Green Agenda Dangerous = CFL bulbs

Some years ago when I had a fire at work, I smashed some 30 fluorescent tubes in a corner of the warehouse, shoveled the glass into a trash can, and dumped it unbagged into a trash rolloff; And I have only moderate neurological defects as a result. Don't think you need to worry about that little broken CFL. ;)

it's not the one I worry about its the millions that will end up in landfills leeching their poison into the ground that worries me.

And you talk of common sense.

Really? Would you describe yourself as overly concerned with other forms of industrial waste?

But the difference is that the government is not forcing that waste upon us now is it?

And companies guilty of illegal waste dumping are held liable for the clean up as well as damages.

Tell me who will hold the government responsible for the mercury pollution from CFLs?
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it's not the one I worry about its the millions that will end up in landfills leeching their poison into the ground that worries me.

And you talk of common sense.

Really? Would you describe yourself as overly concerned with other forms of industrial waste?

But the differe4nce is that the government is not forcing that waste upon us now is it?

And companies guilty of illegal waste dumping are held liable for the clean up as well as damages.

Tell me who will hold the government responsible for the mercury pollution from CFLs?

It's being mandated because it's a net positive for the environment. Sorry, no conspiracy here.
Really? Would you describe yourself as overly concerned with other forms of industrial waste?

But the differe4nce is that the government is not forcing that waste upon us now is it?

And companies guilty of illegal waste dumping are held liable for the clean up as well as damages.

Tell me who will hold the government responsible for the mercury pollution from CFLs?

It's being mandated because it's a net positive for the environment. Sorry, no conspiracy here.

So the people who are exposed to mercury's deleterious effects are to be nothing but numbers in a ledger?

Are you saying that the ends justify the means when you claim the environment is at risk?

For fetuses, infants, and children, the primary health effect of methylmercury is impaired neurological development. Methylmercury exposure in the womb, which can result from a mother's consumption of fish and shellfish that contain methylmercury, can adversely affect a baby's growing brain and nervous system. Impacts on cognitive thinking, memory, attention, language, and fine motor and visual spatial skills have been seen in children exposed to methylmercury in the womb.

And for the record, I never once mentioned conspiracy.
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Yes, numbers on a ledger. Numbers that indicate how much mercury that the coal fired plants will put into the environment versus how much less that will be with much more efficient lighting. Even if a lot of the CFLs are broken, the numbers come out far better for the use of the CFLs. And even better for the use of the LEDs.

Of course, if we really want to improve the environment, then we allow only LEDs to be sold. At the present $50 or more per light. The CFLs are the best tradeoff at the moment for what is financially feasable, and pollution. As the cost of the LEDs come down, that will change.
They are not forced to buy CFLs. They have a choice between them and LEDs. And if they do not like either, oil lamps are still available in stores, as are Coleman mantle lanterns. For the interest of the nation, we are just not allowing the manufacture of energy an intensive device at a time that we can see a looming energy shortage.
They are not forced to buy CFLs. They have a choice between them and LEDs. And if they do not like either, oil lamps are still available in stores, as are Coleman mantle lanterns. For the interest of the nation, we are just not allowing the manufacture of energy an intensive device at a time that we can see a looming energy shortage.

And they can still use the tubular and circular flourescent fixtures that have been in home use for 50 years or so.
Where you see force, I see common sense.

It's not common sense to outlaw a product to force people to purchase another product.

Yep DDT killed bugs so well.
And asbestos insulated so well.

No one is going to die because of an incandescent bulb. But the deleterious effects of mercury are well documented.

Personally, fluorescent lights give me a headache. I do not use them in my home or in my office.

And from what I've seen it doesn't look like halogen lights are going to be outlawed so guess what I'll be using.
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They will pry my lightbulbs from my cold dead fingers!

Fear is such an effective motivator to those most succeceptable.
They will pry my lightbulbs from my cold dead fingers!

Fear is such an effective motivator to those most succeceptable.

You mean like; "If we don't all use cfls We're all gonna die!!!!!"

"If we don't use incandescent anymore, we will save energy and reduce pollution, de-stress the grid, and reduce energy costs."

I agree with the program; Incandescent lighting is a dinosaur and should be phased out. HOWEVER...
What I find annoying is, the energy used for lighting in a home is nothing short of dwarfed by the energy used to heat and cool, regardless of what energy source you use for heat. Why is that not being addressed with the same gusto?
These Bulbs are not safe. No Government should force their Citizens to buy anything either. If you want to use these new bulbs than so be it. But no one should be forced by the Government to use them. The Global Warming Cult is a Global Socialist Movement. When are people gonna wake up and understand this? Look at who's behind all the Global Warming fear mongering? They are fanatical Left Wingers for the most part. Just buy what you want. Government has no right to force people to buy anything. People need to start standing up to the Global Warming fanatics before it's too late.
Lordy. That would be an intelligent thing to do. However, in the present economic climate, were we to push the idea of requiring upgrades on homes that are poorly built in regards to energy efficiency, there would be instant screams, considering the real estate market that exists at present.
These Bulbs are not safe. No Government should force their Citizens to buy anything either. If you want to use these new bulbs than so be it. But no one should be forced by the Government to use them. The Global Warming Cult is a Global Socialist Movement. When are people gonna wake up and understand this? Look at who's behind all the Global Warming fear mongering? They are fanatical Left Wingers for the most part. Buy what you want. Government has no right to force people to buy anything. People need to start standing up the Global Warming fanatics before it's too late.

I see. All the scientists in the world are radical left wingers. You are beyond the border of stupidity, old fellow.

Do you, at present, have any flourescent lights in your home? Because if you do, they are no differant than the CFLs. And once again, you can buy LEDs, no danger in them at all, and they are even more efficient.
These Bulbs are not safe. No Government should force their Citizens to buy anything either. If you want to use these new bulbs than so be it. But no one should be forced by the Government to use them. The Global Warming Cult is a Global Socialist Movement. When are people gonna wake up and understand this? Look at who's behind all the Global Warming fear mongering? They are fanatical Left Wingers for the most part. Buy what you want. Government has no right to force people to buy anything. People need to start standing up the Global Warming fanatics before it's too late.

I see. All the scientists in the world are radical left wingers. You are beyond the border of stupidity, old fellow.

Do you, at present, have any flourescent lights in your home? Because if you do, they are no differant than the CFLs. And once again, you can buy LEDs, no danger in them at all, and they are even more efficient.

Radical Left Wingers are behind the ridiculous Global Warming fear mongering. That should be obvious to anyone who has common sense. Wherever there is Global Warming fear mongering,you will surely find a hysterical Left Winger. The Government shouldn't be involved with forcing Citizens to buy anything. It's just not a Government issue. You have the right to choose what to buy or not buy. By "Phasing" out light bulbs,the Government is strong-arming Citizens into supporting their Global Warming agenda. The Government should stay out of this and many other issues. Buy whatever light bulbs you want. It's not a Government decision.
These Bulbs are not safe. No Government should force their Citizens to buy anything either. If you want to use these new bulbs than so be it. But no one should be forced by the Government to use them. The Global Warming Cult is a Global Socialist Movement. When are people gonna wake up and understand this? Look at who's behind all the Global Warming fear mongering? They are fanatical Left Wingers for the most part. Buy what you want. Government has no right to force people to buy anything. People need to start standing up the Global Warming fanatics before it's too late.

I see. All the scientists in the world are radical left wingers. You are beyond the border of stupidity, old fellow.

Do you, at present, have any flourescent lights in your home? Because if you do, they are no differant than the CFLs. And once again, you can buy LEDs, no danger in them at all, and they are even more efficient.

Radical Left Wingers are behind the ridiculous Global Warming fear mongering. That should be obvious to anyone who has common sense. Wherever there is Global Warming fear mongering,you will surely find a hysterical Left Winger. The Government shouldn't be involved with forcing Citizens to buy anything. It's just not a Government issue. You have the right to choose what to buy or not buy. By "Phasing" out light bulbs,the Government is strong-arming Citizens into supporting their Global Warming agenda. The Government should stay out of this and many other issues. Buy whatever light bulbs you want. It's not a Government decision.

But isn't it a government issue? Shouldn't they decide what kind of light bulbs you buy?
I see. All the scientists in the world are radical left wingers. You are beyond the border of stupidity, old fellow.

Do you, at present, have any flourescent lights in your home? Because if you do, they are no differant than the CFLs. And once again, you can buy LEDs, no danger in them at all, and they are even more efficient.

Radical Left Wingers are behind the ridiculous Global Warming fear mongering. That should be obvious to anyone who has common sense. Wherever there is Global Warming fear mongering,you will surely find a hysterical Left Winger. The Government shouldn't be involved with forcing Citizens to buy anything. It's just not a Government issue. You have the right to choose what to buy or not buy. By "Phasing" out light bulbs,the Government is strong-arming Citizens into supporting their Global Warming agenda. The Government should stay out of this and many other issues. Buy whatever light bulbs you want. It's not a Government decision.

But isn't it a government issue? Shouldn't they decide what kind of light bulbs you buy?

Shouldn't the government decide what cars we drive?

Shouldn't the government decide what we buy at the supermarket?

Shouldn't the government decide how big or small our houses should be?

What we read?

What movies we watch?

We can justify government forcing us to do anything if we accept that the ends always justify the means.
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Radical Left Wingers are behind the ridiculous Global Warming fear mongering. That should be obvious to anyone who has common sense. Wherever there is Global Warming fear mongering,you will surely find a hysterical Left Winger. The Government shouldn't be involved with forcing Citizens to buy anything. It's just not a Government issue. You have the right to choose what to buy or not buy. By "Phasing" out light bulbs,the Government is strong-arming Citizens into supporting their Global Warming agenda. The Government should stay out of this and many other issues. Buy whatever light bulbs you want. It's not a Government decision.

But isn't it a government issue? Shouldn't they decide what kind of light bulbs you buy?

Shouldn't the government decide what cars we drive?

Shouldn't the government decide what we buy at the supermarket?

Shouldn't the government decide how big or small our houses should be?

What we read?

What movies we watch?

We can justify government forcing us to do anything if we accept that the ends always justify the means.

Ahh relax. I was just mocking Libo. Thought it rather obvious.

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