Govt about to arrest woman, for 2ND TIME, for unattractive yard!!!

From the article, the woman's yard looks like a dump and she calls it decorations. She even has dead cars melting in her front yard. She maintains her home as the neighborhood eyesore which affects everyone's property values.

I guess her freedom came right up against someone else's rights.
You have a right to property value?
Sounds like she's been just stubborn over's her fault if she went to jail over it, especially when people have offered to help and have done some work for her for free!
i know it drives me nuts to see junk all over a yard, and people think they're decorations? Lol!
I think the neighbors have a right to complain, especially if it means this one house can lower their property values because it looks so bad.

Well if it drives you nuts we should arrest them then right. We should ask you and people who think like you, what "looks good" and arrest those who do not conform.

I can not fucking believe anyways supports this BS. Nazi fucking pigs.

What if one day you want to sell your home (especially in this economy) and you have a next door neighbor with property that looks like a dump. How many people do you think you'll attract to your home, no matter how nice it is, when they see what they will have to look at every day?
So, you think you have a right to force others to do what you want, so that you can profit?

Mount Pleasant woman tangling with town again over yard condition | The Post and Courier | Charleston SC, News, Sports, Entertainment

Email this to everyone you can.

This Charleston suburb, Mount Pleasant, a haven for snobby liberals, is about to arrest this woman, AGAIN, because they dont approve of how she decorated her yard.

No public safety hazard the 1st time, or 2nd time. A 100% appearance issue. The neighbors and local govt dont like how her yard "looks". That simple. Purely aesthetics.

She went to jail for 6 days last year for the same thing. Now, Big Govt is about to arrest her AGAIN.

What in the hell has our country come to?

Is this Obama's fault?
Lock the bitch up. She's clearly a threat to National Security.

So say the Nanny/Police Stater assholes anyway. Seriously, WTF is wrong with these people?
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My grandmother was fined many times in her final years because her grass was too tall. Oddly enough just a few blocks away the grass on the highway median the grass was ALWAYS 10 times taller. I doubt they fined themselves.
My grandmother was fined many times in her final years because her grass was too tall. Oddly enough just a few blocks away the grass on the highway median the grass was ALWAYS 10 times taller. I doubt they fined themselves.

Gubmint never does.
So, zoning laws are bad too.

Not if they apply to land that was not previously occupied by a private homeowner. Saying a large plot of land is reserved for a business is fine. People used to "zone" community land for farming, livestock, etc, through community agreements.

This is not a zoning issue. It is the "code enforcement" sections of local governments acting as unofficial HOA's for beautification purposes. Did you know the same town had banned a man from building a fence on his own property to keep his kids and dogs from running into the street? They said it doesn't "vibe" with the neighborhood feel. BTW, that neighborhood is the Mount Pleasant Old Village, homes that have been there since the 1700's, so it isn't a brand new subdivision with an HOA. His home was probably there before the Civil War. But.....he can't build a fence around the yard. He wanted a white picket fence that was 5 feet high.
Mount Pleasant woman tangling with town again over yard condition | The Post and Courier | Charleston SC, News, Sports, Entertainment

Email this to everyone you can.

This Charleston suburb, Mount Pleasant, a haven for snobby liberals, is about to arrest this woman, AGAIN, because they dont approve of how she decorated her yard.

No public safety hazard the 1st time, or 2nd time. A 100% appearance issue. The neighbors and local govt dont like how her yard "looks". That simple. Purely aesthetics.

She went to jail for 6 days last year for the same thing. Now, Big Govt is about to arrest her AGAIN.

What in the hell has our country come to?

Is this Obama's fault?

No. It is the fault of a society that has grown more and more comfortable with letting the government walk all over people. BUT....since its happening to someone else, not them, they are fine. Especially since it is for the sake of their precious property values!!! Oh God forbid the slob next door make it look like they have a slob living next door. Go get the men with guns to put the slob next door in jail so we wont have to look like we live next to a slob, although thats exactly what we are doing, living next to a slob, but big daddy govt will fix it!~
My grandmother was fined many times in her final years because her grass was too tall. Oddly enough just a few blocks away the grass on the highway median the grass was ALWAYS 10 times taller. I doubt they fined themselves.

A few miles up the road, this town has it's public works facility next to a major shopping center. They have dozens of crashed police cars, broken down dump trucks, huge piles of trash and scraps from repairs on fire trucks, pd cars, etc. But....a woman goes to jail for having a visibly messy yard. I'm sure they'll clean their own yard up soon.
Mount Pleasant woman tangling with town again over yard condition | The Post and Courier | Charleston SC, News, Sports, Entertainment

Email this to everyone you can.

This Charleston suburb, Mount Pleasant, a haven for snobby liberals, is about to arrest this woman, AGAIN, because they dont approve of how she decorated her yard.

No public safety hazard the 1st time, or 2nd time. A 100% appearance issue. The neighbors and local govt dont like how her yard "looks". That simple. Purely aesthetics.

She went to jail for 6 days last year for the same thing. Now, Big Govt is about to arrest her AGAIN.

What in the hell has our country come to?
As I have shown so many many tines before, whatever a lying scum CON$ervoFascist says, the opposite is true.

You have a snobby CON$ervoFascist haven with a snobby CON$ervoFascist mayor imposing Big Government on the little people snobby CON$ervoFascist scum hate.

Mayor Billy Swails (R), Mt. Pleasant
Mayor of Mt. Pleasant, a conservative and rapidly growing town across the river from Charleston, Mayor Swails is
also a well-respected businessman in the community, working also as a State Farm insurance agent. Located in
the 1st Congressional district, Mt. Pleasant has a port terminal within the city as well as major traffic issues.
Mayor Swails serves as chair of the Transportation, Police, Legal and Judicial Committees of Council.
From the article, the woman's yard looks like a dump and she calls it decorations. She even has dead cars melting in her front yard. She maintains her home as the neighborhood eyesore which affects everyone's property values.

I guess her freedom came right up against someone else's rights.
She never stepped foot on anyone elses property.


That is tyrannical fucking garbage. Fuck your property value. If I'm causing no harm to anyone, and not causing a public safety hazard, then it isn't your business. These people moved into a neighborhood with NO HOA, then whine when people dont comply with bullshit town ordinances.

Where in the constitution did we grant the government (aka men with guns) the power to tell me how attractive I must keep my yard?
Wait... you didn't just claim that it unconstitutional for towns to make their own laws, did you?
From the article, the woman's yard looks like a dump and she calls it decorations. She even has dead cars melting in her front yard. She maintains her home as the neighborhood eyesore which affects everyone's property values.

I guess her freedom came right up against someone else's rights.

It is not her responsibility, OR the govt's, to keep YOUR property values up.

Her yard was causing NO public safety hazard the first, or second, time. There is no HOA. And the whiny lib neighbors cried to the govt to act as the unofficial HOA to beautify the block, through use of men with guns of course.
Again, CON$ervoFascists always lie, so we know it was the whiny CON$ervoFascist neighbors who called in the Big Government guns!

Mayor Billy Swails (R), Mt. Pleasant
Mayor of Mt. Pleasant, a conservative and rapidly growing town across the river from Charleston, Mayor Swails is
also a well-respected businessman in the community, working also as a State Farm insurance agent. Located in
the 1st Congressional district, Mt. Pleasant has a port terminal within the city as well as major traffic issues.
Mayor Swails serves as chair of the Transportation, Police, Legal and Judicial Committees of Council.
They dont care about those yards in the bad parts of town either. Its only in the snobbish liberal havens that they want men with guns to lock up their neighbor for having.....GASP.......dared to harm their property values.

Funny. Liberals hate wealth and profit for others, but will have you arrested if you dare threaten THEIR precious property values!
lying CON$ervoFascist scum believe that if they repeat their premeditated lies often enough some stupid fool will believe them.

Mayor Billy Swails (R), Mt. Pleasant
Mayor of Mt. Pleasant, a conservative and rapidly growing town across the river from Charleston, Mayor Swails is
also a well-respected businessman in the community, working also as a State Farm insurance agent. Located in
the 1st Congressional district, Mt. Pleasant has a port terminal within the city as well as major traffic issues.
Mayor Swails serves as chair of the Transportation, Police, Legal and Judicial Committees of Council.
My grandmother was fined many times in her final years because her grass was too tall. Oddly enough just a few blocks away the grass on the highway median the grass was ALWAYS 10 times taller. I doubt they fined themselves.

A few miles up the road, this town has it's public works facility next to a major shopping center. They have dozens of crashed police cars, broken down dump trucks, huge piles of trash and scraps from repairs on fire trucks, pd cars, etc. But....a woman goes to jail for having a visibly messy yard. I'm sure they'll clean their own yard up soon.
Typical CON$ervoFascist hypocrisy, thank you for pointing it out.
Screw her. Lock her up and throw away the key. She's clearly a threat to our American way of life. We need more Citizens arrested and imprisoned. There's just not enough Citizens in our Prisons right now. So go get her Big Brother!

Some red meat for the Nanny/Police Stater imbeciles. ;)

Small towns shouldn't have zoning standards? They should let idiots put toxic waste dumps in their their yards? Are you also against States/township rights?

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