Governor McCrory's dirty hands


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
North Carolina's Republican governor McCrory worked for Duke Energy for 30 years. The Associated Press reports McCrory’s Department of Environment and Natural Resources stepped in to block three separate Clean Water Act lawsuits brought against the company in 2013. Instead of harsh penalties and fines, Duke was given light financial penalties and was not required to change its storage of toxic byproducts from coal-fired power plants.

Now McCrory's administration is part of a criminal investigation in connection with Duke Energy's recent coal ash spill...

U.S. prosecutors are investigating whether a crime was committed when thousands of tons of coal ash sludge spilled from a Duke Energy power plant in North Carolina in early February into a river that supplies drinking water for nearby towns.
Subpoenas were received this week by Duke Energy, which retired the coal-fired power plant in Eden in 2012, and the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources regulator, spokesmen for the two entities said on Thursday.

U.S. prosecutors open criminal probe of Duke Energy coal ash spill | Reuters
Meanwhile....Obama getting an Ambassador and 3 contractors killed in a country made dangerous by Obama and his Euro buddies just before an not news to you scum.
North Carolina's Republican governor McCrory worked for Duke Energy for 30 years. The Associated Press reports McCrory’s Department of Environment and Natural Resources stepped in to block three separate Clean Water Act lawsuits brought against the company in 2013. Instead of harsh penalties and fines, Duke was given light financial penalties and was not required to change its storage of toxic byproducts from coal-fired power plants.

Now McCrory's administration is part of a criminal investigation in connection with Duke Energy's recent coal ash spill...

U.S. prosecutors are investigating whether a crime was committed when thousands of tons of coal ash sludge spilled from a Duke Energy power plant in North Carolina in early February into a river that supplies drinking water for nearby towns.
Subpoenas were received this week by Duke Energy, which retired the coal-fired power plant in Eden in 2012, and the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources regulator, spokesmen for the two entities said on Thursday.

U.S. prosecutors open criminal probe of Duke Energy coal ash spill | Reuters

Could you please provide details on those 2013 Clean Water Act lawsuits?

Thanking you in advance...
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You mean a repub governor is dirty? I thought only liberal governors and mayors were dirty. Man the libs sure scrutinize repubs alot more than their own party don't they. I guess if they can bring us all down to their level then we will all be equal.
You mean a repub governor is dirty? I thought only liberal governors and mayors were dirty. Man the libs sure scrutinize repubs alot more than their own party don't they. I guess if they can bring us all down to their level then we will all be equal.

The partisanship is interesting. The libs here always post the news when they are attacking a con who is corrupt. Then the cons always post it when a lib is found to be corrupt.

These threads are worthless mental masturbation for the partisan hacks simply aimed at justifying the hate they have for those opposite the isle from them.
Well, he has dirty hands. Obama has bloodstained hands, as in the blood of four brave men who died due to his negligence in Benghazi. But hey, don't let that stop you from scrutinizing the marital affairs of Republicans or anything.

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