Governor Scott Walker Believes He’s Following Orders from the Lord

As long as that lord believes humanity should go to other planets and advance. Well, I'd agree. ;) Allah is a butt humper!
So, this means that Scott Walker has a trait in common with Steve McFuckMeinTheAss' great hero, Adolph Hitler. Hitler also thought that he was following orders from the Lord. And we all see how well that worked out.
Governor Scott Walker Believes He’s Following Orders from the Lord

Terrific, he and ISIS can meet to coffee and danish.
So, this means that Scott Walker has a trait in common with Steve McFuckMeinTheAss' great hero, Adolph Hitler. Hitler also thought that he was following orders from the Lord. And we all see how well that worked out.

Except Walker is freeing people from union thugs and big government and has no interest in being a dictator. Wow, that makes him Hitler's opposite.
So, this means that Scott Walker has a trait in common with Steve McFuckMeinTheAss' great hero, Adolph Hitler. Hitler also thought that he was following orders from the Lord. And we all see how well that worked out.

Except Walker is freeing people from union thugs and big government and has no interest in being a dictator. Wow, that makes him Hitler's opposite.

Except, Germans once thought that of Hitler until it was too late.
So, this means that Scott Walker has a trait in common with Steve McFuckMeinTheAss' great hero, Adolph Hitler. Hitler also thought that he was following orders from the Lord. And we all see how well that worked out.
Except Walker is freeing people from union thugs and big government and has no interest in being a dictator. Wow, that makes him Hitler's opposite.
We'll just wait until God tells Scott to order the big ovens, and round up the Jews...
God must love messing with right wingers. Why else would he tell every one of them they should run for the presidency when he knows they don't stand a chance? I'll bet he's laughing his ass off right now.
So, this means that Scott Walker has a trait in common with Steve McFuckMeinTheAss' great hero, Adolph Hitler. Hitler also thought that he was following orders from the Lord. And we all see how well that worked out.


Does anyone else just LOVE how the Left is so DESPERATE to be 'people'?

LOL! There they are as sub-standard an example of humanity as can be produced and they jump around and wave their arms "LOOK AT ME!... I deny the existence of nature! I'm EDGY!"

LMAO! ... just ADORABLE!
Walker said that God has told him what to do every step of the way, including about what jobs to take, whom to marry, and when to run for governor.

What if Scott believes the Lord wants him to be President, and then he gets his ass kicked in the primaries?
So, this means that Scott Walker has a trait in common with Steve McFuckMeinTheAss' great hero, Adolph Hitler. Hitler also thought that he was following orders from the Lord. And we all see how well that worked out.

Except Walker is freeing people from union thugs and big government and has no interest in being a dictator. Wow, that makes him Hitler's opposite.

Except, Germans once thought that of Hitler until it was too late.

Oh... it wasn't just Germans. East Coast US Progressives (fascists) thought the same thing.

The US Left LOVED Hitler.
A person who believes they are doing God's or Allah's will is one of the most dangerous kinds of people there are.
Walker said that God has told him what to do every step of the way, including about what jobs to take, whom to marry, and when to run for governor.

What if Scott believes the Lord wants him to be President, and then he gets his ass kicked in the primaries?

God can be a dick sometimes.
Walker said that God has told him what to do every step of the way, including about what jobs to take, whom to marry, and when to run for governor.

What if Scott believes the Lord wants him to be President, and then he gets his ass kicked in the primaries?
God would just have been testing him then, like this?
A person who believes they are doing God's or Allah's will is one of the most dangerous kinds of people there are.


Now who else is just AMAZEd at the duplicitous nature of these clowns.

In one breath it's "PALESTINIANS ARE VICTIMS! THE POOR IRAQIS! THE TALIBAN IS JUST DOING THE BEST THEY CAN... STOP KILLING THEM!" and in the next we see the nonsense that this crank just spewed.

LOL! I can't get my fill of it.
Walker said that God has told him what to do every step of the way, including about what jobs to take, whom to marry, and when to run for governor.

What if Scott believes the Lord wants him to be President, and then he gets his ass kicked in the primaries?

Oh, well I dunno.

But I doubt its anything like when one's God told them that Walker was going to be RECALLED... then Walker BURIES THOSE LOSERS IN A LANDSLIDE!

Probably just the opposite of that, is my guess.

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