-day claims that man-made carbon dioxide is causing climate change. “With hundreds of well-known climate scientists and tens of thousands of other scientists publicly declaring their disbelief in the catastrophic forecasts, coming particularly from (NASA’s) Goddard Institute for Space Studies leadership, it is clear that the science is NOT settled,” they wrote. —The Washington Examiner, 10 April 2012 (more…)
I can show you biologists claiming "evolutionists" are wrong, they're in the minority. I'll follow the evidence, not the lunatic ravings of internet rwers.
ole Moombeam, I wonder where he got his degree in weather and science. the man is dumber than a box of rocks thinking he's going to school a Dr. on the weather. these Democrats are insufferable. No wonder where their base picks it from and so easily brainwashed. they bow at the feet of every loudmouth nobody as long as there's a D next to their name

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