Green Economics: Science, Politics, and Capitalism


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. " We'll restore science to its rightful place, and wield technology's wonders to raise health care's quality and lower its cost. We will harness the sun and the winds and the soil to fuel our cars and run our factories....."
President Barack Obama's Inaugural Address | The White House

And this: "... I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; ..." Barack Obama - Wikiquote


a. How is it possible that the same folks applauded and accepted the above, but refused to believe the words of the Global Warming scientists at East Anglia who admitted that Global Warming is a scam???

2. To swallow that, one must either be a Leftist dupe, or abysmally gullible. All of the pieces fit if one is of the Left, because the featured enemy is fossil fuels!
You see, producing energy has attracted many of the greatest entrepreneurs and inventors in the nation's history, and is a major component of capitalism.
Add the atavistic belief that man controls the fate of the earth, and, VOILÀ!

Government control of the economy via fake science!

a. "Global warming is no longer a political issue but rather, the biggest moral challenge facing our civilization today!"
Al Gore, "An Inconvenient Truth."

b. "Earlier in the week, Obama told cadets at West Point that climate change was “a creeping national security crisis”." Obama heralds health benefits of climate plan to cut power plant emissions | World news |

3. " Barack Obama embraced the "fact" of global warming as fully as Jimmy Carter embraced the "fact " that the United States would run out of oil in about ten years. Both Presidents , therefore, took immediate action to encourage political entrepreneurs." Folsom and Folsom, "Uncle Sam Can't Count," p. 180.

a. Mistaken for 'businessmen,' "Political entrepreneurs" are the ones who risk taxpayer funds rather than their own.
Crony's of the political powers, they apply for loans, guarantees, and outright subsidies to pursue what ever the bureaucrats in charge agree is "correct."
Can you say 'Solyndra'?

4. Obama went with Bush's ethanol mandates, and doubled-down, promoting a cap-and-trade law. "Under cap-and-trade, people would pay to emit carbon by purchasing from the government special permit. Those permits are "permission rights" to emit certain amounts of carbon into the air."
Folsom, Op. Cit.

a. " The bill was approved by the House of Representatives on June 26, 2009 by a vote of 219-212, but was defeated in the Senate." American Clean Energy and Security Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. The political entrepreneurs supported the cap-and-trade bill even though it would sharply raise the costs of energy to every family in America.
' “On climate change,” General Electric executive John Rice wrote to his colleagues in 2009, “we were able to work closely with key authors of … Waxman-Markey.” Rice said Waxman-Markey spelled profits for GE.' Farewell to Henry Waxman, maker of bad laws « Hot Air Headlines

Look closely at supposed benefits to the people that actually give government more control of our lives, and crony capitalists more profit.
Ethanol comes to mind.
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5. Politicians are rarely the smartest individuals on the scene. Very rarely.
Hegel complained about the flaw in “abstract thinking”: that it cannot conceive of a handsome murderer.
The same works to the advantage of politicians: as long as one looks like a President, and can deliver a speech as such, many simply assume that the individual can make the kind of decisions that benefit the nation. More often than not, they are very wrong.
A certain community organizer comes to mind.
As do ethanol mandates.

6. Ethanol mandates were, ostensibly, based on a belief in man-made global warming....and the corn ethanol added to gasoline was claimed to reduce greenhouse gases.

"With ethanol heavily mandated, and corporations lining up for their government subsidies, the United States was in danger of being drowned in corn, swallowed in debt, and sucked dry by political entrepreneurs."
Folsom and Folsom, Op. Cit.

a. Actually, as is true of the entire global warming scam, it is about rewarding politically friendly corporations, and enforcing more regulations.

6. Here we go:
" Federal Ethanol Policy: Bad for the Planet, Good for Lobbyists- The federal government’s push for greater ethanol production, carried out in the name of saving the planet, has done great harm to the environment. What’s more, it has caused the release of far more carbon dioxide — the gas that is blamed for alleged global warming — into the atmosphere than the burning of ethanol could ever hope to save."
Federal Ethanol Policy: Bad for the Planet, Good for Lobbyists

7. And- talk about "unintended consequences"- an even far more deleterious effect: not just higher food prices in America:

a. "At the onset of the Egypt uprising and the Arab Spring food price inflation in Egypt was over 20 percent. The increase was caused by the rising global price of wheat. The global price of wheat rose between 50 and 70 percent in 2010. As a result Egyptian budgets were drained. Egypt is among the world’s largest importers of wheat, and the global wheat market has been dynamic recently."
EcoTalk: Climate Change Seasons: Food Winter - Arab Spring -Societal Fall

b. " The results showed that the dominant causes of price increases during this period were investor speculation and ethanol conversion."
UPDATE February 2012 — The Food Crises: Predictive validation of a quantitative model of food prices including speculators and ethanol conversion | NECSI

Remember what I was saying about how bright politicians are?
8. Eco-scams are not without consequences and victims...
When will be see an eco-Nuremberg trials for the
a. silent spring malarial deaths Racism. One of 20th cent greatest mass murderers.

b. African food shortages due to biofuels ethanol

c. increased cost of wheat is responsible for the Arab-spring revolutions

d. East Anglia conspiracy and un-‘scientists’ who didn’t lose their jobs or face criminal penalties.

e. every official of solar panel and wind turbines companies who took taxpayer subsidies, knowing full well that green power was a fraud….’what did they know and when did they know it?’

g. EPA jihad against free enterprise A remedy would be the ability of citizens to sue the federal government to protect their legitimate interests, for damages. While currently unconstitutional, the Congress can waive sovereign immunity, Such a congressional waiver would not only protect the citizenry, but would go far toward defining the limits of federal authority.

When will the trials begin????

Well, I can dream, can't I.
Leftist dupes ARE abysmally gullible.

Either they are gullible.....or you are being far too kind.

The truth may involve malevolence.....

9. Even more outrageous, if the argument for the 'green energy scam' is that it was designed to make America energy was never needed!

Capitalism is the answer: When the great President Reagan lifted price controls on oil and natural gas in the early 1980's, the private economy did what it does best: not only discovering new sources of energy, but inventing new ways of extracting it from the ground! Yup...hydraulic fracking.

a. "... the process of extracting natural gas from shale rock layers deep within the earth. Fracking makes it possible to produce natural gas extraction in shale plays that were once unreachable with conventional technologies.... the injection of highly pressurized fracking fluids into the shale area. This creates new channels within the rock from which natural gas is extracted at higher than traditional rates." What Is Fracking

10. Here come the hand-wringing eco-whiners. " A coalition of state-based environmental groups are calling for a nationwide ban on hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. The proposed fracking ban is based on claims that the drilling practice imperils public health — based on exaggerated claims, according to critics."
Environmentalists call for national ban on fracking | The Daily Caller

a. . " The Obama administration has not been able to link groundwater contamination to fracking. The Environmental Protection Agency has failed to link fracking to groundwater contamination in three separate studies and, earlier this year, the Energy Department also found that fracking is safe when done properly.

“To my knowledge, I still have not seen any evidence of fracking per se contaminating groundwater,” Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz said in August.
Dozens of state regulators have also found no evidence of groundwater contamination from fracking operations.
Environmentalists call for national ban on fracking | The Daily Caller
Leftist dupes ARE abysmally gullible.

Here in NY we have a governor with pretensions to the presidency, so, even though they allow fracking right over the border in Pennsylvania...and it produces plenty of jobs, and upstate NY has long term unemployment, he is afraid to OK fracking for fear of antagonizing the eco-loons and the warmists.

"In Pennsylvania, where high-volume hydraulic fracturing was approved in 2005, jobs directly connected to natural gas development approximately tallied 30,000 in 2013 — six times the number of similar jobs in New York. When you add the indirect jobs created in Pennsylvania, there’s no doubt that New York’s delayed decision — which will hit the six-year mark in July —has hurt the effort to create private-sector jobs, especially in the Southern Tier."
Guest Viewpoint: Cuomo needs to make final decision on fracking | Star-Gazette |
11. Oh...and did I mention that the "green energy" scam wasn't needed?

a. The 2008 USGS assessment estimated 3.0 to 4.3 billion barrels of undiscovered, technically recoverable oil in the U.S. portion of the Bakken Formation, elevating it to a “world-class” accumulation. The estimate had a mean value of 3.65 billion barrels. The USGS routinely conducts updates to oil and gas assessments when significant new information is available, such as new understanding of a resource basin’s geology or when advances in technology occur for drilling and production….

The 2008 USGS assessment showed a 25-fold increase in the amount of technically recoverable oil as compared to the agency's 1995 estimate of 151 million barrels of oil. Bakken Formation Oil Assessment in North Dakota, Montana will be updated by U.S. Geological Survey

b. Oil giant BP says it has made a "giant" new oil discovery in its fields in the Gulf of Mexico…. BP said the discovery, amounting to more than three billion barrels, would "support the continuing growth of our deepwater Gulf of Mexico business into the second half of the next decade". BBC NEWS | Business | BP in 'giant' new oil discovery

c. According to the US Geological Survey, the Arctic sea floor has 13% of the world's undiscovered "conventional" oil reserves and 30% of undiscovered natural-gas reserves. Oil-Drilling Trade-Offs: Keystone for Alaska

d. The Marcellus Shale [Pennsylvania, Oho, New York] could be one of the USA's most promising natural gas ...that the Marcellus might contain more than 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. ... Marcellus Shale Gas: New Research Results Surprise Geologists!

Think Obama and his band of merry men don't know this?

Well....if they to explain why they are blocking projects????
12. "Earlier in the week, Obama told cadets at West Point that climate change was “a creeping national security crisis”." | World news |

That, in fact, really is the case!

So....why is Obama behaving other than in the interests of national security?

a. Here is the low-down from a guy who knows.....

( – Saudi Arabia’s Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal, a billionaire businessman and nephew of Saudi King Abdullah, said the production of shale oil and natural gas in the United States and other countries, primarily done through fracking, is a real competitive threat to “any oil-producing country in the world,” adding that Saudi Arabia must address the issue because it is a “matter of survival.”

Ninety-two percent of Saudi Arabia’s annual budget comes from oil.... focus on the danger of this matter in the ‘not-so-distant future,’ especially that America and some Asian countries made big discoveries in shale gas extraction which will affect the oil industry around the world in general and Saudi Arabia in particular.” ... North American shale gas production is an inevitable threat.” Saudi Billionaire Prince: Fracking Competitively Threatens ?Any Oil Producing Country in the World? | CNS News

A threat to Arab nations???
Not if Obama can help it!

b. Any politician who in support of the security of America, as well as a robust economy, must see that bowing to the neo-Marxist environmentalists is a detriment to our nation....

" A coalition of state-based environmental groups are calling for a nationwide ban on hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. The proposed fracking ban is based on claims that the drilling practice imperils public health — based on exaggerated claims, according to critics."
Environmentalists call for national ban on fracking | The Daily Caller

Why is it so difficult to see whose side Obama and the eco-fascists are on?
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13. There is no doubt that environmentalism is anti-American in its interests: remember that not all Democrats are neo-Marxist/environmentalists. "Democrats Joining G.O.P. on Pipeline... WASHINGTON — President Obama is finding himself increasingly boxed in on the Keystone pipeline fight as more Congressional Democrats are joining Republicans in backing the project, which has strong labor support and could generate significant numbers of jobs in economically hard-hit states."

a. "....would pave the way for the construction of the next stage of the oil pipeline, a measure that Mr. Obama has said he would veto. The bill passed 293 to 127, with 69 Democrats supporting it."

So...not all Democrats are neo-Marxist/environmentalists. Unfortunately, their titular leader is.

This is the result of electing a man who was never ready to be President of the United States.
14. What??? He isn't a Marxist, anti-American ideologue?
How to explain his actions....?

Hmmmm....there is the huge amount he gives to Democrat donors in 'green companies,' like Solyndra....

George Kaiser, Solyndra investor, had given $53,500 to Obama's election....

" Bankrupt solar company with fed backing has cozy ties to Obama admin. A solar energy company that intends to file for bankruptcy received $535 million in backing from the federal government and has a cozy history with Democrats and the Obama administration, campaign finance records show.

Shareholders and executives of Solyndra, a green energy company producing solar panels, fundraised for and donated to the Obama administration to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars..... just two years after securing a half-billion-dollar federal loan , Solyndra has said that it will declare Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
Bankrupt solar company with fed backing has cozy ties to Obama admin | The Daily Caller

Can you say "kick-backs"?

...Oh...right, he's just a garden variety Chicago thief.
I don't particularly care. Given America's surrender to agenda-based media and the proliferation of propaganda (yours included) from politically-driven organizations and individuals, nothing can or will be done to correct any problems in this nation's remaining lifetime.

I suggest that Americans take down their flags, not draw attention to themselves, and let this failing economic/political system collapse. Let's get it over with.
I don't particularly care. Given America's surrender to agenda-based media and the proliferation of propaganda (yours included) from politically-driven organizations and individuals, nothing can or will be done to correct any problems in this nation's remaining lifetime.

I suggest that Americans take down their flags, not draw attention to themselves, and let this failing economic/political system collapse. Let's get it over with.

Thank you for your insight, Robin Williams.
You're welcome, Adolph.

My post reflected on the import of your post.

Your response was simply stupid. do continue to work to ability.

My post reflected upon the intensity of your propaganda drive.

Your response was simply predictable.

Carry on with your job, Herman.

1. With very little effort....seemingly the level of effort with with you have any have added 'liar,' not simply 'stupid' to your nutjob resume.

It is clear to all what the reference "Adolph" implies....but you're bright enough to realize that I hung you by your own petard....., tail between your legs, you beat a hasty retreat, with "My post reflected upon the intensity of your propaganda drive."

2. And to make certain that the term "liar" doubly applied, you fabricated "Your response was simply predictable."

Had it been predictable, you wouldn't have had to beat such a hasty retreat.

3. I yearn for the day when I am confronted by smarter, more honest, learned opponents...not lying dolts, like you.

Case in point: "My post reflected upon the intensity of your propaganda drive."

When one refers to the opponent's "propaganda," it should be followed with examples...and, colloquially, the pejorative "propaganda" implies falsehoods.

You know you can't find any falsehoods in my posts...., we are left with a diaphanous attempt at saving face.

4. Please....I implore you: get an education, use words with precision as I do, and return with a cogent argument.

Of course, I'll rip you to shreds, anyway....but, then, I won't have to search for the proper way to address you...other than as an insult to the bottom of the barrel.
15. can Obama make a decent living off of one measly Solyndra kick-back scheme.......?

One just doesn't seem enough.....

Oh, wait:

a. "Obama-backed car battery company files for bankruptcy protection... Ener1, an electric car battery company that the Obama administration awarded a $118 million stimulus grant to expand its operations, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection Thursday after being unable to repay pressing debts.... Ener1 is the third company to seek bankruptcy protection among those the Energy Department backed as part of the president’s signature program to invest in clean energy. Solyndra, a California solar-panel maker, and Beacon Power, .... he remained proud of his administration’s $80 billion commitment to clean-energy projects and companies, despite periodic failures."
Obama-backed electric car battery company files for bankruptcy protection - The Washington Post

"...$118 million stimulus grant..."
Know what a 'grant' is? Yeah....a gift.

b. " Two months after Biden’s visit, EnerDel corporate parent Ener1 paid $725,000 in bonuses to three executives — including $450,000 to then-CEO Charles Gassenheimer, who led Biden on the tour. This January, Ener1 filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.

So the process is comprised of several steps:

1. Hand out money, 80% going to Obama donors.

2. Big bonuses and payouts to executives

3. Go bankrupt.

And there is one more step
4. In liquidation, make sure Obama donors are paid before the US taxpayer."
Obama?s Green Energy Stimulus Process Explained [Reader Post] | Flopping Aces

" In the new world of Obama’s centrally-planned corporatism, there are no such consequences. You were forced to invest in Beacon Power, EnerDel, Solyndra, and all the other “winners” chosen by your political masters. "
Bankrupt Obama green energy companies pay fat bonuses to executives | Human Events

Al Capone could have learned from this administration.....
16. There are these two varieties of entrepreneurs,

a. There are folks such as Steve Jobs, who took an idea, infused it with practical experience, lots of hard work, risk, and took the product to market. OK, many failed...but something is in them that drives them to try again....and, ultimately succeed. They are known as "market entrepreneurs," as they rely on private enterprise and the free market. They understand that success will be based on providing a service, or a product, or something new that customers want.

b. On the obverse, there are politicians who trace advancement of society to government efforts, as in the 'you didn't build that' view.
Those who share that view believe that federal spending jump-starts the economy and leads to prosperity; many Americans look to federal largesse to strt their enterprise. They lobby Congress for appropriations, and even write the laws that would benefit their endeavors. These are known as "political entrepreneurs."

Elon Musk is an example of the latter.

" Musk is the paradigmatic political entrepreneur, launching businesses that seek to capitalize on government favors and lobbying clout rather than provide goods or services that consumers demand....
Musk has personally given more than $100,000 to Obama's re-election campaign, including two gifts of more than $30,000 each to the Obama Victory Fund,.... Keep those max gifts in mind when Obama says he rejects donations from lobbyists..... $465 million loan from Obama's DOE....
Musk touts SpaceX as the cutting edge of free-enterprise space exploration, but so far the company's revenue seems to come mostly from Uncle Sam. My Washington
Examiner colleague Richard Pollock reported that NASA has given $824 million to SpaceX through a special program known as the Space Act Agreements, which circumvents much of the oversight in other federal spending."
Carney: Green stimulus profiteer comes under IRS scrutiny |

"Men in responsible public office can no more accept favors that grant them. That used to be an elementary point of honor."
LATimes, March 15, 1951

Looking hard for those men of honor in this administration.
Whee. All of that drivel.

Every single Scientfic Society states that AGW is real and a clear and present danger. Every single National Academy of Science states the same, even that of Outer Slobovia. And every major University in the world also states that. But we are to believe that a long winded rightwingnut on an internet board knows more about the earth than all of these scientists?:cuckoo:
1. " We'll restore science to its rightful place, and wield technology's wonders to raise health care's quality and lower its cost. We will harness the sun and the winds and the soil to fuel our cars and run our factories....."
President Barack Obama's Inaugural Address | The White House

And this: "... I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; ..." Barack Obama - Wikiquote


a. How is it possible that the same folks applauded and accepted the above, but refused to believe the words of the Global Warming scientists at East Anglia who admitted that Global Warming is a scam???

2. To swallow that, one must either be a Leftist dupe, or abysmally gullible. All of the pieces fit if one is of the Left, because the featured enemy is fossil fuels!
You see, producing energy has attracted many of the greatest entrepreneurs and inventors in the nation's history, and is a major component of capitalism.
Add the atavistic belief that man controls the fate of the earth, and, VOILÀ!

Government control of the economy via fake science!

a. "Global warming is no longer a political issue but rather, the biggest moral challenge facing our civilization today!"
Al Gore, "An Inconvenient Truth."

b. "Earlier in the week, Obama told cadets at West Point that climate change was “a creeping national security crisis”." Obama heralds health benefits of climate plan to cut power plant emissions | World news |

3. " Barack Obama embraced the "fact" of global warming as fully as Jimmy Carter embraced the "fact " that the United States would run out of oil in about ten years. Both Presidents , therefore, took immediate action to encourage political entrepreneurs." Folsom and Folsom, "Uncle Sam Can't Count," p. 180.

a. Mistaken for 'businessmen,' "Political entrepreneurs" are the ones who risk taxpayer funds rather than their own.
Crony's of the political powers, they apply for loans, guarantees, and outright subsidies to pursue what ever the bureaucrats in charge agree is "correct."
Can you say 'Solyndra'?

4. Obama went with Bush's ethanol mandates, and doubled-down, promoting a cap-and-trade law. "Under cap-and-trade, people would pay to emit carbon by purchasing from the government special permit. Those permits are "permission rights" to emit certain amounts of carbon into the air."
Folsom, Op. Cit.

a. " The bill was approved by the House of Representatives on June 26, 2009 by a vote of 219-212, but was defeated in the Senate." American Clean Energy and Security Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. The political entrepreneurs supported the cap-and-trade bill even though it would sharply raise the costs of energy to every family in America.
' “On climate change,” General Electric executive John Rice wrote to his colleagues in 2009, “we were able to work closely with key authors of … Waxman-Markey.” Rice said Waxman-Markey spelled profits for GE.' Farewell to Henry Waxman, maker of bad laws « Hot Air Headlines

Look closely at supposed benefits to the people that actually give government more control of our lives, and crony capitalists more profit.
Ethanol comes to mind.

Don't forget the many secrets the government is keeping about HAARP.
Here's the patent:
HAARP - U.S. Patent 4,686,605 |
Patent US4686605 - Method and apparatus for altering a region in the earth's atmosphere ... - Google Patents
Whee. All of that drivel.

Every single Scientfic Society states that AGW is real and a clear and present danger. Every single National Academy of Science states the same, even that of Outer Slobovia. And every major University in the world also states that. But we are to believe that a long winded rightwingnut on an internet board knows more about the earth than all of these scientists?:cuckoo:

Let's be kind and say that you are simply a bit.....'slow.'

1. Every single thing that I've posted is correct.

2. In order to comprehend, one needs a far broader understanding of the areas mentioned in the title.....that's where you fall short.

3. " The director of the University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit confirmed that the e-mails are genuine — and Australian publication Investigate and the Australian Herald-Sun report that those e-mails expose a conspiracy to hide detrimental information from the public that argues against global warming."
Do hacked e-mails show global-warming fraud? « Hot Air

a. "One of the most damning e-mails published comes from Dr. Jones himself. In an e-mail from almost exactly ten years ago, Jones appears to discuss a method of overlaying data of temperature declines with repetitive, false data of higher temperatures..."

Not enough?

How about this admission by one of the "global warming scientists."...

4. What happened to the truth?

a. In academia, truth has fallen in priority to ideology, also known as the ‘greater truth’ of pre-formed conclusions. A case in point is climate change. Normal science discovers facts, and then constructs a theory from those facts. ‘Post-modern science’ starts with a theory that is politically sensitive, and then makes up facts to influence opinion in its favor.

b. Mike Hulme is Professor of Climate Change in the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia (UEA), []Mike Hulme and was good enough to reveal the truth in the Guardian, 2007:

“…this particular mode of scientific activity… has been labeled "post-normal" science. Climate change seems to fall in this category. Disputes in post-normal science focus as often on the process of science - who gets funded, who evaluates quality, who has the ear of policy - as on the facts of science….

Self-evidently dangerous climate change will not emerge from a normal scientific process of truth seeking,… scientists - and politicians - must trade (normal) truth for influence. If scientists want to remain listened to, to bear influence on policy, they must recognise the social limits of their truth seeking and reveal fully the values and beliefs they bring to their scientific activity…. Climate change is too important to be left to scientists - least of all the normal ones.” The appliance of science | Society | The Guardian.

 So global warming theory did not seek to establish the truth through evidence. Instead, truth had to be traded for influence: scientists presented beliefs as a basis for policy. The shame: science has been junked in the interest of promoting ideological conviction.

c. The leading proponents of ‘post-normal science,’ PNS, Funtowicz and Ravetz, have written that, in issue-driven science, ‘facts’ and ‘values’ are unified by replacing ‘truth’ by ‘quality.’
Thus, we have a doctrine of mandated intellectual mendacity.

d. Ideology represents the power over truth. The French Revolution introduced secular ideology to the Western world. Sir Isaiah Berlin, of the University of Oxford, stated that the 18th century “saw the destruction of the notion of truth and validity in ethics and politics, not merely objective or absolute truth but subjective and relative truth also…”

Folks like you, Rocks, with a limited understanding of all of the factors that go into a worldview, are perfect cannon fodder for the Left.

Lenin had a term for you: "useful idiot."

Let me define that for you: In political jargon, useful idiot is a term for people perceived as propagandists for a cause whose goals they are not fully aware of, and who are used cynically by the leaders of the cause.
Useful idiot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ah yes, a Weltanschaungs developed from politics, divorced from any kind of science, concerning a scientific subject is just the kind of thing needed to make decisions concerning science. PC, you are a scientific illiterate. Your posts demonstrate that.

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