Great news for Liberal democrats!

john doe 101
LOL Women buy them all the time. Doesn't matter if they are rich or poor. Its something they need so they buy them. No way should tax payers be buying them.
john doe 101
Sure. I've worked for everything I have and I don't need anyone to buy anything for me. As for the freeloaders, I'm sure they can rustle up the money for what they need. They sure don't have a problem taking money from the tax payers.
john doe 101
Sure. I've worked for everything I have and I don't need anyone to buy anything for me. As for the freeloaders, I'm sure they can rustle up the money for what they need. They sure don't have a problem taking money from the tax payers.
What i think is more telling is you said "women buy them all the time" and not "we buy them all the time" and use of the word "they" when referring to women.
Want? LOL as a woman you should know having a period isnt by choice. Or are you saying only humans that have enough money should be allowed to have dignity?
what are you trying to say, women are too stupid to buy tampons or pads?
What i think is more telling is you said "women buy them all the time" and not "we buy them all the time" and use of the word "they" when referring to women.
and so now discussing economics isn't allowed by a man?
It's a non issue. If cry babies on the right don't need a tampon then don't take one.
If you need one buy your own

Yeah, this is such a tremendous expense. It appears they are provided at around the time this event could come at quite a surprise and they may not have possession of them.

Complete and total non-issue. Let's take away toilet paper next.
Funny thing that Blaze. I find it amazing anyone with a brain would read it.
But yet they paid for it. Yep you have no clue
Tax payers paid and I'm sure it's next to nothing. This is just another minor blip on the "I've been manipulated to anger over nothing" sham.
Tax payers paid and I'm sure it's next to nothing. This is just another minor blip on the "I've been manipulated to anger over nothing" sham.
Tax payers include both parties idiot!

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