Graham Vows to Call Everyone Who Signed the Carter Page FISA Warrants to Testify

I got the idea that he wanted to bring it up at the impeachment hearing according to the OP. It's a long stretch to associate the two with each other. The hearing is to determine the guilt or innocence of the President. I don't see how getting answers to the FISA warrants directly relates to the matter at hand.

That's why I see it as a warning to Piglosi. Horowitz did a terrible job with his investigations and conclusions.
Horowitz had limited authority.

FISA is its separate matter.
Actually calling them would go to the root of their impeachment fantasy which started over 3.5 years ago. By exposing the illegal acts it discredits the whole impeachment narrative and scam while showing premeditated democrat criminality in their exploits.
Trump and the GOP already won this battle, vote and step off the field. Dragging this out with witnesses and weeks of Dem's and the media foaming at the mouth will be a shit show.
While I agree in principal, we need to address the illegality of the actions and the Criminal Coup D'eTat or it will happen again.

If the Senate tosses out the charges as frivolous and without merit then allows Barr and Durham to start calling these people to trial we achieve the same goal. This can play out very nicely for the next election cycle.
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I think it matters because of the optics. The MSM will have a field day if Graham carries through with his threats. They'll be turning the witch hunt accusations on them to us instead. Not that they'd have anything positive to say about Trump anyway......
I contend it makes ZERO difference. If he calls witnesses they'll say it proves they need to disprove something. If he doesn't they'll call it a coverup. If he calls witnesses they'll be the wrong ones, too many, or too few.

You can tell the motivation of people when they're proven wrong. After Mueller confirmed everything Trump said, the Democrats and MSM didn't apologize and admit they were wrong, because being right wasn't there objective. Attacking Trump was.
I think it matters because of the optics. The MSM will have a field day if Graham carries through with his threats. They'll be turning the witch hunt accusations on them to us instead. Not that they'd have anything positive to say about Trump anyway......
I contend it makes ZERO difference. If he calls witnesses they'll say it proves they need to disprove something. If he doesn't they'll call it a coverup. If he calls witnesses they'll be the wrong ones, too many, or too few.

You can tell the motivation of people when they're proven wrong. After Mueller confirmed everything Trump said, the Democrats and MSM didn't apologize and admit they were wrong, because being right wasn't there objective. Attacking Trump was.
Which is why the Senate must Discharge the Charges as "frivolous and without merit". This will embarrass the democrats and infuriate them at the same time. Then as democrats are brought up on charges for the attempted Coup De'Tat they will have nowhere to hide and their elections stained.

This will cause a Republican landslide as Democrat criminality is exposed.
Sounds like a threat to Piglosi. I may be wrong, but I thought Graham was against calling any witnesses.
Graham has really been struggling with what side he wants to be on in this fight but it’s been confirmed that he’s now on the white hats side 100%. He’s got a lot of dirt on him. Him and McCain were deeply involved with the Ukraine corruption and I think Lindsay was worried he would go down for it but I believe he cut a deal with trump and the white hats to make right on his crimes against the country and I think anyone else that made this choice will see leniency as well. The ones who committed crimes against humanity, on the other hand, are not going to be getting any leniency no matter what.
Trump and the GOP already won this battle, vote and step off the field. Dragging this out with witnesses and weeks of Dem's and the media foaming at the mouth will be a shit show.
While I agree in principal, we need to address the illegality of the actions and the Criminal Coup D'eTat or it will happen again.

If the Senate tosses out the charges as frivolous and without merit then allows Barr and Durham to start calling these people to trial we achieve the same goal. This can play out very nicely for the next election cycle.

Bingo, nothing stopping the Senate, Barr, and Durham from pursuing these lawless scumbags. I want president Trump freed from this sham impeachment so he can concentrate on MAGA and the 2020 election.

We should learn from the Dem's blunders. Has anyone been paying attention to their 2020 candidates during this impeachment nonsense? There go you. GOP Senate focus on the 2020 election don't get Trump tangled up in your months long impeachment drama.
Trump and the GOP already won this battle, vote and step off the field. Dragging this out with witnesses and weeks of Dem's and the media foaming at the mouth will be a shit show.
While I agree in principal, we need to address the illegality of the actions and the Criminal Coup D'eTat or it will happen again.

If the Senate tosses out the charges as frivolous and without merit then allows Barr and Durham to start calling these people to trial we achieve the same goal. This can play out very nicely for the next election cycle.

Bingo, nothing stopping the Senate, Barr, and Durham from pursuing these lawless scumbags. I want president Trump freed from this sham impeachment so he can concentrate on MAGA and the 2020 election.

We should learn from the Dem's blunders. Has anyone been paying attention to their 2020 candidates during this impeachment nonsense? There go you. GOP Senate focus on the 2020 election don't get Trump tangled up in your months long impeachment drama.
After thinking about this, we need to kill this impeachment in short order and get back to what WE THE PEOPLE want from our elected officials. Stop this incessant crap storm of lies and deceit from democrats. I am all for Trump asking for an emergency injunction to force Nancy to produce the documents and allow the Senate to do its job. Just as a charging document is worthless until the court see's it, the Impeachment document is worthless until the Court in the Senate see's it. It's just a worthless piece of paper until the court see's it. The longer she holds it, the less credibility it possesses.
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I honestly think he should and what would happen jail him? Please that ain’t my America

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Ummm, no.

17 people "felt" Trump abused power.

Zero people "witnessed" Trump abuse power.

But you knew that when you realized you couldn't quote them testifying otherwise, didn't you?
They all witnessed it.
Nobody witnessed it.

Which, again, is why you can't quote them.

Keep digging.

Everyone knows every hate-site imaginable would have quotes for you to C&P if they existed.

But please. Keep "not quoting" your witnesses to prove how desperate you are.

You know, admitting you were duped isn't that embarrassing in you value the truth over partisanship. Plus, it makes you less likely to be fooled again.
I think it matters because of the optics. The MSM will have a field day if Graham carries through with his threats. They'll be turning the witch hunt accusations on them to us instead. Not that they'd have anything positive to say about Trump anyway......
I contend it makes ZERO difference. If he calls witnesses they'll say it proves they need to disprove something. If he doesn't they'll call it a coverup. If he calls witnesses they'll be the wrong ones, too many, or too few.

You can tell the motivation of people when they're proven wrong. After Mueller confirmed everything Trump said, the Democrats and MSM didn't apologize and admit they were wrong, because being right wasn't there objective. Attacking Trump was.
Which is why the Senate must Discharge the Charges as "frivolous and without merit". This will embarrass the democrats and infuriate them at the same time. Then as democrats are brought up on charges for the attempted Coup De'Tat they will have nowhere to hide and their elections stained.

This will cause a Republican landslide as Democrat criminality is exposed.

I disagree. I want to see two people called to testify: the rat, and the so-called whistleblower who is not actually a whistleblower at all. He's just part of the leftist cabal. This is what Schiff Face is deathly afraid of. Because then he (or she) would have to testify where they got their information, who did they first approach with it. Did they ever discuss this with Schiff Face. Who wrote the complaint, since anybody that looked at it stated without a doubt, it was written by a lawyer.

By quickly dismissing the case, we let them get away with it again. We let them use anonymous sources, as they so often do along with the NYT, and not demand transparency; get all the cards face up on the table. Not just Trump's.

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