Green New Deal

Figures. Sandy Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal Calls for End to Air Travel -- Build Trains Over the Oceans -Duh.
Democrat darling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez released information on the Democrat Party’s Green New Deal.
The radical Democrat-Socialist plan will destroy the country in months… if not days. Why do Democrats hate this country so much?


So not only will this dumb bitch try and con her idiots that we don't need babies and how we can kill them way after birth, now the moron wants to build a bridge over the ocean alrighty then . Don't plan on a win next voting round retread.

What a fucking Big Energy turd AOC is, trains over oceans use energy. I propose everyone just stay where they fucking are and that way we don't use any energy.

Of course before we implement this plan I first must insist that we give all liberals a one way airline trip to the country of their choice located outside our own hemisphere.

Most of her proposals use energy, but she doesn't seem to realize that. "Chargers for electric cars everywhere". If you shut down the power plants, what are the chargers going to use?!
No more air travel. Bridges across the ocean. Just a veritable utopia.
Correction: HISH SPEED RAIL across the oceans. :p
if it went fast enough, you wouldn't need rails or bridges, you could put wings on it and let it fly! oh wait, Doh!!!
fastest train does what, 190? maybe they need to get a good running start from 300 miles away and they can skip across the ocean if they hit the water at just the right angle and go through a machine that speeds them up along the last 50 miles.

I think she should go for broke and just demand that we convert all travel to teleportation in the next ten years, and Scotty can just beam us all wherever.
[You know what might be a good idea - build our nuclear reactors where earthquakes and tsunamis are not a factor.
Like this one in California?

Depends. Is that one passively cooled or does it require power? Does it use the same storage methods for old rods? What is the elevation there? I cant properly gauge how tall that cliff is but it looks far more than 100 ft - more than is necessary to eliminate a tsunami threat. Have they ignored safety concerns for vulnerabilities to earthquakes at that plant as the Japan plants did?

Seriously G, this is the type of posting that you whine about all the time. A picture and some bullshit references to disasters without any backing does not make a point. Those reactors in Japan endured a disaster that was unthinkable in scale and still would have been just fine if they were not using piss poor designs. Even with the disaster, the effects have been overstated.
I think she should go for broke and just demand that we convert all travel to teleportation in the next ten years, and Scotty can just beam us all wherever.

Powered by Di-Lithium Crystals no doubt.
Great Point. There is a HUGE difference between Socialists and Socialist Democrats. For instance, I have NEVER heard a 'SOCIALIST' call for high speed rail transportation OVER OCEANS, rendering air travel un-necessary, before. THAT CRAZY SHIT could ONLY come from the Socialist Democrats, like AOC.

And only on your b******* propaganda machine, super duper

Nobody needs a "b******* propaganda machine" to make them realize you people are crazy. You're doing that pretty well by yourselves.
Yeah, going back to JFK tax rates when we had prosperity for all is just crazy LOL. Keep voting for The greedy idiot Rich, super duper. Brainwashed functional moron.

AOC seems to be pretty greedy for not only attention, but your hard-earned money. She successfully redefines the word "idiot" on a daily basis.

She's also comparatively "rich", when you think about how little you're actually worth.

So what was the point you were trying to make, super super brainwashed non-functional moron?
Everything you know is wrong, perfect chump of the greedy idiot Rich GOP... LOL

Not hardly, hillbilly. Everything I know was learned the hard way, by trial and error. I graduated from high school, military training, trade school, and four years of college, but the best education I got came from the School of Hard Knocks.

I'm the best judge of character there ever was, I can see through anyone's thinly veiled veneer in a New York minute, and I don't take any wooden nickels.

I think for myself, go where I want to go, and do what I want to do. Nobody changes my mind because my mind is already made up. I have something to believe in, therefore I'm not prone to believe anything.
I think she should go for broke and just demand that we convert all travel to teleportation in the next ten years, and Scotty can just beam us all wherever.

Powered by Di-Lithium Crystals no doubt.

Deutronium is probably long more realistic. The Robinson family used deutronium in 1997 while Di-lithium crystals won't appear until the launch of the Enterprise in the 23rd century.
Deutronium is probably long more realistic. The Robinson family used deutronium in 1997 while Di-lithium crystals won't appear until the launch of the Enterprise in the 23rd century.

Such amateurs. Never heard of a Time Warp? Plus Di-Lithium crystals have a lower Lithium footprint.
Somebody didnt read the article....

Obviously I read it. That's how I know you're lying deliberately now.

Why do you think you won't burn in Hell for that? You can't openly serve Satan, the Lord of Lies, and not pay a price for it.

Remember, forgiveness from God requires actual contrition, and that requires apologizing to those you've wronged.
Political correctness is always wrong
Space Shuttle blows up = never go to space again
Hindenburg blows up - never fly lighter than air craft again
Airliners crash = never fly airplanes again
Automobiles crash = clear the roads and ban travel
Person dies in hospital = never treat people again

See the absurdity bedwetter?
What you are missing is that major changes to safety and procedures resulted from those tragedies

Cost money but safety was worth it

Same with green technology
It was fun while it lasted. Damn science always interferes with Lefty agendas.

Aaaaand The "Green New Deal" FAQ Page Got Taken Down
I love how she wants High Speed trains to go all over the country because there wouldn't be any source of energy for jets. But then the question was, how do you get to Europe or Asia as we can't have high speed trains, but very slow ships which then again cant be used because either they all have to go nuclear, or with solar, they are dead in the water at night. Liberals are the stupidest people in the universe because they have no clue how things work, but sure do get fooled time and again..
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A fool leading a bunch of fools...

You are being redirected...

We are talkin about Democratic socialism or socialism as it is known everywhere but GOP dupe world, GOP dupe, not communism. Karl Marx was wrong about everything but the need to help workers. Unlike what the GOP has been doing the last 35 years...
Keep your socialism to yourselves, Millions of Americans want nothing to do with that shit… It does not require our participation
Mainly because you don't know what
socialism is. It is not communism, it is helping the non Rich.
For a change.
I see...
Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.
She wants to phase out air travel...air travel. You know that evil tech that is so over the top it allows us to transverse oceans in under 24 hours. Who needs that? Humans got along just fine crossing oceans on boats. And that was before we had cars or yeah we def don’t need planes.

Here’s proof of the media bias right here. This is the absolute most moronic and wildly out of touch plan ever proposed in my lifetime...yet we don’t here a peep about how utterly retarded this plan is, or how much of an embarrassment AOC is. If even one aspect of this plan was proposed by trump, he’d be relentlessly mocked. She’s not, despite her making Palin look like Dostoyevsky, she’s still the sweetheart of the left. Because she’s a socialist, she’s Latin, she’s a she, and isn’t she just the cutest when she dances. She’s fucking stupid. I live in the north east and if I wanna go to Texas, Vegas, Cali, or Hawaii...I have to drive my electric car...that I’ll need to charge every 250 miles...and all without coming from the cleanest most efficient energy ever discovered, nuclear energy (it’s the cleanest we have, yes cleaner than wind and solar because they produce more waste). Please get her out of office.
Space Shuttle blows up = never go to space again
Hindenburg blows up - never fly lighter than air craft again
Airliners crash = never fly airplanes again
Automobiles crash = clear the roads and ban travel
Person dies in hospital = never treat people again

See the absurdity bedwetter?
Space Shuttle is different then everything else you spout. They were supposed to be returned to service and launched again every two weeks. Each individual shuttle was to launch at least a hundred times as reusable. The cost per pound was supposed to be pennies on the dollar compared to the past programs. It cost at least 500 million dollars to roll it to the pad without any mission objectives. We now have the Space Launch System that will launch the Orion space capsule which is derived from the orange tank and the solid rocket boosters and were told this will be cheap. I read where each launch will be between 1.5 billion dollars and 2.5 billion dollars. Stop comparing bullchitt. Every highway improvement is a hundred times more expensive to do then when they are/were built and with far less miles.
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Space Shuttle blows up = never go to space again
Hindenburg blows up - never fly lighter than air craft again
Airliners crash = never fly airplanes again
Automobiles crash = clear the roads and ban travel
Person dies in hospital = never treat people again

See the absurdity bedwetter?
What you are missing is that major changes to safety and procedures resulted from those tragedies

Cost money but safety was worth it

Same with green technology
Once you get your green energy 100% reliable, affordable and viable... It will be gladly excepted. Till then quit trying to force that shit on people that can’t afford it

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