Greece Runs Out of Other People's Money

Those are facts, dumbass. Greece was fine until they fell for Lehman Bros. advice on toxic assets and then got killed by the Boosh meltdown. You think they just added to pensions etc until 2015, when all of a sudden they collapsed? They actually started CUTTING spending in 2010. But their GDP, based on tourism to a great extent, imploded faster. Thanks again, hater dupe.

Greece was fine until they fell for Lehman Bros. advice on toxic assets

Greece, which has run deficits for decades, was buying toxic assets from Lehman?
With what money? Socialist stupidity like that reminds me of you.
Of course, you probably made it up.
Those are facts, dumbass. Greece was fine until they fell for Lehman Bros. advice on toxic assets and then got killed by the Boosh meltdown. You think they just added to pensions etc until 2015, when all of a sudden they collapsed? They actually started CUTTING spending in 2010. But their GDP, based on tourism to a great extent, imploded faster. Thanks again, hater dupe.

Greece was fine until they fell for Lehman Bros. advice on toxic assets

Greece, which has run deficits for decades, was buying toxic assets from Lehman?
With what money? Socialist stupidity like that reminds me of you.
Of course, you probably made it up.
Everybody runs deficits, dupe. No, their BANKERS bought in to toxic assets, much more than most. Try learning something.
Or how did the world do after 1929, MORON?

Or 1921? Cretin!
You know nothing about facts, causes, or effects.

1921 recession slip your feeble mind?
Didn't cause major bs like Hitler and Japanese militarists coming to power. Thanks for isolationism, wrecking the Treaty of Versailles and the League, GOP morons.

Didn't cause major bs like Hitler and Japanese militarists coming to power.

Why not? It's okay if you admit you don't understand.
Those are facts, dumbass. Greece was fine until they fell for Lehman Bros. advice on toxic assets and then got killed by the Boosh meltdown. You think they just added to pensions etc until 2015, when all of a sudden they collapsed? They actually started CUTTING spending in 2010. But their GDP, based on tourism to a great extent, imploded faster. Thanks again, hater dupe.

Greece was fine until they fell for Lehman Bros. advice on toxic assets

Greece, which has run deficits for decades, was buying toxic assets from Lehman?
With what money? Socialist stupidity like that reminds me of you.
Of course, you probably made it up.
Everybody runs deficits, dupe. No, their BANKERS bought in to toxic assets, much more than most. Try learning something.

No, their BANKERS bought in to toxic assets

The Greek banks bought toxic assets? Why? Which ones?
Were they buying Greek government bonds? LOL!
Or how did the world do after 1929, MORON?

Or 1921? Cretin!
You know nothing about facts, causes, or effects.

1921 recession slip your feeble mind?
Didn't cause major bs like Hitler and Japanese militarists coming to power. Thanks for isolationism, wrecking the Treaty of Versailles and the League, GOP morons.

Didn't cause major bs like Hitler and Japanese militarists coming to power.

Why not? It's okay if you admit you don't understand.
Because it wasn't a WORLD DEPRESSION, dingbat. Ay caramba.
Those are facts, dumbass. Greece was fine until they fell for Lehman Bros. advice on toxic assets and then got killed by the Boosh meltdown. You think they just added to pensions etc until 2015, when all of a sudden they collapsed? They actually started CUTTING spending in 2010. But their GDP, based on tourism to a great extent, imploded faster. Thanks again, hater dupe.

Greece was fine until they fell for Lehman Bros. advice on toxic assets

Greece, which has run deficits for decades, was buying toxic assets from Lehman?
With what money? Socialist stupidity like that reminds me of you.
Of course, you probably made it up.
Everybody runs deficits, dupe. No, their BANKERS bought in to toxic assets, much more than most. Try learning something.

No, their BANKERS bought in to toxic assets

The Greek banks bought toxic assets? Why? Which ones?
Were they buying Greek government bonds? LOL!
OF course, just like all the other banks. DUH. Because BOOSH regulators called them A+ and allowed them to be insured by AIG etc and bundled and sold around the world. Foxbot hater dupes...
Or 1921? Cretin!
You know nothing about facts, causes, or effects.

1921 recession slip your feeble mind?
Didn't cause major bs like Hitler and Japanese militarists coming to power. Thanks for isolationism, wrecking the Treaty of Versailles and the League, GOP morons.

Didn't cause major bs like Hitler and Japanese militarists coming to power.

Why not? It's okay if you admit you don't understand.
Because it wasn't a WORLD DEPRESSION, dingbat. Ay caramba.

Why wasn't it, dummy?
Those are facts, dumbass. Greece was fine until they fell for Lehman Bros. advice on toxic assets and then got killed by the Boosh meltdown. You think they just added to pensions etc until 2015, when all of a sudden they collapsed? They actually started CUTTING spending in 2010. But their GDP, based on tourism to a great extent, imploded faster. Thanks again, hater dupe.

Greece was fine until they fell for Lehman Bros. advice on toxic assets

Greece, which has run deficits for decades, was buying toxic assets from Lehman?
With what money? Socialist stupidity like that reminds me of you.
Of course, you probably made it up.
Everybody runs deficits, dupe. No, their BANKERS bought in to toxic assets, much more than most. Try learning something.

No, their BANKERS bought in to toxic assets

The Greek banks bought toxic assets? Why? Which ones?
Were they buying Greek government bonds? LOL!
OF course, just like all the other banks. DUH. Because BOOSH regulators called them A+ and allowed them to be insured by AIG etc and bundled and sold around the world. Foxbot hater dupes...

OF course, just like all the other banks.

Should be easy for you to post proof.
So after weeks of arguing that "dividends are deductible" and making insipid claims such as "Corporate America is sitting on $100 Trillion in cash" and "I made $36.5M last year and paid NO income tax," you now admit that that dividends are taxable not only to the corporation but also to the recipient?
And you wonder why rational peeps find you loony lefties to be something less than thoughtful, intelligent & honest? Sheesh.
I rest my case (for the moment).

Dividends ARE deductible, if they weren't why would a company pay someone else to distribute? Wouldn't it be more cost effective for a secretary who is already on the clock to write the checks on the companies general account? If you've collected dividends, you already know that's not how it works.

Corporate America IS sitting on more than $100 Trillion in cash. Combine net profits (cash) from the publicly held companies over the last 20 years, then double to cover privately held. Where's the cash?

I did make $36.5M in 2014, and paid no personal income tax. Why do you think places such as Fisher Island, Florida, which is a limited access private island, have average incomes of >$800k, housing prices of >$1M, and 13% unemployment?

Dividends ARE deductible

I've posted IRS links that say you're wrong.
Where are the links that back up your claim?

if they weren't why would a company pay someone else to distribute?

What does the non-deductibility of dividends have to do with the way companies decide to distribute them?

Wouldn't it be more cost effective for a secretary who is already on the clock to write the checks on the companies general account?

How does the secretary know who owns the stock?

Corporate America IS sitting on more than $100 Trillion in cash.

Prove it.

I did make $36.5M in 2014, and paid no personal income tax.

$36.5M in after tax profit or $36.5M in revenue?
How much tax did your corporation pay?

All already answered.
Where does the IRS state that profits transferred from a corporation to a brokerage are tax deductible? Yanno, I don't really care if you choose to live in some fantasyland or Twilight Zone but pretending you are rich and know about corp tax rules just makes your fantasy obvious (but keep right on digging).

Tax on Dividends
If a corporation distributes dividends to the owners, they must report and pay personal income tax on these amounts. And because dividends, unlike salaries and bonuses, are not tax-deductible, the corporation must also pay taxes on them. This means that dividends are taxed twice -- once to the corporation and again to the shareholders. Smaller corporations rarely face this problem: Because their owners typically work for the corporation as employees, the corporation can pay them in the form of tax-deductible salaries and bonuses, rather than taxable dividends.

'If a corporation distributes' You now know why the corporation doesn't issue the check.
Why are payments to a brokerage a deductible expense?
You must be able to cite an IRS document. Right?

Brokerages charge fees which are deductible.

Whoa. You haven't been discussing brokerage fees but rather corporate profits transferred to a third party to distribute as dividends, remember? You said dividends are deductible but multiple sources say you are full of shit. Furthermore you claim your 2014 $36mil income was not taxable yet expenses incurred to produce tax-exempt income is specifically not deductible. You can't even deduct interest on money you borrow to buy tax-exempt securities or shares in a mutual fund or other regulated investment company that distributes only exempt-interest dividends.
Once again your financial fantasyland just doesn't survive the light of day.

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