I'm Proud to be an Extremist

In fact for those of you who missed it I was basically called that yesterday in different words. Well guess what? I don't give a that's behind.

As my love for God is extreme, my love for America is extreme, my love for the US Constitution is extreme, and my love for the man who is going to save our country and make this nation is extreme.

We're nearly there folks. After four years of watching what was once the greatest nation in the world crumble before our eyes, we almost got a month left to what will be the most important election of US history.

That isn't very long at all now as it's going to be very extreme. It's also going to be extreme when the 47th president will take the stage for his victory speech and there will be an extreme deportation and the biggest one in US history. Yep, I sure am proud to be an extreme American patriot.

You have no love for the Constitution.

If you did, then you would not be voting for Donald Trump, the traitor who tried to trash the Constitution on Jan 6.

You love one man, Donald Trump, more than you love your country. You are a radicalized, deranged member of the sick MAGA cult. And that's all you are.
Tell you what -- us conservatives will stay here, seeing as how we support the Constitution and all, and you leftists can go find someplace more to your liking that doesn't have the pesky Constitution in your way.

How about North Korea? I'll start a GoFundMe to get you moved.
You radicalized, dangerous MAGA fucks don't support the Constitution. That's why you plan on voting for the man who trashed the Constitution on Jan 6.

You people love one man more than you love your country....because you're traitors and sick as fuck.
He is not in a cult and he does not worship anybody.

Your TDS, on the other hand......

And you have BDS. See how that works.

Anyone willing to overlook crimes against our democracy just to see one man elected to office is in a cult. It's really that simple.
No one is intimidated or afraid of Trumptards.

You're mentally ill, and it just wouldn't be right to feel anything but pity.

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