Gradeschool Teacher Shoots Herself In The Leg

now you see where the left is full of rage all the time and not so bright when it comes to politics

they read all those left wing sites with dumb titles like that one

stick em up cowboy
I understand those kinds of accidents happen to even police and troops.

But it's not an acceptable risk to me to send my child to school with armed teachers.

Gun accidents are inevitable but the rate at which they occur can be substantially reduced by imposing a competence requirement for all gun owners. It makes no sense to require a competency test to obtain a driver license but no such requirement (in most places) to own and/or carry a firearm.

It also would be helpful to publicize the exact cause of every gun accident.
Teacher Packing Heat Negligently Shoots Herself In Leg While In Elementary School Restroom Firebrand Progressives

Teacher Packing Heat Negligently Shoots Herself In Leg While In Elementary School Restroom

In a Taylorsville, Utah elementary school, a female teacher packing heat shot herself with a handgun while using the faculty bathroom. She was rushed to a local hospital and is reported to be in “good” condition.

The teacher reportedly had a conceal carry permit and was legally carrying the gun, which went off before classes started. No students or other faculty were injured in the shooting, although the gunshot was heard by some.

The bullet reportedly entered and exited the teacher’s leg.

As more teachers start carrying heat to class, look for more accidents like this to happen, and then ponder if the odds are more likely that a kid will be shot by an armed intruder or fellow student, or accidentally shot by an armed teacher, many of whom lack sufficient training in the proper use of firearms.

In the state of Utah, teachers with conceal carry permits may bring their guns into school without telling anyone.

More and video at the link.

Parents and other school employees have the right to know if teachers/school personnel are carrying loaded guns. Surely, no one would disagree with that.

How the fuck does a gun 'accidentally' go off?
Gun accidents are inevitable but the rate at which they occur can be substantially reduced by imposing a competence requirement for all gun owners. It makes no sense to require a competency test to obtain a driver license but no such requirement (in most places) to own and/or carry a firearm.

It also would be helpful to publicize the exact cause of every gun accident.

Wouldn't some people consider a competency test an "infringement" on their right to bear arms?
Teacher Packing Heat Negligently Shoots Herself In Leg While In Elementary School Restroom Firebrand Progressives

Teacher Packing Heat Negligently Shoots Herself In Leg While In Elementary School Restroom

In a Taylorsville, Utah elementary school, a female teacher packing heat shot herself with a handgun while using the faculty bathroom. She was rushed to a local hospital and is reported to be in “good” condition.

The teacher reportedly had a conceal carry permit and was legally carrying the gun, which went off before classes started. No students or other faculty were injured in the shooting, although the gunshot was heard by some.

The bullet reportedly entered and exited the teacher’s leg.

As more teachers start carrying heat to class, look for more accidents like this to happen, and then ponder if the odds are more likely that a kid will be shot by an armed intruder or fellow student, or accidentally shot by an armed teacher, many of whom lack sufficient training in the proper use of firearms.

In the state of Utah, teachers with conceal carry permits may bring their guns into school without telling anyone.

More and video at the link.

Parents and other school employees have the right to know if teachers/school personnel are carrying loaded guns. Surely, no one would disagree with that.

How the fuck does a gun 'accidentally' go off?

Reminds me of the old joke:

Policeman: OK Mrs. Smith, why did you shot your husband?

Mrs. Smith: It was an accident.

Policeman: But you shot him 8 times!

Mrs. Smith: What, a woman can't have more than one accident?

Policeman: But your gun is a 6-shooter!

Mrs. Smith: I accidentally reloaded.
Parents and other school employees have the right to know if teachers/school personnel are carrying loaded guns. Surely, no one would disagree with that.

Yes, they should have meetings with the school board and decide if they want teachers to carry far as implementing the policy, the names and locations in the school district of the armed staff and teachers should be secret...that way they can arm fewer teachers and staff but the not knowing provides protection for the entire district...since the killers won't know which schools have armed staff and how many may confront them...
Wouldn't some people consider a competency test an "infringement" on their right to bear arms?

I will submit to a competency test when all journalists submit to a competency test to a government agency before they are allowed to work as well as all people who post news information on the internet...or comment on current events...

A Right is a Right...
I'm glad to hear the teachers are arming themselves. If all teachers did this there would never be another Newtown or Columbine. If all soldiers did this there would never be another repeat as we saw at Ft. Hood.
Teachers are not solders. They are trained to teach, not kill. Putting a gun in the hands of someone who doesn't know what there're doing is a disaster waiting to happen.

The chance of a teacher being in a life and death situation with an armed gunman in the classroom is about 1 in 10 million. What do you think the chances are that this teacher who has worked for years in the classroom and never faced this situation will make the right split second decision?
Teacher Packing Heat Negligently Shoots Herself In Leg While In Elementary School Restroom Firebrand Progressives

Teacher Packing Heat Negligently Shoots Herself In Leg While In Elementary School Restroom

In a Taylorsville, Utah elementary school, a female teacher packing heat shot herself with a handgun while using the faculty bathroom. She was rushed to a local hospital and is reported to be in “good” condition.

The teacher reportedly had a conceal carry permit and was legally carrying the gun, which went off before classes started. No students or other faculty were injured in the shooting, although the gunshot was heard by some.

The bullet reportedly entered and exited the teacher’s leg.

As more teachers start carrying heat to class, look for more accidents like this to happen, and then ponder if the odds are more likely that a kid will be shot by an armed intruder or fellow student, or accidentally shot by an armed teacher, many of whom lack sufficient training in the proper use of firearms.

In the state of Utah, teachers with conceal carry permits may bring their guns into school without telling anyone.

More and video at the link.

Parents and other school employees have the right to know if teachers/school personnel are carrying loaded guns. Surely, no one would disagree with that.

How the fuck does a gun 'accidentally' go off?

Reminds me of the old joke:

Policeman: OK Mrs. Smith, why did you shot your husband?

Mrs. Smith: It was an accident.

Policeman: But you shot him 8 times!

Mrs. Smith: What, a woman can't have more than one accident?

Policeman: But your gun is a 6-shooter!

Mrs. Smith: I accidentally reloaded.
A police chief commenting on teachers with guns said, "As a police officer, nothing would frighten me more than to be in a school with an armed gunman, students, and dozens of armed teachers."
Unless he is in a training class with one of his officers...or in any number of situations where police shoot themselves or innocent bystanders instead of the criminal they are actually trying to hit...

Instead of asking the police chief...a political appointment...ask the rank and file...the guys who have to go to the mass shootings after the attack...and see all the dead and wounded children because they took 4 minutes to get to the scene...
Teachers are not solders. They are trained to teach, not kill. Putting a gun in the hands of someone who doesn't know what there're doing is a disaster waiting to happen.

The chance of a teacher being in a life and death situation with an armed gunman in the classroom is about 1 in 10 million. What do you think the chances are that this teacher who has worked for years in the classroom and never faced this situation will make the right split second decision?

About the same as the Doctor who killed the attacker in the hospital with his gun...or any number of other people who wound up in a shooting with very little training...and killed or captured their attackers...
Teachers are not solders. They are trained to teach, not kill. Putting a gun in the hands of someone who doesn't know what there're doing is a disaster waiting to happen.

The chance of a teacher being in a life and death situation with an armed gunman in the classroom is about 1 in 10 million. What do you think the chances are that this teacher who has worked for years in the classroom and never faced this situation will make the right split second decision?

About the same as the Doctor who killed the attacker in the hospital with his gun...or any number of other people who wound up in a shooting with very little training...and killed or captured their attackers...
or shot themselves, or an innocent person.

No teacher is likely to have to use a gun at school during their teaching career but there will always be the chance of a student getting control of the gun or an accident. I would bet most teachers after a few years toting a gun to school and being satisfied that their 2nd amendment rights are not being violated will simply leave the gun at home.
Teachers are not solders. They are trained to teach, not kill. Putting a gun in the hands of someone who doesn't know what there're doing is a disaster waiting to happen.
While it's true that few teachers would be comfortable carrying concealed firearms and by no means should they be required to. But there are some teachers who are experienced shooters and would have no problem wearing a gun. And an armed, well-trained teacher or two would make a big difference if an armed psycho invaded their school.

The chance of a teacher being in a life and death situation with an armed gunman in the classroom is about 1 in 10 million. What do you think the chances are that this teacher who has worked for years in the classroom and never faced this situation will make the right split second decision?
:You're quite right about the odds. But I believe one of the reasons schools appeal to mass shooters is the current awareness that there are no armed personnel to be concerned with. This aversion to guns is a virtual invitation to them.
It happens to seasoned cops. Even troops. Get over it. :slap:

Which is exactly why we need to stop this bullshit discussion over gun "rights" and just ban all of them. No more guns, no more accidents like the one in the OP. Simple as that.
It happens to seasoned cops. Even troops. Get over it. :slap:

Which is exactly why we need to stop this bullshit discussion over gun "rights" and just ban all of them. No more guns, no more accidents like the one in the OP. Simple as that.
Gosh, Wally, she sure has a swell beaver!


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