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Great start for Trump


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2010
Trump is doing an outstanding job so far. I didn't vote for him and I can't say I'm a backer yet, but I give him credit for an amazing start:

1) Starting out his administration with outstanding picks and ignoring the left's whining as they so badly deserve to be ignored. He's delivered with picking a cabinet who support eliminating the worst business tax structure in the west, ending Obamacare as we know it, genuinely fighting illegal immigration and ending common core and supporting vouchers to free our kids from government education

2) Reaffirming his campaign promises that got him elected

3) Speaking like a President elect instead of a candidate. He's toned down the rhetoric and is speaking like a leader

4) Reaching out to the left without giving them anything. The left have had domination of policy for too long. It's time they sit in the back of the bus. W couldn't stop giving them what they wanted for nothing in return and getting bitten in the hand every time he held it out. Trump's not playing that game

Number 1 is the biggest for me. What an amazing cabinet he is picking compared to what we have had for decades. I really hope he makes an amazing SC pick. A Scalia, Alito or Thomas would be great. I hope he can avoid a lying traitor like Roberts.

The left may now proceed to remind everyone why you lost and that you have learned nothing from it ...
Its refreshing to have a president elect who's free to pick the best and brightest cabinet, vs having to fill his cabinet with political hacks to pay off all the campaign favors and donors. Hell yeah!
Its refreshing to have a president elect who's free to pick the best and brightest cabinet, vs having to fill his cabinet with political hacks to pay off all the campaign favors and donors. Hell yeah!
It is unique to have a pres with no encumbrance and thus free to do so. Of course doing so come at the cost of diversity.
Its refreshing to have a president elect who's free to pick the best and brightest cabinet, vs having to fill his cabinet with political hacks to pay off all the campaign favors and donors. Hell yeah!
It is unique to have a pres with no encumbrance and thus free to do so. Of course doing so come at the cost of diversity.

I know that's tongue in cheek, but diversity is what he does for the people, not having a diverse cabinet that oppresses us
He did indeed "hit the ground running" and his cabinet picks are just awesome.

The lefty assholes on this board will pick up anything negative they can find just because he is doing the great job he's doing.

They thought douchebag and Hillary were great and it clearly shows they had no idea what competent looked like.

Hit the ground running indeed.
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Trump is doing an outstanding job so far. I didn't vote for him and I can't say I'm a backer yet, but I give him credit for an amazing start:

1) Starting out his administration with outstanding picks and ignoring the left's whining as they so badly deserve to be ignored. He's delivered with picking a cabinet who support eliminating the worst business tax structure in the west, ending Obamacare as we know it, genuinely fighting illegal immigration and ending common core and supporting vouchers to free our kids from government education

2) Reaffirming his campaign promises that got him elected

3) Speaking like a President elect instead of a candidate. He's toned down the rhetoric and is speaking like a leader

4) Reaching out to the left without giving them anything. The left have had domination of policy for too long. It's time they sit in the back of the bus. W couldn't stop giving them what they wanted for nothing in return and getting bitten in the hand every time he held it out. Trump's not playing that game

Number 1 is the biggest for me. What an amazing cabinet he is picking compared to what we have had for decades. I really hope he makes an amazing SC pick. A Scalia, Alito or Thomas would be great. I hope he can avoid a lying traitor like Roberts.

The left may now proceed to remind everyone why you lost and that you have learned nothing from it ...

Trumps campaign promise on illegal immigration was this,

Trump stands by statements on Mexican illegal immigrants, surprised by backlash

“When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending the best,” he said during the announcement. “They're not sending you, they're sending people that have lots of problems and they're bringing those problems. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they're telling us what we're getting."

He talked up the wall until he was the candidate. Since then he has gone back and fourth, thats a politician, and im okay with that, im not okay that he is getting allot of pro amnesty people in important places. Here is a list of them.

Rudy Giuliani said.

End illegal immigration or we risk legal immigration
Q: What do you think should be done with the 12 million undocumented aliens that live in the US?
A: The first thing that has to be done is we have to end illegal immigration. If we don’t end illegal immigration, we’re really going to risk legal immigration. We should end illegal immigration at the border, because it can’t be really dealt with internally. We should do it by having a fence, a technological fence, as well as a physical fence. It should be used to alert the Border Patrol of the people coming to the border, and we should stop people from coming in. Then we should have a tamper-proof ID card that everybody can get who wants to come into the US legally. When we accomplish that, when we have control of our borders, when we preserve the legality of immigration, we can then turn to the people that are here. The people that come forward can sign up. They can pay taxes, and then the people who don’t, those people should be expelled from the US if they don’t already leave.

And Rudy on sanctuary cities he said this,

FactCheck: NYC not “sanctuary” but did welcome illegals
Giuliani glossed over his own record in denying that he made New York a “sanctuary” for illegal aliens. Giuliani said, “the simple fact is that New York City had a policy of allowing people who are illegal immigrants to report crime and to put their children in school. Otherwise, we reported every single illegal immigrant that committed a crime.”
In fact, Giuliani’s policy as mayor was not so simple as he now claims. New York didn’t describe itself as a “sanctuary city” for aliens. However, Giuliani told the New York Times early in 1994 that “Some of the hardest-working and most productive people in this city are undocumented aliens. If you come here and you work hard and you happen to be in an undocumented status, you’re one of the people who we want in this city. You’re somebody that we want to protect, and we want you to get out from under what is often a life of being like a fugitive.” The Times said back then that the mayor was “virtually urging illegal immigrants to settle in NYC.”

So he supports amnesty, just not amnesty thats called amnesty. He supported what Dubya Boosh supported that crashed the phone line for congress.

Then we got Mittens. He is pretty much the same as the old Mayer of New York. Basically calling his plan NOT AMNESTY, but really its amnesty. Lets see what he said.

Mitt Romney on Immigration

Focus on reuniting families instead of diversity or DREAMers
Q: There are 1.7 million undocumented students that could benefit from deferred action [on deportation]. It would enable them to go to college, join the military, and get work permits.
A: Let me respond more broadly and then get to the specific of young people who were brought here through no fault of their own, and are now going to school here. The immigration system, I think we all agree, is broken and it's been a political football for years and years. It needs to be fixed. Also, instead of having our diversity visas offered, we provide instead the chance to pull families together. I want that to be the favored system for immigration. I also believe that we should have temporary work visas consistent with the needs of the employment community and by the way, if the student does so well that they get an advanced degree, I'd staple the green card to their diploma. For those young people who, for instance, serve in our military, that they should be able to become a permanent resident.

And if you go deeper he pretty much supports amnesty as well as the dream act. Then you got Dick Perry. He made wet backs a priority over even poor black kids that are AMERICAN CITIZENS. This is what he said when bickering with Mittens,

Rick Perry on Immigration

Q: [to Romney]: In Massachusetts, you vetoed legislation to provide interstate tuition rates to the children of illegals. Gov. Perry signed the Texas Dream Act to do exactly that, arguing that it's better to get these kids an education and to get them jobs than to consign them just to being a burden on the state.

ROMNEY: It's an argument I just can't follow. If you're an illegal alien, you get an in-state tuition discount of $22,000 a year. That shouldn't be allowed.

PERRY: If you say that we should not educate children who have come into our state for no other reason than they've been brought there by no fault of their own, I don't think you have a heart. We need to be educating these children, because they will become a drag on our society. I think that's what Texans wanted to do. Out of 181 members of the Texas legislature, when this issue came up, only four dissenting votes. This was a state issue. Texans voted on it. And I still support it greatly.

Trumpkins are all wet and slippery over these guys, as well as Trumps picks for the economy guys, yet its these very people that Trump is offering the trumpkins. Wont even go into his love affair with Mitch McConnel and Mike huckabee, but i do find it odd that McConnell's wife got a job as well as Huckaboos daughter. Its already stinking to high heaven.
Its refreshing to have a president elect who's free to pick the best and brightest cabinet, vs having to fill his cabinet with political hacks to pay off all the campaign favors and donors. Hell yeah!
Best and brightest? Did his cabinet picks change in the last few days or something?
Its refreshing to have a president elect who's free to pick the best and brightest cabinet, vs having to fill his cabinet with political hacks to pay off all the campaign favors and donors. Hell yeah!
Best and brightest? Did his cabinet picks change in the last few days or something?

As I said ...

The left may now proceed to remind everyone why you lost and that you have learned nothing from it ...

You're welcome
Trump is doing an outstanding job so far.
He hasn't started the job yet , that doesn't happen until January 20th, so your performance review may be a bit premature.

He wasn't elected to be President-Elect, he was elected to be President, two very different roles.
Trump is doing an outstanding job so far.
He hasn't started the job yet , that doesn't happen until January 20th, so your performance review may be a bit premature.

He wasn't elected to be President-Elect, he was elected to be President, two very different roles.

So which item in my list do you object to as not applicable until he's President? You seriously don't think his cabinet picks are relevant? How he speaks?

This is a message board. People seem to be confused about that this morning. VOR thinks it's a chat room. You and ClosedCaptioned think we shouldn't offer opinions. Maybe you took a wrong turn somewhere, were you looking for Fox News?
Trump is doing an outstanding job so far.
He hasn't started the job yet , that doesn't happen until January 20th, so your performance review may be a bit premature.

He wasn't elected to be President-Elect, he was elected to be President, two very different roles.

So which item in my list do you object to as not applicable until he's President?

"He's doing an outstanding job so far" , like I said the job is President not President-Elect.
Trump is doing an outstanding job so far.
He hasn't started the job yet , that doesn't happen until January 20th, so your performance review may be a bit premature.

He wasn't elected to be President-Elect, he was elected to be President, two very different roles.

So which item in my list do you object to as not applicable until he's President?

"He's doing an outstanding job so far" , like I said the job is President not President-Elect.

I emphasized the key words for you. And you didn't look up what a message board is, did you? I'll tell you what though, in the future when I want to post my opinion, I'll ask if it's OK with you first ... to post my opinion on a message board ...

In the meantime, I'll file your view I shouldn't say I like the Cabinet picks that have been announced until they are in office since that disturbs you so much under don't give a shit, it's a message board, I'll post my opinions if I feel like it
Trump is doing an outstanding job so far.
He hasn't started the job yet , that doesn't happen until January 20th, so your performance review may be a bit premature.

He wasn't elected to be President-Elect, he was elected to be President, two very different roles.

So which item in my list do you object to as not applicable until he's President?

"He's doing an outstanding job so far" , like I said the job is President not President-Elect.

I emphasized the key words for you. And you didn't look up what a message board is, did you? I'll tell you what though, in the future when I want to post my opinion, I'll ask if it's OK with you first ... to post my opinion on a message board ...
Don't bother asking, I'll just post my OPINION when it differs from yours (like I just did), that work out for ya? Or would it suit you better to just have a room full of parrots that mindlessly concur with everything you post? If it's the latter there are plenty of echo chambers around where you can delight yourself to the sound of your own voice, choose one.

In the meantime, I'll file your view I shouldn't say I like the Cabinet picks that have been announced until they are in office since that disturbs you so much under don't give a shit, it's a message board, I'll post my opinions if I feel like it
Umm.. yeah, who said that you "shouldn't say" that? I was very specific with respect the exception I took, specifically "he's doing an outstanding job" when he hasn't even started the JOB, all he is doing is undertaking the necessary preparations to start the JOB, in other words don't lose sight of what the actual JOB is.

That being said; I'll agree that he's doing an "outstanding job" if and when he signs the legislation repealing the monstrosity commonly known as Obamacare, that alone will brighten the economic prospects for the nation and the citizenry as a whole tremendously and as far as am concerned if that's the only thing he does while on the JOB (as in do that and just go away for the rest of his term), he'll be a success, if he wants to cut taxes and slash regulations too, that's just gravy, balance the budget and he might even get my vote for re-election.
Trump is doing an outstanding job so far.
He hasn't started the job yet , that doesn't happen until January 20th, so your performance review may be a bit premature.

He wasn't elected to be President-Elect, he was elected to be President, two very different roles.

So which item in my list do you object to as not applicable until he's President?

"He's doing an outstanding job so far" , like I said the job is President not President-Elect.

I emphasized the key words for you. And you didn't look up what a message board is, did you? I'll tell you what though, in the future when I want to post my opinion, I'll ask if it's OK with you first ... to post my opinion on a message board ...
Don't bother asking, I'll just post my OPINION when it differs from yours (like I just did), that work out for ya? Or would it suit you better to just have a room full of parrots that mindlessly concur with everything you post? If it's the latter there are plenty of echo chambers around where you can delight yourself to the sound of your own voice, choose one.

In the meantime, I'll file your view I shouldn't say I like the Cabinet picks that have been announced until they are in office since that disturbs you so much under don't give a shit, it's a message board, I'll post my opinions if I feel like it
Umm.. yeah, who said that you "shouldn't say" that? I was very specific with respect the exception I took, specifically "he's doing an outstanding job" when he hasn't even started the JOB, all he is doing is undertaking the necessary preparations to start the JOB, in other words don't lose sight of what the actual JOB is.

That being said; I'll agree that he's doing an "outstanding job" if and when he signs the legislation repealing the monstrosity commonly known as Obamacare, that alone will brighten the economic prospects for the nation and the citizenry as a whole tremendously and as far as am concerned if that's the only thing he does while on the JOB (as in do that and just go away for the rest of his term), he'll be a success, if he wants to cut taxes and slash regulations too, that's just gravy, balance the budget and he might even get my vote for re-election.

I clearly defined his doing an "outstanding job SO FAR" as primarily his cabinet picks, SO FAR which has actually happened SO FAR.

You must have been shocked and horrified to sign into a political message board and seen an opinion. I mean, that's the last thing you'd expect ...
He hasn't started the job yet , that doesn't happen until January 20th, so your performance review may be a bit premature.

He wasn't elected to be President-Elect, he was elected to be President, two very different roles.

So which item in my list do you object to as not applicable until he's President?

"He's doing an outstanding job so far" , like I said the job is President not President-Elect.

I emphasized the key words for you. And you didn't look up what a message board is, did you? I'll tell you what though, in the future when I want to post my opinion, I'll ask if it's OK with you first ... to post my opinion on a message board ...
Don't bother asking, I'll just post my OPINION when it differs from yours (like I just did), that work out for ya? Or would it suit you better to just have a room full of parrots that mindlessly concur with everything you post? If it's the latter there are plenty of echo chambers around where you can delight yourself to the sound of your own voice, choose one.

In the meantime, I'll file your view I shouldn't say I like the Cabinet picks that have been announced until they are in office since that disturbs you so much under don't give a shit, it's a message board, I'll post my opinions if I feel like it
Umm.. yeah, who said that you "shouldn't say" that? I was very specific with respect the exception I took, specifically "he's doing an outstanding job" when he hasn't even started the JOB, all he is doing is undertaking the necessary preparations to start the JOB, in other words don't lose sight of what the actual JOB is.

That being said; I'll agree that he's doing an "outstanding job" if and when he signs the legislation repealing the monstrosity commonly known as Obamacare, that alone will brighten the economic prospects for the nation and the citizenry as a whole tremendously and as far as am concerned if that's the only thing he does while on the JOB (as in do that and just go away for the rest of his term), he'll be a success, if he wants to cut taxes and slash regulations too, that's just gravy, balance the budget and he might even get my vote for re-election.

I clearly defined his doing an "outstanding job SO FAR" as primarily his cabinet picks, SO FAR which has actually happened SO FAR.
Once again.. he hasn't even started the JOB, so your statement is nonsensical, it's tantamount to saying "I hired a new guy yesterday, he starts in 2 months but he's doing an outstanding job so far".

You must have been shocked and horrified to sign into a political message board and seen an opinion. I mean, that's the last thing you'd expect ...
You're the one that seems to be having problems with others expressing "opinions" which differ from your own, as far as I'm concerned you can express whatever "opinions" you like and I'll let you know when I disagree (or agree) as it suits me. :dunno:
So which item in my list do you object to as not applicable until he's President?

"He's doing an outstanding job so far" , like I said the job is President not President-Elect.

I emphasized the key words for you. And you didn't look up what a message board is, did you? I'll tell you what though, in the future when I want to post my opinion, I'll ask if it's OK with you first ... to post my opinion on a message board ...
Don't bother asking, I'll just post my OPINION when it differs from yours (like I just did), that work out for ya? Or would it suit you better to just have a room full of parrots that mindlessly concur with everything you post? If it's the latter there are plenty of echo chambers around where you can delight yourself to the sound of your own voice, choose one.

In the meantime, I'll file your view I shouldn't say I like the Cabinet picks that have been announced until they are in office since that disturbs you so much under don't give a shit, it's a message board, I'll post my opinions if I feel like it
Umm.. yeah, who said that you "shouldn't say" that? I was very specific with respect the exception I took, specifically "he's doing an outstanding job" when he hasn't even started the JOB, all he is doing is undertaking the necessary preparations to start the JOB, in other words don't lose sight of what the actual JOB is.

That being said; I'll agree that he's doing an "outstanding job" if and when he signs the legislation repealing the monstrosity commonly known as Obamacare, that alone will brighten the economic prospects for the nation and the citizenry as a whole tremendously and as far as am concerned if that's the only thing he does while on the JOB (as in do that and just go away for the rest of his term), he'll be a success, if he wants to cut taxes and slash regulations too, that's just gravy, balance the budget and he might even get my vote for re-election.

I clearly defined his doing an "outstanding job SO FAR" as primarily his cabinet picks, SO FAR which has actually happened SO FAR.
Once again.. he hasn't even started the JOB, so your statement is nonsensical, it's tantamount to saying "I hired a new guy yesterday, he starts in 2 months but he's doing an outstanding job so far".

You must have been shocked and horrified to sign into a political message board and seen an opinion. I mean, that's the last thing you'd expect ...
You're the one that seems to be having problems with others expressing "opinions" which differ from your own, as far as I'm concerned you can express whatever "opinions" you like and I'll let you know when I disagree (or agree) as it suits me. :dunno:

I complimented him for his cabinet picks so far. He hasn't made any cabinet picks yet? I complimented him for toning down the rhetoric. I complimented him for picking a cabinet who's views match his campaign promises. Every one of those things are things he's doing now.

Those things actually haven't happened? That makes sense to you?
"He's doing an outstanding job so far" , like I said the job is President not President-Elect.

I emphasized the key words for you. And you didn't look up what a message board is, did you? I'll tell you what though, in the future when I want to post my opinion, I'll ask if it's OK with you first ... to post my opinion on a message board ...
Don't bother asking, I'll just post my OPINION when it differs from yours (like I just did), that work out for ya? Or would it suit you better to just have a room full of parrots that mindlessly concur with everything you post? If it's the latter there are plenty of echo chambers around where you can delight yourself to the sound of your own voice, choose one.

In the meantime, I'll file your view I shouldn't say I like the Cabinet picks that have been announced until they are in office since that disturbs you so much under don't give a shit, it's a message board, I'll post my opinions if I feel like it
Umm.. yeah, who said that you "shouldn't say" that? I was very specific with respect the exception I took, specifically "he's doing an outstanding job" when he hasn't even started the JOB, all he is doing is undertaking the necessary preparations to start the JOB, in other words don't lose sight of what the actual JOB is.

That being said; I'll agree that he's doing an "outstanding job" if and when he signs the legislation repealing the monstrosity commonly known as Obamacare, that alone will brighten the economic prospects for the nation and the citizenry as a whole tremendously and as far as am concerned if that's the only thing he does while on the JOB (as in do that and just go away for the rest of his term), he'll be a success, if he wants to cut taxes and slash regulations too, that's just gravy, balance the budget and he might even get my vote for re-election.

I clearly defined his doing an "outstanding job SO FAR" as primarily his cabinet picks, SO FAR which has actually happened SO FAR.
Once again.. he hasn't even started the JOB, so your statement is nonsensical, it's tantamount to saying "I hired a new guy yesterday, he starts in 2 months but he's doing an outstanding job so far".

You must have been shocked and horrified to sign into a political message board and seen an opinion. I mean, that's the last thing you'd expect ...
You're the one that seems to be having problems with others expressing "opinions" which differ from your own, as far as I'm concerned you can express whatever "opinions" you like and I'll let you know when I disagree (or agree) as it suits me. :dunno:

I complimented him for his cabinet picks so far. He hasn't made any cabinet picks yet? I complimented him for toning down the rhetoric. I complimented him for picking a cabinet who's views match his campaign promises. Every one of those things are things he's doing now.

Those things actually haven't happened? That makes sense to you?

I never voiced exception to any of those statements.

"The Devil is in the details, but so is salvation." -- Hyman Rickover
I didn't vote for him either but I'm also impressed with what he is doing. Banning lobbying after you leave the administration is an awesome move and other than Bannon I'm liking his choices in the admin. It will be interesting to see who he chooses for secretary of state

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