Great Speech.

Obama did well however, you have to admit we need improvement soon. Obama cant just keep sounding the part and not produce.

its time for the gloves to come off, right now, last night gave me the feeling like im excited again. been a while since I can say that.

F Cantor, hes a douche. Im a bit more interested in what Bohner and McConnell have to say.

If I where either of the two I would keep my mouth shut, let the presidents speech lay on it's merits. The left want someone from the right to be negative so they can blame the presidents failures on the GOP some more. I wouldn't take the bait. Just keep it quiet and let him fail on his own.
Pass the bill we have to pass the bill .... 17 times

code word for I watch FOX news, an entertainment channel. saw this coming a mile away, next!

Code word? WTF? Did you not watch the speech for yourself and hear it? I guess that would be code that you watch Msnbc or cnn and had no clue he actually said it that many times.
I thought it would be okay but this was better. President Obama really hit the mark with this one.

Surprisingly enough Canter was on a few shows and it looks like hes on board with alot of the proposals.


It was a sales pitch for another stimulus bill and more unneeded spending, nothing more.

Spending is always needed. Those bridges, tunnels and roads don't maintain themselves.

But spending should come with proper provisioning.
Personally I loved the speech. I loved that a died in the wool liberal got beat over the head with reaity and was forced to espouse some rather conservative views and policeis in order to get the economy rolling.

Except..that's what he's been doing all along. Albeit, it was more old guard conservative solutions that would make people like Bob Dole and Jack Kemp (Guys I liked by the way), cheer.

Doesn't bode well for the Republican Pres. candidates. Not like they can afford to agree with him in an election year.

Just when they thought they had him in a box.

Curses..foiled again! :lol:
Obama did well however, you have to admit we need improvement soon. Obama cant just keep sounding the part and not produce.

its time for the gloves to come off, right now, last night gave me the feeling like im excited again. been a while since I can say that.

F Cantor, hes a douche. Im a bit more interested in what Bohner and McConnell have to say.

This was the last olive branch.

It was well played. This is a marathon effort not a sprint. He's set himself up to look good regardless of what congress does.

I guess he was tone deaf to the 2010 elections, because here he goes again wanting to spend more money. You guys take it for what you want, but I can promise you this, if this bill passes there are going to be a whole lot of politicians out of work in 2012, and that's from both sides of the isle. All this bill is is a chance for politicians in need of campaign funds to line their campaigns with this money, very little will go to what it is supposed to go towards, for an example look at the 800 billion stimulus, we still have no idea where 300 billion of it went to, and now they are asking for another 400 billion in spending. I dont think so. It wont pass congress and the left will say this is the reason the economy is bad, and people like truth matters will actually believe it.
Obama did well however, you have to admit we need improvement soon. Obama cant just keep sounding the part and not produce.

its time for the gloves to come off, right now, last night gave me the feeling like im excited again. been a while since I can say that.

F Cantor, hes a douche. Im a bit more interested in what Bohner and McConnell have to say.

This was the last olive branch.

It was well played. This is a marathon effort not a sprint. He's set himself up to look good regardless of what congress does.

I guess he was tone deaf to the 2010 elections, because here he goes again wanting to spend more money. You guys take it for what you want, but I can promise you this, if this bill passes there are going to be a whole lot of politicians out of work in 2012, and that's from both sides of the isle. All this bill is is a chance for politicians in need of campaign funds to line their campaigns with this money, very little will go to what it is supposed to go towards, for an example look at the 800 billion stimulus, we still have no idea where 300 billion of it went to, and now they are asking for another 400 billion in spending. I dont think so. It wont pass congress and the left will say this is the reason the economy is bad, and people like truth matters will actually believe it.

Bingo. :lol:
I thought it would be okay but this was better. President Obama really hit the mark with this one.

Surprisingly enough Canter was on a few shows and it looks like hes on board with alot of the proposals.


So what is spending 447 billion of money we don't have going to accomplish that spending 873 billion of money we don't have didn't already?

This meme is becoming tiresome.

Somehow we have money to prosecute a war in Afghanistan, maintain some 700 bases globally, provide a military for Israel, Jordan, Egypt and many other countries while spending more then the rest of the world combine to keep ourselves armed to the teeth against some vague threat..but we can not repair our infrastructure or put people to work.

yeah..we got it.

That's defense spending, not "Give me more money to help me get reelected" spending. We dont have the extra money to throw away. This idiot has spent 4 trillion dollars in 3 years and the economy is worse off now then it was before, and you want to give him another half a trillion to waste? Hell no.
Obama did well however, you have to admit we need improvement soon. Obama cant just keep sounding the part and not produce.

its time for the gloves to come off, right now, last night gave me the feeling like im excited again. been a while since I can say that.

F Cantor, hes a douche. Im a bit more interested in what Bohner and McConnell have to say.

This was the last olive branch.

It was well played. This is a marathon effort not a sprint. He's set himself up to look good regardless of what congress does.

I guess he was tone deaf to the 2010 elections, because here he goes again wanting to spend more money. You guys take it for what you want, but I can promise you this, if this bill passes there are going to be a whole lot of politicians out of work in 2012, and that's from both sides of the isle. All this bill is is a chance for politicians in need of campaign funds to line their campaigns with this money, very little will go to what it is supposed to go towards, for an example look at the 800 billion stimulus, we still have no idea where 300 billion of it went to, and now they are asking for another 400 billion in spending. I dont think so. It wont pass congress and the left will say this is the reason the economy is bad, and people like truth matters will actually believe it.

Unfortunately, majority of American voters still can't discern bullshit from reality.
So what is spending 447 billion of money we don't have going to accomplish that spending 873 billion of money we don't have didn't already?

This meme is becoming tiresome.

Somehow we have money to prosecute a war in Afghanistan, maintain some 700 bases globally, provide a military for Israel, Jordan, Egypt and many other countries while spending more then the rest of the world combine to keep ourselves armed to the teeth against some vague threat..but we can not repair our infrastructure or put people to work.

yeah..we got it.

That's defense spending, not "Give me more money to help me get reelected" spending. We dont have the extra money to throw away. This idiot has spent 4 trillion dollars in 3 years and the economy is worse off now then it was before, and you want to give him another half a trillion to waste? Hell no.

Defense spending is government spending as well.

The money doesn't come from a magical pot at the end of a rainbow.
I have seen a few Witty conservatives on here Sallow. Actually quite a few of them. which is nice to see, IMO.

Obama is a politician, of course he will set himself up to look good! Im not wanting to see that, I want to see some positive improvement for the middle class.

and sad to say it, once again, the main problem with this sluggish economy, the housing market. Is still not on the table. Maybe the GOP can take the lead here and help Obama, I doubt it.

They have tried, but he wont hear it. The policies that need to be put in place will hurt people "In the short term" but need to be done for the long term sustainability of our country. We cannot keep going on with all of these entitlement programs, especially giving it to people who never paid into them, it's not sustainable, we have to reel in this reckless spending, and it's simply not being done, as is proof of the presidents request to spend another half trillion dollars.
It's coming next week.

And I seriously don't get why somebody who is being a politician who actually is a politician is so denigrated.

That's sorta like getting mad at a doctor for prescribing pills.

I hope it comes at the beginning of the week as I really want to look it over and make my decision on what i support and don't support in the actual execution of the bill.

I'm not sure how I was denigrating him with my response? I just gave an honest, opinion based, assesment of the speech.
What was denigrating about what I said? Yeah my review wasn't positive but I wasn't calling obama names or anything.

You made the distinction between "Political" and "Solutions", casting Political as a negative. I think it was both. A Political speech and a Solutions speech.

Personally, I like when a person likes their job. They do it better. Because they are doing something they enjoy. I don't like it when a politician casts government as evil or politicians as "self serving". Those people really should find another line of work.

Well in the context of a joint session of congress he should have had a specific plan laid out instead of more rhetoric. That is what my comments were based on.

I have no more of an idea today as to what Obama's actual plan is then I did yesterday morning when I woke up. He didn't tell me anything new in the speech, it was more of the same stuff we have been hearing for years (from both sides).

I was just hoping he would say "I'm going to make this tax this percent, i'm going to get the reneue by increasing this specific tax and cutting this specific program, these are the numbers from doing so and the full plan will be available at for the american people to read over themselves"

All I got was "agree with me or you dont want to create jobs and you want to fire teachers" ok ok i oversimplified it but that was the general tone as I watched it.
It was a campaign speech...and Obama punted on how to pay for the Jobs Bill. All he is going to do is make recommendations to the Debt Commission (Congress). IOW, it's a Wimpy "I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a Jobs Bill today" deal.

And more tellingly, today the White House has said they will not provide any official estimates regarding the impact of the Jobs Bill. If they really believe it will create jobs, they should have estimates. Any investment should be accompanied by an ROI analysis against which to measure outcomes. They won't do this, which is cowardly.
I'm predicting Obama will lose 2012 ast this point... Maybe that will cange but Obama no longer has a base that matters and a speech meant to make the right look bad just won't cut it. Look at why fools like Swallow like this speech, not for the "ideas" but because they can say "haha fuck you righties!" People see things, millions of them and they don't like it, it's that simple.

So score if you wanted another "Republicans are the problem" speech.

Massive loss if you wanted something meaningfull to come out of the White house.

Immigration is making a come back, that will hurt Obama like "whoa."
This meme is becoming tiresome.

Somehow we have money to prosecute a war in Afghanistan, maintain some 700 bases globally, provide a military for Israel, Jordan, Egypt and many other countries while spending more then the rest of the world combine to keep ourselves armed to the teeth against some vague threat..but we can not repair our infrastructure or put people to work.

yeah..we got it.

That's defense spending, not "Give me more money to help me get reelected" spending. We dont have the extra money to throw away. This idiot has spent 4 trillion dollars in 3 years and the economy is worse off now then it was before, and you want to give him another half a trillion to waste? Hell no.

Defense spending is government spending as well.

The money doesn't come from a magical pot at the end of a rainbow.

Maybe you should snd Obama a letter and ash him why he and the Dems in congress spent more thsan Bush and his Republican congress on wars....

Something tells me you don't care about Obama's wars though.
This was the last olive branch.

It was well played. This is a marathon effort not a sprint. He's set himself up to look good regardless of what congress does.

I guess he was tone deaf to the 2010 elections, because here he goes again wanting to spend more money. You guys take it for what you want, but I can promise you this, if this bill passes there are going to be a whole lot of politicians out of work in 2012, and that's from both sides of the isle. All this bill is is a chance for politicians in need of campaign funds to line their campaigns with this money, very little will go to what it is supposed to go towards, for an example look at the 800 billion stimulus, we still have no idea where 300 billion of it went to, and now they are asking for another 400 billion in spending. I dont think so. It wont pass congress and the left will say this is the reason the economy is bad, and people like truth matters will actually believe it.

Bingo. :lol:

That is a sad commentary Sallow. The economy sucks and all liberals can think about is re-electing a man who has nothing to offer to improve the situation. Basically, you are willing to let four more years go down the toilet just to have a Democrat as President.

No wonder we are in the fucking mess we are in... please forgive the language there... Republicans think the same way. That is why we can't get a decent candidate from either party.

Ame®icano;4116317 said:
Was there anything in the speech about investing in solar technology?

I hope not....

No, message was: I'll gladly pay you on Tuesday for a hamburger today.

Fine, but you'll need to pay twice for the same burger.

Well, Obama said: "And everything in this deal will be paid for. Everything."

Basically, he wants to spend money now, but "pay" for it in the future, and gang of 12 will spread it over next decade along with other cuts in spending. There is no control over future Congresses, so if this bill pass the only certain thing is that money will be spend, it's not certain that will be repaid.

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