"Great Recession" Pushes Gap Between Rich and Poor to Record Levels


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008
"Great Recession" Pushes Gap Between Rich and Poor to Record Levels


In 2009, the top 20% of American earners -- those making more than $100,000 annually - received 50.3% of all income generated in the country, compared with 12% for the bottom 40% and 3.4% for those below the poverty line, according to the Census Bureau. In 1999, the top 20% claimed 49.4% of the income and the bottom 40% got 12.5% of the income.

Last year 43.6 million Americans, or 14.3% of the population, were living below the poverty rate, the highest level since 1994. A record 6.3% of Americans were making less than 50% of poverty-level income, defined as income of $21,954 for a family of four. (Those poverty figures exclude government programs such as Food Stamps.)

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