Gov't Forces Christians To Violate Faith

Did we ever see CNN Anderson Cooper rushing and raising hell over muslim bakers refusing to bake a cake for faggots?

Just watch that little piece and see how they too refuse and the left doesn't say shit.
None of them. Quieter than a mouse pissing on cotton.

Which means what? Just like I have always said. Left wingers are unreal sacks of double talking hypocritical American hating shit who stand for nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

Has there been an instance of Muslim bakers refusing to make wedding cakes for gays, or is this something that only people pretending to be Christians do?

Here is the thing. If you provide services to weddings, you're not being asked to do anything sinful. Baking a cake and delivering it to a venue is not sinful, nor does it violate your beliefs that gay marriage is wrong. You're not attending the wedding, you're not marrying the couple, and you're not having sex with them. Forcing wedding services providers to provide services to gays is no different than asking them to provide services for bi-racial couples, Muslims, Jews, drug addicts or other people who don't share their beliefs or their morals.

I personally have a much bigger problem with adulterers than I do with gays, mainly because the same people who condemn gays, have no problem with providing their services to people who have committed a since comparable to murder in the eyes of God. The Bible says adulterers should be stoned. I have no problem with that one at all, as long as the men get stoned first. But Jesus said "Let you among you who is without sin, cast the first stone", so I guess we let these jerks live.
I still can't work out why same sex people need to marry each other.

It's because the law doesn't recognize a couple's rights without marriage. If your husband or wife is sick or unconscious, you have the right to decide their care if they can't. If your same sex partner is ill, you have no rights to decide their care. If a family member comes in, they can decide their care and throw you out. It happens A LOT at the end of life.

Family members hate that their child is gay, and throw out the same sex partner, and take over their loved one's care, and the partner, who may have lived with them for 20, 30 or more years, has no rights.

Marriage changes everything.
/--- All they need is a Power of Attorney to make those decisions. The true agenda is to undermine the institution of marriage so you freaks can claim you're mainstream.

A power of attorney gives you spousal protections against testifying in court?

Why should gays have to pay thousands in legal fees for a fraction of the rights, benefits and protections afforded civil marriage?
Why would you deny me the free exercise of my religion in order to "compensate" for legal inequities.

One has nothing to do with the other.

The free exercise of your religion isn't infringed upon by my civil marriage.
I still can't work out why same sex people need to marry each other.

It's because the law doesn't recognize a couple's rights without marriage. If your husband or wife is sick or unconscious, you have the right to decide their care if they can't. If your same sex partner is ill, you have no rights to decide their care. If a family member comes in, they can decide their care and throw you out. It happens A LOT at the end of life.

Family members hate that their child is gay, and throw out the same sex partner, and take over their loved one's care, and the partner, who may have lived with them for 20, 30 or more years, has no rights.

Mentally ill people need others to look out for them, so this is the way it should be.

Marriage changes everything.

They aren't real marriages, they're just agitprop and attention whoring nonsense. Few are actually interested in 'marriage', and far fewer ever have long term relationships. your premise is a fake meme. they never concerned themselves with any of this until the self-inflicted AIDS crisis generated a need to get some of their fellow deviants insurance, so hence the sudden concern to peddle the 'marriage' hoax, just a way to scam health insurance companies.

My wife and I have been together 21 years and have two children. The overwhelming majority of our gay friends are also raising children in long term relationships. You straight folks divorce at a rate of over 50%. You're not being very good role models. My daughter only has one friend whose parents are still together and my son has none. You heterosexual need to do better.

... which, of course, has absolutely nothing to do with the subject at hand.

Nice deflection, though.

I was responding directly to a commentary. A comment that had "absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand".
LGBT marriage in no way infringes on anyone's right to worship as the please.
LGBT marriage in no way infringes on anyone's right to worship as the please.

When gays were given the right to marry in Canada, nothing changed for the rest of us. It had no affect whatsoever on straight marriage. But it meant that Seawytch could get family benefits through her employer's health insurance, or through her wife's. This is no small thing, especially if the biological mother of the children is a stay-at-home mom, because the non-biological mother of the children cannot cover either the children or their mother on her policy, unless they are married.

There are so many legal little loopholes available to married couples, i.e. joint income tax filing in the US, that are not available to unmarried gay partners. If a couple splits, the non-working member of the partnership has no legal rights to assets which the worker partner paid for, unless they're married either, so one partners stays home to be the "housewife/husband", and their contribution isn't counted when they split their property, because they're not married, so community property doesn't exist for them.

In Canada, a stay-at-home partner is entitled to a pro-rated portion of the working partner's pension on retirement, based on the number of years of marriage. Not married? Tough.
LGBT marriage in no way infringes on anyone's right to worship as the please.

When gays were given the right to marry in Canada, nothing changed for the rest of us. It had no affect whatsoever on straight marriage. But it meant that Seawytch could get family benefits through her employer's health insurance, or through her wife's. This is no small thing, especially if the biological mother of the children is a stay-at-home mom, because the non-biological mother of the children cannot cover either the children or their mother on her policy, unless they are married.

There are so many legal little loopholes available to married couples, i.e. joint income tax filing in the US, that are not available to unmarried gay partners. If a couple splits, the non-working member of the partnership has no legal rights to assets which the worker partner paid for, unless they're married either, so one partners stays home to be the "housewife/husband", and their contribution isn't counted when they split their property, because they're not married, so community property doesn't exist for them.

In Canada, a stay-at-home partner is entitled to a pro-rated portion of the working partner's pension on retirement, based on the number of years of marriage. Not married? Tough.
Oh Christ you Canadians are so civil. I mean don't you wake up some mornings thinking "I hope Prime Minister Trudeau went nuts last night and shot fifty cruise missiles into Syria or scared the whole world into thinking he was going to start the nuclear war to end human life for Easter?"
I still can't work out why same sex people need to marry each other.

It's because the law doesn't recognize a couple's rights without marriage. If your husband or wife is sick or unconscious, you have the right to decide their care if they can't. If your same sex partner is ill, you have no rights to decide their care. If a family member comes in, they can decide their care and throw you out. It happens A LOT at the end of life.

Family members hate that their child is gay, and throw out the same sex partner, and take over their loved one's care, and the partner, who may have lived with them for 20, 30 or more years, has no rights.

Marriage changes everything.
/--- All they need is a Power of Attorney to make those decisions. The true agenda is to undermine the institution of marriage so you freaks can claim you're mainstream.

A power of attorney gives you spousal protections against testifying in court?

Why should gays have to pay thousands in legal fees for a fraction of the rights, benefits and protections afforded civil marriage?
Why would you deny me the free exercise of my religion in order to "compensate" for legal inequities.

One has nothing to do with the other.

The free exercise of your religion isn't infringed upon by my civil marriage.
/---- Oh yes it is when the Gubmint forces religious people to accept your perversion. What happened to the baker who refused to bake a fruitloop wedding cake? Or the fagola pizza? No gaye bakers where they lived? It was a setup by you freaks. Obozo wanted to force Catholic hospitals to provide abortion pills. The list goes on and on you little twerp.
LGBT marriage in no way infringes on anyone's right to worship as the please.

When gays were given the right to marry in Canada, nothing changed for the rest of us. It had no affect whatsoever on straight marriage. But it meant that Seawytch could get family benefits through her employer's health insurance, or through her wife's. This is no small thing, especially if the biological mother of the children is a stay-at-home mom, because the non-biological mother of the children cannot cover either the children or their mother on her policy, unless they are married.

There are so many legal little loopholes available to married couples, i.e. joint income tax filing in the US, that are not available to unmarried gay partners. If a couple splits, the non-working member of the partnership has no legal rights to assets which the worker partner paid for, unless they're married either, so one partners stays home to be the "housewife/husband", and their contribution isn't counted when they split their property, because they're not married, so community property doesn't exist for them.

In Canada, a stay-at-home partner is entitled to a pro-rated portion of the working partner's pension on retirement, based on the number of years of marriage. Not married? Tough.
Oh Christ you Canadians are so civil. I mean don't you wake up some mornings thinking "I hope Prime Minister Trudeau went nuts last night and shot fifty cruise missiles into Syria or scared the whole world into thinking he was going to start the nuclear war to end human life for Easter?"

See my signature line.

We had Rob Ford as our mayor when I lived in Toronto. Mercifully, Ford had no access to nuclear weapons, so we were safe there. The worst he could get up to was snort coke out of hookers' navels in his office at City Hall. Nobody died on Ford's watch, and a lot of people have already died as a result of Trump's decisions. Trump has a WHOLE LOT of collateral damage on his operations.

We still have members of Ford Nation who think that Ford was the best Mayor ever, that he never raised taxes, and always kept his word. He raised taxes every year he was was Mayor, and it was more good luck than good management that the Dufferin Street bridge didn't just come crashing down during rush hour, or one of the chunks of concrete that kept falling off the Gardiner Expressway onto Lakeshore Boulevard which runs underneath it, didn't hit a car driving down the Lakeshore.

Our populist Premier, Mike Harris was starting to run up quite the body count before he was driven from office.
It's because the law doesn't recognize a couple's rights without marriage. If your husband or wife is sick or unconscious, you have the right to decide their care if they can't. If your same sex partner is ill, you have no rights to decide their care. If a family member comes in, they can decide their care and throw you out. It happens A LOT at the end of life.

Family members hate that their child is gay, and throw out the same sex partner, and take over their loved one's care, and the partner, who may have lived with them for 20, 30 or more years, has no rights.

Marriage changes everything.
/--- All they need is a Power of Attorney to make those decisions. The true agenda is to undermine the institution of marriage so you freaks can claim you're mainstream.

A power of attorney gives you spousal protections against testifying in court?

Why should gays have to pay thousands in legal fees for a fraction of the rights, benefits and protections afforded civil marriage?
Why would you deny me the free exercise of my religion in order to "compensate" for legal inequities.

One has nothing to do with the other.

The free exercise of your religion isn't infringed upon by my civil marriage.
/---- Oh yes it is when the Gubmint forces religious people to accept your perversion. What happened to the baker who refused to bake a fruitloop wedding cake? Or the fagola pizza? No gaye bakers where they lived? It was a setup by you freaks. Obozo wanted to force Catholic hospitals to provide abortion pills. The list goes on and on you little twerp.
THAT'S WHAT I'm TALKING ABOUT. Screw this civility crap. Go find a faggot baker. Go into the bakery and ask "have you any faggot bakers to bake a cake for by dyke wedding." Now we're getting somewhere.
It's because the law doesn't recognize a couple's rights without marriage. If your husband or wife is sick or unconscious, you have the right to decide their care if they can't. If your same sex partner is ill, you have no rights to decide their care. If a family member comes in, they can decide their care and throw you out. It happens A LOT at the end of life.

Family members hate that their child is gay, and throw out the same sex partner, and take over their loved one's care, and the partner, who may have lived with them for 20, 30 or more years, has no rights.

Marriage changes everything.
/--- All they need is a Power of Attorney to make those decisions. The true agenda is to undermine the institution of marriage so you freaks can claim you're mainstream.

A power of attorney gives you spousal protections against testifying in court?

Why should gays have to pay thousands in legal fees for a fraction of the rights, benefits and protections afforded civil marriage?
Why would you deny me the free exercise of my religion in order to "compensate" for legal inequities.

One has nothing to do with the other.

The free exercise of your religion isn't infringed upon by my civil marriage.
/---- Oh yes it is when the Gubmint forces religious people to accept your perversion. What happened to the baker who refused to bake a fruitloop wedding cake? Or the fagola pizza? No gaye bakers where they lived? It was a setup by you freaks. Obozo wanted to force Catholic hospitals to provide abortion pills. The list goes on and on you little twerp.

Obama wasn't trying to force Catholic hospitals to dispense abortion pills. He was trying to get the Catholic Church Inc. to include birth control and family planning coverage in their employer healthcare coverage, just like every other employer is required to do in every other country in the world. The Church, as an employer and a school administrator, should be required to allow their employees and students to make personal decisions about their health care without the intererence of their employer.
It's because the law doesn't recognize a couple's rights without marriage. If your husband or wife is sick or unconscious, you have the right to decide their care if they can't. If your same sex partner is ill, you have no rights to decide their care. If a family member comes in, they can decide their care and throw you out. It happens A LOT at the end of life.

Family members hate that their child is gay, and throw out the same sex partner, and take over their loved one's care, and the partner, who may have lived with them for 20, 30 or more years, has no rights.

Marriage changes everything.
/--- All they need is a Power of Attorney to make those decisions. The true agenda is to undermine the institution of marriage so you freaks can claim you're mainstream.

A power of attorney gives you spousal protections against testifying in court?

Why should gays have to pay thousands in legal fees for a fraction of the rights, benefits and protections afforded civil marriage?
Why would you deny me the free exercise of my religion in order to "compensate" for legal inequities.

One has nothing to do with the other.

The free exercise of your religion isn't infringed upon by my civil marriage.
/---- Oh yes it is when the Gubmint forces religious people to accept your perversion. What happened to the baker who refused to bake a fruitloop wedding cake? Or the fagola pizza? No gaye bakers where they lived? It was a setup by you freaks. Obozo wanted to force Catholic hospitals to provide abortion pills. The list goes on and on you little twerp.

The bakers who refused to bake the cake posted the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the couple who filed the complaint on the bakery FaceBook page, and the good Christians who supported the bakers telephone, harassed and threatened this couple, who had to take a leave of absence from their jobs, and nearly lost custody of the children they were in the process of adopting because of the harassment and abuse by these people who threatened their family.

When the bakers went to court for their refusal to bake the cake, they were told to remove this information from their website. They refused, claiming that their freedom of speech rights were violated. And as a result of their ongoing harassment and abuse of the women who filed the original complaint, they were fined $125,000 for contempt of court. They lost their business. They did it to THEMSELVES.

They're still crying "victim" on the internet.

And it should be added that what the bakers were doing in refusing to bake the cake in the first palce, was illegal.

Aren't you conservatives all law and order types, and constitutional rights? What about the constitional rights of people not to be faced with baseless discrimination, and arbitrary refusal of service in a public business, not to be threatened and harassed, to the point of having to change their phone number.

As for the pizza parlour - that guy didn't refuse service to a gay wedding, he was looking for some free publicity for his pizza parlour so he went on TV and said if his pizza shop was asked to cater a gay wedding, they'd refuse, but no one asked him. Too bad his free publicity backfired.
It's because the law doesn't recognize a couple's rights without marriage. If your husband or wife is sick or unconscious, you have the right to decide their care if they can't. If your same sex partner is ill, you have no rights to decide their care. If a family member comes in, they can decide their care and throw you out. It happens A LOT at the end of life.

Family members hate that their child is gay, and throw out the same sex partner, and take over their loved one's care, and the partner, who may have lived with them for 20, 30 or more years, has no rights.

Marriage changes everything.
/--- All they need is a Power of Attorney to make those decisions. The true agenda is to undermine the institution of marriage so you freaks can claim you're mainstream.

A power of attorney gives you spousal protections against testifying in court?

Why should gays have to pay thousands in legal fees for a fraction of the rights, benefits and protections afforded civil marriage?
Why would you deny me the free exercise of my religion in order to "compensate" for legal inequities.

One has nothing to do with the other.

The free exercise of your religion isn't infringed upon by my civil marriage.
/---- Oh yes it is when the Gubmint forces religious people to accept your perversion. What happened to the baker who refused to bake a fruitloop wedding cake? Or the fagola pizza? No gaye bakers where they lived? It was a setup by you freaks. Obozo wanted to force Catholic hospitals to provide abortion pills. The list goes on and on you little twerp.

You're obviously confused. Public Accommodation laws have nothing to do with civil marriage laws.
Actually, they aren't .... the government is interfering in the practice of religion. It is determining that some religious practices are acceptable and some are not.

It's no more difficult than that.

The Supreme Court has already said you can't use the bible to discriminate against blacks. Why should anti gay bigots get special rights that racist bigots do not?
Because 3,000 years of Judeo-Christian teachings and tradition do not stipulate that being Black constitutes wicked, sinful sexual deviancy and perversion?

You live in a Secularized Christian Nation, wherein +70% of the population identify with such religious beliefs, and where another +10% have such cultural roots.

Those 3,000 years of teaching and tradition are alive and well and will ultimately right the ship of state in this context.
Racist bigots tried to use the same exact bible that anti gay bigots use. Why allow one group to be discriminated against and not the other?
/----- Being Black is not a sin against God and man. Being Gay is. View attachment 122155

Racist Christians don't think so. They have biblical verses just like anti gay ones do. Are you trying to tell me you've never heard of "the Mark of Cain"?
Doesn't matter.

We're talking about Judeo-Christian teachings and tradition at-large, not your sad, myopic little attempt to conflate and confuse the issue to the benefit of homosexuals.
Actually, they aren't .... the government is interfering in the practice of religion. It is determining that some religious practices are acceptable and some are not.

It's no more difficult than that.

The Supreme Court has already said you can't use the bible to discriminate against blacks. Why should anti gay bigots get special rights that racist bigots do not?
Because 3,000 years of Judeo-Christian teachings and tradition do not stipulate that being Black constitutes wicked, sinful sexual deviancy and perversion?

You live in a Secularized Christian Nation, wherein +70% of the population identify with such religious beliefs, and where another +10% have such cultural roots.

Those 3,000 years of teaching and tradition are alive and well and will ultimately right the ship of state in this context.
Racist bigots tried to use the same exact bible that anti gay bigots use. Why allow one group to be discriminated against and not the other?
/----- Being Black is not a sin against God and man. Being Gay is. View attachment 122155

If Gawd is so anti gay why the hell did he create them to begin with?
Somebody had to draw the short straw and serve as an example of how NOT to be... your Fruit Loops drew that short straw...

Fortunately, they don't reproduce in large numbers... less filth floating to the top, that way.
Kondor3 is going to have far more problems with God than a homosexual, far more.
The Supreme Court has already said you can't use the bible to discriminate against blacks. Why should anti gay bigots get special rights that racist bigots do not?
Because 3,000 years of Judeo-Christian teachings and tradition do not stipulate that being Black constitutes wicked, sinful sexual deviancy and perversion?

You live in a Secularized Christian Nation, wherein +70% of the population identify with such religious beliefs, and where another +10% have such cultural roots.

Those 3,000 years of teaching and tradition are alive and well and will ultimately right the ship of state in this context.
Racist bigots tried to use the same exact bible that anti gay bigots use. Why allow one group to be discriminated against and not the other?
/----- Being Black is not a sin against God and man. Being Gay is. View attachment 122155

Racist Christians don't think so. They have biblical verses just like anti gay ones do. Are you trying to tell me you've never heard of "the Mark of Cain"?
Doesn't matter.

We're talking about Judeo-Christian teachings and tradition at-large, not your sad, myopic little attempt to conflate and confuse the issue to the benefit of homosexuals.

Yes, we are. And there was an actual court case where racist bigots tried to use the Judeo Christian Bible to justify discrimination. They were not allowed. Why should racist bigots not get to discriminate where anti gay bigots get to?

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