Greece, the tick at Europe´s arse


Nov 14, 2012
How would Greece finance its new anti-austerity agenda. Increasing wages, pensions, socials security benefits, etc, cost money Greece doesn´t own.
So where should that money come from? Germany of course! Along with the anti-austerity program comes the "moral obligation" to claim billions of German WWII reparations. 162 billion EUR (183 billion USD) are what Greece wants to freeload on Germany.

In addition, Greece threats the EU that the Euro could collapse like a house of cards, if Greece.
"Greece's exit from the euro is not something that is part of our plans, simply because we believe it is like building a house of cards. If you take out the Greek card, the others will collapse," Varoufakis said in an interview with Italian public broadcaster RAI that was aired on Sunday."

That means that Greece is saying "pay for us or perish."

Why isn´t Greece going to Italy with its "moral obligation"?

Greece has moral obligation to claim German WWII reparations PM - Yahoo News
Greece warns euro could collapse like house of cards mdash EU - European Union and Eurozone business news
How would Greece finance its new anti-austerity agenda. Increasing wages, pensions, socials security benefits, etc, cost money Greece doesn´t own.
So where should that money come from? Germany of course! Along with the anti-austerity program comes the "moral obligation" to claim billions of German WWII reparations. 162 billion EUR (183 billion USD) are what Greece wants to freeload on Germany.

In addition, Greece threats the EU that the Euro could collapse like a house of cards, if Greece.
"Greece's exit from the euro is not something that is part of our plans, simply because we believe it is like building a house of cards. If you take out the Greek card, the others will collapse," Varoufakis said in an interview with Italian public broadcaster RAI that was aired on Sunday."

That means that Greece is saying "pay for us or perish."

Why isn´t Greece going to Italy with its "moral obligation"?

Greece has moral obligation to claim German WWII reparations PM - Yahoo News
Greece warns euro could collapse like house of cards mdash EU - European Union and Eurozone business news
It's a bit late but why not claim reparations? Europe is worried about the domino affect of Greek withdrawl from the ECU. Europe is a mess...theis what Liberalism hath wrought.
How would Greece finance its new anti-austerity agenda. Increasing wages, pensions, socials security benefits, etc, cost money Greece doesn´t own.
So where should that money come from? Germany of course! Along with the anti-austerity program comes the "moral obligation" to claim billions of German WWII reparations. 162 billion EUR (183 billion USD) are what Greece wants to freeload on Germany.

In addition, Greece threats the EU that the Euro could collapse like a house of cards, if Greece.
"Greece's exit from the euro is not something that is part of our plans, simply because we believe it is like building a house of cards. If you take out the Greek card, the others will collapse," Varoufakis said in an interview with Italian public broadcaster RAI that was aired on Sunday."

That means that Greece is saying "pay for us or perish."

Why isn´t Greece going to Italy with its "moral obligation"?

Greece has moral obligation to claim German WWII reparations PM - Yahoo News
Greece warns euro could collapse like house of cards mdash EU - European Union and Eurozone business news
It's a bit late but why not claim reparations? Europe is worried about the domino affect of Greek withdrawl from the ECU. Europe is a mess...theis what Liberalism hath wrought.
I remember that the Roman Empire occupied the area where I live 2000 years ago. I´m adding interest so it will be some billions :D
Napoleon occupied Germany, where is the cash?
The Allies occupied Germany and still do it. I send you my bank account data :D

We are "friends", "allies", parts of a "union". Partners don´t sue each other simply for cash.
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How would Greece finance its new anti-austerity agenda. Increasing wages, pensions, socials security benefits, etc, cost money Greece doesn´t own.
So where should that money come from? Germany of course! Along with the anti-austerity program comes the "moral obligation" to claim billions of German WWII reparations. 162 billion EUR (183 billion USD) are what Greece wants to freeload on Germany.

In addition, Greece threats the EU that the Euro could collapse like a house of cards, if Greece.
"Greece's exit from the euro is not something that is part of our plans, simply because we believe it is like building a house of cards. If you take out the Greek card, the others will collapse," Varoufakis said in an interview with Italian public broadcaster RAI that was aired on Sunday."

That means that Greece is saying "pay for us or perish."

Why isn´t Greece going to Italy with its "moral obligation"?

Greece has moral obligation to claim German WWII reparations PM - Yahoo News
Greece warns euro could collapse like house of cards mdash EU - European Union and Eurozone business news
It's a bit late but why not claim reparations? Europe is worried about the domino affect of Greek withdrawl from the ECU. Europe is a mess...theis what Liberalism hath wrought.
I remember that the Roman Empire occupied the area where I live 2000 years ago. I´m adding interest so it will be some billions :D
Napoleon occupied Germany, where is the cash?
The Allies occupied Germany and still do it. I send you my bank account data :D
Two reasons. 1.Germany started it. 2. My wife is Greek. If I don't defend Greece my wife will kill me...then she will kill you.
How would Greece finance its new anti-austerity agenda. Increasing wages, pensions, socials security benefits, etc, cost money Greece doesn´t own.
So where should that money come from? Germany of course! Along with the anti-austerity program comes the "moral obligation" to claim billions of German WWII reparations. 162 billion EUR (183 billion USD) are what Greece wants to freeload on Germany.

In addition, Greece threats the EU that the Euro could collapse like a house of cards, if Greece.
"Greece's exit from the euro is not something that is part of our plans, simply because we believe it is like building a house of cards. If you take out the Greek card, the others will collapse," Varoufakis said in an interview with Italian public broadcaster RAI that was aired on Sunday."

That means that Greece is saying "pay for us or perish."

Why isn´t Greece going to Italy with its "moral obligation"?

Greece has moral obligation to claim German WWII reparations PM - Yahoo News
Greece warns euro could collapse like house of cards mdash EU - European Union and Eurozone business news
It's a bit late but why not claim reparations? Europe is worried about the domino affect of Greek withdrawl from the ECU. Europe is a mess...theis what Liberalism hath wrought.
I remember that the Roman Empire occupied the area where I live 2000 years ago. I´m adding interest so it will be some billions :D
Napoleon occupied Germany, where is the cash?
The Allies occupied Germany and still do it. I send you my bank account data :D
Two reasons. 1.Germany started it. 2. My wife is Greek. If I don't defend Greece my wife will kill me...then she will kill you.
Italy started the war on Greece and called for help when they started to lose.
Greece was/is heavily vested both public and private in derivatives. Perhaps the Americans with a failed voting record (Bush) should pay back the Greek people.
Greece was/is heavily vested both public and private in derivatives. Perhaps the Americans with a failed voting record (Bush) should pay back the Greek people.
It wasn't Bush, it was Goldman Sachs and Greece's corrupt politicians that took Goldman Sach's debt deals. Why are you covering up for these criminals by blaming the American voter.

Deflecting blame on politicians who had nothing to do with it while the parasitical bankers behind the scenes ould just serve the interests of finance capital who dominate the global system.

As for Syriza, they are empty rhetoric and owned by George Soros. They have promised to stay in the Euro, continue privatization, and continue austerity and the memorandum.

Golden Dawn is the only force that will stop austerity, cancel the memorandum, leave the EU, go back to the Drachma and make alliance with Russia which is what needs to be done.

Golden Dawn is waiting in the wings and will take power once Syriza, the last control valve of the establishment, fails and the Greek people figure out they are frauds.
It wasn't Bush, it was Goldman Sachs and Greece's corrupt politicians that took Goldman Sach's debt deals. Why are you covering up for these criminals by blaming the American voter.

Deflecting blame on politicians who had nothing to do with it while the parasitical bankers behind the scenes ould just serve the interests of finance capital who dominate the global system.

As for Syriza, they are empty rhetoric and owned by George Soros. They have promised to stay in the Euro, continue privatization, and continue austerity and the memorandum.

Golden Dawn is the only force that will stop austerity, cancel the memorandum, leave the EU, go back to the Drachma and make alliance with Russia which is what needs to be done.

Golden Dawn is waiting in the wings and will take power once Syriza, the last control valve of the establishment, fails and the Greek people figure out they are frauds.

Phil Gramm (R), the same guy that brought us the S&L crisis AND derivative deregulation, a $563 Trillion hit to the world economy, and the causation to the Greek problem. Seen Bush, Cheney, Gramm traveling lately? Wouldn't be prudent! Thousand points of light!

Republicans/corporate America/wall street - Wouldn't be prudent! Thousand points of light!
It wasn't Bush, it was Goldman Sachs and Greece's corrupt politicians that took Goldman Sach's debt deals. Why are you covering up for these criminals by blaming the American voter.

Deflecting blame on politicians who had nothing to do with it while the parasitical bankers behind the scenes ould just serve the interests of finance capital who dominate the global system.

As for Syriza, they are empty rhetoric and owned by George Soros. They have promised to stay in the Euro, continue privatization, and continue austerity and the memorandum.

Golden Dawn is the only force that will stop austerity, cancel the memorandum, leave the EU, go back to the Drachma and make alliance with Russia which is what needs to be done.

Golden Dawn is waiting in the wings and will take power once Syriza, the last control valve of the establishment, fails and the Greek people figure out they are frauds.

Phil Gramm (R), the same guy that brought us the S&L crisis AND derivative deregulation, a $563 Trillion hit to the world economy, and the causation to the Greek problem. Seen Bush, Cheney, Gramm traveling lately? Wouldn't be prudent! Thousand points of light!

Republicans/corporate America/wall street - Wouldn't be prudent! Thousand points of light!
I am sure you think the Republicans are responsible for bankrupting Greece in some way, you are clearly mentally ill and buy into the false left right paradigm where Bush or some republican cabal has caused all the problems of the world. But this is an entirely separate issue that has nothing to do with what you are talking about.

Anyways, the Greeks are awakening everyday and swelling the populist and nationalist ranks. They realize the culprits to their woes, the EU, Goldman Sachs, the ECB, German commercial banks, IMF, foreign Jewish interests, and the corrupt Greek politicians of all the main parties. If Syriza doesn't hold their word to the electorate, they will be ejected by the Greek people. Golden Dawn will fill the void and deliver justice upon the parasites who loot Greece.

You really shouldn't speak on issues you know nothing about. Stick to the low iq politics of msnbc and fox news where you belong.
I am sure you think the Republicans are responsible for bankrupting Greece in some way, you are clearly mentally ill and buy into the false left right paradigm where Bush or some republican cabal has caused all the problems of the world. But this is an entirely separate issue that has nothing to do with what you are talking about.

Anyways, the Greeks are awakening everyday and swelling the populist and nationalist ranks. They realize the culprits to their woes, the EU, Goldman Sachs, the ECB, German commercial banks, IMF, foreign Jewish interests, and the corrupt Greek politicians of all the main parties. If Syriza doesn't hold their word to the electorate, they will be ejected by the Greek people. Golden Dawn will fill the void and deliver justice upon the parasites who loot Greece.

You really shouldn't speak on issues you know nothing about. Stick to the low iq politics of msnbc and fox news where you belong.

The question remains; If there wasn't a derivatives crash, would we be talking about this today?

The answer is NO.
I am sure you think the Republicans are responsible for bankrupting Greece in some way, you are clearly mentally ill and buy into the false left right paradigm where Bush or some republican cabal has caused all the problems of the world. But this is an entirely separate issue that has nothing to do with what you are talking about.

Anyways, the Greeks are awakening everyday and swelling the populist and nationalist ranks. They realize the culprits to their woes, the EU, Goldman Sachs, the ECB, German commercial banks, IMF, foreign Jewish interests, and the corrupt Greek politicians of all the main parties. If Syriza doesn't hold their word to the electorate, they will be ejected by the Greek people. Golden Dawn will fill the void and deliver justice upon the parasites who loot Greece.

You really shouldn't speak on issues you know nothing about. Stick to the low iq politics of msnbc and fox news where you belong.

The question remains; If there wasn't a derivatives crash, would we be talking about this today?

The answer is NO.

Nope, the republicans have nothing to do with the Greek financial Crisis, neither do the democrats

Here is a start so you can get a basic understanding on the issue in Greece. Until then, you shouldn't post.

This explains how Goldman Sachs helped mask Greece's debt so they could under false pretenses join the EU
Greek Debt Crisis How Goldman Sachs Helped Greece to Mask its True Debt - SPIEGEL ONLINE

This explains on how Goldman Sachs shorted Greek debt after it arranged the swaps
Goldman Sachs Shorted Greek Debt After It Arranged Those Shady Swaps - Business Insider

Essentially with the financial crisis, it became too expensive for Greece to finance its unsustainable levels of debt in private markets and their bonds were reduced to junk status, and they had to enter their current debt memorandum and austerity with the European Union and IMF.

Honestly, you are over your head here. Go back to some thread on how great Obama is while he brings thousands of new troops into Syria and Iraq. Nobody wants to here about your stupid Democrat/Republican shit here, it has nothing to do with Greece.

Syriza does not offer change. As long as Greece remains in the EU and the Euro they cannot recover. They need to do what Iceland did and default on the debt. Along with this, they need to move to the Drachma to recover their export industry and get their economy back on track. Only Golden Dawn wants to do this.
There was a deal made by the allies that prevented Greece from receiving reparations in the amount due from Germany's damages under occupation and transfer of Greek foreign reserve and gold assets in World War 2. Greece received a fraction of what the Germans stole or destroyed.
Nope, the republicans have nothing to do with the Greek financial Crisis, neither do the democrats

Here is a start so you can get a basic understanding on the issue in Greece. Until then, you shouldn't post.

This explains how Goldman Sachs helped mask Greece's debt so they could under false pretenses join the EU
Greek Debt Crisis How Goldman Sachs Helped Greece to Mask its True Debt - SPIEGEL ONLINE

This explains on how Goldman Sachs shorted Greek debt after it arranged the swaps
Goldman Sachs Shorted Greek Debt After It Arranged Those Shady Swaps - Business Insider

Essentially with the financial crisis, it became too expensive for Greece to finance its unsustainable levels of debt in private markets and their bonds were reduced to junk status, and they had to enter their current debt memorandum and austerity with the European Union and IMF.

Honestly, you are over your head here. Go back to some thread on how great Obama is while he brings thousands of new troops into Syria and Iraq. Nobody wants to here about your stupid Democrat/Republican shit here, it has nothing to do with Greece.

Syriza does not offer change. As long as Greece remains in the EU and the Euro they cannot recover. They need to do what Iceland did and default on the debt. Along with this, they need to move to the Drachma to recover their export industry and get their economy back on track. Only Golden Dawn wants to do this.

One more 'the sky is falling' link for you.

Harvey Organ 4 T in Greek Derivatives to Detonate in 10 Days- ENTIRE FINANCIAL WORLD WILL FALL LIKE DOMINOES

And they want to do it again.

Banks May Have Overplayed Their Hand Fighting Wall Street Regulation - Yahoo Finance
Nope, the republicans have nothing to do with the Greek financial Crisis, neither do the democrats

Here is a start so you can get a basic understanding on the issue in Greece. Until then, you shouldn't post.

This explains how Goldman Sachs helped mask Greece's debt so they could under false pretenses join the EU
Greek Debt Crisis How Goldman Sachs Helped Greece to Mask its True Debt - SPIEGEL ONLINE

This explains on how Goldman Sachs shorted Greek debt after it arranged the swaps
Goldman Sachs Shorted Greek Debt After It Arranged Those Shady Swaps - Business Insider

Essentially with the financial crisis, it became too expensive for Greece to finance its unsustainable levels of debt in private markets and their bonds were reduced to junk status, and they had to enter their current debt memorandum and austerity with the European Union and IMF.

Honestly, you are over your head here. Go back to some thread on how great Obama is while he brings thousands of new troops into Syria and Iraq. Nobody wants to here about your stupid Democrat/Republican shit here, it has nothing to do with Greece.

Syriza does not offer change. As long as Greece remains in the EU and the Euro they cannot recover. They need to do what Iceland did and default on the debt. Along with this, they need to move to the Drachma to recover their export industry and get their economy back on track. Only Golden Dawn wants to do this.

One more 'the sky is falling' link for you.

Harvey Organ 4 T in Greek Derivatives to Detonate in 10 Days- ENTIRE FINANCIAL WORLD WILL FALL LIKE DOMINOES

And they want to do it again.

Banks May Have Overplayed Their Hand Fighting Wall Street Regulation - Yahoo Finance
If you want to post about issues related to the US with that second, go elsewhere. This issue is about Greece and the EU.

Syriza is damned if they do, damned if they don't. If they continue the memorandum, they will lose the next election. If they default, the economy goes into deeper depression, and they lose the next election.
Lefties wanna' blame Ronnie Raygun Tax cuts for everything! They probably think all they have to do is elect the Clinton with the Vagina and everything will be ok!

If you want to post about issues related to the US with that second, go elsewhere. This issue is about Greece and the EU.

Syriza is damned if they do, damned if they don't. If they continue the memorandum, they will lose the next election. If they default, the economy goes into deeper depression, and they lose the next election.

It's a world economy dumb ass. What happens over there will effect over here.

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