Graham Vows to Call Everyone Who Signed the Carter Page FISA Warrants to Testify

What do they have to do with tRump's abuse of power?
Origin of the investigation and fruit of the poisons tree.. IE; You have NOTHING... Let me restate, You have criminal conduct and abuse of powers by Obama and democrats.... And that is what is coming...

Funnier still is Schiff had no legal standing to release phone records obtained by NSA warrant... Another, more recent, criminal act..
Sounds like a threat to Piglosi. I may be wrong, but I thought Graham was against calling any witnesses.
Sounds like a threat to Piglosi. I may be wrong, but I thought Graham was against calling any witnesses.

Graham didn't say that it would be in a trial.... He did hint that he wanted to talk to them and that can happen in committee... in a public hearing..... Kind of an ambiguous statement...

I got the idea that he wanted to bring it up at the impeachment hearing according to the OP. It's a long stretch to associate the two with each other. The hearing is to determine the guilt or innocence of the President. I don't see how getting answers to the FISA warrants directly relates to the matter at hand.

That's why I see it as a warning to Piglosi. Horowitz did a terrible job with his investigations and conclusions.
I got the idea that he wanted to bring it up at the impeachment hearing according to the OP. It's a long stretch to associate the two with each other. The hearing is to determine the guilt or innocence of the President. I don't see how getting answers to the FISA warrants directly relates to the matter at hand.

That's why I see it as a warning to Piglosi. Horowitz did a terrible job with his investigations and conclusions.
Horowitz had limited authority.

FISA is its separate matter.
That's why I see it as a warning to Piglosi. Horowitz did a terrible job with his investigations and conclusions.
I think Durham and Barr have made that error perfectly clear and that they are going much farther in theirs.. Its my opinion that Pelosi and democrats in general are scared shitless...

Without a doubt. That's why when the rat told them about Trump's concern of Burisma and the Biden's, they went into Defcon one mode. They had to move quickly to try and send Trump a message, while at the same time, taking steps in the direction of getting rid of him which of course, would have meant getting rid of Barr and Durham.

Don't get me wrong, they would have impeached Trump anyhow, but this is the weakest case for impeachment in our history, and even they knew it. They were hoping to run into anything better in which to make their case.
Ummm, yeah. Like 17 people did. More would have if tRump wasn't holding them up.
Ummm, no.

17 people "felt" Trump abused power.

Zero people "witnessed" Trump abuse power.

But you knew that when you realized you couldn't quote them testifying otherwise, didn't you?
Sounds like a threat to Piglosi. I may be wrong, but I thought Graham was against calling any witnesses.
It doesn't really matter except getting this failed coup over with.

I think it matters because of the optics. The MSM will have a field day if Graham carries through with his threats. They'll be turning the witch hunt accusations on them to us instead. Not that they'd have anything positive to say about Trump anyway......
It's all or nothing!

It will be dismissed right after the opening statements or EVERY witness is called in & placed under oath.

That INCLUDES the bidens, obama, hillary, lynch.............
Trump and the GOP already won this battle, vote and step off the field. Dragging this out with witnesses and weeks of Dem's and the media foaming at the mouth will be a shit show.

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