Zone1 Americans hate this.. but the TRUE Church demands obedience to the (real) Pope

Nobody should need a Pope to tell them what`s right and what`s wrong.

People would--

wait, we would not even have survived if not for Christianity. The world would not have lasted if not for Christ's coming.

we hate one another. We start wars for dumb reasons (though we think they are valid reasons)

we abort our children

we live for Numero Uno

and end up in Hell

all because we have no Church
His reference was to the patriarch and progenitor Abraham, not as spiritual father.
like that makes a difference. Please. You anticatholics will just use anything u can to disagree w/ the Church Christ founded.

But if you totally do not care what that Church is and what it teaches (not talking about the fake "church" at the Vatican :rolleyes:

then you don't care about the One who founded it
From novusOrdowatch website

Pope Leo XIII was very clear that, in the Catholic Church it is not for the sheep to correct the shepherds; and that the obedience that is required of a Catholic is obedience to the present Pope, not some Pope of the past one may find more agreeable [The following was written over 70 years ago by a pope]:


This would SEEM to apply only to the OLD Catholic Church, the one that existed before the Vatican was taken over by anti-Christs (yet retains an appearance of Catholicity).

So some Catholics here will note that I do not accept Francis as a true pope and may use the above quote from Pope Leo XIII to argue with me. Oh well, so be it. The Church elsewhere defines what a true pope is and Francis is not it.


One thing required of a pope: has to be CATHOLIC

seems obvious but not in these crazy times...

(Francis is not Catholic)
I left the RCC when Nixon was President and every time I visit, to support a relative, I feel vindicated
I don’t defy Jesus, my Christian relatives are better people than I’ll ever be, it’s just not for me
Jesus is for everyone. Sometimes when I am not focused on Him... I get distracted and lost.. and when I re-focus on Him.. it's absolutely amazing the difference in how I feel, how uplifted I am just by thinking of Him or saying His name ... I feel sorry for people who don't have that..
like that makes a difference. Please. You anticatholics will just use anything u can to disagree w/ the Church Christ founded.

But if you totally do not care what that Church is and what it teaches (not talking about the fake "church" at the Vatican :rolleyes:

then you don't care about the One who founded it
Good thing we have the Bible.
like that makes a difference. Please. You anticatholics will just use anything u can to disagree w/ the Church Christ founded.

But if you totally do not care what that Church is and what it teaches (not talking about the fake "church" at the Vatican :rolleyes:

then you don't care about the One who founded it
We may be in the end time period of the "famine of the word", in which case the true church may once again be in hiding.
From novusOrdowatch website

Pope Leo XIII was very clear that, in the Catholic Church it is not for the sheep to correct the shepherds; and that the obedience that is required of a Catholic is obedience to the present Pope, not some Pope of the past one may find more agreeable [The following was written over 70 years ago by a pope]:


This would SEEM to apply only to the OLD Catholic Church, the one that existed before the Vatican was taken over by anti-Christs (yet retains an appearance of Catholicity).

So some Catholics here will note that I do not accept Francis as a true pope and may use the above quote from Pope Leo XIII to argue with me. Oh well, so be it. The Church elsewhere defines what a true pope is and Francis is not it.


One thing required of a pope: has to be CATHOLIC

seems obvious but not in these crazy times...

(Francis is not Catholic)
If you can find the Words, Pope, Original Sin, Easter, Christmas, Pray to Mary, Pray for the dead in any verified translation of the biblical canon.........I will another religion/church not mentioned in scripture.....THE UNIVERSAL CHURCH OF CHRIST.
I don’t defy Jesus, my Christian relatives are better people than I’ll ever be, it’s just not for me
Are they really Christians? Some people actually believe that hating homosexuals makes them a Christian. No one has ever said it better than Gandhi. " I like your Christ; I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ".
From novusOrdowatch website

Pope Leo XIII was very clear that, in the Catholic Church it is not for the sheep to correct the shepherds; and that the obedience that is required of a Catholic is obedience to the present Pope, not some Pope of the past one may find more agreeable [The following was written over 70 years ago by a pope]:


This would SEEM to apply only to the OLD Catholic Church, the one that existed before the Vatican was taken over by anti-Christs (yet retains an appearance of Catholicity).

So some Catholics here will note that I do not accept Francis as a true pope and may use the above quote from Pope Leo XIII to argue with me. Oh well, so be it. The Church elsewhere defines what a true pope is and Francis is not it.


One thing required of a pope: has to be CATHOLIC

seems obvious but not in these crazy times...

(Francis is not Catholic)
The Bible says that Christ is not a respecter of persons. The righteousness of men is likened to “filthy rags.”

Romans 2:11, “For there is no respect of persons with God.”

Isaiah 64:6, “But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.”

Matthew 23:9-10
, "And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ."
Are they really Christians? Some people actually believe that hating homosexuals makes them a Christian. No one has ever said it better than Gandhi. " I like your Christ; I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ".
Wasn’t it Ghandi who also said, “stop being a total dick all the time”?
The Bible says that Christ is not a respecter of persons. The righteousness of men is likened to “filthy rags.”

Isaiah 64:6, “But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.”

Needs clarification.

The righteousness of obedience to the Law was as filthy rags. The true righteousness that comes from yielding to the guidance of the Holy Spirit is pure.
If you can find the Words, Pope, Original Sin, Easter, Christmas, Pray to Mary, Pray for the dead in any verified translation of the biblical canon.........I will another religion/church not mentioned in scripture.....THE UNIVERSAL CHURCH OF CHRIST.
Please. I've heard this kind of thing 1000 times from the protesters.

There are many important words not found in the Bible... sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I guess you will now, upon learning such, ditch the Bible

just as you have ditched Christ's Church (the real Catholic Church, no longer in the Vatican..)
Needs clarification.

The righteousness of obedience to the Law was as filthy rags. The true righteousness that comes from yielding to the guidance of the Holy Spirit is pure.
no, all our works are filthy because we are constantly sinners. That said, when we do our best to please God (which means being IN CHRIST), He overlooks our filthiness... or certainly does not make us pay every penny owed to Him, as it were

"No one comes to the Father except through Me" -- Jesus
no, all our works are filthy because we are constantly sinners. That said, when we do our best to please God (which means being IN CHRIST), He overlooks our filthiness... or certainly does not make us pay every penny owed to Him, as it were

"No one comes to the Father except through Me" -- Jesus
There are 91 references to righteousness in the NT (KJV), some referring to OT persons. Great word study.
If Jesus founded the 'Catholic Church', then he also founded the Eastern Orthodox; they didn't split until several centuries later.

I don't know for sure, wasn't there, but I think Peter was long gone, as were the Apostles, and there are no reports of Jesus showing up and proclaiming Rome as his choice. In fact, we're still waiting on any evidence that Peter even went to Rome at all himself, and of course any evidence that the Bishop Of Rome was selected by anybody to head the entire body of Christians.

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