GREAT Article on Climate Science

Climate Science’s Myth-Buster

Should be required reading for skeptics. Must be read closely.

A breath of fresh air.
As is pointed out we have had something like 26 diffrent assurances that certain things such as cities being underwater by such a date that has never materialized it shows that the so called science is far from settled.

Areas that are used to measure changes in temperature have been surrounded by buildings and high rises since they were placed, there by making their readings invalid. Some areas are reporting temperature data that has only been doing so for a short time yet it is used to help make the case of global warming.

If we look back into our planets history we find that the entire planet was a giant snowball, we see glaciers running over two thirds of the planet, both advancing and receding. We see areas that were once swamps then dry arid land.

Science is always pretending they understand then finds they really don't.
I'm not going to waste my time finding out, but out of curiosity I wonder if this scientist you're touting right now openly denies the general agreement among scientists regarding AGW, which is that it is happening to some currently unknown extent. Is it simply the case that she agrees with them but found out some things about polar bears that will force a reassessment of the impact on that one species?

Could it be possible that skeptic blogs/websites are once again distorting reality to confuse you armchair scientists?
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Never mind, I bothered.

“The human factor and carbon dioxide, in particular, contribute to warming, but how much is the subject of intense scientific debate.”

So your scientist says exactly what I have been telling you dolts for years. Why am I not surprised? Real scientists do not disagree on whether or not humans play a role. The question is how much of a role do humans play?
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Never mind, I bothered.

“The human factor and carbon dioxide, in particular, contribute to warming, but how much is the subject of intense scientific debate.”

So your scientist says exactly what I have been telling you dolts for years. Why am I not surprised? Real scientists do not disagree on whether or not humans play a role. The question is how much of a role do people play?
The biggest problem is most people that have fallen for it believe that it is all man made because it is being touted as settled science.
The biggest problem is most people that have fallen for it believe that it is all man made

Only an unbelievably dumb person would believe that all warming is the product of human activity. I bet you can't point me to one person on this forum that believes that, and we have some seriously stupid motherfuckers floating around in this place.
The biggest problem is most people that have fallen for it believe that it is all man made

Only an unbelievably dumb person would believe that all warming is the product of human activity. I bet you can't point me to one person on this forum that believes that, and we have some seriously stupid motherfuckers floating around in this place.
Don't pay attention to most on this forum but I can point you to people like AOC, little Swedish Greta and others. If you think that they don't have a following let me remind you of the New Green Deal or being invited to speak in front of congress and the U.N.

While I don't think you can find anyone that does not think that mankind has effect I think you can find many who are convinced that mankind is the reason for every bit of temperature change. Why else are people holding rallies and afraid to have children.
The biggest problem is most people that have fallen for it believe that it is all man made

Only an unbelievably dumb person would believe that all warming is the product of human activity. I bet you can't point me to one person on this forum that believes that, and we have some seriously stupid motherfuckers floating around in this place.
Don't pay attention to most on this forum but I can point you to people like AOC, little Swedish Greta and others. If you think that they don't have a following let me remind you of the New Green Deal or being invited to speak in front of congress and the U.N.

While I don't think you can find anyone that does not think that mankind has effect I think you can find many who are convinced that mankind is the reason for every bit of temperature change. Why else are people holding rallies and afraid to have children.
AOC and others were fixing their make up and passing notes in Science class, so what do you expect?
Should be required reading for skeptics. Must be read closely.

Curry has been wrong about all her science.

To real skeptics, a record of success and failure matters. If someone has failed as consistently as Curry, nobody pays attention to them.
I'm not going to waste my time finding out, but out of curiosity I wonder if this scientist you're touting right now openly denies the general agreement among scientists regarding AGW, which is that it is happening to some currently unknown extent. Is it simply the case that she agrees with them but found out some things about polar bears that will force a reassessment of the impact on that one species?

Could it be possible that skeptic blogs/websites are once again distorting reality to confuse you armchair scientists?

She is of the opinion that man has had some effect on the climate...but is clear that separating that effect from the noise of natural variability is simply not possible...and she is quick to point out the 600 pound uncertainty gorilla in the room with regard to any sort of prediction regarding future climate that present climate science is making.

She is a true scientists in that she admits that first and foremost, all science should be practiced with a great deal of skepticism...and that the primary duty of any true scientist is to disprove the current mainstream is only through repeated attempts and failures to disprove a hypothesis that the hypothesis gains any sort of credibility...consensus...especially a consensus regarding a hypothesis which has precious little observed, measured data to support it, and regarding a hypothesis with such large uncertainty bars attached simply is not science...
Really? Care to list any published papers she has had to retract? Care to list any credible rebuttals of her work at all?

In late 2013, she predicted "The ‘hiatus’ will continue at least another decade"

Causes and implications of the pause | Climate Etc.

That was immediately followed by record-breaking temperature increases in 2014, 2015, and 2016, along with a debunking of the crank 'hiatus' propaganda.

She failed as badly with her prediction as it's possible to fail. Rather than explain why her "stadium waves" theory failed so spectacularly, she screamed that all the other scientists were persecuting her, fled science, and took up a cushy job accepting sweet fossil fuel cash in return for being a propaganda shill.

Didn't think so...

Naturally, you worship her, being that you worship failure, corruption, cowardice and dishonesty.
Should be required reading for skeptics. Must be read closely.

Curry has been wrong about all her science.

To real skeptics, a record of success and failure matters. If someone has failed as consistently as Curry, nobody pays attention to them.
Curry's a scientist, you're not. boom 'Blown up Sir'

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