Gratitude In Short Supply....

I heard him saying it at one of his rallies. And all of the Trumpsters have been repeating it.

Why do you keep repeating what has been proven to be a lie?

This may be the reason: › schizophreniabulletin › article-pdf

Perseveration in Schizophrenia - Oxford Academic


by A Crider - ‎1997 - ‎Cited by 183 - ‎Related articles
Perseveration is the contextually inappropriate and unintentional repetition of a response or behavioral unit. In schizophrenia, perseveration may take a variety of forms. These can be conceptualized as varying manifestations of an underlying neurocognitive deficit.

There may be medications helpful for this condition....speak to your doctor to see if they are right for you.
I heard him saying it at one of his rallies. And all of the Trumpsters have been repeating it.

Why do you keep repeating what has been proven to be a lie?

This may be the reason: › schizophreniabulletin › article-pdf

Perseveration in Schizophrenia - Oxford Academic


by A Crider - ‎1997 - ‎Cited by 183 - ‎Related articles
Perseveration is the contextually inappropriate and unintentional repetition of a response or behavioral unit. In schizophrenia, perseveration may take a variety of forms. These can be conceptualized as varying manifestations of an underlying neurocognitive deficit.

There may be medications helpful for this condition....speak to your doctor to see if they are right for you.
You have not proven anything. Trump said it and all his minions followed him. And a Trump supporter like you calling someone a liar is rich. Unless it was your idea of a compliment like saying I am like Trump, which is a hideous insult to me. You would be trying to make Donald McDonald sound good by comparing him to me.

"You have not proven anything."

This moron is the stereotypical Liberal/Democrat in debate.
Proving they are lying has zero effect on their arguments.

Let's review:

1. I called you a liar.

2. I challenged you to produce any such couldn't. You're a liar.

3. I produced a headline of fact-checkers saying you are a liar.

4. I produced the actual statement by Trump proving you a liar.

5. Get it now? You're simply a liar, and the pride and joy of the Democrat cult.
You produced a headline about Facebook. I saw and heard Trump say it. Now which should an intelligent person listen to. I know that you are not the person I should be asking this question.
you saw and heard trump say it? who are you that you would be on a call with the governors and the CDC team that you'd actually see and hear him?

What does the DNC do that makes these dolts delusional, or outright liars?
Please tell me you're not serious.....that this was an attempt at humor.

If it was effective, why does the graph look like this?

Your US chart numbers are way off. Please see this current link: Coronavirus Update (Live): 254,798 Cases and 10,447 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
As confirmed by this Johns Hopkins link: Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS
This is my "Excel" plot of the above link numbers. The US numbers are factored by the population ratio of 0.183 to account for the population difference. Or you could add up EU countries to equal the US population of 331m. We're saying that the lag between the EU rise in cases and the US "slower" rise is due to President Trump's stopping flights from China early. That lag gave us time to get the testing up to speed. Now we are clearly ahead of the Italy and the EU. Will the US bell curve peak flatten out as hoped? Stay tuned.
View attachment 313567
My "projections" are on the optimistic side....

The problem as I see it is that the lag didn’t help us get up to speed in testing as we are facing critical shortages.

1. We're not yet caught up with as much testing as we'd like, but more capacity is coming on line daily.
By the end of next week, say 3/27/20, the US should have all of the testing capacity needed up and running.
2. We started out only with the CDC, then we added public health labs, topping off at about 4,000 tests per day. This is the capacity the Trump admin "inherited". Trump/Pence had to develop and approve much more testing capacity, and fast.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
3. The FDA gave "fast-track" approval to hospital labs, state labs, and many private labs. That helped, but still wasn't enough test capacity.
4. Then the big corporations got involved and are bringing millions more test capacity online using automated testing:

Doing now what patients need next Roche begins shipments of first 400,000 COVID-19 tests to laboratories across US to begin patient testing under FDA Emergency Use Authorization

Thermo Fisher COVID-19 testing Thermo Fisher to produce five million testing kits for coronavirus

Quest COVID-19 testing

LabCorp COVID-19 testing

Hologic COVID-19 testing 2 more San Diego companies get emergency approval to produce coronavirus tests
5. After the maximum testing capacity is operating, in a week or two, we'll have a current picture how the US is doing, stay tuned.
It wasn’t that long ago that you claimed we had excess capacity for testing. Earlier this week you claimed we’d have a dramatic increase today.

Now it’s a different story.

It seems like we are always just a week away.

We do have excess test capacity in many areas, and some areas are marginal. Depends on access to automated testing equipment.
What is the metric, anyone who wants one? Or just those tests ordered by doctors?
In a week we'll need more tests, and have much more capacity than we need.
Some shortages are bureaucratic, like some states don't know where to get swabs, or reagents, or substitute reagents, etc.
Bottom line: We have adequate test capacity now, and will have excess capacity going forward.
I heard him saying it at one of his rallies. And all of the Trumpsters have been repeating it.

Why do you keep repeating what has been proven to be a lie?

This may be the reason: › schizophreniabulletin › article-pdf

Perseveration in Schizophrenia - Oxford Academic


by A Crider - ‎1997 - ‎Cited by 183 - ‎Related articles
Perseveration is the contextually inappropriate and unintentional repetition of a response or behavioral unit. In schizophrenia, perseveration may take a variety of forms. These can be conceptualized as varying manifestations of an underlying neurocognitive deficit.

There may be medications helpful for this condition....speak to your doctor to see if they are right for you.
I heard him saying it at one of his rallies. And all of the Trumpsters have been repeating it.

Why do you keep repeating what has been proven to be a lie?

This may be the reason: › schizophreniabulletin › article-pdf

Perseveration in Schizophrenia - Oxford Academic


by A Crider - ‎1997 - ‎Cited by 183 - ‎Related articles
Perseveration is the contextually inappropriate and unintentional repetition of a response or behavioral unit. In schizophrenia, perseveration may take a variety of forms. These can be conceptualized as varying manifestations of an underlying neurocognitive deficit.

There may be medications helpful for this condition....speak to your doctor to see if they are right for you.
You have not proven anything. Trump said it and all his minions followed him. And a Trump supporter like you calling someone a liar is rich. Unless it was your idea of a compliment like saying I am like Trump, which is a hideous insult to me. You would be trying to make Donald McDonald sound good by comparing him to me.

"You have not proven anything."

This moron is the stereotypical Liberal/Democrat in debate.
Proving they are lying has zero effect on their arguments.

Let's review:

1. I called you a liar.

2. I challenged you to produce any such couldn't. You're a liar.

3. I produced a headline of fact-checkers saying you are a liar.

4. I produced the actual statement by Trump proving you a liar.

5. Get it now? You're simply a liar, and the pride and joy of the Democrat cult.
You produced a headline about Facebook. I saw and heard Trump say it. Now which should an intelligent person listen to. I know that you are not the person I should be asking this question.
you saw and heard trump say it? who are you that you would be on a call with the governors and the CDC team that you'd actually see and hear him?
these demofks want us to take them seriously and they post shit like that poster did.
....among Democrats.

1. “Italy's healthcare system is in a state of almost total collapse. As of today, 31,506 people in Italy have been infected with the coronavirus; of which 2,503 people have died. The Italian government was hoping for help from the European Union, but neither the other member states nor the European Union itself has given any at all.... “Coronavirus Comes for Europe

2. The reason our nation is not in that position is the current President.
Seizing the time when we became aware of the coronavirus, Trump rapidly saved America from becoming Italy.

"As Azar explained when he announced the travel restrictions on Jan. 31, the policy prohibits non-U.S. citizens, other than the immediate family of U.S. citizens and permanent residents, who have traveled to China within the last two weeks from entering the U.S.

...his decision on Jan. 31 to impose travel restrictions related to the novel coronavirus epidemic.

Trump has repeatedly said that his decision to impose the travel restrictions on Jan. 31 was made despite objections from most of the experts on containing the spread of infectious disease.

“But we closed those borders very early, against the advice of a lot of professionals, and we turned out to be right. I took a lot of heat for that,” Trump said on March 4. The Facts on Trump's Travel Restrictions

3. Listening to a sports station last night, I heard this from Obama's Surgeon General:
[Charania] Sources: Dr. Vivek Murthy, former US Surgeon general, told NBA owners today about coronavirus: If the United States had not hardened its stance across country, millions were at risk to die — and cases will likely only increase, like they did in Italy, over the next 2-to-3 months. [Charania] Sources: Dr. Vivek Murthy, former US Surgeon general, told NBA owners today about coronavirus: If the United States had not hardened its stance across country, millions were at risk to die — and cases will likely only increase, like they did in Italy, over the next 2-to-3 months. : Coronavirus

4. Speaking about the
another ingrate, Obama.....took him 6 months and 1,000 dead Americans to act.

"Obama declares H1N1 emergency
October 26,
2009 8:47 a.m. EDT
Washington (CNN) -- President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus."
Obama declares H1N1 emergency -

It isn't until paragraph 10 that this is noted:

"Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

What a difference between this competent, America-loving executive and Obama.

Where's the gratitude, Democrats???
A few weeks ago he was saying it was a hoax by the Democrats. Then he was implying that it was nothing to worry about. Where is your gratitude for Democrats pointing out what an inept President he is?

That's a lie, NoBrains.

Trump never said the virus was a hoax.
I heard it. Get your head out of your arse. BBC even fact-checked what Trump has been saying so that people will not think he knows what he is saying.
/----/ So Lib CNBC is lying to protect Trump? WOWZA.
Trump says the coronavirus is Democrats' new 'hoax'
Trump says the coronavirus is the Democrats' 'new hoax'
Feb 28, 2020President Trump says that Democrats are using the virulent coronavirus as a "hoax" to damage him and his administration. "The Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus," he said from a campaign ...
If it was effective, why does the graph look like this?

Your US chart numbers are way off. Please see this current link: Coronavirus Update (Live): 254,798 Cases and 10,447 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
As confirmed by this Johns Hopkins link: Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS
This is my "Excel" plot of the above link numbers. The US numbers are factored by the population ratio of 0.183 to account for the population difference. Or you could add up EU countries to equal the US population of 331m. We're saying that the lag between the EU rise in cases and the US "slower" rise is due to President Trump's stopping flights from China early. That lag gave us time to get the testing up to speed. Now we are clearly ahead of the Italy and the EU. Will the US bell curve peak flatten out as hoped? Stay tuned.
View attachment 313567
My "projections" are on the optimistic side....

The problem as I see it is that the lag didn’t help us get up to speed in testing as we are facing critical shortages.

1. We're not yet caught up with as much testing as we'd like, but more capacity is coming on line daily.
By the end of next week, say 3/27/20, the US should have all of the testing capacity needed up and running.
2. We started out only with the CDC, then we added public health labs, topping off at about 4,000 tests per day. This is the capacity the Trump admin "inherited". Trump/Pence had to develop and approve much more testing capacity, and fast.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
3. The FDA gave "fast-track" approval to hospital labs, state labs, and many private labs. That helped, but still wasn't enough test capacity.
4. Then the big corporations got involved and are bringing millions more test capacity online using automated testing:

Doing now what patients need next Roche begins shipments of first 400,000 COVID-19 tests to laboratories across US to begin patient testing under FDA Emergency Use Authorization

Thermo Fisher COVID-19 testing Thermo Fisher to produce five million testing kits for coronavirus

Quest COVID-19 testing

LabCorp COVID-19 testing

Hologic COVID-19 testing 2 more San Diego companies get emergency approval to produce coronavirus tests
5. After the maximum testing capacity is operating, in a week or two, we'll have a current picture how the US is doing, stay tuned.
It wasn’t that long ago that you claimed we had excess capacity for testing. Earlier this week you claimed we’d have a dramatic increase today.

Now it’s a different story.

It seems like we are always just a week away.

We do have excess test capacity in many areas, and some areas are marginal. Depends on access to automated testing equipment.
What is the metric, anyone who wants one? Or just those tests ordered by doctors?
In a week we'll need more tests, and have much more capacity than we need.
Some shortages are bureaucratic, like some states don't know where to get swabs, or reagents, or substitute reagents, etc.
Bottom line: We have adequate test capacity now, and will have excess capacity going forward.
Last week we were one week away. Now we are still one week away. How many more weeks will be one week away?

We do not have adequate testing capacity now. Not even close.
....among Democrats.

1. “Italy's healthcare system is in a state of almost total collapse. As of today, 31,506 people in Italy have been infected with the coronavirus; of which 2,503 people have died. The Italian government was hoping for help from the European Union, but neither the other member states nor the European Union itself has given any at all.... “Coronavirus Comes for Europe

2. The reason our nation is not in that position is the current President.
Seizing the time when we became aware of the coronavirus, Trump rapidly saved America from becoming Italy.

"As Azar explained when he announced the travel restrictions on Jan. 31, the policy prohibits non-U.S. citizens, other than the immediate family of U.S. citizens and permanent residents, who have traveled to China within the last two weeks from entering the U.S.

...his decision on Jan. 31 to impose travel restrictions related to the novel coronavirus epidemic.

Trump has repeatedly said that his decision to impose the travel restrictions on Jan. 31 was made despite objections from most of the experts on containing the spread of infectious disease.

“But we closed those borders very early, against the advice of a lot of professionals, and we turned out to be right. I took a lot of heat for that,” Trump said on March 4. The Facts on Trump's Travel Restrictions

3. Listening to a sports station last night, I heard this from Obama's Surgeon General:
[Charania] Sources: Dr. Vivek Murthy, former US Surgeon general, told NBA owners today about coronavirus: If the United States had not hardened its stance across country, millions were at risk to die — and cases will likely only increase, like they did in Italy, over the next 2-to-3 months. [Charania] Sources: Dr. Vivek Murthy, former US Surgeon general, told NBA owners today about coronavirus: If the United States had not hardened its stance across country, millions were at risk to die — and cases will likely only increase, like they did in Italy, over the next 2-to-3 months. : Coronavirus

4. Speaking about the
another ingrate, Obama.....took him 6 months and 1,000 dead Americans to act.

"Obama declares H1N1 emergency
October 26,
2009 8:47 a.m. EDT
Washington (CNN) -- President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus."
Obama declares H1N1 emergency -

It isn't until paragraph 10 that this is noted:

"Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

What a difference between this competent, America-loving executive and Obama.

Where's the gratitude, Democrats???
A few weeks ago he was saying it was a hoax by the Democrats. Then he was implying that it was nothing to worry about. Where is your gratitude for Democrats pointing out what an inept President he is?

That's a lie, NoBrains.

Trump never said the virus was a hoax.
I heard it. Get your head out of your arse. BBC even fact-checked what Trump has been saying so that people will not think he knows what he is saying.
/----/ So Lib CNBC is lying to protect Trump? WOWZA.
Trump says the coronavirus is Democrats' new 'hoax'
Trump says the coronavirus is the Democrats' 'new hoax'
Feb 28, 2020President Trump says that Democrats are using the virulent coronavirus as a "hoax" to damage him and his administration. "The Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus," he said from a campaign ...

Seriously, shouldn't NoBrains have been surprised that, after the doctors made the intermastoid incision, and removed his brain- he was still able to post on the board?

Perhaps....never having understood its use and function....he simply carries on.
Your US chart numbers are way off. Please see this current link: Coronavirus Update (Live): 254,798 Cases and 10,447 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
As confirmed by this Johns Hopkins link: Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS
This is my "Excel" plot of the above link numbers. The US numbers are factored by the population ratio of 0.183 to account for the population difference. Or you could add up EU countries to equal the US population of 331m. We're saying that the lag between the EU rise in cases and the US "slower" rise is due to President Trump's stopping flights from China early. That lag gave us time to get the testing up to speed. Now we are clearly ahead of the Italy and the EU. Will the US bell curve peak flatten out as hoped? Stay tuned.
View attachment 313567
My "projections" are on the optimistic side....

The problem as I see it is that the lag didn’t help us get up to speed in testing as we are facing critical shortages.

1. We're not yet caught up with as much testing as we'd like, but more capacity is coming on line daily.
By the end of next week, say 3/27/20, the US should have all of the testing capacity needed up and running.
2. We started out only with the CDC, then we added public health labs, topping off at about 4,000 tests per day. This is the capacity the Trump admin "inherited". Trump/Pence had to develop and approve much more testing capacity, and fast.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
3. The FDA gave "fast-track" approval to hospital labs, state labs, and many private labs. That helped, but still wasn't enough test capacity.
4. Then the big corporations got involved and are bringing millions more test capacity online using automated testing:

Doing now what patients need next Roche begins shipments of first 400,000 COVID-19 tests to laboratories across US to begin patient testing under FDA Emergency Use Authorization

Thermo Fisher COVID-19 testing Thermo Fisher to produce five million testing kits for coronavirus

Quest COVID-19 testing

LabCorp COVID-19 testing

Hologic COVID-19 testing 2 more San Diego companies get emergency approval to produce coronavirus tests
5. After the maximum testing capacity is operating, in a week or two, we'll have a current picture how the US is doing, stay tuned.
It wasn’t that long ago that you claimed we had excess capacity for testing. Earlier this week you claimed we’d have a dramatic increase today.

Now it’s a different story.

It seems like we are always just a week away.

We do have excess test capacity in many areas, and some areas are marginal. Depends on access to automated testing equipment.
What is the metric, anyone who wants one? Or just those tests ordered by doctors?
In a week we'll need more tests, and have much more capacity than we need.
Some shortages are bureaucratic, like some states don't know where to get swabs, or reagents, or substitute reagents, etc.
Bottom line: We have adequate test capacity now, and will have excess capacity going forward.
Last week we were one week away. Now we are still one week away. How many more weeks will be one week away?

We do not have adequate testing capacity now. Not even close.
Oh shut up
The problem as I see it is that the lag didn’t help us get up to speed in testing as we are facing critical shortages.

1. We're not yet caught up with as much testing as we'd like, but more capacity is coming on line daily.
By the end of next week, say 3/27/20, the US should have all of the testing capacity needed up and running.
2. We started out only with the CDC, then we added public health labs, topping off at about 4,000 tests per day. This is the capacity the Trump admin "inherited". Trump/Pence had to develop and approve much more testing capacity, and fast.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
3. The FDA gave "fast-track" approval to hospital labs, state labs, and many private labs. That helped, but still wasn't enough test capacity.
4. Then the big corporations got involved and are bringing millions more test capacity online using automated testing:

Doing now what patients need next Roche begins shipments of first 400,000 COVID-19 tests to laboratories across US to begin patient testing under FDA Emergency Use Authorization

Thermo Fisher COVID-19 testing Thermo Fisher to produce five million testing kits for coronavirus

Quest COVID-19 testing

LabCorp COVID-19 testing

Hologic COVID-19 testing 2 more San Diego companies get emergency approval to produce coronavirus tests
5. After the maximum testing capacity is operating, in a week or two, we'll have a current picture how the US is doing, stay tuned.
It wasn’t that long ago that you claimed we had excess capacity for testing. Earlier this week you claimed we’d have a dramatic increase today.

Now it’s a different story.

It seems like we are always just a week away.

We do have excess test capacity in many areas, and some areas are marginal. Depends on access to automated testing equipment.
What is the metric, anyone who wants one? Or just those tests ordered by doctors?
In a week we'll need more tests, and have much more capacity than we need.
Some shortages are bureaucratic, like some states don't know where to get swabs, or reagents, or substitute reagents, etc.
Bottom line: We have adequate test capacity now, and will have excess capacity going forward.
Last week we were one week away. Now we are still one week away. How many more weeks will be one week away?

We do not have adequate testing capacity now. Not even close.
Oh shut up

Don't forget, they're speaking for their Communist Chinese masters.....against their common enemy, Trump.
The problem as I see it is that the lag didn’t help us get up to speed in testing as we are facing critical shortages.

1. We're not yet caught up with as much testing as we'd like, but more capacity is coming on line daily.
By the end of next week, say 3/27/20, the US should have all of the testing capacity needed up and running.
2. We started out only with the CDC, then we added public health labs, topping off at about 4,000 tests per day. This is the capacity the Trump admin "inherited". Trump/Pence had to develop and approve much more testing capacity, and fast.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
3. The FDA gave "fast-track" approval to hospital labs, state labs, and many private labs. That helped, but still wasn't enough test capacity.
4. Then the big corporations got involved and are bringing millions more test capacity online using automated testing:

Doing now what patients need next Roche begins shipments of first 400,000 COVID-19 tests to laboratories across US to begin patient testing under FDA Emergency Use Authorization

Thermo Fisher COVID-19 testing Thermo Fisher to produce five million testing kits for coronavirus

Quest COVID-19 testing

LabCorp COVID-19 testing

Hologic COVID-19 testing 2 more San Diego companies get emergency approval to produce coronavirus tests
5. After the maximum testing capacity is operating, in a week or two, we'll have a current picture how the US is doing, stay tuned.
It wasn’t that long ago that you claimed we had excess capacity for testing. Earlier this week you claimed we’d have a dramatic increase today.

Now it’s a different story.

It seems like we are always just a week away.

We do have excess test capacity in many areas, and some areas are marginal. Depends on access to automated testing equipment.
What is the metric, anyone who wants one? Or just those tests ordered by doctors?
In a week we'll need more tests, and have much more capacity than we need.
Some shortages are bureaucratic, like some states don't know where to get swabs, or reagents, or substitute reagents, etc.
Bottom line: We have adequate test capacity now, and will have excess capacity going forward.
Last week we were one week away. Now we are still one week away. How many more weeks will be one week away?

We do not have adequate testing capacity now. Not even close.
Oh shut up
But who is going to see all you indoctrinated goofballs straight when you make things up?
....among Democrats.

1. “Italy's healthcare system is in a state of almost total collapse. As of today, 31,506 people in Italy have been infected with the coronavirus; of which 2,503 people have died. The Italian government was hoping for help from the European Union, but neither the other member states nor the European Union itself has given any at all.... “Coronavirus Comes for Europe

2. The reason our nation is not in that position is the current President.
Seizing the time when we became aware of the coronavirus, Trump rapidly saved America from becoming Italy.

"As Azar explained when he announced the travel restrictions on Jan. 31, the policy prohibits non-U.S. citizens, other than the immediate family of U.S. citizens and permanent residents, who have traveled to China within the last two weeks from entering the U.S.

...his decision on Jan. 31 to impose travel restrictions related to the novel coronavirus epidemic.

Trump has repeatedly said that his decision to impose the travel restrictions on Jan. 31 was made despite objections from most of the experts on containing the spread of infectious disease.

“But we closed those borders very early, against the advice of a lot of professionals, and we turned out to be right. I took a lot of heat for that,” Trump said on March 4. The Facts on Trump's Travel Restrictions

3. Listening to a sports station last night, I heard this from Obama's Surgeon General:
[Charania] Sources: Dr. Vivek Murthy, former US Surgeon general, told NBA owners today about coronavirus: If the United States had not hardened its stance across country, millions were at risk to die — and cases will likely only increase, like they did in Italy, over the next 2-to-3 months. [Charania] Sources: Dr. Vivek Murthy, former US Surgeon general, told NBA owners today about coronavirus: If the United States had not hardened its stance across country, millions were at risk to die — and cases will likely only increase, like they did in Italy, over the next 2-to-3 months. : Coronavirus

4. Speaking about the
another ingrate, Obama.....took him 6 months and 1,000 dead Americans to act.

"Obama declares H1N1 emergency
October 26,
2009 8:47 a.m. EDT
Washington (CNN) -- President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus."
Obama declares H1N1 emergency -

It isn't until paragraph 10 that this is noted:

"Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

What a difference between this competent, America-loving executive and Obama.

Where's the gratitude, Democrats???
A few weeks ago he was saying it was a hoax by the Democrats. Then he was implying that it was nothing to worry about. Where is your gratitude for Democrats pointing out what an inept President he is?

That's a lie, NoBrains.

Trump never said the virus was a hoax.
I heard it. Get your head out of your arse. BBC even fact-checked what Trump has been saying so that people will not think he knows what he is saying.
/----/ So Lib CNBC is lying to protect Trump? WOWZA.
Trump says the coronavirus is Democrats' new 'hoax'
Trump says the coronavirus is the Democrats' 'new hoax'
Feb 28, 2020President Trump says that Democrats are using the virulent coronavirus as a "hoax" to damage him and his administration. "The Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus," he said from a campaign ...

Seriously, shouldn't NoBrains have been surprised that, after the doctors made the intermastoid incision, and removed his brain- he was still able to post on the board?

Perhaps....never having understood its use and function....he simply carries on.
1. We're not yet caught up with as much testing as we'd like, but more capacity is coming on line daily.
By the end of next week, say 3/27/20, the US should have all of the testing capacity needed up and running.
2. We started out only with the CDC, then we added public health labs, topping off at about 4,000 tests per day. This is the capacity the Trump admin "inherited". Trump/Pence had to develop and approve much more testing capacity, and fast.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
3. The FDA gave "fast-track" approval to hospital labs, state labs, and many private labs. That helped, but still wasn't enough test capacity.
4. Then the big corporations got involved and are bringing millions more test capacity online using automated testing:

Doing now what patients need next Roche begins shipments of first 400,000 COVID-19 tests to laboratories across US to begin patient testing under FDA Emergency Use Authorization

Thermo Fisher COVID-19 testing Thermo Fisher to produce five million testing kits for coronavirus

Quest COVID-19 testing

LabCorp COVID-19 testing

Hologic COVID-19 testing 2 more San Diego companies get emergency approval to produce coronavirus tests
5. After the maximum testing capacity is operating, in a week or two, we'll have a current picture how the US is doing, stay tuned.
It wasn’t that long ago that you claimed we had excess capacity for testing. Earlier this week you claimed we’d have a dramatic increase today.

Now it’s a different story.

It seems like we are always just a week away.

We do have excess test capacity in many areas, and some areas are marginal. Depends on access to automated testing equipment.
What is the metric, anyone who wants one? Or just those tests ordered by doctors?
In a week we'll need more tests, and have much more capacity than we need.
Some shortages are bureaucratic, like some states don't know where to get swabs, or reagents, or substitute reagents, etc.
Bottom line: We have adequate test capacity now, and will have excess capacity going forward.
Last week we were one week away. Now we are still one week away. How many more weeks will be one week away?

We do not have adequate testing capacity now. Not even close.
Oh shut up

Don't forget, they're speaking for their Communist Chinese masters.....against their common enemy, Trump.
Does anyone actually listen to you?
....among Democrats.

1. “Italy's healthcare system is in a state of almost total collapse. As of today, 31,506 people in Italy have been infected with the coronavirus; of which 2,503 people have died. The Italian government was hoping for help from the European Union, but neither the other member states nor the European Union itself has given any at all.... “Coronavirus Comes for Europe

2. The reason our nation is not in that position is the current President.
Seizing the time when we became aware of the coronavirus, Trump rapidly saved America from becoming Italy.

"As Azar explained when he announced the travel restrictions on Jan. 31, the policy prohibits non-U.S. citizens, other than the immediate family of U.S. citizens and permanent residents, who have traveled to China within the last two weeks from entering the U.S.

...his decision on Jan. 31 to impose travel restrictions related to the novel coronavirus epidemic.

Trump has repeatedly said that his decision to impose the travel restrictions on Jan. 31 was made despite objections from most of the experts on containing the spread of infectious disease.

“But we closed those borders very early, against the advice of a lot of professionals, and we turned out to be right. I took a lot of heat for that,” Trump said on March 4. The Facts on Trump's Travel Restrictions

3. Listening to a sports station last night, I heard this from Obama's Surgeon General:
[Charania] Sources: Dr. Vivek Murthy, former US Surgeon general, told NBA owners today about coronavirus: If the United States had not hardened its stance across country, millions were at risk to die — and cases will likely only increase, like they did in Italy, over the next 2-to-3 months. [Charania] Sources: Dr. Vivek Murthy, former US Surgeon general, told NBA owners today about coronavirus: If the United States had not hardened its stance across country, millions were at risk to die — and cases will likely only increase, like they did in Italy, over the next 2-to-3 months. : Coronavirus

4. Speaking about the
another ingrate, Obama.....took him 6 months and 1,000 dead Americans to act.

"Obama declares H1N1 emergency
October 26,
2009 8:47 a.m. EDT
Washington (CNN) -- President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus."
Obama declares H1N1 emergency -

It isn't until paragraph 10 that this is noted:

"Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

What a difference between this competent, America-loving executive and Obama.

Where's the gratitude, Democrats???
A few weeks ago he was saying it was a hoax by the Democrats. Then he was implying that it was nothing to worry about. Where is your gratitude for Democrats pointing out what an inept President he is?

That's a lie, NoBrains.

Trump never said the virus was a hoax.
I heard it. Get your head out of your arse. BBC even fact-checked what Trump has been saying so that people will not think he knows what he is saying.
/----/ So Lib CNBC is lying to protect Trump? WOWZA.
Trump says the coronavirus is Democrats' new 'hoax'
Trump says the coronavirus is the Democrats' 'new hoax'
Feb 28, 2020President Trump says that Democrats are using the virulent coronavirus as a "hoax" to damage him and his administration. "The Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus," he said from a campaign ...

Seriously, shouldn't NoBrains have been surprised that, after the doctors made the intermastoid incision, and removed his brain- he was still able to post on the board?

Perhaps....never having understood its use and function....he simply carries on.
I had better things to do with my time than to be posting on this pathetic board.

For someone who thinks they are so smart, you have no idea when someone is pulling your chain. And it is so much fun to do so.
A few weeks ago he was saying it was a hoax by the Democrats. Then he was implying that it was nothing to worry about. Where is your gratitude for Democrats pointing out what an inept President he is?

That's a lie, NoBrains.

Trump never said the virus was a hoax.
I heard it. Get your head out of your arse. BBC even fact-checked what Trump has been saying so that people will not think he knows what he is saying.
/----/ So Lib CNBC is lying to protect Trump? WOWZA.
Trump says the coronavirus is Democrats' new 'hoax'
Trump says the coronavirus is the Democrats' 'new hoax'
Feb 28, 2020President Trump says that Democrats are using the virulent coronavirus as a "hoax" to damage him and his administration. "The Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus," he said from a campaign ...

Seriously, shouldn't NoBrains have been surprised that, after the doctors made the intermastoid incision, and removed his brain- he was still able to post on the board?

Perhaps....never having understood its use and function....he simply carries on.
It wasn’t that long ago that you claimed we had excess capacity for testing. Earlier this week you claimed we’d have a dramatic increase today.

Now it’s a different story.

It seems like we are always just a week away.

We do have excess test capacity in many areas, and some areas are marginal. Depends on access to automated testing equipment.
What is the metric, anyone who wants one? Or just those tests ordered by doctors?
In a week we'll need more tests, and have much more capacity than we need.
Some shortages are bureaucratic, like some states don't know where to get swabs, or reagents, or substitute reagents, etc.
Bottom line: We have adequate test capacity now, and will have excess capacity going forward.
Last week we were one week away. Now we are still one week away. How many more weeks will be one week away?

We do not have adequate testing capacity now. Not even close.
Oh shut up

Don't forget, they're speaking for their Communist Chinese masters.....against their common enemy, Trump.
Does anyone actually listen to you?
Only a few
I heard him saying it at one of his rallies. And all of the Trumpsters have been repeating it.

Why do you keep repeating what has been proven to be a lie?

This may be the reason: › schizophreniabulletin › article-pdf

Perseveration in Schizophrenia - Oxford Academic


by A Crider - ‎1997 - ‎Cited by 183 - ‎Related articles
Perseveration is the contextually inappropriate and unintentional repetition of a response or behavioral unit. In schizophrenia, perseveration may take a variety of forms. These can be conceptualized as varying manifestations of an underlying neurocognitive deficit.

There may be medications helpful for this condition....speak to your doctor to see if they are right for you.
I heard him saying it at one of his rallies. And all of the Trumpsters have been repeating it.

Why do you keep repeating what has been proven to be a lie?

This may be the reason: › schizophreniabulletin › article-pdf

Perseveration in Schizophrenia - Oxford Academic


by A Crider - ‎1997 - ‎Cited by 183 - ‎Related articles
Perseveration is the contextually inappropriate and unintentional repetition of a response or behavioral unit. In schizophrenia, perseveration may take a variety of forms. These can be conceptualized as varying manifestations of an underlying neurocognitive deficit.

There may be medications helpful for this condition....speak to your doctor to see if they are right for you.
You have not proven anything. Trump said it and all his minions followed him. And a Trump supporter like you calling someone a liar is rich. Unless it was your idea of a compliment like saying I am like Trump, which is a hideous insult to me. You would be trying to make Donald McDonald sound good by comparing him to me.

"You have not proven anything."

This moron is the stereotypical Liberal/Democrat in debate.
Proving they are lying has zero effect on their arguments.

Let's review:

1. I called you a liar.

2. I challenged you to produce any such couldn't. You're a liar.

3. I produced a headline of fact-checkers saying you are a liar.

4. I produced the actual statement by Trump proving you a liar.

5. Get it now? You're simply a liar, and the pride and joy of the Democrat cult.
You produced a headline about Facebook. I saw and heard Trump say it. Now which should an intelligent person listen to. I know that you are not the person I should be asking this question.
you saw and heard trump say it? who are you that you would be on a call with the governors and the CDC team that you'd actually see and hear him?
It was at one of his Nazi rallies.
Why do you keep repeating what has been proven to be a lie?

This may be the reason: › schizophreniabulletin › article-pdf

Perseveration in Schizophrenia - Oxford Academic


by A Crider - ‎1997 - ‎Cited by 183 - ‎Related articles
Perseveration is the contextually inappropriate and unintentional repetition of a response or behavioral unit. In schizophrenia, perseveration may take a variety of forms. These can be conceptualized as varying manifestations of an underlying neurocognitive deficit.

There may be medications helpful for this condition....speak to your doctor to see if they are right for you.
Why do you keep repeating what has been proven to be a lie?

This may be the reason: › schizophreniabulletin › article-pdf

Perseveration in Schizophrenia - Oxford Academic


by A Crider - ‎1997 - ‎Cited by 183 - ‎Related articles
Perseveration is the contextually inappropriate and unintentional repetition of a response or behavioral unit. In schizophrenia, perseveration may take a variety of forms. These can be conceptualized as varying manifestations of an underlying neurocognitive deficit.

There may be medications helpful for this condition....speak to your doctor to see if they are right for you.
You have not proven anything. Trump said it and all his minions followed him. And a Trump supporter like you calling someone a liar is rich. Unless it was your idea of a compliment like saying I am like Trump, which is a hideous insult to me. You would be trying to make Donald McDonald sound good by comparing him to me.

"You have not proven anything."

This moron is the stereotypical Liberal/Democrat in debate.
Proving they are lying has zero effect on their arguments.

Let's review:

1. I called you a liar.

2. I challenged you to produce any such couldn't. You're a liar.

3. I produced a headline of fact-checkers saying you are a liar.

4. I produced the actual statement by Trump proving you a liar.

5. Get it now? You're simply a liar, and the pride and joy of the Democrat cult.
You produced a headline about Facebook. I saw and heard Trump say it. Now which should an intelligent person listen to. I know that you are not the person I should be asking this question.
you saw and heard trump say it? who are you that you would be on a call with the governors and the CDC team that you'd actually see and hear him?
these demofks want us to take them seriously and they post shit like that poster did.
Yeah, quit telling the truth if we want you to listen.
1. We're not yet caught up with as much testing as we'd like, but more capacity is coming on line daily.
By the end of next week, say 3/27/20, the US should have all of the testing capacity needed up and running.
2. We started out only with the CDC, then we added public health labs, topping off at about 4,000 tests per day. This is the capacity the Trump admin "inherited". Trump/Pence had to develop and approve much more testing capacity, and fast.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
3. The FDA gave "fast-track" approval to hospital labs, state labs, and many private labs. That helped, but still wasn't enough test capacity.
4. Then the big corporations got involved and are bringing millions more test capacity online using automated testing:

Doing now what patients need next Roche begins shipments of first 400,000 COVID-19 tests to laboratories across US to begin patient testing under FDA Emergency Use Authorization

Thermo Fisher COVID-19 testing Thermo Fisher to produce five million testing kits for coronavirus

Quest COVID-19 testing

LabCorp COVID-19 testing

Hologic COVID-19 testing 2 more San Diego companies get emergency approval to produce coronavirus tests
5. After the maximum testing capacity is operating, in a week or two, we'll have a current picture how the US is doing, stay tuned.
It wasn’t that long ago that you claimed we had excess capacity for testing. Earlier this week you claimed we’d have a dramatic increase today.

Now it’s a different story.

It seems like we are always just a week away.

We do have excess test capacity in many areas, and some areas are marginal. Depends on access to automated testing equipment.
What is the metric, anyone who wants one? Or just those tests ordered by doctors?
In a week we'll need more tests, and have much more capacity than we need.
Some shortages are bureaucratic, like some states don't know where to get swabs, or reagents, or substitute reagents, etc.
Bottom line: We have adequate test capacity now, and will have excess capacity going forward.
Last week we were one week away. Now we are still one week away. How many more weeks will be one week away?

We do not have adequate testing capacity now. Not even close.
Oh shut up
But who is going to see all you indoctrinated goofballs straight when you make things up?
I guess if we pass these figures where no one said shit.

Swine influenza - Wikipedia
It is estimated that in the 2009 flu pandemic 11–21% of the then global population (of about 6.8 billion), or around 700 million to 1.4 billion people, contracted the illness—more in absolute terms than the Spanish flu pandemic. However, with about 150,000–575,000 fatalities,
....among Democrats.

1. “Italy's healthcare system is in a state of almost total collapse. As of today, 31,506 people in Italy have been infected with the coronavirus; of which 2,503 people have died. The Italian government was hoping for help from the European Union, but neither the other member states nor the European Union itself has given any at all.... “Coronavirus Comes for Europe

2. The reason our nation is not in that position is the current President.
Seizing the time when we became aware of the coronavirus, Trump rapidly saved America from becoming Italy.

"As Azar explained when he announced the travel restrictions on Jan. 31, the policy prohibits non-U.S. citizens, other than the immediate family of U.S. citizens and permanent residents, who have traveled to China within the last two weeks from entering the U.S.

...his decision on Jan. 31 to impose travel restrictions related to the novel coronavirus epidemic.

Trump has repeatedly said that his decision to impose the travel restrictions on Jan. 31 was made despite objections from most of the experts on containing the spread of infectious disease.

“But we closed those borders very early, against the advice of a lot of professionals, and we turned out to be right. I took a lot of heat for that,” Trump said on March 4. The Facts on Trump's Travel Restrictions

3. Listening to a sports station last night, I heard this from Obama's Surgeon General:
[Charania] Sources: Dr. Vivek Murthy, former US Surgeon general, told NBA owners today about coronavirus: If the United States had not hardened its stance across country, millions were at risk to die — and cases will likely only increase, like they did in Italy, over the next 2-to-3 months. [Charania] Sources: Dr. Vivek Murthy, former US Surgeon general, told NBA owners today about coronavirus: If the United States had not hardened its stance across country, millions were at risk to die — and cases will likely only increase, like they did in Italy, over the next 2-to-3 months. : Coronavirus

4. Speaking about the
another ingrate, Obama.....took him 6 months and 1,000 dead Americans to act.

"Obama declares H1N1 emergency
October 26,
2009 8:47 a.m. EDT
Washington (CNN) -- President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus."
Obama declares H1N1 emergency -

It isn't until paragraph 10 that this is noted:

"Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

What a difference between this competent, America-loving executive and Obama.

Where's the gratitude, Democrats???
A few weeks ago he was saying it was a hoax by the Democrats. Then he was implying that it was nothing to worry about. Where is your gratitude for Democrats pointing out what an inept President he is?

That's a lie, NoBrains.

Trump never said the virus was a hoax.
I heard it. Get your head out of your arse. BBC even fact-checked what Trump has been saying so that people will not think he knows what he is saying.
/----/ So Lib CNBC is lying to protect Trump? WOWZA.
Trump says the coronavirus is Democrats' new 'hoax'
Trump says the coronavirus is the Democrats' 'new hoax'
Feb 28, 2020President Trump says that Democrats are using the virulent coronavirus as a "hoax" to damage him and his administration. "The Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus," he said from a campaign ...

Seriously, shouldn't NoBrains have been surprised that, after the doctors made the intermastoid incision, and removed his brain- he was still able to post on the board?

Perhaps....never having understood its use and function....he simply carries on.
It is pathetic that you think that anyone takes you serious on this board. You are a joke.
A few weeks ago he was saying it was a hoax by the Democrats. Then he was implying that it was nothing to worry about. Where is your gratitude for Democrats pointing out what an inept President he is?

That's a lie, NoBrains.

Trump never said the virus was a hoax.
I heard it. Get your head out of your arse. BBC even fact-checked what Trump has been saying so that people will not think he knows what he is saying.
/----/ So Lib CNBC is lying to protect Trump? WOWZA.
Trump says the coronavirus is Democrats' new 'hoax'
Trump says the coronavirus is the Democrats' 'new hoax'
Feb 28, 2020President Trump says that Democrats are using the virulent coronavirus as a "hoax" to damage him and his administration. "The Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus," he said from a campaign ...

Seriously, shouldn't NoBrains have been surprised that, after the doctors made the intermastoid incision, and removed his brain- he was still able to post on the board?

Perhaps....never having understood its use and function....he simply carries on.
It is pathetic that you think that anyone takes you serious on this board. You are a joke.
the irony
Word of the day toilet paper?
That's a lie, NoBrains.

Trump never said the virus was a hoax.
I heard it. Get your head out of your arse. BBC even fact-checked what Trump has been saying so that people will not think he knows what he is saying.
/----/ So Lib CNBC is lying to protect Trump? WOWZA.
Trump says the coronavirus is Democrats' new 'hoax'
Trump says the coronavirus is the Democrats' 'new hoax'
Feb 28, 2020President Trump says that Democrats are using the virulent coronavirus as a "hoax" to damage him and his administration. "The Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus," he said from a campaign ...

Seriously, shouldn't NoBrains have been surprised that, after the doctors made the intermastoid incision, and removed his brain- he was still able to post on the board?

Perhaps....never having understood its use and function....he simply carries on.
It is pathetic that you think that anyone takes you serious on this board. You are a joke.
the irony
Word of the day toilet paper?
It wasn’t that long ago that you claimed we had excess capacity for testing. Earlier this week you claimed we’d have a dramatic increase today.

Now it’s a different story.

It seems like we are always just a week away.

We do have excess test capacity in many areas, and some areas are marginal. Depends on access to automated testing equipment.
What is the metric, anyone who wants one? Or just those tests ordered by doctors?
In a week we'll need more tests, and have much more capacity than we need.
Some shortages are bureaucratic, like some states don't know where to get swabs, or reagents, or substitute reagents, etc.
Bottom line: We have adequate test capacity now, and will have excess capacity going forward.
Last week we were one week away. Now we are still one week away. How many more weeks will be one week away?

We do not have adequate testing capacity now. Not even close.
Oh shut up
But who is going to see all you indoctrinated goofballs straight when you make things up?
I guess if we pass these figures where no one said shit.

Swine influenza - Wikipedia
It is estimated that in the 2009 flu pandemic 11–21% of the then global population (of about 6.8 billion), or around 700 million to 1.4 billion people, contracted the illness—more in absolute terms than the Spanish flu pandemic. However, with about 150,000–575,000 fatalities,

So are you still going with the “COVID-19
isnt that bad” meme? Hmm. You’re a week behind. The groupthink has evolved to “Trump has been sounding the alarm for months and is kicking its ass”. Your software is out of date. All bots should report to Right Wing media to be patched immediately.
Isn’t it obvious that Trump’s travel restrictions were ineffective?

Please tell me you're not serious.....that this was an attempt at humor.

If it was effective, why does the graph look like this?


The above was posted just this past Wednesday.

Only a little bit more than 4,000 cases? We were so naive back then. When some were giving Trump way too much credit for whatever closing down travel with China has accomplished. Its sad but colfax_m is right, in the end since we weren't practicing anything within our borders to slow down the speed of the virus we wasted all that time. Social Distancing when the travel ban was announced wasn't words passed around by Americans. Ramping up testing at that time should have been a priority, I'm not really sure it even is today. Feels more like the federal government was nagged into acquiring tests and still not enough. Then thanks to mixed messages sent out to an already conspiratorial gang of misfits we now have rumors of evil plots designed by Communists or George Soros, etc. and misguided acts of civil disobedience that will only continue the spread of the violence this virus has brought down.

Today, just two days later we are now sitting at 18k and most likely will top over 20k by the end of the day and now we have closed the southern border except for essential travel. OK, does this really matter one way or another at this point to stop the spread? It's not foreigners you have to worry about, it's your neighbors, it's you. So, shut down the border if it makes you feel better, I'm pretty indifferent to it right now, maybe some folks who work on the border can go home to their families.

I predicted over 20k by the end of the weekend, I way underestimated that. Where are we going to be in April?
A few weeks ago he was saying it was a hoax by the Democrats. Then he was implying that it was nothing to worry about. Where is your gratitude for Democrats pointing out what an inept President he is?

That's a lie, NoBrains.

Trump never said the virus was a hoax.
I heard it. Get your head out of your arse. BBC even fact-checked what Trump has been saying so that people will not think he knows what he is saying.
/----/ So Lib CNBC is lying to protect Trump? WOWZA.
Trump says the coronavirus is Democrats' new 'hoax'
Trump says the coronavirus is the Democrats' 'new hoax'
Feb 28, 2020President Trump says that Democrats are using the virulent coronavirus as a "hoax" to damage him and his administration. "The Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus," he said from a campaign ...

Seriously, shouldn't NoBrains have been surprised that, after the doctors made the intermastoid incision, and removed his brain- he was still able to post on the board?

Perhaps....never having understood its use and function....he simply carries on.
It wasn’t that long ago that you claimed we had excess capacity for testing. Earlier this week you claimed we’d have a dramatic increase today.

Now it’s a different story.

It seems like we are always just a week away.

We do have excess test capacity in many areas, and some areas are marginal. Depends on access to automated testing equipment.
What is the metric, anyone who wants one? Or just those tests ordered by doctors?
In a week we'll need more tests, and have much more capacity than we need.
Some shortages are bureaucratic, like some states don't know where to get swabs, or reagents, or substitute reagents, etc.
Bottom line: We have adequate test capacity now, and will have excess capacity going forward.
Last week we were one week away. Now we are still one week away. How many more weeks will be one week away?

We do not have adequate testing capacity now. Not even close.
Oh shut up

Don't forget, they're speaking for their Communist Chinese masters.....against their common enemy, Trump.
Does anyone actually listen to you?

Of course.

A lot of dunces like you pretend they don't.....yet, here you are responding to my post.
Got under your scales, huh?

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