Great Article for Catholics to Read


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
The Pope’s Radical Whisper

by Frank BRUNI, Published: September 21, 2013

IT’S about time. The leader of the Roman Catholic Church has surveyed the haughty scolds in its ranks, noted their fixation on matters of sexual morality above all others and said enough is enough. I’m not being cheeky with this one-word response. Hallelujah.

Read the full piece @

I read the NYTimes article. In all honesty, I could not have been more underwhelmed nor less surprised. To me, it was nothing more than a covert way of attacking almost everything the Catholic Church stands for --- and also --- a less than covert way of attacking republicans and extolling president Obama. Hence, my “not surprised.”

It also gives the strongest impression that the secular media and world has been right all along on matters of sexuality and some other morals. Not! It has painted the previous popes as pompous out of touch ego driven beaurocrats who lavish importance and infallibility upon themselves. Totally Not! It makes it sound as though the Catholic mission has been totally misguided, more concerned with being in charge and always correct and punishing anyone who dare think otherwise. Not!

You need to understand something. The Catholic Church is of the strongest belief and contention that they are carrying out the mission of Jesus Christ --- and Not their own selfish desires. And if that mission or message is not popular --- then so be it. This current pope Francis is just as welcome and gratefully accepted by those within in the Church (by and large including conservatives) as he is by those on the outside. His message, his teachings DO NOT contradict or oppose any pope or Catholic teaching that has gone before him. He has just used a different way (that which suits him better) of expressing the very same morals and teachings. As far as contraception, gay issues and abortion goes, Pope Francis is very much in line with previous Catholic thought. He is merely saying that we Catholics may have erred in emphasizing these denunciations too much at the expense of being more kind, pastoral and open to those who engage in misgivings. On that, I think he is correct and making positive inroads.
Catholics and others interested would be better advised to actually read in context, not through another lens, what he had to say:

A Big Heart Open to God | America Magazine

What who had to say?... the author of the NYTimes article? Or the pope? (I read the NYTimes article in its entirety and thought I understood.)

You would be doing Catholics like me a favor if you would have elaborated a little as to what points you are trying to make.
Catholics and others interested would be better advised to actually read in context, not through another lens, what he had to say:

A Big Heart Open to God | America Magazine

What who had to say?... the author of the NYTimes article? Or the pope? (I read the NYTimes article in its entirety and thought I understood.)

You would be doing Catholics like me a favor if you would have elaborated a little as to what points you are trying to make.

The actual interview of the pope, click on the link.
Catholics and others interested would be better advised to actually read in context, not through another lens, what he had to say:

A Big Heart Open to God | America Magazine

What who had to say?... the author of the NYTimes article? Or the pope? (I read the NYTimes article in its entirety and thought I understood.)

You would be doing Catholics like me a favor if you would have elaborated a little as to what points you are trying to make.

The actual interview of the pope, click on the link.

I've read it from other sources. This pope is to be applauded.

But for this NYTimes author to suggest he is doing things in opposition to his predecessors or shaking up Catholic morals or what is held dear --- is baloney. In my opinion.
The Pope’s Radical Whisper

by Frank BRUNI, Published: September 21, 2013

IT’S about time. The leader of the Roman Catholic Church has surveyed the haughty scolds in its ranks, noted their fixation on matters of sexual morality above all others and said enough is enough. I’m not being cheeky with this one-word response. Hallelujah.

Read the full piece @

Your ignorance is. . . . astounding. First, let's get this straight. Liberation Theology is what Obama practices. Liberation Theology IS a creation of the Jesuits. Liberation Theology is just a method of controlling the poor and disenfranchised. The poor and disenfranchised are given FALSE hope. Hope the hierarchy of the mother chuch never intends to honor. Of course the poor and the disenfranchised are given the false belief that their freedoms are . . . "Okay." Get real. I did some research, this journalist is a Columbia School media elite journalist. This means Annenberg. Of course, Columbia is the CIA school of choice, and it has been infiltrated by the Jesuits as well. None of this can be proved, but it is the Nexus of everything that is of any importance. This is well known by anyone that studies crypto-politics. It's just common sense.

There ARE facts behind what the POPE does stand for though, not just what he claims to say for American audiences for the sake of the POTUS pawn.

Pope Francis excommunicates pro-gay marriage priest. He's not the liberal the media wants
From all of last week's headlines saying that the Pope wants to forget this nonsense about abortion and gays, you'd imagine that Germaine Greer had been elected to run the Catholic Church. Actually what the Pope was saying was that he wants the Church to talk more about what it's for than what it's against. But that doesn't mean it won't still be against those things that contradict its teachings and traditions.

Just ask Greg Reynolds of Melbourne – a priest who appears to have been both defrocked and excommunicated because of his radical views on women clergy and gay marriage. From Australia's The Age:

The excommunication document – written in Latin and giving no reason – was dated May 31, meaning it comes under the authority of Pope Francis who made headlines on Thursday calling for a less rule-obsessed church.

Pope Francis Slams Abortion in New Comments: Unborn Babies “Unjustly Condemned”
A day after an interview the mainstream media used to claim Pope Francis is backing down on the Catholic Church’s pro-life teachings, the Pope condemned abortion in strong terms, saying unborn babies are “unjustly condemned” when killed in abortions.

In the text of a message the Pope delivered to a group of Catholic doctors this morning, as distributed by the Vatican today, Pope Francis soundly condemned abortion.

“Every unborn child, though unjustly condemned to be aborted, has the face of the Lord, who even before his birth, and then as soon as he was born, experienced the rejection of the world,” he said.
I wouldn't be at all surprised if this "journalist" Frank Bruni was himself a Jesuit. Journalism, writing, teaching, politics, these are common professions for them.

"I do not like the reappearance of the Jesuits...Shall we not have regular swarms of them here, in as many disguises as only a king of the gypsies can assume, dressed as printers, publishers, writers and schoolmasters? If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth and in hell, it is this Society of Loyolas. Nevertheless, we are compelled by our system of religious toleration to offer them an asylum...."
~President Thomas Jefferson
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There ARE facts behind what the POPE does stand for though, not just what he claims to say for American audiences for the sake of the POTUS pawn.

What Pope Francis stands for and what he claims to say for American audiences are one in the same. Are you suggesting this man is some kind of a con artist?

And based on all else you commented on, you appear to have swung way too far the other way than this NYTimes author. IMO.

Pope Francis is first and foremost a devout Catholic Christian, believer and follower of Jesus Christ. His Jesuit affiliation is quite secondary, that is, if its mission or teaching should ever deviate from Catholic dogma or doctrine. No need for you to sound the alarm.

I am not saying the Society of Jesus order has not done regrettable acts in its history, even to the point of being "disbarred" for a time centuries ago. I am saying the Jesuits are by and large very holy and honorable Christians and your apparent personal invective towards Francis is unwarranted.
The Roman Catholic Church in this country is not obsessed with sexual and reproductive sin. In the past 40 years, I think I've heard two or three references to abortion from the pulpit, and I've yet to hear a priest condemn homosexuals or any form of sodomy in any Catholic public forum, and I've been to numerous gatherings of various kinds. I have rarely heard priests talking about contraception, and as often as not, their view was more than sympathetic to the perceived need of young married people to "manage" the size of their families. They are fully aware that the "rhythm method" has become a stale joke that no one - especially Catholics - take seriously

It is the media that is obsessessed with the Church's positions on these issues, along with the millions of fallen-away Catholics who want to justify themselves.

The very idea that this pope would not consider homosexual sodomy (even in the context of a committed relationship) or abortion to be SERIOUSLY sinful is absurd and fraudulent.
I am not saying the Society of Jesus order has not done regrettable acts in its history, even to the point of being "disbarred" for a time centuries ago. I am saying the Jesuits are by and large very holy and honorable Christians and your apparent personal invective towards Francis is unwarranted.

I don't believe I ever stated or said anything personally against Francis in particular, in general, yes, I am suggesting he, like everyone in the hierarchy of the church ARE hiding something. Liars and manipulators, the whole lot of them.

Let the world's Archeologist's have the keys to the Vatican Library already. What makes the Vatican believe it has the right to keep the Secrets of the Library of Alexandria?

Huge changes are soon a foot, and only the elect are knowledgeable. I notice very tiny details in my community, things others don't. I would like to know things that the ancients wrote about. . . .

The church taught us that a lie of omission is still a lie.

"Disbarred" :lol:

As if they are just lawyers.

If you cheat at the game, you are kicked out. You'd think Pope Clement XIV banned the Jesuit Order for merely molesting kids, not causing a war that killed, oh, I don't know, A MILLION PEOPLE?!? :doubt:
I don't believe I ever stated or said anything personally against Francis in particular, in general, yes, I am suggesting he, like everyone in the hierarchy of the church ARE hiding something. Liars and manipulators, the whole lot of them.

Let the world's Archeologist's have the keys to the Vatican Library already. What makes the Vatican believe it has the right to keep the Secrets of the Library of Alexandria?

Huge changes are soon a foot, and only the elect are knowledgeable. I notice very tiny details in my community, things others don't. I would like to know things that the ancients wrote about. . . .

The church taught us that a lie of omission is still a lie.

"Disbarred" :lol: As if they are just lawyers.

If you cheat at the game, you are kicked out. You'd think Pope Clement XIV banned the Jesuit Order for merely molesting kids, not causing a war that killed, oh, I don't know, A MILLION PEOPLE?!? :doubt:

You are really onto something big are you not? You have found the enemy and it is us. The whore of babylon, et al.

Thank you for reminding the world that the Catholic Church is made up of sinners. We never denied it. But I suppose what follows now is that the sheep with no shepherd should now look to you because you have been singularly bestowed with wisdom and truth? I pity those innocent rats who might follow such a pied piper as you off the cliff in hopes of an eternal reward.

As to the specifics of some of your charges, I am inclined to know more before I might respond, but precious time too often prevents good intentions. Suffice it to say, I have serious doubts your radical protestant website contains any unadulterated truths when they gleefully make charges that the Jesuits were the primary cause or drivers behind the Seven Years War. They simply cannot contain their delight in calumny and scandalizing all and anything Catholic.

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