
Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Grassley Demands Answers From Wray Over Raid Of Whistleblower On Clinton Foundation
In the wake of a bombshell Daily Caller News Foundation investigative report late last week, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley demanded answers from FBI Director Christopher Wray about a Nov. 19 bureau raid on the home of a recognized whistleblower.... The whistleblower, Dennis Cain, who was once employed by an FBI contractor, reportedly turned over documents to the Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz regarding the bureau’s failure to investigate potential criminal activity regarding former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and the Russian company that purchased Uranium One.
Horowitz subsequently deemed Cain a whistleblower protected under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act, Cain’s lawyer, Michael Socarras, told TheDCNF…. Cain even told the FBI when they raided his house that he was legally protected and that he had already turned over all his documents to the DOJ and Congress but they broke in anyway.... Grassley sent a letter to Wray on Nov. 30 asking pointed questions about the raid on Cain’s private residence in Union Bridge, Maryland. (EXCLUSIVE: FBI Raids Home Of Whistleblower On Clinton Foundation, Lawyer Says)

Who ordered the raid on Dennis Cain? Was it Team Mueller, Team Whitaker, Team FBI Top Floor Friends of Comey? Certainly, The FBI would have known the items were already in their possession .... Is this intimidation of a possible future witness?
Is this another attempt to derail anything about the Clintons and their foundation and other enterprises until Mueller can release his crap that written by his team of Democrat conspirators to trash Trump without any evidence undoubtedly to fuel mayhem about impeachment so all the Clinton criminal dealings are forgotten and spare a whole lot of people involved with the Clintons prison time.
This is a major breach incident! If people who report corruption are attacked by the government, nobody will report corruption. People will be too scared. Look what happened to this man who tried to do the right thing.
Congress has supposedly passed laws protecting whistleblowers, Cain had done this the right way and was an official Protected Whistleblower. Allowing those within the DOJ and FBI to violate the law and Mr. Cain's rights shows that they'll blatantly violate any law to protect themselves.
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Didn't get the memo that threads with ALL CAPS titles get deleted the last time around, huh?
Didn't get the memo that threads with ALL CAPS titles get deleted the last time around, huh?

Whoops, screwed the pooch on that one. But I can't seem to change the title now.
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